Through Travel教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Through Travel教案
Unit 6 Learning through Travel
一. 內(nèi)容:
Unit 6 Learning Through Travel

二. 重點:
1. 重點單詞:
apply to, look forward to, each other, not only. . . but also. . .,as well, all over, in addition to, go on
2. 重點句型:
(1)Would/Do you mind. . . ?
(2)Not only... but (also). . .
3. 語法:

三. 重難點解釋:
1. notice
We were making fun of him, but he didn’t seem to notice.
Though we have parted each other for 3 months, I can notice your change.
I noticed that Tom was deep in thought by the window.我看到Tom在窗邊沉思。
Have you noticed how the thief stole her money?
I noticed him come in. 我看到他進來了。
I didn’t notice them leaving just now.剛才,我沒有看到他們離開。
注意:notice sb do表示 “看到某人做某事”,常指注意到一個動作發(fā)生的過程;notice sb doing表示“注意到某人正在做某事”。
(2)n. 意思是 “注意,通告,宣布”
take notice (of ) 注意,理會,察覺
take no notice (of ) 沒有注意到,不理會
at short notice (BrE) /on short notice (AmE) / at a moment’s notice 隨時,一經(jīng)通知立即
Don’t take any notice of what he says.他說什么都不用理會。
Take notice of your own deeds and conduct yourself. 注意自己的言行,要守規(guī)矩。
We are about to leave at short notice. 一經(jīng)通知,我們就出發(fā)。
noticeable adj. 顯著的,顯而易見的
notice board (BrE) / bulletin board (AmE) 布告牌

2. presentation n.
The presentation of prizes began after the opening ceremony.
(2)[U]提出 (或展示,解釋的) 方式
Improving the product’s presentation will increase sales. 改進產(chǎn)品的包裝會提高銷售量。
Our company will give a presentation on our new cars. 我們公司將舉辦一次新車展示會。
The actors will give us a presentation in Lincoln Theatre.

3. exchange
(1) v. 交換,調(diào)換,更換
Li Ming and Jenny exchanged e-mails about their experiences in Canada.
The two sides have exchanged hostages.
Parents and their children should exchange notes now and then.
exchange sth for sth, 意思是“把某物換成另一物”
exchange sth with sb, 意思是“與某人互換某物”
He exchanged the old material for the new one.
Do you mind if I exchange the seat with you?
The exchange of products between our two countries was once rare in history.
What is the rate of exchange between the dollar and the pound?
I will teach you Chinese in exchange for your teaching me English.

4. spend
v. 花費(時間,金錢)
Tom has spent all his money. Tom花光了所有的錢。
常見搭配有spend sth (money) on sth. 意思是“花錢做某事 ”。
The filmmaker spent a great deal of money on the film.
Don’t spend all your money on clothes.不要把你的錢都用來買衣服。
常見搭配還有spend sth (time) on sth; spend sth (time) (in) doing 意思是“花時間做某事”。
You have to spend a lot of time on your advertisement before it is perfectly finished.
We spend the whole day(in)playing in the snow. 我們一天都在雪中玩耍。
常見搭配還有spend time with sb, 意思是“與某人共度時光”。
Young people should spend time with their parents more before it is too late to do so.

5. connection
n. 連接,聯(lián)結(jié);連接點,連接物;聯(lián)運交通工具
常用的搭配是connection between sth and sth, connection with/ to sth, 意思是“物與物間的連接”。
Is there some connection between smoking and cancer? 吸煙與癌癥是否有關(guān)?
His being fired had no connection with the project. 他被炒魷魚一事,跟這項工程無關(guān)。
I can feel a connection to the past when I am on the Great Wall.
短語:in connection with sb / sth, 意思是“與某人某事有關(guān)”。
I am writing to you in connection of your performance in the exam.

6. respect
v. 意思是“尊敬,敬重,尊重”
As you know, Chinese people respect their elders and care for the young.
I respect you for your honesty.由于你為人正直,我對你十分敬重。
I will respect your decisions.我會尊重你的決定。
短語:show respect to/for sb. 意思是“對……表示尊敬”。
We should show our respect for/ to our ancestors.我們應(yīng)該尊敬祖先。

7. similarity
n. 意思是“[U]相似,類似;[C]相似之處,相似點”。它是由形容詞similar (相似的,相象的)加后綴-ity轉(zhuǎn)變而來。指某方面的相似時,用介詞in; 指某人或某物之間的相似時用介詞between。
There is no similarity between us.我們之間沒有相似之處。
We have similarities in age and hobbies.我們在年齡和嗜好方面有相似之處。
adj. 意思是“相似的,類似的”
The twins look rather similar.這對雙胞胎看起來像極了。
Gold is similar to brass in color.金與黃銅的顏色相似。
We have similar tastes in sports?we are both fond of ball games. But Tom is different from us. He likes field and track events.

