
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第一部分 (共80分)
I. 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿分10分)
第一節(jié) 聽(tīng)力理解 (共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)
1. What are the speakers talking about?
A. NBA games.
B. An NBA player.
C. Drugs.
2. What has happened to David Thompson?
A. He lost his life in an accident.
B. He fell sick with cancer.
C. His addiction to drugs has destroyed his sports life.
3. What is the speakers’ attitude toward drugs?
A. They showed great sympathy to drugs.
B. They are determined to avoid the drugs.
C. They are suffering cancer due to drugs.
4. Why does the woman invite the man to the party?
A. Because he is the headmaster.
B. Because he is the chairman.
C. Because he helped her with her paper.
5. When is the dinner party to be held?
A. At 6:30 p.m.
B. At 7:00 p.m.
C. A little after 7:00 p.m.
第二節(jié) 聽(tīng)取信息(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)
A Program on Health
第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)選擇(共30小題;每小題0.5分,滿分15分)
11. Tom was about to close the windows ________ his attention was caught by a bird.
A. whenB. ifC. andD. till
12. The teacher, together with the students ________ discussing Reading Skills that ________ newly published in America.
A. are; wereB. is; wereC. are; wasD. is; was
13. After the cheers, the noise of the crowd began to ________ as the group started playing.
A. die downB. die outC. die awayD. die off
14. According to the record, his sister left home in 1998, and ________ since.
A. had not been heard ofB. has not been heard of
C. had not heard ofD. has not heard of
15. Last summer the professor from the college taught us ________ poisonous gas.
A. how did we deal withB. what did we deal with
C. how we dealt withD. what we dealt with
16. Wouldn’t it be ________ wonderful world if all nations lived in ________ peace with one another?
A. a; /B. the; /C. a; theD. the; the
17. Considering his state, Bob’s doctor suggests ________ for a few weeks.
A. him to rest B. he restC. he restingD. that he is resting
18. As we all know, more attention must be paid ________ the endangered animals.
A. protectB. to protectC. to protectingD. protecting
19. The group waiting outside ________ ten people, ________ four aged men.
A. included; containingB. included; including
C. contains; containingD. contains; including
20. Not until he left his house ________ to know how important the family was for him.
A. had he begunB. did he beginC. he beganD. he had begun
21. —The boy who you told me of likes pop songs.
A. So am I. B. So did he. C. So he does. D. So is he.
22. The lift ________ yesterday. We’ll have to walk up to the eighth floor this evening.
A. broke downB. took downC. came downD. got down
23. He wrote a lot of novels, none of ________ has been translated into a foreign language.
A. themB. whichC. itD. what
24. ________ time going by, his music is becoming more and more popular.
A. AfterB. WhileC. AsD. With
25. In ________, namely when he was in ________, he joined the army.
A. 1980; the 10’sB. the 1980; his 10s
C. the 1980s; his teensD. 1980; his teens
26. —Why does the lake smell terrible?
—Because large quantities of water ________.
A. have pollutedB. is being polluted
C. has been pollutedD. have been polluted
27. Every possible means ________ to save the wounded soldier up to now.
A. was triedB. were triedC. have been triedD. has been tried
28. —Have you moved into your new apartment?
—Not yet. The rooms ________.
A. are being paintedB. are paintingC. are paintedD. are being painting
29. The company produces many cars every year, and most ________ are sold abroad.
A. of whichB. which ofC. of themD. of that
30. Many teenagers usually consider their best friend as someone ________ they can turn when they need help.
A. about whomB. on whomC. to whomD. with whom
31. This is the only reason ________ to you for not attending the party.
A. he explainedB. why he explained
C. the one he explainedD. which he explained
32. ________ some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.
A. WhetherB. WhatC. ThatD. How
33. Don't cross the street before the traffic ________ turns to green light.
A. symbolB. markC. signalD. sign
34. Sam ________ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.
A. brought upB. looked upC. picked upD. set up
35. All of us can never forget the day ________ we worked together and the day ________ we spent with the farmers together.
A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. where; which
36. After discussion my family would like to buy a house — modern, comfortable, and ________ in a quiet neighborhood.
A. in allB. above allC. after allD. at all
37. From my point of view, a teacher’s ________ to the cause of education is worth great respect of the whole society because it brings countless benefits to the development of society.
A. principleB. identityC. devotionD. guidance
38. —I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.
—How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _______ it.
