Unit 1 Friendship學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Introduction & Vocabulary)
編號:1 編寫人: 審核人: 審批人: 班組:
姓 名: 組 評: 師 評: 日期:
This unit examines different kinds of friendship. It not only explores friendship between people but also pays particular attention to the friendship one can develop with oneself. In other words, it shows how a person can find comfort and support with an imaginary friend. In these readings from The Diary of Anne Frank, students will see how a lovely and frightened teenager copes with a very unusually stressful situation. She does this by confiding(吐露) in itty, the name for her diary. She examines her problems and tries to find a way to deal with them.
1 請大聲朗讀下面的詞匯
upset ignore calm concern loose outdoors series dusk thunder entire power curtain dusty partner settle suffer ( from) recover pack suitcase teenager exactly disagree grateful dislike highway overcoat
add up walk the dog on purpose face to face get tired of go through get along with pack ( sth) up fall in love with
2 請寫出下列詞匯的詞性及詞義
For example: entirely adv 完全地;全然地;整個(gè)地
ignore _____ _________________ outdoors _____ _________________
thunder _____ _________________ disagree _____ _________________
power _____ _________________ calm _____ _________________
dusk _____ _________________exactly _____ _________________
grateful_____ _________________ concern _____ _________________
settle _____ _________________ suffer _____ _________________
dislike _____ _________________ pack _____ _________________
3 請同學(xué)們借助網(wǎng)絡(luò)或工具書將下列句子譯成漢語
1). I entirely agree with you.
2). I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.
3). The rain prevented them from eating outdoors.
4). He disagreed with his parents on most things.
5). There is growing concern about violence(暴力) on television.
6). We waited inside until things calmed down.
7). Heavy trucks kept thundering past.
8). It happened almost exactly a year ago.
9). I carefully packed up the gifts.
10). It’s all settled--- we’re leaving on the nine o’clock plane.
11). The street lights go on at dusk.
12). He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of her mother.
13). nowledge is power.
14). He ignored all the “ No Smoking “ signs and lit up a cigarette(香煙).
15). These days he is suffering from a bad cold.
1) I felt very___________(心煩意亂的) because my friend broke her promise.
2) I_________(痊愈) from a bad ache after an operation.
3) Please_____________(加) your daughter’s name to this list.
4) Air pollution is one of the problems that we can’t afford to _______(忽視).
5) I’m not ___________(十分) happy about the proposal(建議).
6) The President is deeply_____________(關(guān)注) about the situation.
7) She________(安家) in Vienna after her father’s death. X k b 1 . c o m
8) I am extremely___________(感激的) to all the teachers for their help.
9) I know_________(完全地) how she felt.
10) Come to the New Year disco and bring your ____________(舞伴).

odule 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Warming up, Pre-reading& Reading)
編號:2 編寫人: 審核人: 審批人: 班組:
姓 名: 組 評: 師 評: 日期:
學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):了解Anne選擇日記itty 作為好朋友的特定歷史背景及利用閱讀材料理解并掌握本單元重點(diǎn)單詞及短語的含義和用法。
第一部分 預(yù)習(xí)案
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
(Background information) Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. At that time the Jewish community formed an important part of the city’s economic and cultural success. Her father, Otto Frank, was a respected businessman whose family had lived in the city for many generations. Anne was well taken good care of when she was young. However, the family moved to Holland, whose people welcomed them after Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in 1934.
The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. When Jews were found, they were sent to concentration camps(集中營) to be killed. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went to hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish friends. Anne was force to leave her school because of the German invasion. It was in July 1942 that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family in the “attic”, which is used to store seldom-used things.
1). Questions:
(1). What did Anne’s father do?

(2). Why did Anne’s family move to Holland?

2). ultiple choices
Who helped Jewish families go into hiding?
A. Nazis B. Jewish friendsC. People who were not Jewish D. Germans
2. Pre-reading
1. Do you have friends ( in our school/our class)?
2. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?
第二部分:Reading(任務(wù)領(lǐng)先 合作探究)
Fast reading
1. Who is Anne’s best friend?
2. How many questions are there in the first paragraph?
3. Anne chose the first kind. Read the second paragraph and choose A or B to make the following sentences complete.
1) Anne chose her diary as her best friends because___
2) Anne’s family had to hide because___
A. they were Jewish who could be caught by the Nazis at that time.
B. she could tell everything to it
Careful Reading
Get Ss to read the text and diary carefully and do Ex2. on Page2 of Students’ book
1. Choose the best answer according to the diary.
1). Anne made friends with her diary because______________ .
A. she didn’t like her other friends
B. she was a shy girlC. she trusted nobody
D. she didn’t have a chance to communicate with her friends
2). From the diary we can infer that______________ .
A. Anne was a girl who loves nature
B. Anne was good at writing diaries
C. Anne was longing for a normal life and she especially missed going outside and enjoying nature
D. Anne had good observation in her daily life
3). What is the author’s attitude towards Anne in this passage?
A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Sorry. D. Disappointed.
4). What is Anne’s tone from her diary?
A. Sad.  B. Hopeful.  C. Disappointed D. Angry.
5). What made Anne crazy about nature?
A. Her interest in nature. B. She had no friends.
C. She couldn’t get outdoors for a long time.
D. She could do nothing but watch nature.
2. Discussion (Group work)
Think about and work in groups to discuss the following questions.
1)What would you do if your family were going to be killed ?

