
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
英語:必修3 Unit2同步測試Ⅰ
Class: Name: Marks: 滿分(100)
1. ____ English language is a useful language, and it is widely used in international trade and communications.
A. The B. 不填 C. An D. Such
2. I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any _____ to me.
A. meaning B. importance
C. sense D. significance
3. Braille, a French man, is said _____ a kind of reading system by touching _____ dots for blind people.
A. to invent; raising
B. to have invented; raised
C. to have invented; rising D. to be invited; risen
4. How I regret _____ you of the meeting yesterday! If I had, you wouldn’t have been absent.
A. not informing B. to not inform C. not to inform D. not to have informed
5. She devoted herself _____ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.
A. stronglyB. extremelyC. entirely D. freely
6. As we know, the UN is an international organization _____ about 200 countries.
A. consisted of B. made up C. making up of D. consisting of
7. She went to the fashion show. This is _____ she had a few days off from work.
A. because B. reason why C. why D. because the reason
8. Don’t interrupt him. He is in his office, _____himself _____ working on the plan.
A. to occupy; with B. occupied; in C. occupying; in D. occupied; with
9. The building, _____ his grandpa, is in honor of his great contributions to the development of his home town.
A. named after B. naming after C. naming by D. named with
10. According to the experience in the Guangzhou Asian Games, the use of the volunteers _____ the most amazing and remarkable success.
A. resulted from B. resulted in C. began with D. came after
11. ? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you the other day.
? Forget it. I was a bit out of _____ myself.
A. exercise B. work C. control D. sight
12. I envy my friend Tony. He is in good shape physically _____ he doesn’t get much exercise.
A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as
13. ? I wonder how much you charge for your services.
? The first two days are free _____ the third costs $30.
A. while B. until C. when D. before
14. The committee members stood up and left the meeting room after they discussed the question of _____ it is worthy to build a branch campus (分校).
A. if B. that C. what D. whether
15. The new traffic law has made cases of drunken driving _____ by 30% in the past year.
A. have decreased B. have decreased C. to decrease D. decrease
Donnie was my youngest third-grader. He was a 16 , nervous perfectionist(完美主義者). His fear of 17 kept him from classroom activities. He 18 answered questions. Written assignments, especially math, 19 him disappointed. He seldom finished his work on time because he repeatedly 20 with me to be sure he hadn’t made a mistake.
I tried my best to build his 21 . But nothing 22 until midterm, when Mary Anne was assigned(派給) to our class. My pupils, Donnie 23 , respected her. But even enthusiastic(充滿活力的), loving Mary Anne was 24 by this little boy.
One morning we were working on 25 problems at the chalkboard. Donnie had copied the problems and filled in answers for the first row. 26 with his progress, I left the children with Mary. When I 27 , Donnie was in tears. He’d missed the third problem.
Mary looked at me in 28 . Suddenly her face brightened. From our desk, she got a box filled with pencils and erasers.
“Look, Donnie,” she said, kneeling beside him and gently lifting the 29 face from his arms.
“See how the erasers are 30 , Donnie?” she continued, “They belong to Mrs. Lindstrom and me. That’s because we make 31 , too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. That’s what you must learn to do, too.”
She kissed him and 32 . “Here,” she said, “I’ll leave one on your desk so you’ll 33 that everybody makes mistakes, even 34 .” Donnie looked up with a flash of smile.
The pencil, together with Mary Anne’s frequent encouragement, gradually persuaded him that it’s all right to make mistakes?as long as you 35 them and try again.
16. A. cleverB. stupidC. shy D. strong
17. A. failureB. successC. punishment D. praise
18. A. seldomB. always C. never D. ever
19. A. led B. madeC. showed D. increased
20. A. agreed B. talkedC. argued D. checked
21. A. self-defenseB. self-confidenceC. self-pity D. self-control
22. A. occurred B. happenedC. changed D. made
23. A. included B. includingC. contained D. adding
24. A. annoyed B. annoyingC. puzzling D. puzzled
25. A. historyB. artC. literature D. math
26. A. UnsatisfiedB. PleasedC. Angry D. Surprised
27. A. lookedB. returnedC. disappeared D. appeared
28. A. anger B. surpriseC. despair(失望) D. happiness
29. A. beautifulB. tearfulC. happy D. clean
30. A. completeB. oldC. worn D. new
31. A. mistakesB. progressC. success D. failure
32. A. give upB. sit upC. make up D. stood up
33. A. considerB. judgeC. remember D. see
34. A. students B. teachersC. headmasters D. professors
35. A. eraseB. takeC. cherish D. keep
Last week I complained again about the dog coming in from the back door and bringing with him a blast of cold air. “So teach him to close the door,” my daughter Emma responded.
