
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 2 of odule I Heroes Period Two Lesson 3 & 4
一. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:
Unit 2 of odule I Heroes Period Two Lesson 3 & 4

二. 本目標(biāo)與要求
1. 掌握這些單詞及詞組的用法
compete vt.比賽,競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
keen adj. 熱心的,渴望的。

give up 放棄
come to 達(dá)到某種狀態(tài) 請(qǐng)留意 compete 后面接不同介詞表達(dá)的不同意義。
請(qǐng)掌握句式 be keen to do sth. 及短語 be keen on 的含義及 keen 與 eager 的區(qū)別
要記住以 give 為中心的一些短語。
請(qǐng)區(qū)分 come to 在不同句子環(huán)境中的不同含義。
2. 重點(diǎn)句式
I suppose, but … 我認(rèn)為是,但……
too…to… 太……而不能
…so that… 以便……
3. 寫作要求

二. 重難點(diǎn)詞匯講解
1. skillful adj.靈巧的,熟練的。
skill(n. 技術(shù))+-ful(形容詞后綴)→靈巧的,熟練的。
The crafts teacher is skillful at knitting. 手工藝教師善于編織。
1)同義詞;skilled adj. 熟練的
2)搭配:be skillful at sth/doing sth. 在……方面很熟練。
3)辨析:skillful 和 skilled
skillful 是指人聰明,做事很靈巧,尤指手的靈巧;
skilled 通常是指受過正規(guī)訓(xùn)練,有多年實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn),并掌握某項(xiàng)專門技能;
2. useless adj. 無用的。無效的
use(n. 用處)+-less(否定后綴,構(gòu)成形容詞)+無用的;無效的
eg. Car is useless without petrol. 汽車沒有汽油就不能使用。
同義詞:void 無用的,invalid 無效的
反義詞:useful 有用的,valid 有效的
Videos are useful things to have in the classroom.
3. compete vi.比賽,競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
compete(競(jìng)爭(zhēng))→complete (v. 完成)
eg. The two football teams compete for the championship.
1)派生詞:competition n. 競(jìng)爭(zhēng);competitor n. 競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者;competitive adj. 競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的,(價(jià)格)有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的
2)搭配:compete against/with sb. in sth. /for sth. 在某方面/為得到某物與某人競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
1)Will you compete_____ the race the coming sports meeting?
2)The young tennis player has often competed_____ famous players,but so far he has always been beaten.
4. amazing adj. 令人驚異的
amaze vt. 使吃驚
His behaviour amazed us a lot.
He has an amazing talent in drawings. 他在繪畫方面有驚人的天賦。
請(qǐng)注意區(qū)別 amazed 和 amazing:
I am so amazed at his progress he made. 我對(duì)他的進(jìn)步很驚訝。
The progress he made is amazing. 他的進(jìn)步令人吃驚。
小技巧:凡是-ed 結(jié)尾的都是以人作主語,解釋為“感到……”,-ing結(jié)尾以物作主語,表示“令人感到……”。
5. keen/adj.熱心的,渴望的
He was keen on volunteers because he believed that people who brings the happiness to the other people is the one of the most happy people.
1)句式:be keen to do sth. /that想……
be keen on sth.熱衷于……,非常喜歡……
2)同義詞辨析:keen 和 eager
都表示因巨大的興趣或欲望而被激勵(lì)起。keen 表示興趣和感情的強(qiáng)烈性;eager 表示濃厚的興趣和迫不及待的期望。
y roommates are very keen in bridge cards among other things.
6. fortunately adv. 幸運(yùn)地 fortunate(adj,幸運(yùn)的)+-ly(副詞后綴)
Fortunately the train was on time. 幸好火車按時(shí)到達(dá)。
1)反義詞:unfortunately 不幸地; 同義詞:luckily幸運(yùn)地