A. will have stolenB. must have stolen
C. should have stolenD. might have stolen
39. Generally speaking, children usually go to sleep very quickly once ________ in bed at night.
A. he isB. theyC. they wereD. /
40. It is generally believed that teaching is ________ it is a science.
A. as an art much asB. much an art asC. an art much as D. as much an art as
第二節(jié) 完形填空 (共15小題; 每小題1分, 滿分15分)
閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從41—55各題所給的A, B, C, D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。
Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors (祖先). When I was three, my parents flashed (迅速地顯示) cards with Chinese 41 at my face, but I pushed them aside. My mom believed I would learn when I was ready, but the
42 never came.
On a Chinese New Year’s Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese, but all I could do was 43 at him, confused, scratching (搔,抓) my head. “Still can’t speak Chinese?” He 44 me, “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown.”
“Hey, this is America, not China. I will get some right now with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for 45 .
“When you get to the fish stand, remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,” she said, handing over a $20 bill. I 46 the words running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.
I found the fish 47 surrounded in a sea of customers. “I’d like to buy some fresh fish,” I shouted to the fishman. But he 48 my English words and turned to serve the next customer. The laugh of the people behind increased with their impatience. With every 49 the breath of the dragons on my back grew stronger — my blood boiling — 50 me to cry out. “Xian Sheng Yu, please” “Very Xian Sheng,” I repeated. The crowd erupted into laughter. My face turned 51 and I ran back home 52 , except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.
Should I laugh or cry? They’re Chinese. I should feel right at 53 . Instead, I was the joke, disgrace (丟臉) to the language.
Sometimes, I laugh at my fish 54 , but, in the end, the joke is on me. Every laugh is a culture lost; every laugh is my heritage (傳統(tǒng)) 55 gradually.
41.A. customB. gamesC. charactersD. language
42.A. successB. studyC. timeD. attempt
43.A. aimB. jokeC. nodD. stare
44.A. cared about B. laughed atC. argued withD. asked after
45.A. decisionB. permissionC. informationD. preparation
46.A. repeatedB. reviewedC. spelledD. kept
47.A. farmB. standC. pondD. market
48.A. guessedB. forgetC. doubtedD. ignored
49.A. secondB. effortC. desireD. movement
50.A. forcingB. allowingC. persuadingD. making
51.A. brightB. blankC. paleD. red
52.A. open-mouthedB. tongue-tiedC. empty-handedD. broken-hearted
53.A. serviceB. homeC. riskD. root
54.A. tradeB. deedC. challengeD. incident
55.A. throwingB. disappearingC. dividingD. reflecting
III. 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分40分)
第一節(jié) 閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
For the first time in Hong Kong’s history, an entertainer has been written into middle school textbooks. He is considered one of the best actors in Hong Kong. Yes, he is Chow Yun-fat.
The example of his long hard struggle for success has been used in a chapter in a Hong Kong middle school textbook. Using his experience, students can learn to make the most of their time and to grab every opportunity to succeed.
On hearing about this, Chow said happily, “I really hope that my experiences can make young people understand that one should not be afraid of difficulties and setbacks (挫折), for they are the only way to success.”
Indeed, Chow has travelled a long and difficult path to reach his success. In 1955, he was born into a poor family in Hong Kong. When he was 17, he had to leave school. He worked in a number of jobs—as a postman, camera salesman and taxi driver. These experiences paved (鋪路) the way for him to play all kinds of roles later in life.
Chow broke into the film industry in the late 1970s. He was one of the hardest working actors and starred in a number of popular TV dramas and films including “Shanghai Bund”(《上海灘》) and “A Better Tomorrow”. Since 1985, he has won many awards including Taiwan's Golden Horse Awards and Hong Kong Film Awards.
In 1995, he went to Hollywood. Although he was already over 40, he had to learn English. He even put chopsticks in his mouth to practise pronouncing certain sounds. His film, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, began to gain him more fame and recognition around the world. In 1998, the mayor of Chicago set aside January 12 as “Chow Yun-fat Day”.
56. Chow Yun-fat has been written into middle school textbooks mainly because ________.
A. he plays best in Hong Kong B. he keeps on struggling for success
C. his experiences are very special D. he is well thought of
57. Chow felt ________ when he learned that he had been written into middle school textbooks.
A. surprised B. shy C.sad D. happy
58. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Chow Yun-fat is proud of his success.
