Unit 3 Amazing people 教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
(Language points)
Welcome to the unit:
1. have an effect on 對(duì)…有影響 effect(n), effective (adj), _effectively _(adv)
eg. Alcoholic drink can _have a bad effect on__ your health. 對(duì)你的健康有害
The government action _had no effects on the trade imbalance. 對(duì)…無(wú)影響
be of no effect 無(wú)效,沒(méi)有作用,不中用 carry sth into effect 使生效, 實(shí)現(xiàn)
put sth into effect 實(shí)行,實(shí)施 come into effect 開(kāi)始生效
1. curious
(1) curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲強(qiáng)的; 奇特的
Children are curious about everything around them. I am curious to know what he said.
I’m curious how he will do it. It is curious that she left without saying goodbye.
歸納用法:_ be curious about be curious to do _be curious +O-clause It is curious that
(2) curiously adv. 好奇地;稀奇古怪地
Philip looked curiously at the people. 他好奇地看著人們。
(3) curiosity n. [u.]好奇感, 求知欲,好奇心
in/ with curiosity 好奇地(相當(dāng)于curiously); out of/ from curiosity 出于好奇心
1) Philip looked at the people in/with curiosity. 他好奇地看著人們。
2) He kept asking me numerous questions about it out of / from curiosity.
(4) curiosity n. [C.]希奇的事;珍品
This red and yellow striped seashell is quite a curiosity. 這個(gè)紅黃相間的貝殼是件珍品。
2. discovery
(1) discovery n.[c.] 發(fā)現(xiàn)
1) Scientists made a lot of amazing scientific discoveries in the twentieth century.
2) She was shocked at the discovery that he was a thief. 她震驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)他原來(lái)是個(gè)賊。
(2) discover vt. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(發(fā)現(xiàn)世界上原本就存在的事物)
區(qū)別:invent vt. 發(fā)明 (發(fā)明世界上原本不存在的事物)
1) Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥倫布于1492年發(fā)現(xiàn)了美洲大陸。
2) Alexander invented the telephone. 亞歷山大發(fā)明了電話。
(3) discoverer n. [c.] 發(fā)現(xiàn)者
1) It was Madame Curie who/ that first discovered radium. 是居里夫人首先發(fā)現(xiàn)了鐳元素。
2) Madame Curie is well known as the discoverer of radium. 作為鐳元素的發(fā)現(xiàn)者而出名。
3. as well as
(1) as well as 同樣;也;以及(用于連接兩個(gè)并列的成分;相當(dāng)于not only… but also 但as well as強(qiáng)調(diào)的是它前面的內(nèi)容, 而not only… but also強(qiáng)調(diào)的是but also部分的內(nèi)容。當(dāng)as well as 用來(lái)連接兩個(gè)名詞作主語(yǔ)時(shí),句中謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的形式必須與前一個(gè)名詞一致。)
1) John can speak Chinese as well as French. 約翰不僅能講法語(yǔ)而且能講中文。
2) It’s important for you as well as for me. 這不僅對(duì)我而且對(duì)你也很重要。
3) Lily as well as her classmates was disappointed when they knew their team failed.
(2) as well同樣;也(相當(dāng)于副詞too)
1) I’m going to London and my sister is coming as well/too. 我將去倫敦,我的妹妹也要去。
2) She can ride a horse and swim; she can shoot as well/ too. 她會(huì)騎馬和游泳,她也會(huì)射擊。
He gave me money as well as advice.=He gave me advice, and money as well.
4. present
(1) adj. 出席的,在場(chǎng)的 ; be present at…出席/ 在場(chǎng)……
people present 在場(chǎng)的人們 (指“出席的或在場(chǎng)的”意思作定語(yǔ)時(shí),常作后置定語(yǔ))
1) How many people were present at the meeting? 有多少人出席了那次會(huì)議?
2) He was pleased at seeing so many people present. 他很高興地看到那么多人在場(chǎng)。
3) It was unfair to discuss his case if he was not present.如果他不在場(chǎng)
4)All the people present are discussing the problem.所有到場(chǎng)的人們
adj. 現(xiàn)有的,現(xiàn)存的(作定語(yǔ)時(shí)常前置)
當(dāng)前政府present government ; 目前的情況present situation
(2) n. 禮物 (相當(dāng)于gift);birthday presents
(3) n. 現(xiàn)在,目前 at present 目前
At present we are living in Richmond. 目前我們住在里士滿。
(4) vt. 呈現(xiàn);遞交;贈(zèng)送;介紹,引見(jiàn);
present sth. to sb. 把某物遞交給某人( 也可以用present sb. with sth. 來(lái)表示)
1) They presented flowers to their teacher. 他們把花送給了老師。
2) The latest development presents a problem. 最近的發(fā)展呈現(xiàn)出一個(gè)問(wèn)題。
3)The characters in the novel are vividly presented._________________________
5. result
(1) result vi. 結(jié)果,導(dǎo)致 result in/ lead to導(dǎo)致; result from… 由……而引起/產(chǎn)生;起因于
1) His carelessness resulted in/ led to the traffic accident. 她的粗心導(dǎo)致了那次交通事故。
2) The traffic accident resulted from his carelessness. 那次交通事故是由于他粗心引起的。
(2) result n. [c]/ [u] 結(jié)果;效果
the results of a competition 競(jìng)賽的結(jié)果; work without much result 沒(méi)有效果的工作
as a result 因此, 結(jié)果; as a result of 作為……的結(jié)果;由于……
He was late for class_ as a result of ___ the heavy rain.
= It rained heavily; as a result, he was late for class.