2)fortunately 在句中作狀語,一般修飾整個(gè)句子。
3)fortunately 和 luckily 兩詞分別是 fortunate 和 lucky 的延伸副詞,即“幸運(yùn)地”的意思,意思相同,但前者比較書面,后者更多用于口語,而且前者程度更深一些,有驚喜的意思。
巧記提示 pro-(向前)+mote(n. 微粒,微塵), 這樣的詞還有:pro + gress
eg. She worked hard and was soon promoted,她工作很努力,很快便獲得提升。
The organization works to promote friendship between nations.
1)派生詞:promoter n. 支持者;promotion n.提升,促進(jìn)
2)搭配:promote sb.to sth . 提升、晉升或擢升某人至某職位。
3)promote 作“提升”時(shí),常用于被動(dòng)語態(tài)。
1)Pupils who pass the test will_____ the next grade.
A. promoteB. promote to
C. be promotedD. be promoted to
2)The people in their thirties are easier _____than those in their fifties.
A. to be promotedB. be promoted
C. promoteD. to promote
8. injury n.傷害,損害
injure(vt. 損害、傷害,去e)+-y(名詞后綴)→傷害,損害。
eg. She was badly injured in an accident.
In the accident he suffered serious injuries to the head and arms.
1)injury 可以是對(duì)身體或名譽(yù)的傷害或損害。
2)搭配:be an injury to傷害……,危害…… ,對(duì)……有害;
do sb. an injury 傷害某人;
do an injury to sb. 傷害某人。
3)辨析:injury,ache,wound 和 pain
injury 指的是損傷,如丟胳膊斷腿,或心靈受傷,這種傷是赤裸裸的,血淋淋的。
ache 一般指器官的疼痛,如頭痛、胃痛等。
wound 指的是創(chuàng)傷,傷口和傷害,還指心靈的創(chuàng)傷,主要強(qiáng)調(diào)的是創(chuàng)傷、傷口。
pain 是指痛苦,由疾病或情感帶的痛苦,這種痛苦是綜合性的,沒有特指的。
1)In the crash he suffered severe injuries in the head and arms.
2)They wounded our feelings greatly.
9. commit vt .犯(錯(cuò)誤),干(壞事)committed, committing, commits
commit (犯罪)→ committee(n.委員會(huì))
eg. I think he must have committed a crime.
commit suicide 自殺commit murder 謀殺
commit an error 做錯(cuò)事commit a crime 犯罪
commit,discharge 和 do 都含有“進(jìn)行某種活動(dòng)”的意思。
commit 指“犯錯(cuò)誤或犯下某種罪行”,或指“干某種壞事、傻事”。如:
He was arrested for committing. 他因犯有多種罪行而被捕了。
discharge 指“忠實(shí)能干地執(zhí)行任務(wù)”也指“履行職責(zé)或諾言”。如:
The nurse discharged her duties.
do 指“從事任何一種具體的或抽象的工作。”如:
He did the job brilliantly.
10. react vi. 起反應(yīng), 起作用, 反抗, 起反作用
巧記提示 re-(= back,回、反)+ act (n.作用、行動(dòng))→反應(yīng)
eg. People can react badly to certain food additives.
These composers reacted against romanticism.
派生詞:reaction n.反應(yīng)。
react against 反抗、反對(duì),
react on 對(duì)……起作用、對(duì)……有影響、對(duì)……起反應(yīng),
react to 對(duì)……作出反應(yīng)
Evidence (證據(jù)) is growing that many animals do not react well _____ tourists _____ their backyard.
11. quality n. 質(zhì)量,品質(zhì)
quality (質(zhì)量,品質(zhì),性質(zhì)) →quantity (n.量,數(shù)量)
eg. This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either.
High quality,low price. 物美價(jià)廉。(諾基亞6340i廣告詞)
固定搭配:of good quality 上等的,優(yōu)質(zhì)的 of poor quality 劣質(zhì)的,劣等的
12. disabled adj. 無效的,不起作用的; 殘疾的。
巧記提示 dis-(否定前綴)+able(adj. 有能力的)+-d→殘疾的。
eg. a disabled vehicle. 不能騎的車
a disabled veteran/ child 傷殘老兵/孩子
Deaf people and dumb people are disabled. 聾人和啞人都是殘疾人。
the disabled 可指代殘疾人,作主語時(shí),謂語用復(fù)數(shù)。
13. confident adj. 自信的
