高一英語必修1 Unit 4 Section Ⅱ練習(xí)(附答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 4 Section Ⅱ Waring Up ≈ Reading-Language Points 精品練習(xí)1(人教版必修1)

1.       (n.)地震→      (同義詞)(n.)地震
2.      (vi.)爆裂;爆發(fā);(n.)突然破裂;爆發(fā)→      (過去式)→      (過去分詞)
3.      (n.)事件;大事
4.      (n.)民族;國家;國民→      (adj.)民族的;國家的
5.      (n.)廢墟;毀滅;(vt.)毀滅;使破產(chǎn)
6.      (adj.)極度的→      (adv.)極度地
7.      (vt.)損害;傷害→      (n.)損害;傷害
8.      (vt.)毀壞→      (n.)破壞,毀滅
9.      (adj.)無用的;無效的;無益的→      (反義詞)有用的→      (n.)用途;(vt.)使用
10.     (vt.≈ vi.)(使)震驚;震動;(n.)休克;打擊;震驚→     (adj.)令人震驚的→      (adj.)感到震驚的
11.      (n.≈vt.)援救;營救
12.      (vt.)使陷入困境;(n.)陷阱;困境
13.      vt.埋葬;掩埋;隱藏
14.      n.掩蔽;掩蔽處;避身處
答案:1.earthquake;quake 2.burst;burst;burst 3.event
4.nation;national 5.ruin 6.extree;extreely 7.injure;injury 8.destroy;destruction 9.useful;useless;use 10.shocking;shock;shocked 11.rescue 12.trap 13.bury 14.shelter
1.right            立刻;馬上
2.a(chǎn)s     仿佛;好像
3.    an end 結(jié)束;終結(jié)
4.    ruins 嚴(yán)重受損;破敗不堪
5.dig     掘出;發(fā)現(xiàn)
6.    (great)nuber of 許多;大量的
7.judge     根據(jù)/由……判斷
8.coe    of 從……里面出
9.    of thousands of 數(shù)十萬的
10.    the north of th e city 在城市以北
答案:1.away 2.if 3.at 4.in 5.out 6.a 7.by/fro
8.out 9.hundreds 10.to
1.But the one illion people of the city,who         these events,were asleep as usual that nig ht.
答案:thought little of
2.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city       .
答案:lay in ruins
3.           nearly everything was destroyed.
答案:Everywhere they looked
4.The ary organized teas to dig out those          and to bury the dead.
答案:who were trapped
5.       the world was at an end!
答案:It seeed as if
6.    hope was     lost.