8. apply
v. 申請,請求;貼,敷;(使法律)生效,運用;適用,有效;集中精力做
(1)apply for sth 意思是“申請某物”
You can apply for a job to our company. 你可以在我們公司申請一份工作。
I am applying to go camping in Canada next year.我申請明年去加拿大參加野營。
(2)apply sth to… 意思是“在……上敷東西(藥物等)”
You can apply the liquid to the wound. 你可以在傷口處敷點液體藥物。
(3)apply sth 意思是“執(zhí)行,生效”
例如:Apply the law strictly.嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行法律規(guī)程。
(4)apply sth/oneself to sth/doing sth 意思是“集中精力做,專心做某事”
You must apply yourself to the work at the company.你在公司必須專心工作。
We should apply our minds to finding a solution.我們應(yīng)該集中精力找一個解決問題的方法。
(5)apply vi. 意思是“行得通”。
The rules don’t always apply.這些規(guī)則并非總能行得通。
application n.[C]/[U]
(1)申請(書),請求(書)(to sb/for sth/to do)
He fills in an application(form)to our association for membership.他填寫了一份入會申請。
Your application to go to Tibet will be considered. 你去西藏的申請我們會考慮。
We will learn more about the application of new technology to teaching.
The lotion is especially for external application. 乳液是專門外敷用的。

9. valuable
adj. 寶貴的,值錢的;珍貴的
Parry has a valuable collection of stamps. Parry有一些很有價值的郵票。
My teacher’s advice is very valuable to me.老師的建議,對我來說,是很寶貴的。
Thank you for your valuable help.謝謝你的幫助。(它對我來說是寶貴的)

10. costly
adj. 意思是“昂貴的,價格高的”。它是以-ly結(jié)尾的形容詞,相當(dāng)于形容詞expensive。
Most restaurants are very costly in Nanjing.南京有很多飯店飯菜很貴。
The fee is so costly here.這里的費用很高。
It is likely to rain.極有可能下雨。
He is helpful and friendly to all his classmates.他樂于助人,對同學(xué)也很友好。
Daily news can make us fresh.每日新聞可以讓我們知道最新的信息。
Miss Zhang talks to us in a motherly way.張老師慈母般地與我們交流。
I am alone at home but I don’t feel lonely.我獨自在家,但不感到孤單。

11. rent v.
(1)意思是“租借,租用(土地,房屋,電話,機器等等)。常見搭配rent sth from sb,意思是“從某人那里租借或租用某物”。
I rent a video from a bookstore.我的錄像機是從書店租來的。
(2)意思是“將(土地,房屋,電話,機器)出租給某人”。常見搭配rent sth (out) to sb或rent sb sth
Would you rent me your machine?把你的機器借給我好嗎?
We rent this land (out) to him at a pretty high price.我們以相當(dāng)高的價格把這塊地租給了他。
(3)rent at/for sth, 意思是“以一定的租金出租”。
The building rents at $ 60,000 dollars a year.這座辦公大樓以每月6000美元的價格出租。

12. neat adj.
Make sure your desk looks neat.確保你的桌子看上去很整潔。
I can easily recognize his neat handwriting.我很容易就能認(rèn)出他工整的筆跡。
短語:as neat as a pin十分整潔
Your living room is as neat as a pin.你的起居室十分整潔。
It’s really a neat movie. 這真是一部極好的電影。
My teacher can speak neat English.我的老師英語說得很好。
The lady walks in a neat way.這個女士走路姿勢很優(yōu)雅。
(3)(酒)純的, 未攙水的
The wine is neat.這酒酒味純正。

13. tour
(1)n. 旅行,旅游,游覽,參觀,巡回比賽和巡回演出
We will go on a tour to Athens.我們要到雅典旅游。
A conducted/guided tour is very necessary for us tourists.
The orchestra is on tour in Britain. 該管弦樂隊正在英國巡回演出。
(2)v. tour (in ...),意思是“在某地旅行,旅游或巡回”
The professors are touring in Tibet.教授們正在西藏游歷。
The play will tour Canada next year.該劇將于明年在加拿大巡回演出。
tourist n. 旅游者
tourism n. 旅游業(yè)

14. wonder
(1)n. 驚奇,驚嘆,令人驚奇的事物
There are seven wonders in the world. 世界有七大奇觀。
The children watched the conjuror in silent wonder.
(It is) no wonder he can have such excellent scores. He works harder than any other student in our class. 難怪他成績那么好,他是班里最刻苦的學(xué)生。
(2)v. 感到驚奇,驚嘆,感到好奇
We wondered at the speed with which it arrived. 它速度之快,讓我們十分驚嘆。
I wonder who he is. 我不知道他究竟是誰。
I wonder whether they will arrive on time. 我不知道他們能否準(zhǔn)時到達(dá)。
15. experience
(1)n. [U] 意思是“(由實踐得來的)經(jīng)驗;實踐”。
He gained valuable experience while working on the project.
In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
It is important to try and learn from experience. 通過實踐并不斷的從中學(xué)習(xí),是很重要的。
[C] 意思是“(一次)經(jīng)歷,體驗”。
an enjoyable/ exciting/ unusual/ unforgettable experience
一次愉快的/ 令人激動的/ 不尋常的/ 難忘的經(jīng)歷
Our journey was quite an experience. 我們的旅行可謂是一段難忘的經(jīng)歷。
I had a bad experience with fireworks once. 我放煙火有過一次不愉快的遭遇。
Many of today’s travelers want to have a new experience from their travels.
(2)v. 經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)過
Our country has experienced great changes in the last fifty years.
Everyone experienced these problems at some time in their lives.
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. 我上飛機時曾一度感到恐慌。
He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships. 他經(jīng)歷過一切艱難困苦。
experienced adj.“富有經(jīng)驗的”
He is an experienced teacher. 他是一位教學(xué)經(jīng)驗豐富的教師。
He is much experienced in looking after animals. 他養(yǎng)動物很有經(jīng)驗。

