The world of our sense學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

2012高一英語學(xué)案:Unit 1 The world of our sense(牛津譯林版必修3)

一. 單詞應(yīng)用
1. As Polly o_________ the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.
2. When Polly got to the station entrance, it was d___________.
3. By the time she r__________ the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.
4. She could feel her heart b__________ with fear.
5. A few seconds later, a hand reached out and t___________ her arm.
6. Polly found herself s___________ (盯著看) up at a man standing with his hand r_________(靠)on her arm.
7. You see, a fog this bad is r_________. It gives me the c___________ to pay back the help that people give me when it’s sunny.
8. If anyone knows this kind man, please contact me through the newspaper so I can thank him p_____________.
9. The possibility that pleasant smells might r_________ pain has recently been suggested by new research.
10. During the experiment, volunteers were asked to sniff pleasant smells such as vanilla, and u_____________ smells such as durians.
11. One explanation is that women’s sense of smell developed long ago, and is l________ to recognizing the smell of babies.
12. One reason why we become s_____________ and have high blood pressure is that we misuse our senses in our everyday life.
13. I felt so tired that I couldn’t help wondering whether or not I could get to my d________.
14. The fact was that now I was f__________ by fear, not by cold.
15. In the distance I could see thunder and l______________ coming.
1. observe (v.) → (n.) (adj.)
2. stressed (adj.) → (n./vt.)
3. confidently (adv.) → (n.) → (adj.)
4. accept (v.) → (n.) → (adj.)
5. truth (n.) → (adj.) → (adv.)
6. related (adj.) → (v.) → (n.) → (n.)
7. deeply (adv.) → (adj.) → (n.) → (vt.)
8. deadly (adj.) → (adj.) → (n.) → (v.)
三. 補全佳句
Sometimes senses __________________.
one another / each other
Our teachers require us students __________________________________(互相尊敬).
You two should ________________________________________(互相幫助).
2. The truth is that ________________________________________________________ (霧太大,公交車跑不了那么遠).
The case is _________________________________________________ (太重你搬不動).
2)that; this表程度,飾adj.; adv.
200 km per hour? I ______________________________________ (不可能開那么快的).
________________________________________ (這么大的霧很罕見).
3. While ______________________________ (其余的乘客)were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.
__________________________________________________ (你們其余人做什么)?
The rest of the water ____________________________ (被污染了).
The man stopped and _____________________________________ (讓馬休息一下).
2)rest on/upon/against
He __________his head _________the back of the chair.
4. with + O + to do/doing/done
With his leg ___________ (break), he had to lie in bed for a long time.
With so much work ___________ (do), I am always busy.
With the kitchen _______________ (repair), they have meals in the living-room.
With the workers _______________ (repair) the kitchen, they have meals in the living-room.
With nothing ____________________ (type), he told his secretary to have a rest.
5.... have nothing/little/anything/something/much/a lot to do with....
Our senses __________________________________________(和我們的全面健康有關(guān)).
Do you have _________________________________________ (與... 有關(guān)) the accident?
Don’t blame her. y failure ________________________________________(跟她無關(guān)).
6.... I couldn’t help wondering...
The boy _____________________________________________ (看到媽媽忍不住哭了).
Young people often _____________________________(禁不住跳起舞) as soon as they hear this kind of music.
7. _______________________________________ (被鯊魚襲擊的可能性) are small ______________________ (與... 相比) other dangers.
Seize any chance _____________________________ (顯示你的能力).
chance v. 碰巧= happen
It chanced that he was having lunch when I went to his home.
=He __________ __________ __________ __________lunch when I went to his home.
8. The latter two types of attack are more likely to be deadly for humans.
1.At times senses have an effect on each other.
________ senses _________ one _________.
2.We couldn’t see the tall man anywhere.
The tall man was ________ to be _________.
3.As he grew, his interest in tea grew, too.
As he grew, ________ _______ his interest in tea.
4.When he woke up, he found he himself was lyng in a warm bed.
When he woke up, he found _______ _______ in a warm bed.
5.The truth is that the fog is so thick that the bus can’t run that far.
It is true that the fog is ______ thick _______ the bus to run that far.
6. It is more possible that the latter two types of attack are deadly for human beings.
The latter two types of attack are more ________ to be deadly for _______.
7. People who have hearing problems can understand each other by using sign language.
People ________ hearing problems can understand each other _______ sign language.
8. any people want to knohether our senses are related to our overall health.
any people ________ whether our senses have _______ to do with our overall health.
9.The scientist at last proved that his theory was correct after they made hundreds of experiments.
After___________out hundreds of experiments, the scientist__________ proved that his theory was correct.
10. He knows it will be hard for Liu Weihai, but it is hoped that in the next few months his body will accept the hand as his own.
He knows it will be hard for Liu Weihai, but _________ in the next few months his body will accept the hand as his own.
Earth Hour
Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour.People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.
Beijing took part in Earth Hour this year .The “Bird’s Nest” National Stadium and the nearby “Water Cube”,usually illuminated by floodlights,went dark at 8:30 p.m.,while dozens of hotel office buildings,shopping malls and restaurants also switched their lights off.People joined in activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing patties as a response to the call for “going dark”.
I support the action.In my opinion, Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of actor. It will have a great influence on people’s attitude towards global warming.We should take responsibility and get involved in working towards a bright future.Everyone can make a difference.
2)目前中國越越多的年輕人加入到了志愿者行動中。China Daily 正在舉行一次以 Voluntary work in China 為主題的征活動。請你根據(jù)下面表格所提供的要點寫一篇英語短,向該報社投稿。
3.加入環(huán)保行列宣傳環(huán)保的重要性; 或植樹造林, 清理河道等
Nowadays, in China more and more young people are engaged in voluntary work. They are doing many different kinds of jobs. Some volunteers go into communities to care for the old people who live alone, and offer them free medical care, which helps the elders become more energetic and optimistic. eanwhile, some join the Go West Project, trying to improve the standard of education in those remote and less developed areas. What’s more, some others organize various activities to help people realize the importance and significance of protecting our environment, or take action to plant trees, clear up rivers, recycle waste and so on..
In my opinion, doing voluntary work will do much good not only to society but also to the volunteers themselves. Also, all the voluntary work, no matter how small, can help make a difference. Therefore, volunteers are honorable, and, with their efforts, the world will be more beautiful.


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