
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)



第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分15分)
1. When first to the arket, these products enjoy great success.
A. introducing B. introduced
C. introduce D. being introduced
2. It was on Christas eve ________ he paid a visit to his forer English teacher.
A. that B. when C. on which D. which
3. We the cake ten parts, and each of us took one share.
A. divided; fro B. separated; fro C. divided; into D. separated; by
4. I try to avoid hi because he always bores e.
A. to eet B. have et C. having et D. eeting
5. —The window is dirty.
—I kno It _____ for weeks.
A. hasn’t cleaned B. didn’t clean
C. wasn’t cleaned D. hasn’t been cleaned
6. He put on his coat and for the door.
A. went B. headed
C. arched D. hiked
7. — o, I can’t see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.
— Coe on, . Years of hard work will surely in the future of your career.
A. pay back B. pay off
C. pay down D. pay for
8. Last week, only two people cae to look at the house, _____ wanted to buy it.
A. none of the B. both of the
C. none of who D. neither of who
9. The anager of the copany told us that very little ______ was ade of the waste ateiral in the past.
A. cost B. value C. use D. atter
10. Better wear special clothing, a helet and a life jacket, just _____ your boat gets upside down or even sinks.
A. in case B. so that C. as though D. in order that
11. Soking, which ay be ___ pleasure for soe people, is ___ serious source of discofort for others.
A. a ; / B. a; a C. / ; a D. a; the
12. ---The last one ___ carries all the luggage.
A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving
13. I was about to leave ___ the telephone rang.
A. before B. as C. while D. when
14. ____ two exas to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.
A. With B. Because of C. As for D. Besides
15. ________ in the queue for half an hour, To suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at hoe.
A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited

第二節(jié) 完形(共15小題;每小題2分,滿(mǎn)分30分)
下面短,從短后所給各題的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng), 并將答案填寫(xiě)在答題卡標(biāo)號(hào)為16-30的相應(yīng)位置上。
Caren’s other aria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant 16 .
Both the other and daughter knew that the chances were very sall: finding a donor heart that 17 aria’s blood type could take years. However, Caren was deterined to save her other. She kept 18 hospitals all over the country.
Days stretched out. By Christas, aria had trouble 19 fro one end of the roo to the other. Caren lost all hope. She fell into a 20 of the hospital, crying.
“Are you okay?” a an asked.
Caren sobbed as she told the stranger her story. This iddle-aged an was naed Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted other of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn’t 21 it through the night. Suddenly, an idea cae to Frank’s ind. He knew Cheryl had always wanted to 22 soething fro herself. Could her 23 go to Caren’s other?
After reviewing the data, doctors 24 Frank that his wife’s heart was by soe iracle a perfect fit for Caren’s other. They were able to 25 the transplant.
That cold night, when Cheryl was 26 dead, Frank cae to knock at aria’s door. She was 27 for Frank’s faily as she had been doing every day recently. Though aria had never et Frank before, they both felt a strange bond as they hugged and cried.
On New Year’s Eve, Caren attended Cheryl’s 28 with Frank’s faily, who were singing their favorite song “y heart will go on.”
One day later, on New Year’s Day, aria 29 with Cheryl’s heart. Yes, Cheryl’s loving heart would go on, for it was 30 in another loving other’s chest.
16. A. change B. danger C. disorderD. pain
17. A. atched B. replaced C. controlled D. cooperated
18. A. findingB. interruptingC. touringD. phoning
19. A. rolling B. runningC. walking D. juping
20. A. corner B. bed C. an D. nurse
21. A. putB. supportC. passD. ake
22. A. saveB. recycleC. donateD. separate
23. A. heartB. brainC. husbandD. spirit
24. A. infored B. warned C. congratulated D. reinded
25. A. give up B. carry out C. search after D. put off
26. A. noticed B. predictedC. found D. declared
27. A. praying B. begging C. decorating D. singing
28. A. funeral B. operationC. perforanceD. anniversary
29. A. passed awayB. left behind C. woke upD. dressed up
30. A. active B. alive C. necessary D. changeable