16. local
(1)adj.本地的,當(dāng)?shù)氐?br />例句:
Local people will warmly welcome you.當(dāng)?shù)鼐用駮䶮崆榈貧g迎你的到來。
Local government will make laws against illegal trade.
Can local doctors operate on the special patient?
local call 本地電話
local color (文藝作品的)地方色彩,地方特色
local government 地方政府(相對于“中央政府”central government)
local time 當(dāng)?shù)貢r間
(2)n. 意思是“本地人, 當(dāng)?shù)厝恕,通常用作?fù)數(shù)locals
The locals here tend to be suspicious of strangers.當(dāng)?shù)厝藢δ吧送薪湫摹?br />
17. lower
vt. vi. (使)某人,某物降低,下降,(使)某物減少”
He lowered his gun slowly.他慢慢把槍放下。
On hearing the news, she lowered her head.聽到這個消息,她低下了頭。
He lowered his voice to a whisper.他把聲音降到耳語那么低。
The price of clothes lowered.衣服降價了。
短語:lower oneself (by doing sth) 口語用法,意思是“降低身份或自尊”
Don’t lower yourself by asking him for help.不要向他求助,以免降低身份。

18. official
(1)adj. 官方的,正式的;公務(wù)的,公職的
English is an official language used worldwide.英語是世界通用的官方語言。
An official announcement was made just now.剛剛下了官方通告。
He has official responsibilities on his shoulders.他有公務(wù)在身。
Official powers should not be misused.(任何人)不能濫用公職。
(2)n. 官員
Our government officials serve people heart and soul.

1. 我向他揮手道別, 但他沒注意到我。
I am waving goodbye ____ him, but he doesn’t __________ me.
2. 旅行者會沿途收集一些植物和石頭。
The _____ will _________ some plants and stones on their way.
3. 王教授將前往巴黎作交流。
Professor Wang is going on an________ ______ Paris.
4. 青少年不應(yīng)該花太多的精力玩電腦游戲。
Teenagers should not ______ too much energy_____ computer games.
5. 看起來,我的老板與這起犯罪案件有關(guān)。
My boss seems to have some _______ ___ the crime.
6. 年輕人應(yīng)該尊敬祖先。
The youth should show their ______ to the ________.
7. 我們在閱歷和人生態(tài)度方面有很多相似之處。
We share some_______ in ________ and attitude of life.
8. 我們應(yīng)該集中精力探索火星上的礦物質(zhì)。
We should ______ ourselves to ________ the minerals on Mars.
9. 難怪你又遲到了,你睡過頭了!
____ is no _______that you are late again. You just slept over!
10. 這次環(huán)球旅行花費相當(dāng)高。
The _____ around the world is pretty______.
1. to; notice 2. tourists; collect 3. exchange to
4. spend; on/ playing 5. connection(s) with/to
6. respect; ancestors 7. similarities; experiences
8. apply; exploring 9. It; wonder 10. tour; costly

1. go snowmobiling (乘滑雪車)滑雪
?How about going snowmobiling with us? ?Sounds good!
?為什么不和我們一起滑雪呢? ?好主意!
go swimming/shopping/skiing/skating/fishing/picnicing/camping/touring/…

2. start a fire 生火
Let’s start a fire and do cooking.讓我們生火做飯吧。
(1)make/build a fire生火
It is so wet here in the forest that we can’t make/build a fire easily.
(2)catch fire 著火
Look! Your house catches fire!看!你的房子著火了。
(3)put out a /the fire 滅火
All of us help him put out the fire with water.我們都用水幫他滅火。
(4)make up a fire使其燒得更旺
Make up the fire, so that I can dry my clothes.燒旺些,我要把衣服烤干。
(5)set fire to 放火,使某物開始燃燒
Don’t set fire to the village. 不要在村子里放火。
(6)play with fire 玩火(進行愚蠢的冒險)
Play with fire, and you should face the music.想要玩火,后果自負(fù)。
(7)go through fire and water 冒極大的危險,忍受極大的痛苦,赴湯蹈火
In order to achieve our goal, we should be ready to go through fire and water.

3. up to
He is up to some tricks.他在耍手段。
He is up to no good.他不干好事兒。
The number of sheep is up to 1000 in total now.羊的總數(shù)達(dá)到1000頭。
The snow is up to our knees now.大雪已深達(dá)我們膝蓋位置了。
(3)be up to doing 在干某事,密謀干壞事
They are up to setting fire to the old man’s house.他們密謀要放火燒毀老人家的房子。
(4)be up to sb (to do)由某人決定,負(fù)責(zé)做某事
?Shall we go skiing or go skating?
?It is up to you.
?Well, let’s go skating!

