高一英語模塊1 Unit 1 詞匯II教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit one (詞匯II)
1. develop v. 培養(yǎng),養(yǎng)成;發(fā)展,開發(fā);(膠片)沖洗
①The girl developed an interest in dancing at her early age .
②The place has developed from a small village into a big city.
③The company develops new software. 這家公司 開發(fā) 新軟件。
④I’d like the film developed this afternoon.
adj. developing 發(fā)展中的;developed 發(fā)達(dá)的;
China is a developing country while America is a developed one.
n. development With the development of industry, more waste is produced.
2. gift n.①禮物,贈品 (present) The watch was a gift from my mother.
②天賦,才能(talent) …for sth. / for doing sth.
She has a great gift for music.
gifted adj. 有天賦的 一個(gè)天資聰慧的孩子 a gifted child
3. please v. 使?jié)M意;取悅 Can’t the result please you?
adj. pleasing 令人高興的 pleased 某人感到高興的 pleasant 令人愉快的
①a piece of pleasing news
②′It is a pleasant journey ,’he said in a pleased voice.
③She was very pleased with her exam results.
n. pleasure
①It is a pleasure to meet you.== Pleasure to meet you.
②Thank you for doing that. It is a pleasure .
③Can you help me to carry some books? With pleasure 樂意地
4. covern. (書的)封面;蓋子 back cover (書的)封底
v. ①覆蓋 cover with == be covered with
She covered her face with her hands.
②包括,涉及 這部詞典里有那個(gè)單詞嗎? Is that word covered in the dictionary? 這些講座涉及各個(gè)學(xué)科。 The lectures cover a lot of subjects.
③行走(一段路程) By sunset, we had covered 30 miles.
④報(bào)道 The BBC will cover all the news.
5. regret v./ n. 遺憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜
v. … doing sth. 對做過的事感到后悔 (事情已發(fā)生)
… to do sth. 很遺憾去做某事(某事沒發(fā)生)
… that …
①I regret telling him the truth . (告訴他實(shí)情)
②I regret to tell you that you didn’t pass /failed the exam. (告訴你你考試沒及格) ③我姐姐很后悔沒有幫助我。 My sister regrets not helping me.
To my regret , I didn’t try my best when I was at school.
類似的有:remember / stop …
6. inform v. 通知, 告知 … sb. of sth.
n. information 一則信息 a piece of information
You’d better inform them of the time for the meeting.
消息靈通的 well informed 見多識廣的;知識淵博的
7. require v. 要求,需求 … sb. to do sth.
… that… (should) do
sth. … doing / to be done
①I ’m required to the teacher’s office at once.
== The teacher requires that I (should) go to his office at once.
②我的表需要修了。My watch requires repairing.
== My watch requires to be repaired.
類似 want / need doing / to be done
n. requiremeat (從句中也用should , should 可省)
They refused my requirement that we (should) have a rest.
隨 堂 檢 測
①(書的)封底 back cover
②對……滿意 be pleased with
③后悔做過某事 regret doing sth.
④通知某人某事 inform sb. of sth.
⑤一個(gè)令人愉快的夜晚 a pleasant evening
⑥發(fā)達(dá)國家 developed countries
⑦禮物,贈品 gift
⑧要求某人做某事 require sb. to do sth.
He developed an interest in science.
I had the film developed yesterday.
3、你不可取悅所有人 You cannot please all the people.
Tom covered the desk with a piece of paper yesterday.
The desk was covered with a piece of paper yesterday.
5、很抱歉,我不能來 I regret to say that I cannot come.
The flowers and grass requires/needs/wants watering every day.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/67539.html

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