B. Chow Yun-fat prefers to make a living by selling cameras rather than by
C. Chow Yun-fat has won more awards than other actors.
D. Chow Yun-fat is popular both at home and abroad.
59. The underlined sentence (in paragraph 6) suggests ________.
A. chopsticks is of great help to practise English pronunciation
B. Chow Yun-fat is willing to struggle with difficulties
C. Chow Yun-fat has suffered a lot before he went to Hollywood
D. it is hard for a person who is over 40 years old to learn spoken English
60. The author wrote this passage to ________.
A. introduce Chow’s films
B. praise Chow for his excellent performance
C. call on people to learn from Chow
D. show why Chow is popular
Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town with my father, far from my old family and friends. I was terribly lonely and would cry myself to sleep each night. To ease my sadness, my father purchased an old horse for me at a local auction (拍賣). I named him Cowboy.?
Cowboy was without doubt the ugliest horse in the world. But I didn’t care. I loved him beyond all reason.?
I joined a riding club and suffered rude comments and mean snickers (竊笑) about Cowboy’s looks. I never let on about how I felt, but deep inside, my heart was breaking. The other members rode beautiful, registered horses.?
When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse was judged on appearance, we were quickly shown the gate. No amount of preparation and love would turn Cowboy into a beauty. My only chance to compete would be in the speed events. I chose the jumping race.?
One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons. Needless to say, she didn’t feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show. She didn’t need to. I came in next to last.?
The stinging memory of Becky’s smirks made me determined to beat her. For the whole next month I woke up early every day and rode Cowboy five miles to the arena (賽馬場(chǎng)). We practiced running and jumping for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home totally exhausted.?
All of our hard work didn’t make me feel confident by the time the show came. I sat at the gate and sweated it out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the course and finish in first place.?
My turn finally came. I put on my hat, rubbed Cowboy’s neck and entered the arena. At the signal, we dashed toward the first fence, jumped it without trouble and raced on to the next one. Cowboy then flew over the second, third and fourth fences like a bird and I turned him toward the finish line.?
As we crossed the line the crowd was shocked into silence. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her fancy horse by two seconds!?
I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that no matter what the odds, I’d always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it.
61. Why was the writer not confident of victory?
A. He was an inexperienced rider.
B. He had not practiced enough.
C. He believed he was unpopular with the crowd.
D. He thought his horse wasn’t as good as the others.
62. When the final race finished, nobody cheered because ________.
A. the audience didn’t like CowboyB. people envied the writer?
C. the win was unexpectedD. the writer had run out of time
63. The underlined expression “shown the gate” (paragraph 4) most probably means
A. told how to enter the arena?
B. shown how to make the horse beautiful?
C. removed from the competition early?
D. told to enter the timed-speed events?
64. What did the writer learn from his experience?
A. Life can sometimes be unfair.
B. Anything is possible if one tries hard enough.
C. A positive attitude will bring success.
D. One should not make judgments based on appearance.
65. The best title for the story is ________.
A. A Race to Remember B. A Horse’s Tale
C. Neck and Neck D. A Difficult Age ?
Every year students flock to the college bookstore to purchase the different textbooks that they need for their classes. Little do these students realize that, in doing so, they are throwing good money away. It may sound unbelievable but textbooks, in some cases, actually cost as much as, if not more, than college fees.
Many people think that college bookstores are the most convenient source for textbooks. Titles are usually in-stock and students may purchase new textbooks or choose to buy second-hand books and save money. But the money saved by purchasing second-hand textbooks from college bookstores is small compared to the amount they could save by shopping online.
More and more online booksellers have begun selling textbooks at heavily discounted prices. Online second-hand bookstores are another source for college books as they stock a large number of textbooks, which means sizable savings for students. Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they browse online since there are so many ‘virtual’ booksellers on the Net. Price isn’t the only factor to consider when making an online purchase. Students should also consider shipping costs and delivery time when making their decision.
Online auctions are another option for students seeking a bargain. This option, however, has its pros and cons. A plus is that students can get incredibly cheap books. One problem is that while online bookstores have a system in place to make sure that you receive your order within a reasonable amount of time, with an auction purchase, however, you must depend on the auction seller’s timetable.
One way that students can really save is by getting books for free. Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable. Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels. In the past students needing help with their studies would often have to spend a lot of money buying expensive study guides. Today that is no longer the case. Students without enough money can now visit the website Spark Notes for free downloadable study guides as well as classics.
66. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A. Learning to save on Textbooks.B. Why Buy Textbooks.
C. Online Shopping.D. Tips for Buying Secondhand Textbooks.
67. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source to obtain textbooks?