2)Where would you plan to hide?

3)What would you do to pass the time?

odule 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Learning about language)
編號:3 編寫人: 審核人: 審批人: 班組:
姓 名: 組 評: 師 評: 日期:
學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):學(xué)習(xí)掌握Reading 1的重點(diǎn)詞匯:add up, upset, ignore, calm down, loose, go through, German, outdoors, thundering, entirely, power, curtains, dusty, set down, a series of, dust, recover, face to face.
1)suffer v. 1.________________________________________
2) concern vt. 1._____________________________________(經(jīng)常_______在被動語態(tài))
concern n. _________________________________________
3)calm v. ________________________________
adj. _______________________________
4)add up _____________________________________
1) upset p._________ p.p _________
2) on purpose __________ 3) 面對面 _______________
4) 不再 __________ 5) recover from_______________
6) pack (sth.)up_________ 7)愛上;相愛________________
8)參加;加入__________ 9)對…厭煩_________________
3. 典型句式:仿照句式將括號中的漢語翻譯為英語。
1) while /when+v.-ing在句中做時(shí)間狀語
____________________________(遛狗時(shí)),you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.
2) should have done 過去本應(yīng)該(但實(shí)際上沒有做)
You will tell him/her that he/she ____________________(過去本該學(xué)習(xí)),so you don’t let him/her look at your paper.
3) 強(qiáng)調(diào)句:It is/was+被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分+that/who+其余部分
I wonder if _______because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long ____________________ (我變得對……無比狂熱)everything to do with nature.
4) It is/was the first time that… 第一次做某事
…__________________________in a year and a half________ I’d seen the night face to face….
5) It is no pleasure doing sth.做某事沒有樂趣
_______________________________(觀看這些已經(jīng)不再是樂趣)because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.
1. add: vt/vi 增加;添加;補(bǔ)充說……
(教材P.1) Add up your score and see how many points you get.
add (sth) up 把……加起(得到總數(shù))
add sth add up to 總計(jì),合計(jì)
A add to B: (increase ) 增加
add A to B: 把……加到……上
判別:第一組詞組區(qū)別:看_________的位置。.______在add 前表示 “總計(jì)”;_______在add 后或沒有時(shí)表示 “把…加起”
第二組詞組區(qū)別:看_________的位置。.______在add 前表示 “增加”;_______在add 后表示 “把A加到B上”。
1)The bad weather _________ the helplessness of the crew at sea.
2)_________ your score and see how many points you get.
3)His school education _________ no more than one year.
4)Shall I _______ your name ______ the list?
2. suffer: 經(jīng)歷,遭受
(教材P.4) She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.
suffer: 經(jīng)歷,遭受(賓語pain, defeat, loss, hunger)
suffer from: 受苦,受害(指經(jīng)歷著或經(jīng)歷過)
總結(jié): _________表示動作,_____________表示狀態(tài)
1)He has to take medicine with him wherever he goes, because he has_________ heart trouble for many years.
2)She _________ a serious illness at present.
3)Japan_________ a great loss in the earthquake on arch. 11,2011.
4)The party_________ a defeat in general election.
3.concern: vt. 擔(dān)憂,使操心; 關(guān)系到,涉及
(教材P.1) You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her…
be concerned about/for sth= concern oneself about/for sth 對……擔(dān)心
be concerned with sb/sth= concern oneself with sb./sth 與……有關(guān)”
as far as sb/ sth be concerned 就……而言
判別: 有about /for是“___________”;有with的是“________________”
concern: n (u) anxiety 擔(dān)心
(c) connection 關(guān)注
show/ express concern about/ for sb/sth 對……表示關(guān)心
It is no concern of mine/yours. 不管我的/你的事。
1) We’re rather concerned _________ father’s health.
2) They are not concerned _______ this accident.
3). Please go home quickly. Your parents ______________your safety.
A. are concerned with B. concerned about C. are concerned about D. are concerned to
4). The news ____________your hometown.
A. is concerned about B. is concerned in C. concerns D. concerns with
5) She _________great concern for her daughter’s study.
A. showed B. gave C. have D. had
6) The case is concerned _______ the president.
A. about B. in C. with D. of
4.calm v& adj 使平靜;鎮(zhèn)定的
(教材P.1)you will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.
calm sb down 使某人平靜下
keep/be/stay calm 保持鎮(zhèn)靜
易混辨析:calm, quiet, silent, still
calm: (without large waves)風(fēng)平浪靜的;(not excited or nervous or upset)平靜的,鎮(zhèn)靜的(人面臨困難,壓力,危險(xiǎn)時(shí))
quiet: (with little sound) 指沒有吵鬧聲的。強(qiáng)調(diào)聲音低或少
silent: (saying little or nothing) 強(qiáng)調(diào)沉默不語
still: (without movement or sound) 強(qiáng)調(diào)沒有運(yùn)動
1)When facing danger, one should keep_______; when taken photos, one should keep______; when someone else is asleep, one should keep______; in class, one shouldn’t keep_______ about the teacher’s questions.
2)Although she was frightened, she answered in a______ voice.
3)Children find it difficult to sit _______ for very long.
4)Alice was laughing and joking, but her sister remained _______.
5)We’ll have to be _______ so as to wake up the sleeping baby.

