
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第一大題: (共20小題, 每小題1.5分, 滿分30分)
聽下面5段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A, B, C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和下一小題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。
1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. A fire. B. An apartment. C. A park
2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife.B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student.
3.What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. Study in another school.
B. Go to Italy to learn Italian.
C. Teach Italian as a part-time job.
4.How many people are there in the man’s basketball team?
A. 9. B. 10. C. 15.
5.How will the man have dinner?
A.He will eat alone.
B.He will eat with his sister.
C.He will eat with the woman.
聽下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A, B, C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間各個(gè)小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。
6.What does the man’s brother like doing?
A. Reading comic books.
B. Playing computer games.
C. Traveling around the world.
7.What does the woman plan to give her mother?
A.An apple. B. A silk shirt. C. A pineapple.
8.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.Gloria likes reading novels.
B.The man will buy some chocolates.
C.The speakers are probably in Hawaii.
9.What are the speakers talking about?
A. How to fix a camera.B. How to use a camera.C. What pictures to take.
10.What does the woman think the man is good at ?
A. Reading an instruction book.
B. Appreciating good pictures.
C. Learning by doing.
11.What does the woman suggest the man do at last?
A. Take a course.
B. Delete all the pictures.
C. Try all the settings of the camera.
12.How long will the man’s birthday party probably last?
A. For one hour.B. For two hours. C. For three hours.
13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Classmates.B. Workmates. C. Neighbors.
14.When will the party be held?
A.At 6:00 on Monday. B. At 6:00 on Saturday. C. At 6:30 on Saturday.
15.Why does the man come to London?
A.To have a meeting. B. To look for a job. C. To take a trip.
16.What do we know about the woman?.
A. She is married.B. She is a sales manager. C. Her company is in London.
17.Where was the woman born?
A. In China B. In England. C. In Singapore.
18.What did the speaker do at the beginning of the concert?
A.She danced. B. She jumped up. C. She kept standing up.
19.Why was the speaker a bit disappointed?
A. The band didn’t play her favorite song.
B. Her favorite song wasn’t played well .
C. She missed her favorite song.
20.What was the last song of the concert?
A. Why, Why, Why.B. More Than a Heart. C. Alone.
第二大題:單項(xiàng)選擇:(共15小題, 每小題1分, 滿分15分)
21. In most western countries on April Fool’s Day, people often play ______ trick on each other; children especially have great ______ fun.
A. the; a B. a; the C. /; the D. a; /
22. ?Jane, which color do you prefer, red or blue?
?______. I prefer to buy a green one.
A. Either will be OK B. Both will be OK
C. To be honest, neither D. Generally, I’m not sure
23. ?Sorry, sir, your car isn’t ready yet. It_____ in the garage.
?That’s all right.
A. is repaired B. is being repaired
C. hasn’t repaired D. has been repaired
24. It isn’t quite _____ whether the teacher will collect the homework by Friday, so you needn’t hurry.
A. sure B. right C. certain D. exact
25. The child talks ________ she _______ an adult.
A. even if; was B. as if; is C. as though; were D. as; is
26. ?May I tell this to my close friend?
?No, you________. Never let anybody else know about it.
A.needn’t   B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t    D.can’t
27. Both bursting out crying and ______ laughter do harm to your health.
A. burst into B. bursting out C. bursting into D. to burst out
28. The houses ______ by the workers now will be completed next week.
A. built B. being built C. to be built D. having been building
29. The movie once_____ a whole generation of people. They proved to be of much _____in the education of people.
A. affected; effect B. effected; affect
C. effected; effect D. affected; affect
30. The Spring Festival children were looking forward to _______ finally.
A. coming B. has come C. comes D. came
31. The company was named Gates Hall ______ a man named James Gates.
A. in need of B. in search of C. with the help of D. in memory of
32. ----To buy the IBM 586 means _______ a lot of money.
----Really? I don’t mean ________ much money.
A. to waste; to waste B. wasting; wasting
C. wasting; to waste D. to waste; wasting
33. On the graduation day, he received from his father a nice present ______ a note was attached, saying “I’m proud of you.”
A. on which B. to which C. with which D. in which
34. If George keeps on working so hard, he’ll ______ sooner or later.
A. break down B. break up C. break out D. break off
35. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _____ the sailing time was 226 days.
A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which
第三大題:完形(共20小題, 每小題1分, 滿分20分)
On Sunday I had my own Father’s Day celebration. Suddenly I 36 about my dad a lot. My dad is absolutely the 37 man in the world. He would 38 refuse to help anyone in trouble.
Every Thursday night, my dad would 39 Shreveport, LA to a church there. I always drove the car for him.