1.They all     (爆發(fā)) out laughing at the joke.
2.Both the drivers were     (受傷)in the accident.
3.A lot of buildings lay in     (廢墟)after the earthquake.
4.His parents and his little brother lost their lives in the      (災(zāi)難).
5.Now in soe countries thousands of people are living in     (極度的)poverty.
6.The eney fell into a     (圈套)and we defeated the.
7.The soldiers built any     (避難所)for those who lost their hoes.
8.The old couple were at last     (營救,援救)by the local people.
9.r.Sith has been     (掩埋)in his research for ore than 3 hours.
10.They were     (震驚)at the news that he had cheated so uch oney.
dig out;injure;right away;think little of;in ruins;blow away;at an end;the nuber of
1.I think we ust get in touch with hi        .
答案:right away
2.After the big fire,all of their houses were       .
答案:in ruins
3.I don’t knohen their party will be        .
答案:at an end
4.It is reported that        people who were killed in the road accident reached ore than 8.
答案:the nuber of
5.It is sai d that they have        a lot of treasure fro that tob.
答案:dug out
6.He        y advice and that ade e very angry.
答案:thought little of
7.Suddenly a strong wind cae and        the roofs of their new houses.
答案:blew away
8.He was sad that one of his best friends was badly         in an accident.
1.—any people are suffering fro the earthquake.
—I see.Food and cloth es should be sent to the    .
A.on purpose      B.a(chǎn)t present
C.right away D.ever since
解析:選C。句意為:地震災(zāi)區(qū)的人們正在受苦受難,食物和衣服應(yīng)該“立即(right away)”送給他們。on purpose故意地;at present目前;ever since從那以后。
2.After World War Ⅱ,any of the cities across western European countries    .
A.lied in ruin B.lay in ruins
C.lay in ruin D.lying in ruins
解析:選B。根據(jù)句意,B為正確答案。lie作處于某種狀態(tài)解時(shí),為不規(guī)則動詞,其過去式為lay;in ruins為固定搭配,意思是“成為廢墟;破敗不堪”。
3.(2011年荊州質(zhì)檢)    in the book,he didn’t hear the sound.
A.Burying B.To be buried
C.Having been buried D.Buried
解析:選D?疾榉侵^ 語動詞。過去分詞短語buried in the book在句子中作原因狀語,類似的用法有l(wèi)ost in thought,seated in the chair,dressed in red等。
4.In a sudden    of anger,the an tore up everything within reach.
A.crack B.burst
C.ove D.change
解析:選B。crack“噼啪聲”;burst“猛烈爆發(fā)”;ove“移動”;change“改變”。根據(jù)句意,B正確,in a sudden burst of anger意思是“突然發(fā)怒了”。
5.—You have lots of friends,right?
—Yes.    I go,I a willing to ake new friends.
A.Soewhere B.There
C.Everywhere D.Nowhere
6.Teenagers    their health because they play coputer gaes too uch.
A.have daaged B.a(chǎn)re daaging
C.daaged D.will daage
7.—To hasn’t coe to class yet?
—What do you think   ?
A.did happen to hi
B.has happened to hi
C.he happened
D.he has happened
解析:選B。句中的do you think為插入語,去掉插入語,不影響句子的正常語序,故B正確。
8.Don’t play with electricity,or you ay get an electric    .
A.strike B.beat
C.shock D.knock
解析:選C。句意為“別玩電,要不你會觸電的”。根據(jù)句意,C正確。Get a shock意思是“觸電”。
9.—What’s the atter?It sees    you’ve caught a cold.
—Oh,I’ just too tired.
A.a(chǎn)s if B.ever since
C.because D.when
解析:選A。問句意為:怎么了?你好像感冒了。as if好像,符合題意。ever since從那以后;because因?yàn);when當(dāng)……時(shí),均不符合句意。
10.The lifeboat was sent out to    the sailors fro the sinking ship.
A.shelter B.rescue
C.escape D.trap
After an earthquake ost survivors can be expected to recover over tie,particularly with the support of faily and friends.Soe failies will be able to return to their noral life quickly,while others will have to contend_with the destruction of their hoes,edical probles,and injury to faily ebers.Children especially will need tie to recover fro the loss of a loved one or a pet or fro the closing down of their school.
Children often turn to adults for inforation,cofort and help.Parents should try to reain cal,answer children’s questions honestly and reain understanding when they see changes in their children’s behavior.
Children react differently to an earthquake depending on their ages,developental levels and forer experiences.Soe will respond by withdrawing(不與人交往),while others will have angry outbursts(爆發(fā)).Parents should reain sensitive to each child’s reactions.Parents should spend tie talking to their children,letting the know that it’s OK to ask questions and to share their worries.Although it ay be hard to find tie to have these talks,parents can use regular faily ealties or bedties for the.They should answer questions briefly and honestly and be sure to ask their children for their opinions and ideas.Issues ay coe up ore than once and parents should reain patient when you answer the questions again.For young children,parents,after talking about the earthquake,ight read a favorite story or have a relaxing faily activity to help the cal down.Parents should also tell children they are safe and spend extra tie with the.They could play gaes outside or read together indoors.ost iportantly,be sure to tell the you love the.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 本就震后如何幫助孩子恢復(fù)身心健康向家長提出了有關(guān)的建議。
1.What’s the passage ainly about?
A.How to prepare before an earthquake strikes.
B.What to do in an earthquake.
C.How to face the loss of a loved one in an earthquake.
D.How to help children recover entally fro an earthquake.
2.The underlined phrase “contend with”in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “    ”.
A.deal with B.a(chǎn)ke up
C.put off D.turn back
解析:選A。詞義猜測題。根據(jù)上下可推出此處contend with意思為“處理”。與deal with接近。
3.Which of the following pieces of advice is NOT entioned in the passage?
A.Keep a close watch on children’s behavior.
B.Tell the children they are safe.
C.Tell the children you love the.
D.Ask educational experts for help.
4.What can we know fro the passage?
A.All people will recover fro an earthquake quickly.
B.Children ay need a longer tie to recover after an earthquake.
C.Children should turn t o their classates for help after an earthquake.
D.Children react in the sae way as adults do to an earthquake.
解析:選B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段最后一句Children especially will need tie to recover fro...可知B項(xiàng)正 確。
Do you like friends who can teach you a lot every day? Books are
s    friends because they bring knowledge to us and keep us copany1.      
through our life. They are so valuable that     (圖書館) are built2.      
to     (存放) the. Alost all great en are lovers of books.3.      
Franklin said that it was books that l    hi to success and4.      
that he could have achieved nothing w    books. Books are5.      
the holders of ankind’s     (經(jīng)驗(yàn)) and iagination. They enable6.      
us to see through the past and predict the     . So when you open7.      
a book, you would get into a world     you have never been8.      
before. A good book is a good teacher that h    you to get over9.      
difficulties.No atter what you are,     or old, poor or rich,10.      
books are your devoted friends. Love books and love life.
答案:1.such 2.libraries 3.keep/store 4.led 5.without
6.experience 7.future 8.where 9.helps 10.young

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/37769.html

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