Developing and Developed Countries

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

主 備 人 使 用 人
題名稱odule 2 Developing and Developed Countries
Teaching Aims:
To learn the human development report and compare the conditions of the developed countries and developing countries.
Help the students to understand the passage better. Train the students' reading ability.
Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.
I.Lead --in Talk about the development of some developed countries and the situation of some developing countries. 用page 11 練習②中單詞完成下列小短:
In developing countries.People have low ________. ost of them live in________. any students can not afford to go to school. They don’t have a good chance to receive ________. any people suffer from _________. any of them can’t be cured(治療、治愈). While in developed countries, people have higher________. Less people live in _________. ost people can receive good__________. Few people suffer from__________.any ___________ can be cured.
II Reading comprehension.
Step1:Fast reading: atch the main ideas with paragraphs
Para.1 Examples of successful development in 2003.
Para.2 The most five important goals of the report.
Para.3 Developed countries should give more financial help.
Para.4 The Human Development Index measures a country’s achievement
Para.5 How the Human Development Report came out.
Step 2: Detailed reading:
A.Read the text quickly and silently and find the answers to the questions
1. What did world leaders agree to do in 2000?
2. What does the Human Development Index measure?
3. What are the first two Development Goals?
4. What progress have we made towards these goals?
5. What do developed countries need to do?
B. Read the passages carefully again and fill in the tables to understand better Page13.Activity④

III Post reading: Let’s make a summary of the passage
In the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to _______poverty by 2015 or earlier. From this agreement came the ________ ___________ _______. The index measures a country’s _______________ in three ways: Life____________, _________ and _______.The bottom ten countries are all ________ countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. One of the most important goals is to _______ poverty and hunger. The report shows that we are making some________, but we need to _____ greater________. Although developed countries give some _____________ help, they need to give much more.
IV Discussion (Group work):
Which is the biggest problem for developing countries ? Why? How to solve the problem?

V Language points for Reading
1.From this agreement came the Human Development Report.
倒裝句,正常語序為:The Human Development Report came from this agreement.
From the window came sound of music. Here comes the bus. There you are.
2.Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 7. at the top of:在……頂端 in the
middle of:在……中間 at the bottom of:在……底部.
如:The U is in the thirteenth position, while China is in the middle of the list.
3.The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the
bottom of the list. with + 賓語 + 介詞短語 表原因、方式、伴隨動作
The square looks splendid with all the lights on.
The teacher came in, with a book in her hand.
4.For example, in nine years (1953-1962), China increased life expectancy by 13 years.
e.g 他比我高5厘米。 He is taller than me by 5 cm.
去年我們學校的學生人數(shù)增加了50%。 The number of the students in our school
increased by 50% last year.
老板把他們的工資減少到1500元。 The boss reduced their salaries to 1500 yuan.
5.The index measures a country’s achievement in three ways:life expectancy ( how long people
usually live), education and income. index:指數(shù),指標 measure vt. & n.
e.g First measure it, and then cut it to the correct length. 先量一下,然后切成所需的長度。
easure your words before you speak. 話前要斟酌一下用詞。
We must take effective measures to improve our work. 我們必須采取有效措施改
5.147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015.
agree to do sth 同意去做某事
agree with 同意…的意見/觀點 與…一致; 氣候、事物、口味適合某人
agree to 同意…計劃/安排
agree on 就…達成一致意見
VI.Grammer practice (語法練習---連詞考察,各地高考題)
1. I don’t mind picking up your things from the store. _____ the walk will do me good.(04 全國)
A. Sooner or later B. Still C. In time D.Besides
2. ____you call me to say your’re not coming , I’ll see you at the theatre.(04 全國)
A.Though B. Whether
C. Until D. Unless
3.I do every single bit of housework _____ my husband Bob just does the dished now and then.
(04 全國)
  A. since B. While C. when D. as
4. Paul has to write a history paper, ____ he couldn’t find time to do.(04 全國)
  A. but B. So C. because D. If
5. You should try to get a good night’s sleep _____ much work you have to do.(04 湖北)
A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever
6. r. Hall understands that ____ maths has always been easy for him, it is not easy
for the students.(03 安徽)
A. unless B. since
C. although D. when


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