第三節(jié) 語(yǔ)法(共10小題,每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分15分)
For 72 years, Lisa Gupel kept a secret . “For a long tie, I was deterined not to tell anyone about it,” said Gupel, 8ears old, 31 finally settled in innesota after the war and now lives in the Twin Cities.
She told people that she and her two sisters were aong 669 Jewish children 32 (save) by a kind an to escape fro the Nazi concentration cap in 1939. Their rescuer was 33 British businessan naed Nicholas Winton, who also kept the story to 34 until his wife found a list of the children’s naes.
Gupel was shocked in 1988 when the 35 (true) about Winton’s one-an rescue operation finally cae out. “Nobody knew that he actually did all 36 hiself,” she said. “He worked so hard to save lives.”
Winton still doesn’t think that he’s a hero, arguing that his life was never 37 danger and that he was doing 38 he feels every person should do.
A party was held for hi and the people he’d saved. Gupel was 39 (excite) when she finally et hi. “He still 40 (treat) us all like we’re his kids,” she said with a war sile on the face.

It feels like every tie y other and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an arguent. We talk about soething as siple as dinner plans and suddenly, y other will push the conversation into World War 3. She’ll talk about y lack of bright future because I don’t plan to be a doctor. And uch to her disappointent, I don’t want to do any job related to science, either. In fact, when I was pushed to say that I planned to ajor(主修) in English and counications, she nearly had a heart attack.
“Why can’t you be like y co-worker’s son?” she beoans all the tie. Her coworker’s son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer. I don’t knohat to answer except that I siply can’t be like r. Perfect as I’ve called the unnaed co-worker’s son. I can’t be like hi. I a the type of the person who loved to help out in the counity, write until the sun goes down, and ost of all, wants to achieve a career because I love it, not because of a fae or salary.
I understand why y other is worried about y future ajor. I’ve seen y other struggle to raise e on her sall salary and work long hours. She leaves the house around 6:30 a and usually coes hoe around 5 p or even 6p. However, I want her to know that by becoing a doctor, it doesn’t ean I’ll be successful. I’d rather follow y dreas and create y own future.
41. Which of the following topics do the writer and his other often talk about?
A. the writer’s studies B. wars around the world
C. dinner plans D. the writer’s future job
42. We can infer fro Paragraph 1 that the writer’s other _____.
A. doesn’t think the writer should be a doctor
B. doesn’t want the writer to ajor in English
C. gets along very well with the writer
D. doesn’t think working in the scientific field is a good idea
43. The underlined word “beoans” in Paragraph 2 ost probably eans “________”.
A. agrees B. shouts C. siles D. coplains
44. Which of the following stateents is probably TRUE about the writer?
A. He wants to be like his other’s co-worker’s son.
B. He wants to find a job in his counity in the future.
C. He wants to do soething he really likes in the future.
D. He doesn’t think his other’s co-worker’s son is perfect.
45. We can know fro the last paragraph that ____.
A. the writer’s other works very hard for the faily
B. the writer doesn’t knohat his future will be like
C. the writer doesn’t think being a doctor is a good job
D. the writer soeties thinks his other’s advice is very good

