The City of the Future

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Learning paper2 Intensive reading
Learning aims: to learn the passage and master a general idea
Importance and difficulty: sentences and no matter + what/when----and with + 賓語+賓補(bǔ)
Ⅰ.Read the passage on page2 The city of the Future
1. Decide which topics are mentioned in it and pick them out.
1.)alternative energy 2.) environment 3.) entertainment 4.) crime 5.) traffic 6.) weather 7.) shopping 8.) schools 9.) public services
Ⅱ.Read the first paragraph and do the following exercises.
1.Who knows for sure what the city of the future will look like?

2.What is certain about the city of the future?

3.What materials can be recycled?

4.What alternative energy is mentioned?

5.Why will it become very important to care for the environment?

6.Which sentence has the seam meaning as the one below?
No one knows certainly,and predicting the future is not a wise thing to do.

7.They are going to get bigger before they get smaller. (translate)

8.There are plenty of things about city life in the future which are not certain. (定語從句)(translate)

Ⅲ.Read the rest of the passage and answer the questions.
1.Why did the teacher ask his students how to run a city of 50000 in 2025?

2.Where will garbage ships go?

3.Who will Batmam nets catch?

4.Where won’t people be allowed to smoke?

5.How will people go shopping?

6.What number will people keep for life?

7.What won’t people have to pay for?

8.How will senior citizens and the disabled go anywhere in the world?
Ⅳ.Dicussion :
1. Which prediction in this passage will come true first? And which one is the most useful?

2.What will the city of the future look like in your opinion?

Ⅴ.Learn the following sentences by heart.
1.To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceship with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems. 為了擺脫垃圾問題的困擾,城市將會(huì)用巨型飛船裝載廢棄材料,朝太陽發(fā)射,這樣做防止了垃圾填埋和環(huán)境問題。
To get rid of garbage problems 不定式作目的狀語
To find out what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher -------
1)______________,(為了趕上第一班車) he got up very early.
2)----Why are they pulling down the houses?
------_____ a new parking lot(停車場)
A. Build B. To build C. Building D. Built
2. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.每個(gè)人一出生就會(huì)給一個(gè)電話號碼,將來無論他們居住在哪兒,這個(gè)電話號碼都不會(huì)改變。that will never change為定語從句。先行詞為________.
no matter where they live 讓步狀語從句。
No matter +where/when/how /who/ which/ what 無論哪兒,無論何時(shí),無論怎么,無論誰,無論哪個(gè),無論什么。
1) The old tower must be saved, _______ the cost is. matter how B no matter what
C. no matter which D. no matter where
2) You can eat food free in my restaurant _____ you like.
A no matter when B. no matter where
C. no matter what D. no matter how
_____ much I study, I find these exercises difficult.
A. no matter how B. no matter when
D. no matter which D. no matter who
3. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.隨著每個(gè)城市擁有自己的遠(yuǎn)程手術(shù)門診部,醫(yī)生將能在千里以外實(shí)施手術(shù),遠(yuǎn)程手術(shù)將會(huì)變得十分普通.
with/without +賓語+ 賓補(bǔ)(+doing/to do/done/adj/adv/prep短語)
With a lot ________(do), he can’t help you now.
With his work _______(do), he went out to play.
With so much noise _______(go), I can’t fall sleep.
He likes sleeping with the windows ________(open)
Zhoukai went out without a jacket _____(沒穿).
I have a robot shaped like a box with a large eye ________(頭頂上).
4. 警察逮捕罪犯時(shí),將會(huì)向罪犯射出網(wǎng)狀物而不是用槍。



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