The Olympic Games

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

BOO 2 UNIT2 The Olympic Games 復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案
Part one :(1)Translate the following sentences to reviehat we learned in unit 1.







8.長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的辯論之后,我們最后達(dá)成了一致。(reach an agreement )


10通過(guò)提供大量的證據(jù)他證明自己無(wú)罪。(innocent )

(2)Fading beauty
She is widely seen as proof that good looks can last for ever. But, at nearly 500 years of age, time is catching up with the ona Lisa.
The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre useum(盧浮宮博物館) where it is housed.
“The thin, wooden panel on which the ona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,” the museum said. Visitors have noticed changes but repairing the world’s most famous painting is not easy. Experts are not sure about the materials the Italian artist used and their current chemical state(化學(xué)狀態(tài)).
Nearly 6 million people go to see the ona Lisa every year, many attracted by the mystery of her smile. “It is very interesting that when you’re not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops,” said Professor argaret Livingstone of Harvard University. “It’s because direct vision (視覺(jué)) is excellent at picking up detail, but less suited to looking at shadows. Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.”
However, the actual history of the ona Lisa is just as mysterious as the smile. Da Vinci himself loved it so much that he always carried it with him, until it was eventually sold to France’s ing Francis I in 1519.
In 1911, the painting was stolen from the Louvre by a former employee, who took it out of the museum
hidden under his coat. He said he panned to return it to Italy. The painting was sent back to France two years later.
During World War II, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.
Like many old ladies, the ona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell.
11. What does the writer mean by “time is catching up with the ona Lisa”?
A. The painting woman is not so beautiful any more.
B. Ageing is something that affects us all.
C. The painting needs repairing.
D. At such an old age, she is no longer popular.
12.. What makes the repair work difficult?
A. The wooden panel is thin and old.
B. No one knows exactly what materials were used to create the painting and how it might respond to treatment. C. The health of the painting is suffering.
D. Experts can’t agree on how to carry out repairs.
13. What makes her so mysterious according to Professor Livingston?
A. The materials the Italian artist used. B. The way she smiles.
C. The way Da Vinci painted the smile. D. It plays a trick upon the human eyes
(3)Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them.
  There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. any successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.
  Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided(避免).
  We should keep away from(遠(yuǎn)離) all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.

14. ________ are formed little by little.
  A. Good habits B. Bad habits C. Both good habits and bad habits D. Either good habits or bad habits
15. The underlined word "them" in the first paragraph refers to ________.
  A. bad habits B. good habits  C. children D. other persons
16. Generally speaking, it's difficult for one ________ and easy for them ________ which should be avoided.
  A. to form bad habits; to form good habits
  B. to form good habits; to form bad habits
  C. to form such habits as will be good; to get rid of bad habits
  D. to get rid of bad habits; to form good habits
17. Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?
  A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us. B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.
  C. Because it's hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.
  D. Because we are forced to do them again and again.
44. According to the passage, early rising ________.
A. has something to do with success B. is an easily formed habit
C. is such a habit as should have been avoided  D. is such a habit as will be kept
Part two :Words and expressions in unit 2
一、Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text .
1._________to take part in a sports meet
2._________to allow to enter (a course or sports competition )
3.________someone who takes part in a sports competition
4._________level of ability
5.________happening every time with the same amount of time in between
6.________to take the place of
7._______short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or group
8.______duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong
9._______special hall for physical exercise
10._______to join in
二、Choose the word or phrase that means almost the same as the words underlined .
1.She rose to her feet in one swift movement .
A.short B.quick C.immediate D.hurry
2.Nowadays all countries can take part it their athletes reach the standard .
A.Today B.These days C.In the future D.Tomorrow
3.y son went to see the new stadiums before the Olympic Games began .
A.concert hall B.sports halls C.reception buildings D.athletes’ village
4.Li Yan wanted to take part in the Olympic Games as a volunteer .
A.someone who offers help B.someone who offers to pay
C.someone who helps without pay D.someone who works part-time
5.What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for ? B.mean C.introduce D.look like
take part in ;stand for ;as well ;in charge ;one after another ;on a regular basis ;compete against ;as a matter of fact ;pick up ;apart from
1.As a full-time student ,you should attend classes ________________.
2.We’re going to the cinema tonight ,why don’t you come along __________?
3.No ,I wasn’t annoyed ._________,I was very glad to see them .
4.She soon _________some French when she went to live in France .
5.Do you know many countries ________the last Olympic Games ?
6._________the injuries to his face and hands ,he broke both legs .
7.“y name is Dean E .Beller.” “What does the E___________?”
8.In my opinion ,this firm is too small to ___________large ones in trade .
9.Who will be _______here when the manager is away ?
10.It was the time of break and students came out of classroom ____________.
11.The Olympic winner will receive a gold __________(獎(jiǎng)牌)as an award .
12.A new _________bus (班車(chē) 規(guī)則的)service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago .
13.We drew this conclusion on the _________(基礎(chǔ))of research and experiments .
14.We all know that the Great Britain will __________(舉辦)the Olympic Games in 2012.
15.It is my ___________(職責(zé),責(zé)任)to check that all doors and windows are locked after everybody leave .
16.Taking __________(身體上的)exercises regularly will do good to our health .
17.The taxi driver was ___________(處罰)$50 for ignoring the red light .
18.You’ve been working all morning ?I think you _________(應(yīng)受,應(yīng)得)a rest .
19.Children under 18 will not be __________into(允許進(jìn)入)the pub in this country .
20.I might buy a TV ,if I can find a _________(便宜貨)in the sales .
三、complete the passage with words below in their proper forms .
standard ;athlete ;admit ;compete ; responsibility ;olive wreath ;homeland
Helena was a great ________in the 5000-metre running race .She had won many prizes and wanted to ___________in the Olympic Games .So she practiced hard every day in order to be ________as a competitor .It didn’t take her long to reach the _________for entering the Olympic Games .This made Helena eager to win a gold medal for herself and her ___________.Unfortunately during the final ,she was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her on purpose so that she fell down .Poor Helena lost her chance of a medal but the other woman had to take __________for breaking the rules .The judges felt sorry for Helena and gave her a special prize of an ____________instead .
四、This passage is an announcement put out by the Olympic Committee about the next Olympic Games plete it with the given verbs in their proper forms .
replace ; admit ;provide ;advertise ; organize ;ask
During the next Summer Olympics more athletes than ever _______as competitors .This may cause problems for the host city .To avoid any problems the host city ________about who will be in charge of organizing the Games .All the events ________ahead of time so visitors can buy the tickets for the events they want to see earlier .The old rules and regulations (規(guī)則)for the athletes ________with new ones .any trips and visits ________for all those competitors who wish to take part .We know that the athletes deserve to have all the care and attention we can offer them .We know they will _______us with wonderful examples of skill and sportsmanship as well as friendship and cross-cultural understanding .


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