1. go through

練習(xí):寫出下列句子中g(shù)o through 的漢語意思
1)I went through the students’ paper last night. ______________
2)You really don’t knohat we went through while working on this project. ______________
3)I always start the day by going through my e-mail. _____________
4)The boy went through two whole loaves of bread last night. _____________
5)The Bill went through Parliament without vote(投票). ______________

2. set downxkb1
(根據(jù)下面句子判別出set down的漢語意思并填在左邊的空格內(nèi))
1)It is unnecessary to set down everything your teacher told in the class.
2)The bus stopped to set down an old lady.
你能寫出set down 當(dāng)?shù)谝粋(gè)意思講時(shí)的近義詞組嗎?
_______________ _______________ ________________
_______________ _______________ ________________

1. (教材P.2) It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…
句型:It/This is/was the first/second… time that clause

It /This is the first/second/… time that _______________________.(用什么時(shí)態(tài)?)
It /This was the first/second/… time that _____________________.(用什么時(shí)態(tài)?)

1)It was the second time that he ____________(make) the same mistake.
2)It is the first time that I ______________(be) to Beijing.
2. (教材P.2) I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.
It is/was +被強(qiáng)調(diào)成分+that/who+句子的剩余部分
I got to know her on the farm last week.
e.g. It was I that/who got to know her on the farm last week.
It was her who/that I got to know on the farm last week.
It was on the farm that I got to know her last week.
It was last week that I got to know her on the farm.
思考:用is 還是was 是由原句的________________確定的。
重點(diǎn):判斷強(qiáng)調(diào)句的方法:把句中的it is/was 和that/who去掉看句子結(jié)構(gòu)是否完整。若完整就是強(qiáng)調(diào)句,否則就不是。
例如:It was at seven o’clock that I got home. (是)
It was seven o’clock when I got home.(否)
1.It was in the room that he was born.
2.It was this room where he was born.
3.It is they who often help me with my English.
4.It was eight o’clock when Tom came back.
5.It is the house which was built last year.
I met him in the street yesterday.
___________________________________(強(qiáng)調(diào)地點(diǎn)狀語in the street)
odule 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Grammar)
直接引語和間接引語 (I)
(Direct Speech and Indirect Speech:Statements and Questions)
編號:4 編寫人: 審核人: 審批人: 班組:
姓 名: 組 評: 師 評: 日期:
1)He said, “I like apples.”
2)She said, “ Is it raining?”
3)He said to me, “ I’ve left my book in your room.”
4)She said, “ Did you see him last night?”
5) “ I was joking”, said he.
6)“ I hadn’t seen her before that day”, said he.
7) “ When will you help me?” said he.
8) “ She’s here to ask for help, isn’t she?”, he asked.
9)He asked, “ Is this book yours or his?”
1)He said ( that) he liked apples.
2)She asked ( me) if/ whether it was raining.
3)He told me that he had left his book in my room.
4)She asked ( me) whether/ if I had seen him the night before.
5)He said that he was joking.
6)He said that he hadn’t seen her before that day.
7)He asked me when I would help him.
8)He asked whether she was there to ask for help or not.
9)He asked if/ whether that book was yours or his.
1) 當(dāng)我們在另一個(gè)“時(shí)空點(diǎn)”上轉(zhuǎn)述別人的話語時(shí),句子在______、________、________、________、________、________、________等方面發(fā)生了變化。
2) 句式變化的種類有哪些?
3) 時(shí)態(tài)變化有哪些?
一般現(xiàn)在時(shí) 一般過去時(shí)
現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí) ___________
現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) ___________
一般過去時(shí) ___________
過去進(jìn)行時(shí) ___________
過去完成時(shí) ___________
一般將時(shí) ___________

4) 你能總結(jié)出人稱變化的規(guī)律嗎?

