
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1. The girls will have a trip if it _________fine.
A. is B. was C. will be D. has been
2. ---Do you think John will help me move the piano?
---You’d better not ask him. He __________ a composition.
A. write B. writes C. is writing D. wrote
3. ---What’s the best food have you had in Beijing, Alex?
---Roast duck! I _________to a famous restaurant to have it last week.
A. have gone B. go C. will go D. went
4. We were in Qingdao last week and __________ great fun there.
A. will have B. have had C. had D. have
5. Yesterday,Tony’s family _________ a good time.
A. has B. have C. had D. are having
9. Mary___________ the piano well. She is often asked to play at the concert.
A. play B. plays C. playing D. played
10. He went into his room, _______ the light and began to work.
A. has turned on B. will turn on C. turns on D. turned on
11 ---Did you see a girl in white pass by just now? ---No, sir. I ______ a newspaper.
A. read B. had read C. would read D. was reading
12. Someone _______ his car in front of my house and it is blocking my driveway.
A. has parkedB. is parkingC. parkedD. had parked
13. ---Let’s throw a surprise party for mom’s 50th birthday.
---That’s a good idea. We_________ several of her friends.
A.inviteB. have invitedC. are invitingD. will invite
14. --- Why didn’t you come to the cinema with us last Saturday?
--- Oh, sorry. But I ______ the film.
A. see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen
15. The novels written by the author sell best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he ______ in the literary world.
A. was playingB. played C. was to playD. had played
16. I called Henry many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. His brother ________ on the phone all the time!?
A. has talked B. has been talking? C. was talking D. talked ?
17. We know a lot about these early years of European settlement because most immigrants _______ to their families at home and many of their letters still survive.
A. write B. wrote C. would write D. had written ?
18. ---What have you been doing recently?
---I _______ a trip to Australia and have just returned.
A. took B. have taken C. had taken D. have been taking
19. James discovered years afterwards that the painting he _____ for a few dollars was actually worth thousands.
A. sold B. has soldC. sell D. had sold
20. The rise in demand for wood _____ large areas of rainforest at present.
A. destroyed B. is destroying
C. was destroying D. would destroy
21. ---Hello, everyone! Have you heard the meeting will be put off till next Tuesday?
---That’s what we _____ about when you came in.
A. are talkingB. were talking C. talk D. talked
22. ---Have you ever ridden a horse?
---No, but I _______ a camel when I visited Egypt last year.
A. was riding B. have ridden C. rode D. ride
23. This tree _______ really fast. Last year it was only half this size.
A. was growing B. has grown
C. has been grownD. grew
24. I ______ on my report next week so I won’t be able to meet you any day.
A. am working B. will be working C. was working D. have been working
25.By the end of last year he ______about 1500 English words.
A. learns B. learned C. was learning D. had learned
__36__ I stopped, he jumped out and ran into an old building, telling me to wait there for some time. Very soon he came out, saying to a little girl on his back, “Look at this beautiful car. I will buy you __37__ some day.”
I noticed his sister had a pale (蒼白的) face.__38__, her legs were too thin, and she was unable to __39__.
After that day I went to his home several times. And I got to know more about him and his __40__. Poor as they were, the boy __41__ refused my money, and said, “I can__42__ money by myself, thank you.”
Soon I __43__ my manager of the supermarket that a boy would go to __44__ here the next day.
No matter how poor we are, we would __45__ give in (屈服) to ourselves.
26A. repairingB.cleaningC fixingD. hitting
27.A. overB.offC.. inD. on
28.A. shoutB.cryC.smileD. throw
29.A. lostB.gotC.receivedD. needed
30.A. richB.poorC.handsomeD. brave
31.A. beggedB.a(chǎn)greedC.a(chǎn)llowedD. refused
32.A. carB.shoesC.suitcaseD. clothes
33.A. boxB.wheelC.paperD. bill
34.A. unhappyB.scaredC.excitedD. unfriendly
35.A. yardB.officeC.schoolD. home
36.A. As soon asB.As long asC.As well asD. So far as
37.A. oneB.itC.this D. that
38.A. SoB.HoweverC.What’s worseD. In general
39.A. runB.jumpC.climbD. walk
40.A. brotherB.familyC.friendD. boss
41.A. no longerB.a(chǎn)t lastC.a(chǎn)t firstD. once again
42.A. spendB.saveC.makeD. borrow
43.A. told B.a(chǎn)skedC.a(chǎn)nsweredD. warned
44.A. shopB.workC. sleepD. buy
45.A. alwaysB.oftenC.everD. never
三、 閱讀理解 (共5小題; 每小題2分,滿分10分)
Moving should be an exciting time — you’re off to a new home, maybe moving up to a larger home. But for many people, moving turns into a stressful experience. It doesn’t have to be that way. Some planning and a little research can make your next move the best one ever.
Organization is the key to a successful move, so lists are your friends. Write down all the details that you need, especially things that might be lost during the move.
Once you decide to move, start packing things immediately. You can find all the supplies you need, such as boxes, packing tape and more at truck rental outlets (租賃經(jīng)銷(xiāo)店) like Budget Truck Rental. The experts there can help you figure out how many and what types of boxes you’ll need.
About a month before your moving date, reserve (預(yù)定) your moving truck. The company you choose makes a big difference. Budget Truck Rental has 30,000 trucks nationwide for you to choose.
Take care of your mail. Stop by your local post office and write the new address where your mail should be sent. You’ll also want to change the address on any magazine subscriptions (訂購(gòu)) or other services you receive by mail.
Make sure you have a group of friends to help you move. If you still have some boxes to pack, your friends can help you put the boxes into the truck while you finish up.
46. The passage is mainly written for those who ______.
A. help others move to a new home B. offer rental services to others
C. prepare to move to a new home D. like outside activities
46. How many suggestions does the passage offer for your move?
A. Three.B. Four. C. Five.D. Six.
48. According to the passage, which of the following is necessary before the moving?
A. Plan your move well in advance. B. Make sure everything is clean.
C. Pay your friends enough money. D. Buy lots of magazines on moving.
49. According to the passage, Budget Truck Rental is a company that ______.
A. offers some free services
B. sends your magazines to your home
63. ---喲,你怎么還站在這兒?我不是已經(jīng)讓你回到座位上了嗎!
64. 我年輕時(shí),一天能玩15小時(shí)的電子游戲。(2分)
65. 我們明年去趟歐洲。(2分)
66. 我每天花30分鐘讀英語(yǔ)。(spend)(2分)
67. 這個(gè)沙發(fā)太占地了。(2分)

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/64768.html
