高一英語Unit1 Women of achievement練習(xí)題及答案解析

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高一英語Unit1 Woen of achieveent練習(xí)題及答案解析
Unit 1 Woen of achieveent
1.It is the farers who provide us with food,yet they are __________ by soe citizens.
A.looked forward to   B.looked down upon
C.looked back upon D.looked up to
解析:選B。句意:是農(nóng)民為我們提供糧食,但有些城里人卻“瞧不起(look down upon)”他們。look forward to期盼;look back upon回顧;look up to尊敬,均不符合句意。
2.—We’ve cut down our price by 40%!
—But your price is still too high if taking quality into __________.
A.consideration B.a(chǎn)pplication
C.occupation D.explanation
解析:選A。take...into consideration把……考慮在內(nèi)。答語句意為:但是考慮質(zhì)量上的因素,你們的價格還是太高。
3.We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didn’t quite __________.
A.find out B.give out
C.hand out D.work out
解析:選D。本題考查短語動詞辨析。句意:我們原本想中午前完成任務(wù),但是結(jié)果并不如愿。find out發(fā)現(xiàn);give out分發(fā),用盡;hand out分發(fā);work out結(jié)果。根據(jù)句意,work out為正確選項。
4.Lucy has________all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.
A.a(chǎn)cquired B.finished
C.concluded D.a(chǎn)chieved
解析:選D。本題考查固定搭配,achieve one’s goals意為“實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)”。
5.On his way to the airport,it________hi all of a sudden that he had forgotten his passport.
A.hit B.knocked
C.occurred D.beat
解析:選A。考查固定句型。It hits/hit sb.that...意為“某人突然想到……”。
6.Soeone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to __________ a good researcher.
A.a(chǎn)ke B.turn
C.get D.grow
7.(2011年南中學(xué)高三測試)r.Su is on his way to power with constant election __________ around the streets in Taipei.
A.battles B.capaigns
C.wars D.fights
8.As teachers,we should be __________ of our students’ feelings.And then they will trust us.
A.a(chǎn)nxious B.a(chǎn)fraid
C.delighted D.considerate
解析:選D?疾樾稳菰~詞義辨析。be considerate of為固定搭配,意思是“體諒……”。
9.(2011年河南省示范性高中五校聯(lián)考)Soe of the students have already learned enough English to __________ a conversation with a native English speaker.
A.carry on B.keep on
C.go on D.hold on
解析:選A?疾閯釉~詞義辨析。carry on a conversation“進(jìn)行對話!眐eep on繼續(xù);go on繼續(xù),出場,開始運(yùn)行;hold on不掛斷(電話)。
10.When they got there,they found the people suffering the stor were __________ food and water supplies.
A.in want of B.in praise of
C.in honour of D.in place of
解析:選A?疾榻樵~短語辨析。in want of=in need of“需要”,符合題意。in praise of表揚(yáng);in honour of紀(jì)念;in place of取代;代替。
1.Only when you learn to respect others,______________(別人會尊重你).(respect)
解析:考查倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)!皁nly +狀語”置于句首時主句要用部分倒裝形式。
答案:can you be respected
2.Had I followed your advice to take with y ubrella,I ________________(就不會淋雨),so now I a running a high fever.(catch)
解析:考查虛擬語氣。本題是一個省略if的虛擬語氣句,從句運(yùn)用了倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),而且主、從句都是對過去時間的虛擬,故主、從句都應(yīng)用完成體形式;由短語be/get caught in可知答案。
答案:wouldn’t have been/got caught in the rain
3.________________(他們過著多么艱辛的生活) before they becae faous!(What)
解析:考查感嘆句。由短語live a hard life及感嘆句可知答案。
答案:What a hard life they lived
4.________________(他被選中)as an actor in the fil ade the faily delighted.(choose)
解析:考查主語從句。本題是主語從句,“他被選中”要表達(dá)為he was chosen,連接詞用that。主語從句常和動名詞結(jié)構(gòu)相互轉(zhuǎn)化,因此本題還可以用His being chosen。
答案:His being chosen/That he was chosen
5.Not ________________(收到他的邀請),I didn’t go to his wedding party.(receive) 解析:考查非謂語動詞。“收到他的邀請”要表達(dá)為receive his invitation,由于該動作先于主語謂語而發(fā)生,故用分詞的完成體形式。
答案:having received his invitation
6.Since the beginning of the vacation,I ______________(旅游)across the country,and y next stop is ount Tai.(travel)
解析:考查動詞時態(tài)。由Since可知主句謂語用完成體形式,再由y next stop is ount Tai可知travel的動作還將持續(xù),因此用完成進(jìn)行時。
答案:have been traveling
7.The international agreeent,________________()to encourage children not to soke and help people kick the habit,was signed yesterday.(intend)
解析:考查定語從句。本題是非限定性定語從句,由短語be intended to do sth.可知答案。在作定語時,定語從句可以和分詞短語互相轉(zhuǎn)化,因此該題答案也可以為intended。
答案:(which was)intended
8.If your order is ready,the T-shirt ________________(送達(dá)你處)as soon as possible.(deliver)
解析:考查動詞時態(tài)和語態(tài)!八瓦_(dá)你處”可表達(dá)為be delivered to you,本題是if引導(dǎo)的條件句,所以主句用將時。
答案:will be delivered to you
9.Professor Sith,along with his assistants,____________________(研究這個項目)day and night to eet the deadline.(work)
解析:考查主謂一致和動詞時態(tài)。本句的主語是Professor Sith,再由day and night可知要用進(jìn)行時。
答案:is working on the project
10.Such poets as Shakespeare are widely read,of whose works,however,soe ________________(難以理解).(understand)
答案:are difficult to understand
Words:444 難度系數(shù):☆☆ 建議用時:6′
(2011年北京海淀區(qū)第一學(xué)期期末測試)We’ve all et with soething that slows us down,for exaple,the bups(顛簸)in the road,the setbacks.You just have to keep in ind that a setback is only teporary and greater things lie ahead.Therefore,keep oving forward,developing what you have,since you’ve already built a solid
foundation on which you can rely.