4. in some way在某種程度上,不完全地
in some way 相當(dāng)于in a/ one way,也相當(dāng)于to some degree。
In some way, he succeeded (in) running business. 在一定程度上講,他經(jīng)商是成功的。
The Yellow River is the cradle of life in some ways, though it brings disasters sometimes.
(1)the(one’s) way of doing…/the(one’s) way to do…做……(事)的方法/方式
Do you have any way to deal with the problem? 你有解決問題的方法嗎?
Here are a couple of ways of communicating with foreigners.
(2)in a friendly/ polite/appropriate/… way 以友好的/禮貌的/合適的/……方式
My partner is a person who behaves in a very gentle way.
I don’t appreciate the way (in which/that) you treat your parents.
(3)on one’s/the way(to) 在某人去……的路上
I will pick you up on my way home. 回家時,我會順便開車接你。
I came across an old friend this morning on my way to school.
(4)by the way 在途中路邊;順便說,(插入題外話)
Let’s stop for a picnic by the way. 我們在(途中的)路邊野餐吧。
We’ve talked for almost an hour. Which company do you work for, by the way?
(5)in the way 阻礙,造成不便
Don’t stand in the way! Drive away instantly. 別攔在路上!趕快把車開走。
When difficulties are in the way, don’t be anxious, but keep calm.
(6)in the family way 懷孕
Mrs. Wang is in the family way. 王太太懷孕了。
(7)under way (活動,項目)已經(jīng)開始并在進行
The project is under way. 這項工程已經(jīng)啟動了。
(8)in this way = this way =by this means 這樣,以這種方式
Only in this way can we have a pleasant conversation.只有這樣我們的談話才會順利進行。
(9)in that way =that way 那樣,以那種方式
That way we can find the solution.那樣,我們才能找到解決問題的辦法。
(10)no way 經(jīng)常用于口語中,意思是“決不”。
?Let’s give away our stamps!
?No way!
In no way can we turn against our country! 我們無論如何都不能背叛祖國!
1. 單項選擇:
(1) None of us like the way _______ you speak to the elders.
A. which B. in that C. that D. by which
(2) The way ____you treat your parents should be criticized.
A. of B. which C. by which D./
(3) The plan is perfectly good _______ except for a minor mistake.
A. in the way B. by the way C. by way of D. in a way
2. 選擇合適的短語填空:
in no way in the way on the way in one way
(1) Don’t stand ________. Let me pass.
(2) The plan is well-organized _________.
(3) He picked up a wallet from the floor ________.
(4) Theory should ________ be separated from practice.
3. 根據(jù)漢語,翻譯句子:
1. (1) C (2) D (3) D
2. (1) in the way (2) in one way (3) on the way (4) in no way
3. (1) Different people have different ways of understanding life.
(2) You are back! Oh, by the way, I have good news for you.
(3) Get up early. You can catch the bus only in this way.或
Get up early. Only in this way can you catch the bus.

5. tend to 傾向于,趨向,趨于
Women tend to live longer than men.
I tend to stay up late into the night.
It tends to rain a lot here in summer.

6. look forward to sth/ doing sth 盼望,欣然期待
I am looking forward to your letter.
I look forward to this weekend. My aunt is going from abroad.
We are looking forward to seeing you again.
(1) Our company looks forward to ______ (work) with you.
(2) Every one of us is looking forward to______(play) in the snow.
(3) Christmas, which the children all look forward to _____ (come).
Key: (1) working (2) playing (3) will come或comes

7. along with 與……一同,與……一起
Why don’t you go along with us?
Tom, along with his parents is planning a trip to Venice.
注意:此例句中的along with可以替換為 together with 或as well as。主語是單數(shù)形式,而后面跟有along with, together with和as well as短語表示“與……一起”時,句子的謂語動詞要用單數(shù)。

8. take care保重
Take care, and have a good trip!
Take care, and don’t forget to send my love for your sister.
(1)take care of 照料
She takes great care of her child.
When I am away, take care of yourself.
(2)take care that 當(dāng)心,小心
Take care that you don’t work too much.
(3)take care to do 當(dāng)心,小心
Take care to carry the luggage.

9. be/ go on a trip to… 去……旅行
I am going on a trip to Brazil next week.
Who will you be on a trip with?
(1)go on a tour to 去……旅行,巡回演出
The band named Eagles has gone on a tour to Mississippi.
(2)go on a journey to 去……旅游
I am going on a journey to Leshan.
(3)go on an exchange to 去……進行交流活動
I will go on an exchange to Australia with my classmates.
我和我的同學(xué)要去澳大利亞(與)當(dāng)?shù)厝俗鲆淮谓涣鳌?br />短語拓展二
a trip to Australia 意為“去澳大利亞的旅行”。其中to是介詞,表示方向,后面要加名詞,代詞,或動名詞doing與to一起,做后置定語來修飾前面的名詞。類似用法還有:
This is the entrance(入口)to the hall. 這是大廳的入口。
A good teacher is a bridge to knowledge.一個好老師是我們通往知識的橋梁。
The government built this monument to the heroes.政府建造了紀(jì)念碑來紀(jì)念英雄。
Our president will pay a visit to Russia.我國總統(tǒng)將訪問俄羅斯。
Make some necessary notes to the passage.必要時,要在這篇文章上做筆記。
Never be the traitor to our country!永不叛國!
Find an answer(答案) to question.找到問題的答案。
Pay attention(注意力) to the screen.注意看屏幕。
This book is a good guide(指導(dǎo)) to your plan.這本書可以很好地指導(dǎo)你訂計劃。
Some insects do a great deal of harm(傷害) to the plants.有些昆蟲會給植物造成很大傷害。
If you have a MP3, you will have the ticket(車票,途徑) to freedom.
Computer is a good assistance(輔助) to your study.計算機是你學(xué)習(xí)的好幫手。
He has made a great contribution(貢獻) to dinosaur research.
We are motivated by your devotion(專注) to education career.
Thanks(多虧) to your help, we have overcome the obstacles.