40 this happened many times, I recall(回想起) one incident on one of those trips to Shreveport. That time on the 41 , my dad saw a hitchhiker(搭便車的人). He asked me to pull the car over and offer him a 42 . Dad asked him his name and address, told him ours, and talked to him about all sorts of things.
At first the hitchhiker was hesitant(遲疑的), but he changed his 43 as he could tell we were really listening to him. I did know that it was quite 44 outside and the hitchhiker was very happy to be able to get a lift in our warm car.
We 45 another forty-five minutes and learned that the hitchhiker was 46 many difficulties in life. Dad told him to keep his head up and said that 47 would become better for him soon. He reached into his pocket and 48 the hitchhiker a twenty dollar bill, leaving only a ten-dollar bill for himself. The hitchhiker then became very 49 .
I was always told never to 50 a hitchhiker and yet my dad did it every time he saw one. Dad always gave them money 51 he did not have very much of his own.
From that I’ve learned a lot about my dad and 52 . I’ve learned that if you come from a place with 53 , you will show a lot of kindness to people who are 54 . just one single kind act may 55 someone’s life.
36.A. learnt B. talkedC. thought D. worried
37.A. kindestB. cleverestC. funniestD. bravest
38.A. sometimesB. neverC. oftenD. ever
39.A. head forB. drive to C. come fromD. stay in
40.A. BecauseB. SoC. UnlessD. Although
41.A. fieldB. wayC. jobD. side
42.A. dinnerB. signC. rideD. chance
43.A. attitudeB. tripC. routeD. plan
44.A. darkB. coldC. sunnyD. windy
45A. walkedB. escapedC. droveD. flew
46.A. facingB. forgettingC. understandingD. causing
47.A. habitsB. choicesC. ideasD. things
48.A. returnedB. handedC. paidD. charged
49.A. sadB. angryC. nervousD. grateful
50.A. look atB. laugh atC. listen to D. pick up
51.A. as soon asB. except thatC. even ifD. as if
52.A. businessB. lifeC. entertainmentD. adventure
53.A. laughterB. successC. complaintD. love
54.A. sufferingB. travelingC. playingD. studying
55.A. destroyB. changeC. riskD. share
第四大題:閱讀理解 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
Tom was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work in his spare time and during his holidays to pay for his education. In spite of this, he managed to get to the university, but it was so expensive to study there that during the holiday he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time so as to make enough money to pay for his studies.
One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher’s shop(肉店)during the day-time, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop, he learnt to cut meat quite nicely, so the butcher often left him to do all the serving while he went to the back room to do the accounts(賬目). In the hospital , on the other hand, he was , of course , allowed to do the simplist jobs, like helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both at the butcher’s shop and at the hospital, Tom had to wear white clothes.
One evening at the hospital, Tom had to carry a woman from her bed to the place where she was to have an operation. The woman was already feeling frightened at the thought of the operation before he came to get her, but when she saw Tom, that finished her.
“No! No!” she cried. “Not my butcher! I won’t be operated on by my butcher!” and fainted away(昏厥).
56. Tom made enough money by ________.
A. studying in the university B. working in a butcher’s shop
C. doing two jobs D. cutting meat well
57. Tom was a student, but at the same time he was__________.
A. a butcher and a doctor B. a manager and a doctor
C. an assistant D. a manager
58. The woman patient recognized Tom because ____________.
A. he was wearing white clothes B. he had sold meat to her
C. he was now working in the hospital D. he was going to operate on her
59. When she saw Tom, that finished her, the sight of Tom _________.
A. plunged her into deep sorrow
B. made her decide not to have an operation
C. broke her heart
D. took all her strength and courage away
Kataria is the founder of the worldwide laughter movement. The celebration of world Laughter Day is a positive activity for world peace and is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. The first “World Laughter Day” gathering took place in Mumbai, India, on 11th January 1998. 12,000 members from India and international Laughter Clubs attended it. Now there are over 5,000 Laughter Clubs worldwide on all 5 continents.
“HAPPY-DEMIC” was the first World Laughter Day gathering outside India. It took place on 9th January 2000. In Copenhagen, Denmark , more than 10,000 people gathered at Town Hall Square. The event went into Guinness Book of World records. “World Laughter Day” is now organized on the first Sunday of May every year. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh together.
Today, many people fear widespread international terrorism. The world has never faced so much unrest before. People are at war within themselves. Laughter is a universal language, which has the ability to unite humanity without religion. Laughter can build a common connection between various religions and create a new world order. The idea may sound over-ambitious (野心太大的), and maybe it is. But maybe it is not. It is our deep belief that laughter and only laughter can unite the world, building up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship.
Studies also say that laughter helps your body do the following: lower blood pressure; lighten depression; reduce stress; work out the heart, especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercise. So in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire body?because it’s good for you.
