
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

答案: 聽力 ACBAC BACCA BABCC 單選16-20 CCAAC 21-25 DCCAD 26-30 BBDBD 31-35 DBADD 36-40 CABDB 41-45 BDCAB完型 46—50 BDADC 51---55 ABACB 56---60 DBCAD 61---65 CADBC閱讀 66-69 CBDA 70---72 CDC 73--76 CBCC 77---80 BACB 七選五:FAEGC改錯(cuò): Dear Zhou Lu, I’m writing a letter ∧ask you for some help. toAs you know, Zhang Fei and I used to be good friend. However, on one day, Zhang Fei read friends 去掉my private letter in secret and tell others what was written on it. Knowing this, I was extreme told extremelyangry. I told her I would not be his friend any more. Hearing whatIsaid, Zhang felt very surprised herand no longer stayed with me. Face with this, I felt very upset. I am very angry with her Faced improper behaviour, but I can’t forget a wonderful time that I stayed with her. I wonder whether I the whenshould forgive her. And I’m afraid if I offer to make friends with her, she will refuse me. How Whatshould I do? Your friend, Li Hua作文范文:Online Shopping Nowadays, shopping?through the Internet has been becoming increasingly popular among senior high school students and they prefer to buy almost everything they want online. There is no denying that they can have fun and enjoy its convenience.Online shopping, however, can sometimes bring headaches to students. For one thing, the quality of the goods may not be as good as described and it is possible for them to buy fake goods. For another, normally it is very hard for buyers to change those goods bought online,?with which?they are not satisfied. Personally, I strongly hold the view that regulations and rules should be made to supervise Internet shopping providers. If so, I believe a safe and pleasant online shopping is just awaiting us.聽力原文:1. W: I hear you are thinking about moving back into the dormitory next term. M: Who told you that? I’d never give up my apartment.2. W: There will be a close basketball match between Class One and our class on the playground this afternoon. M: How I wish I could have time to watch it!3. M: Juana, I am awfully sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Shall we have a beer and forget the whole thing? W: OK, we can drop it this time. But don’t do it again.4. W: Don’t move! Stay where you are with your hands up! M: Forgive me, Madam. I only stole a pair of shoes. W: Come this way.5. W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Oh, good morning. Yes, please. I’d like to have some information about nice places where I can have a drink. W: Well, you could go to the public house not far from the hotel. M: Oh, that’s a good idea.6. W: Luke, have you brought your term paper with you? M: I’m terribly sorry, Mrs. Bright. I forgot it. W: What’s wrong with you? M: I don’t know why, but recently I always forget things. And I can’t sleep well. W: Are you going to take any exams? M: Yes. You know the test is coming soon. I don’t want to think about it too much, but it’s just there. W: That might be the reason for your stress. Why don’t you do something else to get out a little? Go out to do some shopping, listen to some light music or do some physical exercise… M: That might be a good idea. W: If you still feel the stress, go to see the doctor. M: I haven’t thought about this idea, maybe it can help. Thanks a lot.7. M: I was half an hour late for work today. I hardly got up late, but there’s just too much early morning traffic. W: You’re right. There are too many cars on the road, and the buses are always crowded. More people need a car pool. M: Car pool? W: Yeah, you know a group of people ride to work together in one car. gkstk M: Oh! I though a car pool had something to do with a pool. But it is interesting. Anyway, that’s a good idea. Could you tell me how to join a car pool? W: Well, there’s a special number you can call. You can leave a message with your address and phone number and someone calls you back with the names and phone numbers of other people in your area who want a car pool. M: Oh. How do you know so much about this car pool system, Nancy? W: Me? I called the number five years ago. Car Pooling is a great way to go to work.8. M: My name is Bruce. I was born in Newcastle, not a big city, with a population of about 200,000, er… and it is located on the River Tyne, in the northeast of England, abut not the Thames. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, and they link Newcastle to the next town Gateshead, where there is one of the biggest shopping centers in the world the Metro Center. From the saying “Don’t carry coal to Newcastle,” as you know, a few years ago, the main industries were shipbuilding and coal-mining, but now the chemical and soap industries are more important. I moved from Newcastle ten years ago but I often return. I miss the people, who are so warm and friendly, and I miss the wild, beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so many hills and streams. People who are both born near the River Tyne have a special name. They are called “Georgies”. I am very pleased to be a “Georgie”!!第1頁 共11頁學(xué)優(yōu)高考網(wǎng)!黑龍江省哈師大附中2015-2016學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期末考試(英語)掃描版
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/302235.html