confident (adj. 信心)→confidence (n.信心)
eg. We are confident of success. 我們有信心能成功。
Give him your confidence. 信任他。
1)同根詞:confidence n.自信,信心;confidently adv.自信地
2)用法:confidence 是名詞,后面的介詞用 in ;confident 是形容詞,后面的介詞用 of 。
1)We’re confident that we can overcome the difficulties.
2)Next month,she will go to a place at war. She is confident to do her work well and give people real reports.
14. admire vt.欽佩,羨慕
eg. I admire him for his success in business.我佩服他事業(yè)有成。
1)派生詞:admirer n. 崇拜者,admiration n.佩服,admiring adj. 羨慕的
2)固定搭配:admire sb. for sth.在某方面佩服某人。如:
I admire him for his achievements.我對(duì)他的成就很佩服。
15. on one’s own 單獨(dú)地,獨(dú)自地
eg. He is now out of college and on his own.
1)同義短語:(all) by oneself 單獨(dú)地
形似短語;of one’s own (某人)自己的
2)one’s 在句中通常以形容詞性物主代詞的形式出現(xiàn),這個(gè)形容詞性物主代詞與前面某個(gè)表示人或物的名詞或代詞對(duì)應(yīng)。
He has a house of _____own,and the house was built on _____own.
16. give up 放棄
No matter what happens,do not give up hopes.
固定搭配:give sth. up 或 give up sth.
The suspects(嫌疑犯)gave themselves up. 投降
She always gives herself up to her work. 將(自己)完全奉獻(xiàn)
The finally gave up their search. 停止做或執(zhí)行
You must give up smoking. 停止;結(jié)束:
gave up the apartment; 讓出;
gave up all hope. 放棄
We had given the dog up as lost. 對(duì)……失去希望。
We’d given you up an hour ago. 以為見不到/沒有希望見到。
同義詞組:give up 與 put away:
give up 是指在思想上、意識(shí)上放棄某種想法、看法、意見;
put away是指行動(dòng)上拋棄某一事物。
Put all negative thoughts away. 拋棄所有消極的思想。
17. come to 達(dá)到某種狀態(tài)
eg. The performance of the opera has come to its climax.
come to 意思很多,除了“達(dá)到某種狀態(tài)”還有“涉及,談及”“獲得,到達(dá)”“總共,共計(jì)”“突然想起”等。判斷下列句中 come to 的意思。
1)They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.
2)The bill came to$5.50.
3)The water came to my waist.
4)Suddenly the words of the song came to me.
18. pull through 使從(受傷)中活過;渡過難關(guān)
1)該詞組還可以相當(dāng)于一個(gè)及物動(dòng)詞,pull sb. through 意為“使某人渡過難關(guān)”。
eg. His wife helped him pull through at last.
pull down 摧毀,推翻;pull in 進(jìn)站,靠岸;
pull out 拔出,離開,渡過難關(guān),恢復(fù)健康;pull up 拔起,停下,阻止
19. get on 融洽相處;進(jìn)展期
eg. We should get well on with each other.我們之間應(yīng)當(dāng)融洽相處。
How is everything getting on ?一切進(jìn)展得怎么樣了?
1)同義短語:get along
2)get on 中的 on 是副詞,其后常接介詞短語 with sb ./sth.。搭配不同,意義也不同:
get on with sth .某事進(jìn)展順利
get on with sb .與某人相處融洽,等于 get along with sb .
3)在陳述句中,get on 本身就帶有“好”的意思,但我們還是常常用 get on well 的形式。
4)get on 與 get along 的區(qū)別;get on 可以接 with sb.或 with sth.,而 get along 一般只接 with sb.。
20. far too 太……,極為……
far too 的意思就相當(dāng)于too,far 起強(qiáng)調(diào)作用,too后面接形容詞或副詞的原級(jí)。Eg. Internet makes many things far too easy. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)使許多事情變得極為簡(jiǎn)單。
同義短語:much too 太……
Sometimes we think we’re far too kinder to do others, but in fact we aren’t.