In 1939, two brothers, ac and Dick cDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue restaurant, then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened enu: French fries, haburgers, and sodas. To this sall selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.
Their haburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and haburgers had a rearkable unifority(一致), for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks’ sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in becae incredibly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontie. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this odest success until they et Ray Kroc.
Kroc was a salesan who et the cDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling ilkshake-ixing achines. He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brothers’ fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise (特許經(jīng)營(yíng)) other copies of their restaurants. The agreeent struck included the right to duplicate the enu, the equipent, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches (拱門(mén)).
Today cDonald’s is really a household nae. Its naes for its sandwiches have coe to ean haburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent haburgers. In 1976, cDonald’s had over $1billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the ost incredible success stories in odern Aerican business history.
46.This passage ainly talks about_______.
A. the developent of fast food services
B. the business careers of ac and Dick cDonald
C. how cDonald’s becae a billion-dollar business
D. Ray Kroc’s business talent
47.ac and Dick anaged all of the following businesses EXCEPT ______.
A. a drive-in B. a theater
C. a barbecue restaurant D. a cinea
48. According to the article, the right order of cDonald’s developent is _______.
① Sell the right to franchise(特許經(jīng)營(yíng)) their restaurants
② Allow ten copies of their restaurant to be opened
③ Start a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California
④ Has over $1 billion in total sales
A. ③②①④ B. ③①②④ C. ③①④② D. ③②④①
49. We ay infer fro this passage that _________.
A. ac and Dick cDonald never becae wealthy for they sold their idea to Kroc
B. the location the cDonald’s chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in
C. Ray Kroc was a good businessan
D. forty years ago there were nuerous fast-food restaurants
50. The passage suggests that ________.
A. Ray Kroc was the close partner of the cDonald brothers
B. creativity is an iportant eleent of business success
C. ac and Dick cDonald becae broke after they sold their ideas to Ray Kroc
D. California is the best place to go into business
Whether you’re headed to another country for business or pleasure, it is likely that you need to keep in touch with faily or business partners in the United States. But if you plan to do that using your cell phone, you could have an unwelcoe surprise---U.S. cell phones don’t work abroad. U.S. copanies use different fors of technology, not like ost of the international counity, including Europe.
However, there is an easy, cost-effective solution to staying in touch while you’re traveling. You can rent a phone that is guaranteed to work in the countries you’re visiting. Roadpost offers a 30-day cell phone rental plan that includes free incoing calls, free voiceail and call waiting services.
The service is convenient and siple. You can place your order online and your phone will be shipped to arrive on the date you want. If an unexpected business trip coes up, Roadpost can provide next-day delivery for ost cities. In addition to the phone, Roadpost provides a spare battery, travel charger and a leather carrying case.
When your phone is shipped fro Roadpost, you receive an e-ail confiration that contains your international cell phone nuber so you can leave it with faily ebers and business partners; Roadpost even provides business cards preprinted with your international phone nuber.
Those who don’t want to be without e-ail while traveling can rent an international BlackBerry. It can be hard to stay in touch by e-ail when traveling. With an international BlackBerry, you can eail as uch as you like, without worrying about an expensive bill. If you’re traveling to very reote areas, you ay want to consider renting a satellite phone: Because they receive their signals fro satellites, these phones work anywhere on the planet, including oceans and ountains. When you return, siply ship the phone or BlackBerry back to Roadpost using the return kit the copany provides.
51. According to the text, Roadpost probably is______.
A. an organization that offers soe free services
B. a person who offers soe advice to foreign tourists
C. a copany that rents cell phones to Aericans going abroad
D. a Person who akes travel plans for Aericans
52. The first paragraph ainly tells us that ______.
A. Aericans need to change their cell phones
B. U.S. cell phones don't work abroad
C. European for of technology is different fro Aerica's
D. Aericans who go abroad will eet an unwelcoe surprise
53. Which of the following will help you a lot in ountainous areas?
A. BlackBerry. B. The return kit.
C. E-ail. D. Satellite phones.
54. According to the text, it can be inferred that ______.
A. Roadpost can offer cell phones using in different areas
B. an international BlackBerry is ainly used to send e-ail
C. you should select a bag used to send your cell phone
D. Roadpost's service is convenient and siple
55. Which of the free services can you get fro Road post?
A. Sending e-ail B. Voiceail.
C. Shipping the phone back. D. Call waiting services.
The teperature of the sun is over 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises to perhaps ore than 16 illion degrees at the center. The sun is so uch hotter than the earth that atter can exist only as a gas, except at the core. In the core of the sun, the pressures are so great against the gases that, despite the high teperature, there ay be a sall solid core. However, no one really knows, since the center of the sun can never be directly observed.
Solar astronoers do know that the sun is divided into five layers or zones. Starting at the outside and going down into the sun, the zones are the corona, chroosphere, photosphere, convection zone and finally the core. The first three zones are regarded as the sun’s atosphere ends and the ain body of the sun begins.
The sun’s outerost layer begins about 10,000 iles above the visible surface and goes outward for illions of iles. This is the only part of the sun that can be seen during an eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other tie, the corona can be seen only when special instruents are used on caeras and telescopes to shut out the glare of the sun’s rays.
The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, fily light, about as bright as the full oon. Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The corona’s rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spikelike (一束束穗狀) rays near the sun’s north and south poles. The corona is thickest at the sun’s equator.
The corona rays are ade up of gases streaing outward at treendous speeds and reaching a teperature of ore than 2 illion degrees Fahrenheit. The rays of gas thin out as they reach the space around the planets. By the tie the sun’s corona rays reach the earth, they are weak and invisible.
56. atter on the sun can exist only in the for of gas because of the sun’s ______.
A. size B. age C. location D. teperature
57. With what topic is the second paragraph ainly concerned?
A. How the sun evolved. B. The structure of the sun.
C. Why scientists study the sun. D. The distance of the sun fro the planets.
58. All of the following are parts of the sun’s atosphere EXCEPT the _______.
A. corona B. core C. photosphere D. chroosphere
59. According to the passage, as the corona rays reach the planets, they becoe _______.
A. hotter B. clearer C. thinner D. stronger
60. The paragraph following the passage ost likely discusses which of the following?
A. The reaining layers of the sun.
B. The evolution of the sun to its present for.
C. The eclipse of February 1979.
D. Scientists will cost ore oney on researching the corona.
A. Hunan silk ebroidery is one of the ost faous Chinese ebroideries, which was originated alost 2,000 years ago. By using pure silk threads, they are all hand-ebroidered with soft and thin rayon and diaphanous aterials. Ebroidery is perfect for roo decoration, gift or collection.
B. Batik is both an art and a craft art of waxing and dyeing fabric to create beautiful works of art. The ost fascinating feature of Batik is its uniqueness in style and it is becoing ore popular and well known in the west as a wonderfully creative ediu. The art of decorating cloth in this way, using wax and dye, has been practiced for centuries.
C. Chinese fans are generally hand-ade of baboo, both side decorated with calligraphy of ancient Chinese verses or faous Chinese paintings on paper or silk fabric. Paper is the coon aterial to use on the cover of the folding fan. The cover consists of the color cover and white cover. And the golden cover is the daintiest, coplicated and popular kind.
D. Chinese knots are typical local arts of China. The silk handicraft is woven separately fro one piece of thread and naed according to its shape and eaning. In Chinese. “knot” eans reunion, friendliness, peace, warth, arriage, love, etc.
E. Chinese scroll painting: The art of the Chinese scroll painting dates back at least 4,000 years. This art for is considered by any people as the highpoint of aesthetically speaking during the cultural history of Chinese civilization. The Chinese use special brushes and inks to create calligraphy, which are the sae tools used for the scrolls. Chinese paintings are ounted on silk brocade, ready for hanging display.
F. Papercuts: People in the countryside like to paste pretty paper designs on their doors and windows during festivals. The designs, called papercuts, are a kind of folk art often used to reflect the life of the people. They create designs of the country’s scenic spots, beautiful birds and flowers to sybolize their happy life. Chinese folk papercuts are ade with scissors or knives and dyed after being cut in distinctive artistic styles.
61. ike is fond of Chinese calligraphy very uch. He wishes to have soething that is decorated with it.
62. Su Ning’s best friend is getting arried. She wants to present her friend with soething that can express arriage and love.
63. Jinnee wants beautiful silk table cloths which are attractive and colorful enough to bring about a draatic change in the decoration of her new house. She can custoerize the sizes, colors and fabrics of the tablecloths she would like to buy in her order. Craftswoen are experienced in sewing the tablecloths which are exactly what she wants.
64. Jackson’s work is about colors that ake hi feel good, iages that ake hi sile, and they way light can fall on even the ost ordinary situations presenting an opportunity for creative translation. He has been intrigued with the ysterious interactions of wax and dye on fabric since early childhood.
65. Chatty has traveled around China searching for the best artists and artwork. He has bought Suzhou Painting, the faous “watertown” of China, which is called “Chinese Venice”. Is Suzhou’s history, a ain source of transportation was by boat along the any canals and rivers throughout the city.
顧客 中國(guó)工藝美術(shù)
61.ike A.Hunan silk ebroidery
62.Su Ning B.Batik
63.Jinnee C.Chinese fans
64.Jackson D.Chinese knots
65.Chatty E.The art of the Chinese scroll painting

