
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1. ________ returning from abroad, he set about setting up a club for young climbers.
A. Upon B. At C. In D. During
2. The River Nile ________ flood large areas, but now the waters of it ________ electricity.
A. is used to, used to produce B. used to, are used to producing
C. used to, used to produce D. used to, are used to produce
3. In the end she decided to sell the house ________ windows face south.
A. which B. that C. what D. whose
4. He regretted ________ in the exam because he was punished.
A. to cheat B. cheating C. cheated D. being cheated
5. Though the boy came back to life, ______ he was still weak.
A. but B. yet C. however D. so
6. He was a ______ teacher and all his students show ______ him.
A. respected; respect forB. respectful; respect to
C. respect; respect to D. respectable; respect for
7. Lily had to work ________ hours to finish all her work in time.
A. extra B. spare C. average D. whole
8. His mother doesn’t ________ of her going to study in the United States alone.
A. allow B. agree C. prove D. approve
9. The manager required that the work ________ before Friday.
A. to be finished B. would be finished C. be finished D. was to be finished
10. Is this the only thing ________ she has brought to me?
A. that B. which C. whose D. what
11. In my opinion, work provides us much ________ just salary and income; it also helps us realize our dreams and makes us feel confident.
A. rather than B. other than C. better than D. more than
12. We Chinese should ________ the differences between Chinese culture and American culture when we go to America.
A. devote to B. pay attention to C. lead to D. look forward to
13. ---- It’s been a wonderful party. Thank you very much.
---- ________________
A. I’m glad you enjoy it. B. No, thanks. C. It’s OK. D. With pleasure.
14. —Are you feeling tired after the game?
—________. In fact, I feel quite relaxed.
A. Not a little B. Not a bit C. A bit D. A little
15. Although it was really a difficult task, he decided to try his best to_______ success.
A. challenge B. host C. approve D. achieve
16. In the park I saw an old lady ________ I thought was your grandmother.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whoever
17. The ________ of rainfall in summer in this country is 51 mm.
A. common B ordinary C. usual D. average
18. Jumping out of _______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience.
A. /; the B. /; an C. an ;an D. the ;the
19. —How long has your brother _____ in the army?
—About five years.
A. taken part B. joined C. served D. attended
20. ______ it is to jump into a river on a hot summer day!
A. What great fun B. How a fun C. What a fun D. How funny

A rich man was camping alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rain made the tent wet. At last he 21 make his way home. As he passed a beautiful house he 22 to look for rest. A lady in 23 walked past him with her 24 holding up high. Following her were her two pretty daughters. They stopped and stared at him 25 .
“Who are you? We don’t like tramps(流浪漢)going 26 our home .”one of them shouted.
“Go away at once. ”cried the other.
“But I’m not a 27 . ”said the man, “All I want is food and stay for the night.”
“How 28 you come here? Go away at once!” they 29 , “We don’t like your feet around our house. Go, go!”
The man moved on and reached a 30 house. On entering it he saw a 31 preparing their supper. Though the light was 32 and the furniture was poor, it made him feel warm and comfortable.
“Can I have some 33 and rest for the night?” he asked.
“Of course, friend,” said the woman, 34 forward a little chair for him. “We are going to 35 our supper. Come and 36 us.”
The food was not 37 but they shared it with the stranger. That night they let him sleep on their bed 38 they themselves used the stable(廄). Early the next morning, the man said good-bye to them. Their 39 left him a memory full of thanks.
When he reached home he 40 ordered a lovely house to be built for the couple in the woods.
21.A.had to B.must C.shouldD.would