10. at (the) least 反正,無論如何;至少
He may be slow, but at least he is hardworking.
If no one cares about you, you can have me at least.
You have been late at least for three times till now.
at (the) most 至多,最多
I will offer you 10,000 yuan at (the) most.

11. the rest of 剩余的
Some students are going camping, while the rest (of them) are going skiing.
一些學(xué)生要去野營,而剩下的( 學(xué)生)去滑雪。
The rest of the water is dried up in the basin.
注意:名詞或代詞前面有the rest of來修飾時,句子的謂語動詞所采用的形式,要根據(jù)the rest of 前面的名詞或代詞來確定。如果被修飾部分是可數(shù)的,謂語動詞要用復(fù)數(shù)形式;反之謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。

12. save money 省錢,存錢
Save money for yourself in case of emergencies.
Shopping on the Internet saves both money and time.

13. on a (tight) budget 缺錢,拮據(jù)
I am on a tight budget now.
A family on a budget can’t afford meat every day.

14. with 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)
He stayed in the snow, with the door open.
(2)with + 名詞 +現(xiàn)在分詞(短語),其中現(xiàn)在分詞短語表示 with 后名詞發(fā)生的動作是主動進行的,此名詞為動作的執(zhí)行者。
He went to sleep with the machine working.
(3)with + 名詞 + 過去分詞(短語),其中過去分詞(短語)done,表示 with 后名詞發(fā)生的動作是被動完成的,其賓語是動作的承受者。
You can go to play tennis only with your homework finished.
(4)with + 名詞 + 不定式(短語)to do ,其中動詞不定式表示目的或?qū)l(fā)生而未發(fā)生的事。
Little Tony play all day,with nothing to worry about.
(5)with + 名詞 + 介詞短語
He stepped in, with tears in his eyes.
(6)with + 名詞 + 副詞
He went to school,with the breakfast over.
Tom cannot continue studying with all the children _____and ______.
The beggar walked through the street with money ____ ___ his pockets.
With his homework _____, Peter went to sleep.
With no one ____ (scold), he is cross with me.
With the boy ____ (lead) the way, we easily got out of the forest.
He looked at the blackboard with delight ___ his eyes.
He went to sleep with the light ____.
Hotels usually have larger rooms with many beds_____.
(1)laughing; singing(2)full of/ filled with(3)finished(4)to scold
(5)leading (6)in (7)on (8)inside

15. be supposed to be 應(yīng)該是
You are supposed to be here on guard at any moment.
Tomorrow I’m going to see St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is supposed to be just magnificent.
be supposed to do 被期望或被要求(按慣例或規(guī)則)做某事
Am I supposed to finish all the exercise before 11:00?
You are supposed to be challenged to read more literature and other materials.

16. be off to 意思是“動身去……”,相當(dāng)于動詞短語leave for
I am off to Tibet. = I am leaving for Tibet.

17. in addition to 加之,除……之外還有
In addition to Tom, there are six more men applying for this job.
In addition to a visa, you also need a passport.

18. at the very top of … 恰恰在……的頂端
This plant is discovered at the very top of the Qinglong Mountain.
very adj. 恰巧的,恰好的
You are the very person I am looking for.
This is the very book all the students desire to buy.

19. look way out 遠(yuǎn)眺,眺望
You can look way out over New York at the very top of the building.

20. can’t wait to do 迫不及待地做……
I miss you so much. I can’t wait to see you.
I can’t wait to know the outcome for the match!

21. one more 再一個,又一個,相當(dāng)于another
We need one more coffee.
Mr Wang needs one more student to help with the papers.

22. no/little/small wonder… 難怪……,怪不得……,這并不出奇
(It is) No wonder you were late!
(It is) Small wonder that he is so tired! He has to support a family of six!

23. in recognition of認(rèn)可,承認(rèn)
This award is given to you in recognition of your good performance.
The prize goes to Mr Smith in recognition of his achievement in the field of medicine.

24. more…than…比……更……,與其說……不如說……
We have more books than you do.
He works more earnestly than Tom.
He is more excited than happy.
It was more like a party than a meeting.
(1)more than 多于(指數(shù)量),不僅僅
I have more than three books in my draw.
He is more than our teacher. He is our friend.
(2)no more than 不多于,至多,相當(dāng)于at most。
I have no more than 3 books.
(3)no+形容詞比較級(A)+ than +B A與B一樣不……
此結(jié)構(gòu)含感情色彩,可以理解為 “as + 形容詞的反義詞原級”。例如:
He is no richer( a man) than a beggar.
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
(4)not more than 不多于,至多
I have not more than 3 books.
I have no more than 3 books.
(1) The picture is more like a dog than a tiger.
(2) He feels more disappointed than depressed.
(3) He is more an expert than a teacher.
(4) I have planted more than 3,000 trees.
(5) I have planted not more than 3,000 trees.
(6) I have planted no more than 3,000 trees.
(7) He is more like an expert than a spokesman.

25. as…as… 像……一樣,如同
He was as white as a sheet.
I haven’t known him as/ so long as you (have known him).
(1)在肯定句中,我們要采用as…as…結(jié)構(gòu);否定句中,…not as (so)…as…兩種形式都可以。
(2)如果涉及數(shù)量我們可以用as much…as…或as many…as…
He doesn’t earn as much as me / I do.
We need as many records as possible.