第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(xiě) (共25題,每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分25分)
66. Strickly speaking, we should get the boss's p_______(允許) before we do this.
67. There is e________(電) a few hours a day only, usually at night.
68. All cars ust be e_______(裝備) with parts to reduce eissions.
69. The other was filled with a_______(焦慮)about her daughter’s health.
70.The anial was still b______(呼吸), so it was still alive.
71.They are such rock usic a______(愛(ài)好者) that they won’t iss one single rock concert.
72.What c_______(導(dǎo)致) hi to quit his job? He had been in this copany for alost all his life!
73. ary spent her spare tie c_______(創(chuàng)作) poetry.
74. The band had their new albu r______(錄制) in Beijing.
75. This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three s______(場(chǎng)景).
76.It was a period of w______(財(cái)富) and prosperity.
77. They were designed to re-build trust in the Aerican econoy, and help the u________(失業(yè)者) and those in danger of losing their hoes and fars.
78. The young lady before you told e a d________(令人愉悅的) story.
79. Every p_______ (參與者) copleted a detailed questionnaire about key events in their life
80. But as t_______(能干的) and successful as he was, he was also deeply troubled.
81. She was able to get the governent and i_______(保險(xiǎn)) copanies to help patients with the cost of their care
82. The teacher gave i_______(指示) that she was not to be disturbed.
83. Shenzhen, a city located in the south of Guangdong P_______(。, is very faous nationwide because of its rapid econoic developent.
84. We went along to the local golf club e_______ (熱情地).
85. He was so glad that he was a_______ (被錄取) to Qinghua University.
86. Hoe is a place where you can r_______(放松)and just be yourself.
87. Now I can see the tower clearly fro a d_______ (距離) of around 100 iles.
88. The teacher looks absolutely e_______ (疲憊不堪的) after 4 extra classes for a whole day.
89. You’d better seek p_______ (專(zhuān)業(yè)的) advice about your plan for study abroad.
90. With New Year approaching, any superarkets put goods for sale at a_______ (誘人的) prices.

