
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
必修4 Unit 2 Working the land
第1課時 warming-up & vocabulary
_______________vt.&vi斗爭;拼搏;努力, _______________ n. 發(fā)現(xiàn);發(fā)覺
_______________ vt.&vi 伸展;使變大, ______________ adv. 因此;所以;因而,
_______________ vt.&vi. 輸出;出口, _______________ vt.&vi 遺憾;惋惜,
_______________ vt. 減少;縮減, _____________ n. 評論;vi.&vt. 表達意見;作出評論
_______________ n. 饑餓;欲望 vt.&vi.(使)饑餓 _______________ n. 生產(chǎn);制造
bacteria n.(復數(shù)) ___________________ nutrition n. ________________________
decade n. _________________________ disturbing adj. _____________________
confuse vt. ______________________ circulate vt. & vi. _________________
mineral n. _______________________
work the land _____________________ thanks to _________________________
rid … of, _________________________ be ______________with 對…感到滿意
______________________ 寧愿;寧可, _____________逐漸增強;建立;開發(fā) ,
lead to _________________ focus on__________________ ,
__________ 使…免受(影響);使…不含(有害物)
一, 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補全單詞
1.He is _______(曬黑) from a day on the beach.
2.Write me a one-page ____ (,摘要) of this report.
3.Good _____ (營養(yǎng)) is essential for good health.
4.When he was a college student, he majored in ________(有機的) chemistry.
5.Some fruits may look beautiful, but inside there is usually more water than vitamins and _ ____(礦物質).
6.The car factory hopes to increase its o____ by 30% next year.
7.We e_____ goods to over 40 different countries.
8.The bird e_______ its wings and flew off.
9.We made a c_ ____ experiment in the science class.
10.He e_ _____ himself with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.
二, 用下列短語的正確形式填空:
thanks to; be satisfied with; would rather; rid of ; keep…free from; lead to; focus…on; build up; work…;
make no comment on; be reduced to; confuse …with…; struggle with;
had a hunger for;
1. I think you ‘d better _______ your bad habits.
2.I’ ______ the job.
3. your help,much trouble was saved.
4.Don’t ____ Austria _____ Australia.
5.He _____in a mine.
6.The poor woman _______ begging.
7.The police chief __________ \about the attack.
8.I _______ watch TV at home than go to the cinema.
9.Laziness _______ his failure. While hard work led to his brother’s success.
10.He ________ all their attention_______ finding a solution to the problem.
12.Try and ______ his confidence.
13.This also _____ the air, soil, water and crops_______ chemical.
14.The shopkeeper ________ the thief.
15.Thomas Edison __________ knowledge when he was young.
三, 用所給詞的適當形式填空
1. Some fish are very _______ (production);they lay thousands of eggs.
2. During the school holidays the children enjoyed their ______ (free).
3. Prices have risen steadily during the past several ________(decade).
4. Have you ever ______ (grow) any plants?
5. Now using chemical _______ (fertile) has become very common in farming.
1.--- Shall we go skating or stay at home?
--- Which ____ do yourself?
A. do you rather B. would you rather
C. will you rather D. should you rather
2. ---Do you mind if I open the window?
---_____ I feel a bit cold.
A. Of course not. B. I’d rather you didn’t.
C. Go ahead. D. Why not ?
3. ---Won’t you tell me more about your problem?
---I ____ talk about it any more.
A. would rather not B. would like to
C. would rather not to D. should like not
4. It is very ____ that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months.
A. disturbing B. disturbed
C. interrupting D. interrupted
5. It was _____ your stupidity that we lost the game.
A. thanks to B. because
C. thank to D. lead to
6. It is not easy to _____ oneself of bad habits.
A. free B. rid
C. remove D. form
7. (2006 天津) A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left ____.
A. unsatisfied
B. unsatisfying
C. to be unsatisfying
D. being unsatisfied
8. (2006 浙江)Progress so far has been very good. _____ , we are sure that the project will be completed on time.
A. However B. Otherwise
C. Therefore D. Besides
9. He is a doctor by ______.
A. occupation B. business
C. profession D. trade
10. (2007 安徽)---Robert is indeed a wise man!
---Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _____ his advice .
A. to take B. taking
C. not to take D. not taking
11. Harvey _____ the circulation of the blood.
A. discovered B. invented
C. discoveries D. found
12.With no hope for cure and no way to ____ her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor’s help to end her life.
A. reduce B. increase
C. decrease D. cut
13. (2005 天津) Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up _____.
A. ability B. force
C. strength D. mind
14. All his life the old man ____ his illness.
A. struggled for B. struggled with
C. struggled of D. struggled along
15. _____ all kinds of knowledge , he was admitted to a key university.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/64395.html

相關閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測英語試卷