Teach a dog to close the door behind him? It’s a really hard thing to do. But then Emma took it a step further. “Come on, Kobe,” she said, holding some treats and placing him in front of the open door. “Touch.” And he did “touch”, which moved the door to a closed position. She rewarded him with a treat, smiled, looked at me, and said, “See!”
I saw and followed Emma’s way of training the dog. Each time he came in, I brought him back to the open door and asked him to close it (I changed the command, making it clearer). There had been failures, but lately more and more successes. And this morning Kobe asked to be let out when I was to open the door, so that he could close it and be treated.
There remains work to be done. I have to remove the hand signal so that he will close the door from a distance. And, I now realize, with effort the task will be completed and things are progressing well.
What a wonderful treat to have a dog that can close the door behind him. Even more wonders can be found in the lessons I learned so clearly from both Emma and Kobe.
36. Kobe expected to be let out this morning because he ______.
A. wanted to find something to eat outside
B. wanted to get a treat for closing the door
C. was used to going for a walk at that time
D. wanted to escape the owner’s training
37. It can be inferred from the text that the author will go on ______.
A. to teach the dog to open the doorB. to write a book on how to train a pet
C. to teach the dog to fetch the newspapers
D. training the dog to close the door
38. What has the author probably learned from Emma and Kobe?
A. Being patient is the key to success.
B. People can get along well with animals.
C. Using a good method can make things easier.
D. Animals are different from human beings in nature.
American teens are setting an example for their parents through their volunteer work, according to a new survey.
The national telephone survey found that more teens volunteer to support a charitable (慈善的) cause (56 percent) rather than have a part-time job (39 percent). Parents said 82 percent of teens do something to support the charitable causes, including volunteering, wearing a button or a T-shirt or donating money. 46 percent of the adults said they volunteer during their spare time, but they are also praised for encouraging their children to volunteer. The survey was carried out in the United States from January 29th to February 2nd among 2,003 adults.
Sara Johnson, a teacher who advises the student service club at a private high school in Chicago, says she’s seen an increase of teens taking part in social causes since last November. She said she saw a similar increase after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the Gulf Coast in 2005, and believed today’s teens are more involved in charitable work than adults.
The survey also found that a quarter of teens have become more involved in charitable causes or organizations as a result of the economic downturn (低迷), but the economy has teens working more hours at a paying job.
Unlike many public high schools across the nation, Illiana Christian does not require its students to clock public service hours. Student Melissa Martin said some kids were too busy with other activities like sports and music, but most of her classmates did volunteer.
39. The national telephone survey shows that ______.
A. more adults do volunteer than teens
B. less than half of the adults volunteer after work
C. more teens have part-time jobs than volunteer
D. parents often join their children to volunteer
40. According to the text, which of the following affects teens’ volunteer work?
A. Sports activities.B. Parents’ experiences.
C. Too much homework. D. The economic downturn.
41. What does the underlined part “to clock public service hours” probably mean?
A. To record public service hours. B. To follow public service time.
C. To join public service regularly.
D. To work longer than public service hours.
42. In which part of a newspaper can we find this article?
A. Health.B. Entertainment.C. Technology.D. Life Style.
Even before European explorers first saw the Great Lakes, they provided Native Americans with a way to transport goods. Probably the first European to see and explore the Great Lakes was a Frenchman, Etienne Brule, in the early 1600s. All but one of the Great Lakes have their names from Native American languages: Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. The biggest lake, Superior, was named by the French.
Vessels (船) on the Great Lakes are not called ships, but boats. However, boats on the lakes can be huge. The newest of the lake freighters (貨船) is over three hundred meters long. The Griffin was the one of the first sailing vessels on the Great Lakes. French explorer and trader La Salle built it in 1679. The boat set sail from an island in northern Lake Michigan. La Salle reached the Green Bay, and sent the boat back home with animal fur. No one ever saw the Griffin again. The loss of the Griffin established a long tradition of danger and mystery about Great Lakes travel.
On November 10th, 1975, the Fitzgerald was sailing on Lake Superior. It was struggling through a dangerous storm. It had lost its radar (雷達) and the old lighthouse at Whitefish Point was not in use. The boat and twenty-nine men disappeared into Lake Superior. In 1995, the Great Lakes Historical Shipwreck Society recovered the Fitzgerald’s bell. The bell is now kept at the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum. Each year on November 10th, a ceremony is held there to honor the crew members (船員) of the Fitzgerald.
43. Which of the Great Lakes are named in Native American languages?
A. Huron, Erie and Minnesota.B. Ontario, Huron and Superior.
C. Erie, Ontario and Michigan.D. Michigan, Huron and Superior.
44. What is special about the boat Griffin?
A. It was one of the biggest boats in the 1670s.
B. It was the earliest boat used to transport goods.
C. It was the first boat that got lost on the Great Lakes.
D. It created a mystery about sailing on the Great Lakes.
45. The reasons why the Fitzgerald was lost don’t include ______.
A. the bad weatheB. the loss of its bell
C. the loss of its radarD. the old lighthouse
46. What experience did both Etienne Brule and La Salle have?
A. Building a boat to transport goods.
B. Living with Native Americans for years.
C. Getting lost in the Lake Superior.
D. Coming from France to explore America.
Hollywood star Julia Roberts’ shooting at an ashram (印度高僧修行的處所) for Eat, Pray, Love is making media headlines.