63. The passage is mainly about _______.
A. World Laughter Day and its significance
B. the worldwide laughter movement
C. a universal language
D. laughter
Can we give a hand to those endangered animals? Yes, we may only do a little bit, but together our small actions add up to a lot.
1. Protect wildlife habitat.
Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Cutting down forests, farming, and development all result in loss of wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species live, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction. By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together naturally. Parks and reserves are now all too often the only habitats that are left untouched by habitat destruction.
2. Reduce the threat of invasive (入侵的) species.
The spread of non-native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources (資源) and habitat. They can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction.
3. Place decals (貼花紙) on windows.
It is reported that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year because of collisions (碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office.
4. Slow down when driving.
Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must move in human-living areas. One of the biggest obstacles (障礙) to them is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant risk to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you’re out and about, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
64. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. How animals go to extinction
B. The importance of protecting wildlife
C. What to do to help save wildlife
D. How to protect wildlife habitat
65. People are advised to put decals on windows to _____.
A. decorate the houses and beautify the environment
B. protect the windows from birds hitting
C. attract more birds to make homes nearby
D. avoid birds hitting the windows by mistake
66. The underlined phrase “prey on” in the passage means _____.
A. drive away B. live with C. kill for food D. fight with
Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so. “Health is the greatest wealth.” wise people say. You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill.  
If you have a headache, toothache, backache, earache or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, if you run a high temperature and have a bad cold, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you should go to the doctor.
The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, test your eyes, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. After that he will advise some treatment, or some medicine. The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice.
Speaking about doctor’s advice, I can’t help telling you a funny story.
An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks. In other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule: “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn’t smoke more than one cigarette a day.  
A month later the gentleman came into the doctor’s office. He looked cheerful and happy. He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man.“ But you know, doctor,” he said, “it’s not easy to begin smoking at my age.”
67. The writer thinks that_____.
A. health is more important than wealth
B. work is as important as studies
C. medicine is more important than pleasure
D. nothing is more important than money
68. The underlined part means_________.
A. he was feeling better than ever B. he wasn’t a healthy man
C. he was feeling worse than before D. he will be well again
69. From the last sentence of the passage, we learn the man_______ before the doctor told him not to smoke more than one cigarette a day.
A. was a heavy smoker B. didn’t smoke so much
C. didn’t smoke D. began to learn to smoke
70. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The doctor usually tests his/her blood pressure when a person is ill.
B. The man told the doctor he couldn’t remember things.
C. The man thanked the doctor.
D. The man didn’t follow the doctor’s advice.
71. The Chinese diet __________(包含) a lot of fruit and vegetables.
72. After two months’ hard work, the teenager s___________ in passing the final examination finally.
73. You should ___________(檢查) the car well before you buy it.
74. The naughty boy p___________ that he was ill so that he could stay at home.
75. Nowadays a large number of young people are not f__________ with the customs of our
76. We all a____________ her for the way she saved the children from the fire.
77. I am new on the job but I’ve already g___________ experience.
78. No one is to leave without my p____________.
79. Zheng Zhi is an ___________(精力充沛的) football player.
80. I must a____________ for not being able to meet you at the airport.
81. In China, children often look forward to ____________ (celebrate) the Spring Festival.
82. _____________ (follow) my instructions and you can’t miss it.
83. ?-- When are you moving to your new house?
?--Maybe in about a year for it __________________ (decorate) now.
84. So many problems are difficult ____________ (solve) before the fashion show.
85. Jack often __________________ (play) tricks on his neighbors at Halloween.
86. _______________ (enter) the room, I found him lying in bed, listening to music.
87. 80 percent of the TV sets we produce __________________ (export) to western countries
since the end of last century.
88. --- Has Sam finished his homework today?
--- I have no idea. He __________________ (do) it this morning.
89. We ________________ (not put) off the sports meet unless it rains hard tomorrow.
90. The passenger was badly injured. I insisted that a doctor _______________ (send) for
假設(shè)你是李華, 你遠(yuǎn)在美國的筆友Jack對(duì)中國的春節(jié)很感興趣, 他來信詢問有關(guān)情況。 請(qǐng)你給他回一封電子郵件, 簡單介紹春節(jié)及中國人是如何過春節(jié)的。 應(yīng)包括如下要點(diǎn): 1. 春節(jié)的時(shí)間和在中國的地位
2. 春節(jié)來臨之前……除夕夜……春節(jié)期間……
3. 你對(duì)春節(jié)的態(tài)度
注意:1. 詞數(shù)100-120;可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮使行文連貫
2. 參考詞匯:春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會(huì) Spring Festival Gala Evening
陰歷 lunar month 煙花 firecrackers
Dear Jack,
Thanks for your e-mail. I’m glad ____________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/67965.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測(cè)英語試卷