Great scientists

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Book4 odule4 Great Sientists
Learning paper2 Itensive Reading
Learning aims: to learn about Yuan Longping and his achievements
Importance and difficulty: the passive voice and “by+doing”
Part one: Read the passage on page32 and do the following exercises.
1. atch the main ideas with each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 As a boy he was called “the student
who asked questions”
Paragraph 2 As a young teacher, he began experiments
in crop breeding
Paragraph 3 Yuan Longping is a leading figure in
the rice growing wold.
Paragraph 4 The yield of the ew hybrid rice is much greater than that of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.
Paragraph 5 He discovered a new type of rice.
Paragraph 6 His discoveries have brought in great profit.
2. Activity 2 True or False on page 32
3. Activity 3 and 4 on page 33
4. Put the sentences in order of time when they happened.
1) The results of his experiments were published in 1966.
2) Chinese rice production rose by 47.5%.
3) He study agriculture in college.
4) He began experiments in crop breeding.
5) His rice was exported to other countries.
5. Discussion:
1.Do you think the title is a best one? Can you think of a better title?

2. What do you think has made Yuan Longping become a great scientist?
What can we learn from him?

Part two: language points
Ⅰ.Fill the blanks with the given verbs, paying attention to the Voice, and then translate the sentences.
1.Rice ______________(grow) in many other Asian countries.
2.Yuan longping was born and _______________(bring up ) in China.
3. As a boy he ______________(educate) in many schools and ____________(give) the nickname, “the student who asks questions”.
4. The resultsof his experiments ___________(publish) in China in 1966.
5. Finally, a naturally sterile male rice plant ____________(discover).
6. Researchers ____________________(bring in) from all over China to develop the new system. The research ____________(support) by the government.
7. 50000 square kilometres of rice fields ____________(convert) to growing vegetables and other cash crops.
8. Yuan longping’s rice _____________(export) to other countries.
9. In Pakistan rice _______________(grow) in many parts of the country.
10. The new hybrid rice _________________(develop) by Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China.
List the forms of passive voice of different tenses.
一般現(xiàn)在時:_______________ 一般過去時:____________
一般將時:_______________ 現(xiàn)在完成時:______________
過去完成時:_______________ 現(xiàn)在進行時:________________
Ⅱ.He thought there was only one way to do this----by crossing different species of rice plant. (if he crossed different species of rice plant)
You can get a job if you study hard. (用by改寫)

Researchers learn things when they carry out experiments.(用by改寫)

You will become a better player if you practise often. (用by改寫)

(staple ;producer)

2.在水稻種植界,中國科學(xué)家袁隆平是一位重要人物( world; leading)


4.首先,他對不同種類的水稻進行實驗。接著,他開始尋找一種特殊的稻種。(experiment ; search)

5.由于他的發(fā)現(xiàn),中國的水稻產(chǎn)量在20世紀(jì)90年代增長了百分之四十七點五。(as a result of; rise by)



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