Unit 5 Rhythm 復(fù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 5 Rhythm (復(fù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué)案 2)
Lesson 3 Lesson 4
編寫人:田娟 李芬 審核:高一英語(yǔ)組
A tip : No bees,no honey;no work,no money.__________________
Learning aims : (1) Go over the important words and phrases
(2)Go over the important sentences
Learning important point : learn to use the language points freely
Step 1. 必背單詞 (A級(jí))
n. 鋼琴家 音樂(lè)家 琴鍵;答案
天才,才干 身份,特征 根
美,美貌 外貌,外觀 發(fā)型
一代. 種類,類型. 劍. 孔雀舞.
反應(yīng) 允許,許可
v. 停止,辭職 重新發(fā)現(xiàn) 剃,刮
轉(zhuǎn)換,轉(zhuǎn)化 跳,蹦
adj. 全世界的 平常的,普通的 獨(dú)特的,唯一的 移民的,移居的 有責(zé)任的,應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任的
Step 2 . 必背詞組 (A級(jí))
1. go on to do sth 2. go on doing sth
3. 因?yàn)?4. 世界著名_________5. experiment with_____ 6. arrive at 7. arrive in 8. shave off ____ 9. for the next two years ________10.對(duì)…憐憫
11.洗澡 _12.屏住呼吸 13.得出結(jié)論
14.講故事 15.代代相傳
16.往返,回 17.穿著 18.隨著音樂(lè)跳舞
Step 3 基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練
1.He went to the hall early _______________ get a good rest.
A. so as that B. in order to C. so that D. in order that
2.They are ___________ little children _____________ we can’t scold them for they have tried their best.
A. so; that B. such ; that C. that; that D. so;\
3.The new English textbook ___ 12 units, ___ two mainly revisions.
A.contains;including B.includes; containing
C.contains ; containing D.includes; including
4.He is the only one of the students who __________ a winner of scholarship for three years.
A.is B. are C.have been D.has been
5.______in a white uniform.he looks more like a cook than a
A.Dressed B.To dress C.Dressing D.Having dressed
6.r.Smith began to learn English____________ when he was____.
A. in the 1950s ;in his sixties B.in 1950;in the sixties
C. in the 1950’s; over sixty D.both Aand C
7.I’d like to study law at university____________ my cousion prefers geography.
A. though B. for C. as D. while
8.ong Xiangdong became a great pianist in _________1980s when he was only in _______teens.
A. the;the B. \;\ C. \;his D. the ;his
9.The music was noisy and . I felt with it .
A. bored; bored B. boring ; boring C. bored ; boring D. boring ;bored
10.I lost her telephone number ._____________,I was unable to get in touch with her.
A. In a word B. In public
C. In other words D. Generally speaking
11.____________ other stars are bigger and brighter than the sun.
A illions of B illion of C One millions D illions
12.A good teacher should be strict __________his work and_________ his students.
A with ;in B with ; with C in; with D in;in
13.------Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time ?
------Yes , since she ________ the Chinese society.
A has joined B joins C had joined D joined
1.The beauty of ount Huang is ______________( 獨(dú)特的 )。
2.If you want to go swimming during the holidays,you must first ask your parents for their p_____________.
3.The nurse is p_____________ with the children.They like to play with her.
4.Folk dances are_______________(傳統(tǒng)的)styles of dancing.
5.On this ____________(場(chǎng)合),we’d leave you alone.
(1). any countries have produced ballets , include China . ________
(2). Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge , that is often performed on special occasions . _____________
(3). You can see people of all ages dance in the street . ________
(4). They dressed in beautiful costumes , skipping back and forth .
(5).He told us to follow the advices that the teacher had given us._____________
(6).We are too much excited to hear the news._______________
(1)It was such a foggy day that we could hardly see the road.
It was ____________ foggy __________day that we could hardly see the road.
(2)The little boy pretended to be sick in order to stay home from school.
The little boy pretended to be sick _________ _________ ________ he __________ stay home from school.
Step4聽力訓(xùn)練(C級(jí))P12 演練平臺(tái)
Step5. 背誦下列小短(C級(jí))
Nowadays, the sea is seriously polluted. any sorts of things are polluting the sea, such as chemicals, plastics, rubbish and so on. ost of them come from industrial and agricultural waste. As a result, some kinds of fish have died out. Fortunately, the government has taken measures to deal with the situation, and is trying to find better ways to reduce pollution.
In my opinion, it is a big problem we need to pay much attention to. As students, we cannot stand by and watch it getting worse. First of all, we shouldn’t throw rubbish around while we’re on the beach. Next, we could tell everyone we know about the bad results of sea pollution so as to raise people’s awareness of protecting it.
Step7.閱讀訓(xùn)練(C級(jí))同步閱讀 P27 (C) P30 (E)

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/45312.html

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