It is easy just to quit,give up and ignore the hard work you have put into soething.But we believe in the“two steps forward,one step back”philosophy(哲學(xué)).So how can you react when soething doesn’t turn out as you’ve expected it to be? 新標(biāo)第一網(wǎng)
First,be objective.Step back and look at the situation.Is your setback really that significant,or will it just require a little extra effort?Then,plan your next ove.You can ask for help.Don’t be afraid or ashaed to do this.Frequently,people are ore than willing to give you support and advice.You don’t have to be perfect;after all,nobody else is.Next,bounce back.Reevaluate the goals you should have set for yourself at the beginning and retool(改組)the when necessary.Goals should be realistic and specific,but that doesn’t ean they can’t be flexible.Instead of looking at your project as a disaster or failure,view it with success.Concentrate on how great it will feel after it is finally done,after you have put your all into it.Instead of focusing on a possible unsatisfactory perforance one single tie,take a oent to sit back and reward yourself for all that you have accoplished.
Above all,don’t live with regrets.Success is never easy.It reains up to you whether you will give up,or fight through the tough battles to earn whatever you want.Keep reaching for your goals and you will achieve the.One sall setback is nothing if you really want soething and are willing to work for it.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 做任何事情都不會一帆風(fēng)順的,關(guān)鍵在于我們能否靜下心從容地面對挫折。
1.According to the passage,the philosophy“two steps forward,one step back”eans that__________when eeting with a setback.
A.we are supposed to quit and ignore the hard work
B.we’d better think it over before aking a decision
C.we should stop to think before taking further action
D.we are expected to look at things in an all?round way
解析:選C?疾榫湟饫斫。從第三段第一句“First,be objective...plan your next ove.”可推斷出這句哲學(xué)名言的含義:在遇到挫折時,要審時度勢,然后采取下一步行動。C項最符合這層意思。
2.The underlined word“it”in Paragraph 3 refers to__________.
A.a(chǎn) perforance B.a(chǎn) success
C.a(chǎn) goal D.a(chǎn) project
解析:選D。考查猜測詞義。根據(jù)第三段“Instead of looking at your project as a disaster or failure,...after you have put your all into it.”可知看待你的目標(biāo)時,要用成功的眼光。所以此處的“it”是指“project”。
3.When we suffer a setback,the ost iportant thing to do is__________.
A.to keep oving forward to your goals
B.to depend on others’ support and advice
C.to sit back and reward yourself for your success
D.to focus on a possible unsatisfactory perforance
解析:選A?疾橥评砼袛唷項沒有提及,故排除;從倒數(shù)第二段“Instead of focusing on a possible unsatisfactory perforance one single tie...and reward yourself for all that you have accoplished.”可判斷C,D錯誤;根據(jù)第一段“You just have to keep in ind that a setback...keep oving forward,”可知當(dāng)我們遇到挫折時,要繼續(xù)努力去實現(xiàn)它,故A項正確。
4.What is the passage ainly about?
A.How to avoid the bups.
B.How to deal with the setbacks.
C.Different attitudes to the setbacks.
D.Different suggestions on your goals.
Words:202 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆ 建議用時:7′
Sports and Entertainent arketing—Entry Level Sales and Advertising Reps
Are you a college graduate?
Are you looking for a career but have little or NO experience?
Are you having a hard tie getting your foot in a successful,proven fir?
Do you want a chance to test your work ethics,drive,and deterination?
We ay be just what you are looking for.
*Custoer Service
*Event arketing
*Public Relations
We share our decisions,not hand down. We have an intensive,high-energy,hands-on copany that wants all individuals to succeed because that eans our clients will too ! We have an opportunity for people to enjoy real responsibility fro the start,where payent is based on perforance,not seniority!
If you are looking for such a tea,respond IEDIATELY.
*ust be able to start within 2 weeks
?*Be able to work in a tea environent
?*Capable of leading and otivating others
?*High energy and open to new ideas
?*Be able to perfor under little guidance
?*Great attitude and cool
?*Exceptional counication skills
5.Which group of people is the copany’s job open to?
A.College graduates.
B.Senior sales people.
C.Experienced young people.
D.Entertainent and sports lovers.
6. Which of the following words can best describe the copany’s environent?
C.Seniors favored.
D.Youngsters favored.
解析:選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)“We share our decisions,not hand down.”可判斷該公司注重團(tuán)隊精神。
7. What can we infer fro the advertiseent?
A.The copany is ne
B.The copany is big.
C.The copany has its unique way of anageent.
D.The copany doesn’t like old people.
解析:選C。推理判斷題。從廣告中的“We share our decisions...not seniority!”判斷,該公司注重團(tuán)隊精神,注重員工的表現(xiàn),而非資歷。這些體現(xiàn)了它獨特的管理概念。
8. Which of the four candidates best qualifies for the job?
A.One who is strong in leadership.
B.One who is iaginative.
C.One who is dependent.
D.One who is a good listener.
解析:選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)REQUIREENTS中的“Capable of leading and otivating others”可作出判斷。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/37562.html

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