四. 重點(diǎn)句式分析與拓展
1、In a recent interview, Venus spoke about the time when she and Serena were practising tennis and they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air.
在最近的一次采訪中,Venus 說,那個(gè)時(shí)候她和 Serena練網(wǎng)球時(shí),一路得跑著躲閃著空中穿梭的子彈。
1)這個(gè)復(fù)合句的主句是 Venus spoke about the time,when 引導(dǎo)的從句 she and Serena were practising tennis and they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air 是定語從句,修飾先行詞the time。
2)定語從句又是一個(gè)并列句,兩個(gè)分句由 and 連接,分別是she and Serena were practising tennis 和 they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air。
3)并列句的第二個(gè)分句是復(fù)合句,as 引導(dǎo)的從句是原因狀語從句,表示 they had to run and hide 的原因。
2、The sisters’ mother, taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers.
1)這是一個(gè)帶有目的狀語從句的復(fù)合句,從句由連詞短語 so that 引導(dǎo)。
2)while developing their tennis careers 是時(shí)間狀語,語意指向 they completed their high school,即表明 develope their tennis careers 與 complete their high school 同時(shí)發(fā)生。
1)目的狀語從句常常由so that 或 in order that 引導(dǎo),一般放在主句之后。常與 in order that,in order to do sth.,so as to do sth.,to do sth. 互相替換。
2)強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作同時(shí)發(fā)生時(shí)且邏輯主語與謂語動(dòng)詞相同時(shí),現(xiàn)在分詞前可用 while 或 when。
3、The first time Venus played in a big event was in 1996.
Venus 第一次參加大型錦標(biāo)賽是在1996年。
句中的 Venus played in a big event 是省略了關(guān)系代詞的定語從句,修飾 the first time。
限制性定語從句可用修飾一個(gè)表示時(shí)間的詞,這時(shí)通常用關(guān)系副詞 when 引導(dǎo)。但在不少情況下可以不用 when,特別是在某些句型和某些時(shí)間狀語中。如本句的先行詞是 time,且在定語從句中作時(shí)間狀語,關(guān)系代詞 when 就省略了。
4、Disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke his back.The doctors did not expect him to live.
1995 年災(zāi)難降臨,他從馬上跌落下,摔斷了腰背。醫(yī)生沒有料到他能活下。
注意從句when he fell from his horse and broke his back. 是狀語從句。
短語“expect him to live”在本句中的意思是“料到他能活下”。短語中隱含了“expect sb. to do sth.”這種結(jié)構(gòu),意思為“估計(jì)/預(yù)料/期待某人干……”。如:
You’re expected to attend our party on time.
5、This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.
1)本句中 how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people 在主句中作表語,是表語從句。
2)表語從句中的引導(dǎo)詞 how 在從句中作方式狀語,不定式短語to improve the quality of life 也是狀語,表示目的。
6、So you can see, I’m far too busy with living to think of giving up !
2)I’m far too busy with …是賓語從句,作動(dòng)詞 see 的賓語。
3)賓語從句中的 too…to…是“太……而不能……”的意思,其中 too 是副詞,to 是動(dòng)詞不定式的小品詞。詞組 be busy with sth./doing sth.是“忙于某事/做某事”,think of 是“想到”,give up 是“放棄”。
拓展:too…to…結(jié)構(gòu)不是任何時(shí)候都表示否定含義,如 only too…to…就是表示肯定,結(jié)構(gòu)中 too 后的形容詞多為表示某種心情,如 glad, pleased, delighted 等。