三. 閱讀理解(2x15=30)
Sometimes we make friends with unexpected people. For example, who would have thought that a spider would make friends with a pig? But in E. B. White’s classic novel “Charlotte Web”, this is exactly what happens.
The pair will appear in a movie at the end of this year.
In the story, Wilbur is an ill-fated (倒霉的) pig. When he is born, he is so small that the farmer decides to end the pig’s life. Fortunately, the farmer’s daughter stops him from killing Wilbur and volunteers to raise the pig in a barnyard.
Wilbur grows day by day and makes many friends in the barnyard, including the spider, Charlotte. However, one day a sheep tells Wilbur that he will be served up as dinner. But Charlotte is determined to save her friend from this danger. By making words such as “famous pig” in her web, she persuades the farmer that Wilbur is some sort of supernatural animal, too important to kill. After Wilbur is saved, Charlotte is so tired that she finally dies.
Unusually, the author makes a spider the heroine of the book. Spiders are normally creatures many people regard with fear. Charlotte does everything in her power to keep Wilbur alive. It shows how a strong friendship can last through the worst possible times.
Who would you like to make friends with if you could?
41. It can be learned from the passage that _____.
A. the novel “Charlotte’s Web” will be made into a movie
B. Wilbur has helped Charlotte many times
C. the spider Charlotte falls in love with Wilbur
D. Wilbur becomes a famous pig after his birth
42. The writer is trying to tell us .
A. Charlotte does her best to save Wilbur because he is really amazing
B. we’d better make friends with unexpected man for they can help us
C. the spiders are not scary when you make friends with them
D. a real friend is one who is loyal to you when you are in trouble
43. Choose the right order of the events.
a. Charlotte dies for Wilbur.
b. Wilbur’s owner attempts to kill Wilbur for he is so small
c. Farmer’s daughter feeds Wilbur in a barnyard.
d. Wilbur makes friends with so many animals.
e. The sheep hears that Wilbur will be killed for his meat.
f. Charlotte manages to save Wilbur.
A. e-c-f-b-d-a B. b-c-d-e-f-a
C. b-c-e-d-f-a D. a-f-c-d-b-e
44. What’s the purpose of the writer’s writing this passage?
A. To persuade people to make friends with animals.
B. To describe how a spider makes friends with a pig.
C. To give us a brief introduction about “Charlotte’s Web”.
D. To tell us a true story about a pair of unusual friends.

A city bus driver was praised as a hero after he jumped off his bus and snatched a 3-year-old girl from traffic. The bus security cameras showed the girl getting off the bus with a cheery “Bye!” and walking straight into traffic on a busy street. Chris Leslie, 38, is pictured running out the door after her. One view from the bus cameras showed a car making a rapid stop directly in front of Leslie and the girl last week.
“As I grabbed her, I looked as I pulled her back and luckily the car in the next lane had stopped,” he said. “It was probably the first time in my life I was in the right place at the right time.” The girl’s mother was busy in the bus with another child in a stroller (折疊式嬰兒車) and the toddler didn’t hear a command to wait. Leslie said the mother and the daughter were still hugging at the bus stop when he pulled away.
Leslie’s wife, Cara, said she knew something had happened when her husband returned home from work that night. She said he immediately grabbed their 2-year-old daughter, Hannah, and gave her a long hug. “He was really scared by it all,” she said. “It’s pretty special,” said general manager of City Utilities, John Twitty. “He put his own life on the line.”
Leslie, an eight-year CU veteran, earned the Driver of the Year award last year. His boss, transit manager Carol Cruise, said the utility’s rules won’t allow him to win it two years in a row (連續(xù)兩年). “But there’s no reason he couldn’t win it the year after that.”
45. The writer of this passage mainly wants to tell us ____.
A. people should take good care of their babies in the bus
B. a lucky driver won the Driver of the Year award
C. children should obey their parents in the public
D. a bus driver jumped off a bus to save a girl
46. The underlined word “toddler” in the second paragraph refers to ____.
A. the girl’s mother B. the bus driver
C. the child in the stroller D. the 3-year-old girl
47. The relationship between Leslie and Hannah is ____.
A. husband and wife B. father and daughter
C. boss and worker D. driver and passenger
48. When the girl got off the bus with a cheery “Bye!” her mother ____.
A. was busy repairing the stroller in the bus
B. was chatting with another passenger
C. was taking care of another child
D. was shouting at the driver to stop

Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants.
Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns(角) had not yet developed. A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle. By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today—a person who is new in a job.
Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds. A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.
The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.
Green is also the color used to describe the powerful feeling, jealousy(嫉妒). The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play “Othello”. It describes the unpleasant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants. A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else. Or, that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay rise and she does not.
49. Greenhorn now refers to ____.
A. a person who is new in a jobB. a new solider
C. a young horse D. None of above
50. A person who has a green thumb is a person ____.
A. who is good at growing plants B. whose thumbs are in green color
C. whose garden is greener than others’ D. who is younger than his neighbors
51. The author is actually talking about ____.
A. colorsB. language C. politicsD. agriculture
52. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In about the 16th century, a greenhorn meant an experienced soldier.
B. The Green Revolution may have some connection with green thumbs.
C. The green-eyed monster was probably created by William Shakespeare.
D. The green-eyed monster can be used to describe a person who is jealous.