6. certain
(1) certain adj. 確定的, 肯定的 (近義詞:sure )
be certain about/ of…/ be sure about/ of… 確信某事;對(duì)某事有把握
be certain/sure to do… 務(wù)必會(huì)做……;一定會(huì)做……
1) You must be certain/ sure of / about the facts. 你必須對(duì)這些事實(shí)很確信。
2) He is certain/sure to return. 他肯定會(huì)回來(lái)的。
(2) be certain/ sure + that... 相信; make certain/ sure that … 確保/確信
1)We are certain/ sure that he will get over his illness. 我們肯定他會(huì)康復(fù)的。
2) I was not certain/sure whether he would come. 我不能確信他是否會(huì)來(lái)。
3) I stayed long enough to make certain/sure that the house was absolutely empty.
(3) It’s certain that… 是肯定的(在此句型中不能說(shuō):It’s sure that …)
for certain / for sure肯定地
1) It’s certain that he will win the election. 他肯定會(huì)贏得這次大選。
2) I cannot say for certain/sure when he will arrive.
7. pay off
(1) 成功,帶來(lái)好結(jié)果; 是值得的,沒(méi)有白費(fèi)
1) All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off.
2) His hard work paid off when he got the promotion.
3)Did your plan pay off?_你的 計(jì)劃成功了嗎?
4)His patience and hard work finally paid off with a gold medal.
他的耐心和辛勞終于有了回報(bào),獲得了一枚金質(zhì)獎(jiǎng)?wù)?br />(2) pay off one’s debt(s) 還清債務(wù)
I will pay off my debt with this check. 我將用這張支票償還債務(wù)。
pay a visit to 拜訪,訪問(wèn) pay attention to 對(duì)…注意
pay back 償還,報(bào)復(fù) pay for 付錢
8. warning
(1) warning n. 警告;提醒;前車之鑒
His heart attack will be a warning to him not to work so hard.
(2) warn vt.警告 warn sb. of/about sth.警告某人某事
warn sb. not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事=warn sb. against doing sth.
warn sb. against sth. 警告某人提防某事 warn sb. that 警告某人……
1) He was warned of the danger. 他被警告有危險(xiǎn)。
2) She warned him against eating too much candy. 她警告他吃太多糖不好。
3) I warned you not to buy that old car. 我曾警告你/提醒你不要買那輛舊車的。
4) She warned me against pickpockets. 她提醒我小心扒手。
5) He warned us that the roads were icy. 他警告我們路上結(jié)冰了。
9. manage
(1) manage vt.設(shè)法, 努力, 爭(zhēng)取
The repair work is difficult but I can manage (it). 這修理工作不容易, 但我能對(duì)付下來(lái)。
(2) manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.設(shè)法做成某事
try to do sth. 盡力做某事(但不一定做成功)
1)The box was heavy but he managed to carry it away. 但他還是設(shè)法把它搬走了。
2) He tried to get there on time but he failed. 他試圖按時(shí)到那兒, 可是沒(méi)能做到。
(3) 經(jīng)營(yíng),管理
E.g. He is managing the business for his father._____________________
manage the department store/ firm_____________________
management n 經(jīng)營(yíng),管理 manager 經(jīng)理,負(fù)責(zé)人
10. Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings.
preserve vt 保護(hù),防護(hù),維護(hù) ; 保存,包藏 ; 保持,維持 ;防腐
preserve one’s eyesight____________________ preserve peace__________________
preserve sth./ sb. from… 保護(hù)……免于……
preserved fruit 防腐水果
the preserve (野生動(dòng)物)保護(hù)區(qū)
The city should take steps to preserve the old temple.
Oil usually preserves metal from rust.
No hunting is allowed in the preserve.
11. At the moment of Carnarvon’s death, the lights went out in Cairo.
go out : 熄滅,
Without more coal, the fire will go out soon._.火很快熄滅
The light went out suddenly and we were left in the dark.燈突然滅了
12. When the tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses.
disturb vt 弄亂,打亂,打擾,擾亂
A light wind __disturbed the surface of water__.拂動(dòng)水面
She has disturbed his plan to go abroad. 打亂了他出國(guó)的計(jì)劃
I am sorry to disturb you, but can I ask you a question?_____________________
Don’t disturb the papers on my desk. ____________________________
13. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.
= If they are breathed in , they can result in illness or even death.
He will come if asked.= He will come if he is asked..
If taken correctly, the medicine should work.=If it is taken correctly, the medicine should work.
14. contact n. 接觸,聯(lián)系(不可數(shù))社會(huì)關(guān)系,門路(可數(shù)名詞)
keep in contact with = keep in touch with ; make contact with (想辦法)聯(lián)絡(luò)某人
v. 接觸,聯(lián)系 How can I contact you? 我咋聯(lián)系你?
15. survive 1) vi & vt 幸免于,幸存,生還
Only one baby survived in the terrible car crash._____________________
Few houses in this district have survived after the storm.___________________
survivor n. 生還者,殘存物; survival n. 生存,幸存
16. apply applies applied
1) 申請(qǐng) apply to sb. for sth. apply to the company for the job___________________
2) 應(yīng)用vt. Apply the new technology to an operation_______________________
You can’t apply this rule to every case. = This rule can’t be applied to every case.
3) 適合 What you said doesn’t apply to me.
17. prove 1)vt 證明,證實(shí)+n/ that clause 可用于被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)
e.g. We have proved our courage in the battle.
Can you prove what you were doing at 9:00 last night.
2)V-link事實(shí)證明,結(jié)果是,+adj./ prep./ n./ to be;It proves that sb/ sth…= Sb/ Sth proves to be
e.g. He proved an honest friend.
It proved to be much more difficult than she had expected.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/67398.html

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