高一英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 5 Theme Parks 檢測(cè)試題及答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高一英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)Unit 5 Thee Parks 檢測(cè)試題及答案
I 根據(jù)中或首字母提示,填寫所缺單詞的適當(dāng)形式。
1. The old an lived lonely, a________ hiself by playing cards with his neighbours.
2. Discover the latest news about the aazing world of t________ parks, water parks, auseent parks, indoor water parks, and attractions.
3. He was given a________ to the college after eights’ hard work.
4. There are v ________ ways of cooking eggs.
5. He has kept a teaspoon as a ________ (紀(jì)念品) of his journey.
6. Which ________ (牌子) of sports shoes do you prefer?
7. Only a ________ of students receives the scholarship while ost of the students get nothing.
8. Stop looking for the perfect job — it’s just a f________.
9. Joule carried out a series of siple e________ to test his theory.
10. They adired the worker’s perfect t________ because he solves the proble only in a few inutes.
11. You can iagine the to be ________ (生物) fro outer space.
12. ost of the relief work (救濟(jì)工作) was done by ________ (志愿者).
13. The works of the great ________ (翻譯家), Zhu Shenghao, are still popular.
14. China achieved brilliant a________ achieveents in the 2004 Athens Olypic Gaes.
15. A faous copany donated soe pieces of edical e________ to this ountain area to iprove the edical conditions.

coe to life, get close to, variety, be based on, advance, profit, charge, test, settle, involve, nae after, up-to-date
1. Our school is faous all over China. The school headaster has ________ ideas on education.
2. Scientific knowledge has greatly ________ since the 16th century.
3. It would be difficult not to ________ the child’s father in the arrangeents.
4. The hotel ________ e $30 for a roo for the night.
5. You will find it hard to ________ the tiger to watch their actions.
6. When the girl ________ again, she found herself lying in a hospital bed.
7. He ________ his daughter Rachel ________ his grandother Rose Stevens.
8. You don’t expect to ake uch ________ within the first couple of years of setting up a copany.
9. The girls who attend the perforance coe fro a ________ of backgrounds.
10. any Native Aericans were killed during the ________ of the Aerican West by Europeans in the nineteenth century.
11. The fil ________ a short story by Thoas ann.
12. She had to take a ________ before she was aditted into the key iddle school.

III 從A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。
1. Few people can iagine what ________ it is to have a swi on a hot suer day.
A. a great fun B. great fun C. great a fun D. great funs
2. — How uch did the salesen ________ for this achine?
— Alost four hundred dollars.
A. paid B. charged C. cost D. order
3. The group of students went to the suburb, did soe research work, and ________ the water in the river to see if it had been polluted.
A. proved B. boiled C. tested D. exchanged
4. — Can we enter the park now?
— Sorry, anybody can’t go in without ________. It’s not free of charge.
A. agreeent B. equipent C. perission D. ticket
5. A variety of butterflies ________ flying in the jungle, one of which is a very rare one.
A. is B. have been C. are D. has been
6. After the forer anager returned fro abroad, our copany ________ and the production doubled.
A. cae to life B. cae back life C. recovered to life D. returned to life
7. — Oh, it’s a snake.
— Be careful and don’t ________ it.
A. keep away fro B. keep off C. get close to D. get nearly to
8. The faous writer described the scene very carefully, aking it difficult for you to tell which the fact is and which ________ is.
A. iagine B. fantasy C. difference D. cobination
9. After buying soe souvenirs, the visitor bought a pair of sneakers without a ________ nae.
A. real B. technique C. brand D. clear
10. ________ of the people took part in the running race with disappointent, though it was likely that they can’t get a reward.
A. ajority B. The ajority C. inority D. The inority
11. — How any shares did you buy?
— Three hundred, Jack. But I still can’t see if there are any ________.
A. auseents B. results C. prizes D. profits
12. — The eney didn’t stop, instead they ________ towards the village at a faster speed.
— So the villagers were in danger.
A. overcae B. struggled C. behaved D. advanced
13. The kid went into the bathroo, turned on the tap, bathed, ________ and cae out.
A. washed B. stopped C. clothed D. sat
14. — I’ll find soeone to send this letter to the general hiself?
— This is really a hard task. I think you ust find a ________.
A. soldier B. settler C. translator D. volunteer
15. — Do you think we need so uch oney?
— Yes, you knoe’ll have to buy ________ equipent.
A. uch B. any C. less D. vast
16. In the botanic garden we can find a(n) ________ of plants that rang fro tall trees to sall trees. (上海 2001)
A. species B. group C. aount D. variety
17. ore and ore people choose to shop in a superarket as it offers a great ________ of goods. (上海春 2003)
A. variety B. ixture C. extension D. cobination
18. It was raining heavily, Little ary felt cold, so she stood ________ to her other. (北京 2002)
A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing

1. 當(dāng)你聽說(shuō)一個(gè)死去多年的人突然蘇醒過(guò)時(shí),你的感覺如何?(coe to life)
2. 據(jù)報(bào)道,科學(xué)家們正在尋找一種新的治愈癌癥的方法。(in search of)
3. 把別人牽扯到你的麻煩里去是不對(duì)的。(involve)
4. 由于多種原因,她不得不離開學(xué)校到一家工廠去上班。(a variety of)
5. 這家公司的經(jīng)理說(shuō),將要建設(shè)的主題公園是以孩子們熟悉的產(chǎn)品為基礎(chǔ)的。(be based on)
6. 我們將要去參觀的這家以科技為基礎(chǔ)的主題公園會(huì)給我們提供最新的信息。(up-to-date)
7. 困在暴風(fēng)雨中幾天了,它們不得不以樹葉為食。(be caught in)
8. 當(dāng)她接近這個(gè)男孩時(shí)才發(fā)現(xiàn)他不是她要找的人。(get close to)
9. 有時(shí)她喜歡取笑別人,這使我們都很生氣。(at ties)
10. 很多婦女把購(gòu)物當(dāng)作一種消遣方式。(ause)

VI 下面短,在各橫線上寫出空白處所缺的單詞 (每空一詞),使補(bǔ)補(bǔ)充完整后的短意思通順、結(jié)構(gòu)完整。
any people think Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. In the early 1950s, Walt Disney iagined a 1 park, where his already hugely popular 2 — ickey ouse, Donald Duck and the rest could 3 . Anahei (阿納海姆) was chosen 4 the location for Disneyland on the 5 that there are any orange groves.
This super cool 6 park is divided into eight theed areas. ain Street, USA brings you back 7 the days of horse-drawn carriages and streetcars. Adventureland is an exotic tropical place in a far-off region place of the world. Get transported into the 8 in Toorrowland.
Fantasyland takes you to the place where dreas coe 9 . Step into New Orleans Square to experience good fashioned Southern char. Play 10 whisical (離奇的) wildlife creatures in Critter Country. Enter the land that Toons built — ickey’s Toontown — which is the actual hoe of your favourite Disney characters!

1. ausing 2. thee 3. adission 4. various 5. souvenir
6. brand 7. inority 8. fantasy 9. experients 10. technique
11. creatures 12. volunteers 13. translator 14. athletic 15. equipent
1. up-to-date 2. advanced 3. involve 4. charged 5. get close to
6. cae to life 7. naed; after 8. profit 9. variety 10. settleent
11. is based on 12. test
1-5 BB CCC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 DDCDA 16-18 DAA
1. B。fun為不可數(shù)名詞。這是感嘆句作賓語(yǔ)從句的情況。
2. B。第一句話的主語(yǔ)是the salesan (售貨員),所以應(yīng)該是“要價(jià)”(charge)而不是“付錢”(pay)。cost指“花費(fèi)”,主語(yǔ)是物;order指“定貨;訂購(gòu)”,不合題意。
3. C。test表示“測(cè)試;測(cè)驗(yàn)”,以確認(rèn)是否合格。prove意為“證明”;boil意為“煮沸”;exchange意為“交流;交換”。
4. C。without perission意思是“未經(jīng)允許”。
5. C。a variety of意思是“各種各樣的”,表示復(fù)數(shù)概念,題中所介紹的是現(xiàn)在的一種情況,所以謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用are。
8. B。fantasy意思是“虛構(gòu);虛幻”,和fact相對(duì)。
9. C。brand nae意思是“品牌名稱”。
10. B。表示“大量”的時(shí)候用ost of…或the ajority of…。
11. D。上句的share指“股票”,下句自然要談到“紅利(profit)”。
13. C。clothes可以做名詞也可以做動(dòng)詞,意思是“穿衣服”。
15. A。equipent是不可數(shù)名詞,用uch修飾。
1. How do you feel when you hear a an who died any years ago coes to life suddenly?
2. It is reported that scientists are in search of a neay to cure cancer.
3. It is wrong of you to involve other people in your trouble.
4. She had to leave school and find a job in a factory for a variety of reasons.
5. The anager of the copany said that the thee park to be built would be based on the products kids are failiar with.
6. The science technology-based thee park we will visit can provide up-to-date inforation for us.
7. Caught in the stor for several days, they had to live on leaves.
8. When she got close to the boy, she found that he wasn’t the person who was looked for.
9. At ties she likes aking fun of others, which akes us all angry.
10. any woen ause theselves by doing soe shopping.
1. thee 2. characters 3. coe to life 4. as 5. base
6. auseent 7. to 8. future 9. true 10. with

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/35424.html

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