第一部分 語言知識運用
第一節(jié) 詞語運用
1. The two men e_______ greetings when they met.
2. _______(花費,花 ) time in Canada with you all is fun.
3. When in Rome, r________ the traditions of the Roman people.
4. Can you find out the s________ and differences between the culture of China and Italy?
5. Pat has _______(申請) to go camping in Australia.
6. Your kitchen is n_______ and tidy.
7. When he failed the exam, he got worried and l______ his eyes.
8. I am ________(不知道) if you can do us a favor.
9. We are all looking forward to _________(經(jīng)歷,感受) something exciting in the North Pole.
10. We can _______(提高) our English by speaking out loud.

第二節(jié) 單項選擇
1. ?What about going for a picnic? ?_______
A. Help yourself, please. B. Go ahead, please.
C. Sounds great! D. Yes, we’d better.
2. _____ are the days _____ we spent in our college together.
A. Going; when B. Going; that
C. Gone; when D. Gone; /
3. Remember the times _____ we children played happily, but now I have to go, because it’s time that I ____ for work.
A. that; leave B. when; am leaving
C. that; am leaving D. when; left
4. I won’t go to the lecture. I know nothing about it; ______, I have an appointment.
A. besides B. therefore C. however D. otherwise
5.Your living room is very nice______ the fact that it is a little dark inside.
A. butB. except for
C. exceptD. besides
6. She plays the violin __________, if not better than my sister.
A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as
7. ____ my surprise, she saw _____ Jeff’s trick.
A. To; off B. In; through C. To; through D. In ; off
8.It ______ me much time to finish my work.
A. costs B. pays C. spends D. takes
9. John shut everybody out of the kitchen, ___ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.
A. which B. when C. so that D. as if
10. Roses need special care____ they can live through winter.
A. because B. so that C. even if D. as
11.The day we look forward to ______.
A. come B. coming C. comes D. came
12. With her son _____, the old father _____ himself.
A. disappointing; hanged B. disappointed; hanged
C. disappointing; hung D. disappointed; hung
13.You should spend as much time as you can ______ English.
A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. to have learned
14.In Guangzhou, you will hear people____ speak Cantonese.
A. most B. almost C. mostly D. more
15. ?She is absent from the meeting. ?I’m so sorry. What ____ to her?
A. have happened B. can have happened
C. must have happened D. would have happened
16. ?Tomorrow the debate will be held. Don’t forget to come. ?______.
A. I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t
17. ?Could I come here again tomorrow? ?Yes, you_____.
A. could B. may C. can D. might
18. In addition ____ Paris, I have traveled to New York and Venice.
A. on B. in C. to D. with
19. Your room is twice_____ mine.
A. big than B. as bigger as C. size of D. as big as
20. In ____ countries, you can have a good environment to practice your _____ English.
A. English-spoken, speaking B. English-spoken, spoken
C. English-speaking, speaking D. English-speaking, spoken

第三節(jié) 完形填空
Suzhou, an ancient city in East China's Jiangsu Province, has again attracted world attention, chosen 1 the host city for the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee, _2 will be held from June 28 to July 7.
Popularly 3 as a “paradise on earth” in ancient times, Suzhou is _4_ famous for its _5_ gardens. Nine gardens in Suzhou are included on UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List. And Suzhou's Kunqu Opera was also classed as a “Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage” by UNESCO in 2001. But Suzhou has much more to offer _6_ its beautiful gardens and marvelous Kunqu Opera.
The fabric of the city's history is resplendent with its many strands of _7_ history and culture.
Suzhou people 8_ their history back to the end of the Shang Dynasty around 1100 BC. When Taibo, _9_ his brother Zhongyong, both princes of Zhou, fled from China's northwest to the middle and 10_ reaches of the Yangtze River, they were elected as leaders of the local people, _11_ the foundation of the ancient Gou-Wu State. That is 12_ Suzhou was originally called Wu.
In 514 BC, Wu Zixu, the prime minister of King Helu, supervised the re-construction of Suzhou, and that marked the beginning of today's city. The city, _13_ that time a town, was called Helu. It had a circumference of 23.5 kilometers, 14_ walls and a moat and eight gates, traces of which can still be found today.
15 its history, Suzhou has 16 many changes, 17_ its name. The present name was 18_ in AD 589 during the Sui Dynasty. _19 it has remained at the same site and retained its original construction for more than 2,500 years. With its grid structure of roads and waterways, ancient Suzhou _20_ to be one of the largest cities in China.
1. A. likeB. forC. asD. to
2. A. whatB. thatC. itD. which
3. A. referringB. referring toC. referredD. referred to
4. A. mostB. almostC. mostlyD. more
5. A. modernB. classicC. usedD. old
6. A. asB. overC. beyondD. than
7. A. ownB. itselfC. localD. national
8. A. seeB. putC. traceD. remember
9. A. as wellB. andC. togetherD. together with
10.A. lowB. lowerC. lowererD. lowest
11. A. layB. layingC. lieD. lying
12. A. whatB. becauseC. whyD. when
13. A. byB. inC. atD. till
14. A. andB. withC. withoutD. no
15. A. InB. FromC. ThoroughD. Through
16. A. experienceB. goneC. seeD. seen
17. A. includeB. includedC. includingD. includes
18. A. adaptB. adoptC. adaptedD. adopted
19. A. AndB. SoC. HoweverD. But
20. A. get usedB. is usedC. usedD. has been used