1. He said, “ The story took place in the 1930s.”
He said that the story took place in the 1930s,
2. He says, “ I am very happy.”
He says that he is very happy.
3. He said, “ Light travels much faster than sound.
He said that light travels much faster than sound.
1、直接引語為______時(shí)態(tài),且句中有一個(gè)確切的時(shí)間狀語時(shí),如: in 1980, last year等,變?yōu)殚g接引語時(shí)時(shí)態(tài)不變。
1. He said, " I am a boy."
2. He asked, " Do you speak English or French?" ___________________________________________________________________
3. " I haven't heard from my parents these days." said ary. ___________________________________________________________________
4. He asked me, " Will you go to the park this evening?" ___________________________________________________________________
5. John said to his parents, " I had learned 500 Chinese characters by the end of last term."
6. " Where are you going?" the father asked his son. ___________________________________________________________________
7. The geography teacher said to us, " The moon moves around the earth and the earth goes around the sun."
8. Zhang Hong said to me," Doctor Wang passed away in 1948. ___________________________________________________________________
9. " Are you sorry for what you have done?" the mother asked the naughty boy. ___________________________________________________________________
10. " She's here to ask for help, isn't she?" he asked.
1. He said that his car ______stolen and he _____have to telephone the phone.
A. was; would B. has been; will C. had been; would D. had been; will
2. He told us he ______a concert_____.
A. had attended; three days before B. attended; a week ago
C. would attend; since a week ago D. was attending; for a week
3. --When Tom______, please let me kno
--ary said when Tom ____, just tell her about it.
A. comes; comes B. came; came C. comes; came D. comes; coming
4. The teacher said that Columbus ______America in 1942.
A. discovered B. found C. had discovered D. had found
5. After the examination, my teacher told me that failure ____the mother of success.
A. was B. is C. be D. been
6. The child asked his mother _____go out to play tennis.
A. that he could B. if he could C. if could he D. that could he
7. r Brown said he ______me the next week.
A. would see B. will see C. had seen D. saw
8. The mother asked her son____.
A. what did he do the day before B. where did he find his lost wallet
C. what time he got up that morning D. that if he had finished his homework
9. He asked me____ I would go to Beijing by air the next day.
A. that if B. if C. that whether D. how
10.The teacher told the students that there ____a meeting at three o’clock.
A. were going to have B. are going to be C. will have D. was going to be
11. ?What did Grandpa ask Lily on the phone?
--He asked her ________________.
A. did she pass the exam B. when did she pass the exam
C. whether she had passed the exam D. how she has passed the exam
12. Have you seen Bob recently? I wonder _____ with his classmates in that school.
A. how is he getting along B. that he is getting along well
C. what he is getting along D. if he is getting along well


odule 1 Unit 1 Friendship (Writing I )
編號:5 編寫人: 審核人: 審批人: 班組:
姓 名: 組 評: 師 評: 日期:
Today we are going to learn an important sentence structure.
The structure is: Subject + be + Predicative
主語 + 系動詞+ 表語
1. 例句欣賞(請同學(xué)們用“?” 標(biāo)出表語)
1) I am a teacher.
2) You are clever.
3) He is 16 years old.
4) Smith was out yesterday afternoon.
5) The dictionary is not hers but mine.
6) Studying English is very interesting.
7) We were excited at the good news.
8) His dream is to become a scientist.
9) He will be at the office tomorrow morning.
10) That is where I bought the food.
(最好寫成簡約形式,如:y job is teaching. V-ing作表語)
1. 你能造出類似的句子嗎?(最好能運(yùn)用上面提到的各種形式作表語)
1) _________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________
8) _________________________________________________________
9) ________________________________________________________
10) ________________________________________________________
1) 這本書是她的。
2) 十年前他是一名工人。
3) 學(xué)生們正在教室里。
4) 我們英語老師很漂亮。
5) 今天下午我將不在家。
6) 那部電影很乏味。
7) 走了很長一段路之后,他累了。
8) 她的夢想是當(dāng)一名醫(yī)生。
9) Tom最喜歡的運(yùn)動是游泳。
10) 這就是我工作的地方。

Hello, my name is _________. I’m ________years old. I’m from __________iddle School and now I am in Class________ Senior_________.
I am ____________(tall/thin/fat…). I am friendly and generous. I often help my classmates with their __________(English/maths/…)because I am good at it. I not only do well in _________but also in_________. I like all kinds of sports, too.
y favorite sport is_____________. I often play school or weekends. I like reading books, too. I think books can open my eyes.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/40377.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一英語上冊 Unit 17-18單元專題復(fù)習(xí)教案