第二節(jié) 基礎(chǔ)寫(xiě)作 (共1題;滿(mǎn)分15分)

發(fā)展概況 在16世紀(jì)末 只由英國(guó)的當(dāng)?shù)厝耸褂?br />在過(guò)去的4個(gè)世紀(jì)內(nèi) 發(fā)生了巨大的變化
現(xiàn)在 已成為世界語(yǔ)言,分為英國(guó)英語(yǔ)和美國(guó)英語(yǔ);在很多亞洲和非洲國(guó)家,如印度和中國(guó),有很多人把英語(yǔ)當(dāng)做第二語(yǔ)言和外語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)。
感 想英語(yǔ)在生活中的確很重要;我們一定要盡力學(xué)好它。

第三節(jié) 語(yǔ)法填空(共10小題,每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分15分)
31~35 who, saved, a, hiself, truth 36~40 by, in, what, excited, treats

61—65 CDABE

第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(xiě) (共25題,每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分25分)
66.perission 67.electricity 68.equipped 69.anxiety 70.breathing
71.addicts 72.caused 73.coposing 74.recorded 75.scenes
76.wealth 77.uneployed 78.delightful 79.participant
80.talented 81.insurance 82.instructions 83.Province 84. enthusiastically
85. aditted 86. relax 87. distance 88. exhausted 89. professional 90. attractive

第二節(jié) 基礎(chǔ)寫(xiě)作 (共1題;滿(mǎn)分15分)
Possible version:
At the end of the 16th century, English was only spoken by the native speakers. However, English has changed quite a lot over the past four centuries. At present, English, including British English and Aerican English, has becoe an international language. A great nuber of people in soe African and Asian countries, such as India and China, speak English as the second language or learn it as a foreign language. As far as I’ concerned, English is so iportant in our daily life that we ust try our best to learn it well.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/36438.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)試卷