Bend over, take a deep breath and drink some water for 15 seconds! This is just one of hundreds of tips you might get if you have the hiccups(打嗝). Hiccups are so mysterious. We really don’t know why they start and why they stop.
Everyone has a favorite cure for a case of the hiccups. Some people think that a good scare is necessary to get well. Others eat a teaspoon of sugar. Still others drink a glass of water with a knife in it.
An American man named Jack O’Leary claimed to have hiccupped 160 million times over a period of eight years. He tried 60,000 cures, but none of them worked. Finally he prayed to Saint Jude, the saint of hopeless cases, and his hiccupping stopped immediately.
It took a British plumber eight months to cure his hiccups. People from all over the world wrote him letters with suggestions for getting well. He tried them all, but the hiccups continued. Finally, he drank a “secret” mixture someone had sent him. By that evening his hiccups were gone.
Why did these cures work for these two men? No one really knows. But people who have studied many cases of hiccups have an idea. Hiccups usually go away if you believe in the cure.
53. What might be the best cure for hiccups?
A. special pills B. cold water
C. whatever you think will work D. a spoonful of salt
54. This story is mainly about _______.
A. how to get hiccups B. what makes hiccups happen
C. Jack O’Leary’s hiccups D. different ways to stop hiccups
55. If something is mysterious, it _______.
A. is hard to stop B. hurts C. is hard to understand D. is easy to take care of

In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were not many people on earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.
Today, things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue like this, human life on earth will not survive.
Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we continue to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.
We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. However, in most countries waste products are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are few laws to stop this.
We know, too, that if the population of the world continues to rise at the present rate. In a few years, there will not be enough food.
What can we do to solve these problems?
If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available for everyone. Land that is used to grow crops can feed five times more people than land where animals are kept.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

Protection of the Environment
Problemsa. More 56. _________ being caught
b. More 57. ________ being cut down
c. More 58. ________ products being put into rivers
d. More 59. ________ being born
Causesa. The world is becoming too 60. ________.
b. Modern methods make the situation 61. ________.
62. ________We human beings will not survive on the earth.
Solutionsa. Eat more 63. ________ and less meat so that more food will be available.
b. Use modern methods of 64. ________ control so that the population will not grow too fast.
c. Educate people so that the earth will be better and 65. ________

66.After g_________________ from university, he once worked as a newspaper reporter.
67.Many modern facilities like the canteen, the car park, the science laboratory are a________________ for all the students and teachers.
68.Though the job was very c_________________, I achieved great success.
69.Our students are busy _________________(準(zhǔn)備)for the final exams.
70.The policeman told me to go s_________________ on and turn left at the second crossing.
71.Five thousand yuan was _________________(捐贈(zèng))to the poor girl for her schooling.
72.This gold watch was passed down from one ________________(一代)to another.
73.In our school, teachers don’t have to keep the parents i______________ of the grades of the students.
74.The news that was _________________(廣播)on the radio surprised us all.
75. She is gaining weight because she likes eating d _________ ____ too much.

76. 學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)最好的方法是盡可能經(jīng)常使用它。

77. 站在圖書(shū)館前的那個(gè)男人是我們的校長(zhǎng)。

78. 讓我感到很吃驚的是,這個(gè)年輕的女孩掌管著一個(gè)大公司。( charge )

79. 站在他旁邊的是一個(gè)名叫Tina的女孩。

80. 周末去公園散步聽(tīng)起來(lái)像是個(gè)不錯(cuò)的主意。(going,sound like)
本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/62312.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)試卷