Roberts, once the world’s best-paid actress, began the schedule of shooting at the Ashram Hari Mandir in the village, which was about 40km from New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport. However, the star’s presence has also brought armed policemen and private security guards there.
Shakuntala Devi, a middle-aged woman, who went to offer prayers (禱告) at the temple said to our reporter, “We were not allowed to enter and pray in the morning by the security.”
Kailash, a 21-year-old resident, said angrily, “I am going to barge in (闖入) any-how. Let me see who stops me. Why can they shoot here but we cannot even enter our own temple?”
When asked, a police official at the ashram replied: “God doesn’t have to go any-where... He is going to stay right here. They can visit him anytime later.”
The shooting is expected to go on till the first week of October.
Directed by Ryan Murphy, the movie is based on Pushcart prize-winning author Elizabeth Gilbert’s spirituality-travel memoirs (論文集), Eat, Love, Pray, and features Roberts as Gilbert who travels to Italy, India and Indonesia in search of peace.
Having already shot at New York and in Italy, the India part of the film will be shot at the Ashram Hari Mandir apart from an “open market” that will be set up from the Pataudi Palace main entrance to the ashram, Pataudi market and the nearby Mirzapur village.
47. Why did Julia Roberts attract the media’s attention according to the text?
A. She was a well-known star.B. She was shooting a big film.
C. Her shooting kept the locals out of the Ashram Hari Mandir.
D. Her private security guards made trouble at the Ashram Hari Mandir.
48. The underlined word “They” refers to ______.
A. the armed policemenB. the private guards
C. the local villagersD. the actors and actresses
49. The film Eat, Love, Pray is mainly about ______.
A. the thing that happened to Julia Roberts
B. a woman who travels to Italy, India and Indonesia in search of peace
C. the conflict between policemen and villagers
D. the real story that happened to Elizabeth Gilbert
50. The text is most probably taken from ______.
A. a newspaperB. an advertisement
C. a storybookD. a press conference
The Internet is a service available on the computer, through which everything under the sun is now at the fingertips of anyone who has access to the Internet.
The Internet provides opportunities, and can be used for a variety of things. E-mail is an online mail system, through which you can send and receive messages instantly(立刻地) to people anywhere in the world, unlike traditional mails that take a lot of time. Any kind of information on any topic is available on the Internet. The ‘search engines’ on the Internet can help you to find data on any subject that you need. There are also many ‘chat rooms’ on the web that can be accessed to make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends.
Finally, you can download games, music, videos, movies, and a host of other entertainment software from the Internet, most of which are free.
However, there are certain dangers related to the use of the Internet. Firstly, if you use the Internet, your personal information can be accessed by other people. If you use a credit card to shop online, then your credit card information can also be ‘stolen’. Secondly, there are thousands of sites containing unfit information for children that can be easily found. Lastly, you may receive many mails, which serve no purpose and unnecessarily slow the entire system.
Such shortcomings are frustrating(令人懊惱的) for all Internet users, and we should keep an eye on them and make an effort to stop them. As a whole, the advantages of the Internet far outweigh(比……更重要) the disadvantages, and we can use it not only for work but for pleasure.
The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
IntroductionIt is a service which can be 51.________ by anyone who has access to the Internet.
AdvantagesYou can do all 52.______ of things on the Internet.E-mail can be sent at a 54.______ speed than traditional mails.
Through the Internet you can keep yourself 55.______.
You can keep in 56.______ with friends in ‘chat rooms’.
Download games, music and so on 57._______ paying for it.
DisadvantagesThere’re dangers 53.______
to the use of the Internet.Your personal information may not be 58.______ on it.
Some information may be 59.______ for children.
Unnecessary mails 60.______ the computer system.
51. used 52. kinds 53. related 54. higher 55. informed 56. touch 57. without 58. safe 59. bad 60. slow
One possible version:
In my memory, what impressed me most was the scene that a young man kicked an old lady who was begging when I was about 12 years old.
It happened in a bus station when I was waiting for the bus with my friend. The old lady in her rags was begging after the passengers. But when she came to a well-dressed young man, he refused her rudely. I heard the old lady said something, and then the young man came up to her and pushed her down to the ground, kicking her madly. Many people came to stop him, but they failed. Then I heard someone nearby said, “Young man, you will be old one day!” He then stopped and went away without making an apology to the old lady.
Young as I was, I became angry with the young man. I thought the young should show respect for the old, and we should help them when they were in trouble.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/65898.html

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