第二部分 閱讀理解
Two men traveling through a forest together promised to help each other whatever danger threatened them. They had not gone far when a bear rushed at them from some bushes. One man was a good climber, and quickly climbed a nearby tree, but the other, seeing that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat on his back, and pretended to be dead. The Bear came up to him, sniffed at him, and thinking him dead went off into the wood again without hurting him. When he had gone, the other traveler came down from the tree, and smilingly asked his companion what the Bear had said to him.
“For I could see,” he said, “ that he put his mouth close to your ear.”
“He told me to tell you,” replied the other, “that you were a great coward, and that in future I should not trust those who make fine promises, but will not stand by their friends in danger.”
1. Why did one of them fall flat on the floor in the forest?
A. He was too frightened at the bear to stand still.
B. He wanted to save his friend.
C. He wanted to attract the bear’s attention.
D. He wanted to escape by acting as a dead person.
2. What does the underlined phrase “sniffed at” mean? It means _____
A. The bear stared at him. B. The bear smelt the man.
C. The bear tasted him. D. The bear touched him.
3. What’s the probable outcome (結(jié)果) after their experience with the bear?
A. They would still be good friends.
B. The man who climbed the tree would have more good companions in the future.
C. The man who fell flat on the ground would make friends with the bear.
D. The two men would go on separate ways at last.
4. What is the moral (寓意) of the story?
A. Never go through a forest without guns.
B. Never rush immediately you see a bear.
C. Don't trust fine promises unless you are sure of the person who makes them.
D. When in emergencies (危急情況), one should keep calm.

Greenland offers adventures of ice and snow like nowhere else on this planet. The ice cap up to three kilometers thick covers an area 14 times the size of England, and icebergs snap off(折斷) the glaciers(冰川)at the edges of the ice cap. You'll experience icebergs almost everywhere in Greenland. In the Disko Bay, icebergs often rise up to 100 meters above the waterline-keep in mind that 90 percent of an iceberg is hidden below the surface of the sea. The world's most active glacier at Illissat moves 25-30 meters a day and calves(裂冰)across a front 10 kilometers in width. Visiting the ice cap is possible from most towns in Greenland, although it usually takes a helicopter flight or a boat trip to reach the edge of the inland ice. In Kangerlussuaq the ice cap is only 20 kilometers away and you can hike, drive, fly or mountain bike there -and stay overnight if you bring a tent. Springtime is the best season for dog-sledge tours and skiing although Greenland also offers first class summer skiing, even heli-skiing, on glaciers, and dog-sledge tours in the summer.
Greenland hosts several international events related to ice & snow, such as the Arctic Circle Race regarded as the toughest ski race in the world, the Ice Golf World Championships, and the Snow Sculpture Festival.
As a neighbor to the North Pole, Greenland has an Arctic climate, although there are great differences from north to south, and from coast to inland. Generally speaking, the climate is very dry, and as a result, temperatures feel quite different from most other places in the world. 10-15 degrees Celsius, that is, 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit, feels very warm, while minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) is equivalent to a comfortable temperature.
5. Which of the following description of Greenland is false according to the passage?
A. The ice cap is as much as three kilometers thick.
B. The size of the ice cap is 14 times larger than that of England.
C. In the Disko Bay, 90 percent of the iceberg can’t be seen on the surface of the sea.
D. Icebergs break off the glaciers from the center of the ice cap.
6. Where is the world's most active glacier in Greenland?
A. In the Disko Bay. B. At Ilulissat
C. In Kangerlussuaq. D. In the North Pole.
7. How do visitors reach the edge of the inland ice in Greenland?
A. By helicopter. B. By boat.
C. By snowboard. D. Both A and B.
8. What’s the climate in Greenland like?
A. There is little variety from region to region.
B. The climate is fairly wet.
C. It is characterized as Arctic.
D. Minus 10 degrees Celsius make people there feel too hot.

(1) A bike tour and race
It will be held at 5:30 a.m. on August 26 and 27(Sat. and Sun). The riders will leave Tian’anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next 55 kilometer leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive (競爭性的)part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.
The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaile, covering a distance of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday morning is free for play at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.
Cost: 200 yuan
Telephone: 4675027
(2) Brazilian footballers
The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guo’an Team at the Workers Stadium on August 26th.The club has four national team players. Also coming is 1994 US World Cup star Romero who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes.
Ticket prices: 60,100,150 yuan
Time/Date: 4:30 p.m., August 26(Sat.)
Telephone: 5012372
(3) Rocket climbing
The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26-27 at the Huairou Mountain-climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan, Jilin and other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing.
Free for spectators(觀眾).
Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou.
Time/Date: 9-12a.m., August 26 and 27
Telephone: 7143177,7148850.
9. The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about_____.
A. visiting teamsB. famous players
C. things to do for the weekendD. prices to pay for the sports events
10. If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for _____ kilometers.
A. 35 B. 55 C. 75 D. 110
11. The underlined word “l(fā)eg” in “ Bicycle tour and race” probably means______.
A. race B. practice C. part of the training D. part of the tour
12. If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?
A. 4675027 B.7143177 C. 5012372 D.7144850

第三部分 寫作
第一節(jié) 短文改錯
A boy who was cleaning the shoes in the street said to1. __________
a young man passed by. “ Let me clean your boots. It’ll2. __________
spend you only a penny.” But the young man refused. Then3. __________
the boy told him that he will clean his boots for free.4. __________
The young man agreed, and soon a boot shining brightly.5. __________
Then he put the other boot on the box, and the boy refused6. __________
clean it unless he was paid two pence for his work. The7. __________
young man refused to pay for anything and went away. But8. __________
the well-cleaned boot made the dirty one so bad that he9. __________
could not walk on. He returned back and gave the boy 10. _________
two pence.