一. 單詞拼寫和詞組專練
1. The little boy is s______ (嫻熟的)at inventing excuses.
2. Videos are (有用的) things to have in the classroom.
3. _____(幸運(yùn)地),he found the money he had lost.
4. After ten years hard work, we have (攢了)a lot of money.
5. I was a_____ to hear the a _____ story.
6. We aim at q____ _ rather than quantity.
7. I a______ her great bravery in face of the danger.
8. Venes’ father was strict his daughters their tennis training.
9. Peter and I often compete on the playground after school.
10. At last, the patient’s life to end.

二. 單項(xiàng)選擇
1. —Is there any hope of saving her life?
—Her injuries are extremely(極其) serious,but she’s expected to _____.
A. pull in B. pull over
C. pull up D. pull through
2. ary is kind. She is easy to _____.
A. go on B. get on with
C. get along D. go on with
3. We like Jack because he is a man ______everybody thinks is pleasant to _____.
A. who; talk B. whom; get on with
C. who; get on with D. whom; talk with
4. A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which in return will _____its economic development.
A. add B. increase
C. promote D. plus
5. If you _____a crime you can never escape being punished.
A. commit B.discharge
C. take D. do
6. The disabled _____down upon in the past .
A. was looked B. were looked
C. looked D. did look
7. They separated ten years ago and never met again then.
A. by B. from
C. ever D. since
8. No matter when I look my miserable past, I feel sad and sorrowful.
A. back B. on
C. back on D. upon
9. I like to everything .
A. personally B. on her own
C. by herself D. All of the above
10. — I feel much too full, um.
—You shouldn’t have eaten much for dinner.
A. too far B. very
C. far too D. very too

三. 綜合閱讀
For lovers of the arts, Apollo is a truly good magazine. Covering the ages and the great civiliza¬tions(明) of the world, Apollo brings you well-pictured yet fine articles by internationally famous writers, as well as information on exhibitions(展覽) and sales. Experience five monthly issues(報(bào)刊的期) for as little as £ 5 each.

The Guardian Weekly(每周衛(wèi)報(bào))
The Guardian Weekly gives you a world vieith articles() from four of the world’s most respected newspapers. Read the news from different views and draw your own conclusions(得出結(jié)論) on the stories shaping our world. Try it for 3 months for just £ 15.55. Plus(外加) get a free copy of The Guardian Year 2003.

New Internationalist(國際主義者)
Full of excellent writing and photos, the magazine covers one key topic each month, from Terror¬ism(恐怖主義) to Poverty(貧困) to Climate Change. Reporters from around the world provide you with a whole world vie
Plus: any fresh reports and stories to keep you up-to-date on world affairs(事務(wù). 3 months free and free World ap.

The Week
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1. Which of the following magazines will probably give you with articles about music and paintings?
A. Apollo. B. The Week.
C. New Internationalist. D. The Guardian Weekly.
2. It is possible that most of the readers of the four magazines are ______.
A. men B. women
C. children D. grown-ups
3. The underlined word up-to-date in the third text means .
A. know the latest information or changes
B. newest
C. at present
D. out of fashion.
4. Which of the following would you most probably read if you want to get information from the world’s most popular newspapers?
A. Apollo & The Week.
B. Apollo & New Internationalist.
C. The Guardian Weekly & The Week.
D. The Guardian Weekly & New Internationalist.
5. The purpose(目的)of the four texts is to ______.
A. tell the readers the latest news
B. get more readers to subscribe (訂閱)
C. show the importance of the four magazines
D. introduce(介紹) the four magazines to new readers
一. 單詞拼寫和詞組專練
1. skillful2. useful3. Fortunately/Luckily
4. raised5. amazed/amazing6. quality
7. admire8. with/in9. against
10. came

二. 單項(xiàng)選擇
1. D2. B3. D4. C5. A
6. B7. D8. C9. D10. A

三. 綜合閱讀
1. A2. D3. A4. C5. B

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/49697.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一英語上冊(cè) Unit 17-18單元專題復(fù)習(xí)教案