第二節(jié) 漢譯英
1. 我注意到他正把空瓶子收集到一個箱子里。(notice)
2. 昨天, 雙方就食品安全問題交換了意見。(exchange)
3. 他常常工作到深夜。(tend to)
4. 他說話時,兩只眼睛一直盯著我看。(with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu))
5. 你本來應(yīng)該7:00前上交報告的(但是你沒有做到)。 (be supposed to)

第三節(jié) 書面表達(dá)
scene(風(fēng)景)features (特色)
the Golden Summi在山頂,可以觀云海,看日出,隱約可見雄偉的神廟和其他建筑,具有神秘色彩。
Wannian Templestatue(塑像) of Samantabhadra,高7.85米, 重62噸,是中國重要的文化遺產(chǎn)。
Leshan Giant Buddha建在九頂山上, 高達(dá)71米,是世界上最大的石佛像,與當(dāng)?shù)氐淖匀伙L(fēng)光和諧的融為一體。
第一部分 語言知識運用
第一節(jié) 詞語運用
1. exchanged 2. Spending 3. respect 4. similarities 5. applied
6. neat 7. lowered 8. wondering 9. experiencing 10. improve
第二節(jié) 單項選擇
1. C
2. D 此句為倒裝句,那些日子已逝去.正常語序為:The days are gone. gone是形容詞,意思是“消逝的”。第二個空考察的是定語從句。spend 是及物動詞,the days 在從句中做spent的賓語,關(guān)系詞為that/which,且可以省略。
3. D the times,指一些時光,做先行詞,定語從句we children played happily中,沒有表示時間的狀語,因此選關(guān)系副詞when。It is time that…“該到……的時間了”。從句中要用一般過去時。
4. A besides,另外,還有;therefore,因此,是原因副詞;however,然而,副詞;otherwise,否則,副詞。
5. B 6. B 7. C短語see through a trick的意思是“看穿詭計”。
8. D 9. C 10. B
11. C 句子的主干是The day comes/will come,其中we look forward to 是定語從句。
12. A with 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中,選disappointing表“兒子是令人失望的”,爸爸才上吊而亡。hang的過去式hanged表示“上吊”,而hung表示“掛”。
13. C 14. C
15. B 對過去已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事情做出可能性的推測,要用 can have done。
16. B 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. D

第三節(jié) 完形填空
1. C as介詞,意思是“作為”。D項應(yīng)該改為to be才對。
2. D which引導(dǎo)非限定性定語從句。C項改為and it 才對。
3. D refer to 意思是“提到,談到”,這里用過去分詞短語作狀語,表示被動意義。
4. A
5. B classic 形容詞,意思是“古典的,古代的”。
6. D
7. C
8. C trace… back to意思是“將……追溯到……”。
9. D
10. B
11. B lay foundation for…意思是“為……奠定基礎(chǔ)”。
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. D through與thorough不同。C項的thorough為形容詞,意思是“徹底的,完全的”。
16. D 其中A項改為experienced,B項改為gone through才正確。
17. C
18. D adapt意思是“改編,改寫”;adopt意思是“采用”。
19. D 若用C項,應(yīng)在However后面加逗號。
20. C used to be/do意思為“過去常!;get/be used to sth/doing意思為“習(xí)慣于”。

第二部分 閱讀理解
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B
7. D 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. C

第三部分 寫作
第一節(jié) 短文改錯
1. 去掉the 2. passed改為passing或passed前加who/ that 3. spend改為cost
4. will改為would 5. boot與shining之間加was 6. and改為but 7. clean前面加to
8. 去掉for 9. 正確 10. 去掉back或?qū)eturned改為went

第二節(jié) 漢譯英
1. I noticed him collecting empty bottles into a box.
2. Yesterday, the two sides exchanged ideas about the safety of food with each other.
3. He tends to work late into the night.
4. He talked, with his eyes fixed on me.
5. You are supposed to have handed in your report before 7:00.

第三節(jié) 書面表達(dá)
Located in Sichuan Province, Emei Mountain has a recorded history of over 2,000 years, during which time a rich Buddhist cultural heritage has accumulated. There’re major sights as follows:
At the top of the Golden Summit, one can enjoy the sunrise and seas of clouds. Magnificent temples and other buildings can be dimly seen in the sun, which seem mysterious.
In the Wannian Temple towers a statue of Samantabhadra. It is 7.85 meters high, weighs 62 tons and is one of China's important cultural relics.
The Giant Buddha statue, the world's highest stone statue, with a height of 71m, is in perfect harmony with the natural landscape.
Emei Mountain is blessed with the world’s natural beauty and culture.Welcome to Emei Mountain!
謝謝夸獎!在加拿大與講英語的家庭一起生活,能極大地提高我的口語水平。我想多學(xué)些東西,因此報名參加了明年去澳大利亞的夏令營活動。我們不僅四處觀光,參加野營,還會接觸到來自世界各地的人。(6) 我對此充滿了期待。為何不加入我們呢,珍妮?


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