A. College bookstores.B. Online used bookstores.
C. Online auctions.D. Secondhand bookstore centers.
68. The underlined expression ‘pros and cons’ (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to ________.
A. professionals and conservativesB. good and bad points
C. joy and sadnessD. processes and conditions
69. According to the passage, Project Gutenberg is probably _______.
A. a government project aimed at helping English majors
B. a project to help poor students get free learning materials
C. a website for English majors to get the guides from language experts
D. a website for students to get free sources for English learning
70. From the passage, we can learn that ________.
A. the cost of textbooks in college is low compared to the amount spent on tuition
B. online auctions are perfect for students seeking text books
C. students should visit many websites before buying their books
D. students should consider shopping costs and delivery time above all else when making their buying decision.
第二節(jié) 信息匹配(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)
請(qǐng)閱讀下列應(yīng)用文和相關(guān)信息,并按照要求匹配信息。請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卡上將對(duì)應(yīng)題號(hào)的相應(yīng)選項(xiàng)字母涂黑 (若選擇E,請(qǐng)涂AB;若選擇F,請(qǐng)涂CD)。
71.Clare is a full-time homemaker with two daughters. She wants to find an apartment with two bedrooms. She has a habit of taking a walk every evening with her husband in the park, so she’d like an apartment that is near such a place.
72.Mr. Jones thinks highly of his son’s education. Recently, he has been considering sending his son to a good school. There being no such school around, his whole family has to move. Since his work requires that he go abroad often, an apartment near an airport would be ideal for him.
73.Mr. and Mrs. Burrow want to change their living environment. They want to move into a new two-bedroom apartment. They don’t care about other community features as long as there is an indoor swimming pool since their nine-year-old grandson is very fond of swimming.
74.Lily is a high school student and she lives with her sister who works downtown. As the place where they are living now is very noisy and is extremely inconvenient for both shopping and transportation, they are planning to move to a new place that is totally different and is good for her studies.
75.Charles and his friends want to relax themselves after the semester’s tense study. They want to find a very big apartment to live for the whole holiday. What they desire to do is not different from what other young people want to do. They want to swim, hold BBQs, exercise, go shopping and things like that.
A. Brook Lane offers one- and two-bedroom apartments.Our apartment community features great amenities (便利設(shè)施), including an indoor swimming pool, a community room. Our community is conveniently located near all the dining, shopping, and entertainment Brown Deer offers. Call Brook Lane apartments today to tour your new apartment home! To learn more please call toll free (免費(fèi)撥打) on (866) 647-2919 ext. 33079.
B. Deer Run’s luxurious living area offers excellent schools and countless restaurants. The apartments are located in highly-rated Carrollton School District, only 5-10 minutes to the area’s best private schools, 20 minutes from the University of Dallas & Brookhaven CC, 25 minutes from DFW Airport & Love Field Airport, and 15 minutes from premier shopping at the Galleria.
C. The apartment is located in a four-family building. The size of one bedroom is 9’X10’ and the other is 11’X15’. The floors are hardwood and the apartment comes with all the appliances a family may need. The building is close to a park. To learn more please call toll free on (866)9647-2919 ext. 31072.
D. Enjoy all that St. Mary’s Woods has to offer. Each apartment is designed with features to provide inviting and convenient living for busy lifestyles of today. Spacious interiors include digital cable or satellite TV access and high speed Internet access. We’re conveniently located just minutes from Highways 217 and 26, downtown, shopping, schools and fine dining.
E. Stroll through The Promenade and stop to relax in the beautiful garden courtyard and pool area. Each apartment is very spacious with three bedrooms. Community amenities include: a community pool, a fitness centre, a picnic and barbecue area, landscaped courtyards and close to the downtown area. To learn more please call toll free on (866)647-2919 ext. 34092.
F. Tuscany Cove is just minutes from I-215, so it’s a quick drive to the airport or downtown. Furthermore, our apartments are energy-efficient and close to public transportation (we’re on a bus line), shopping, dining, and schools. All apartments include two bedrooms as well as a study. To learn more please call toll free on (866)647-2919 ext. 32019.
IV. 默寫 (共10空格;每空格1分,滿分10分)
Unit 2 M2
I first became interested in football when I was nine. Now I play in my school team and join my friends for a game every week 76 . It’s fun.
My favourite footballer is David Beckham although I also like Ronaldo. They are both excellent and have great skills too. 77 playing at school I go to sports school every weekend. I learn many skills there, 78 passing the ball and scoring.
Unit 4 Cambridge
… They seem to 79 before lunch. Night people, 80 , usually have real trouble getting up in the morning. They often drag themselves through the day and reach their 81 in the evening. Night people, 82 until 2:00 or 3:00 A.M., are just getting started when morning people are going to bed.
Unit 5 M2
… Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway 83 they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may
84 in pubs or clubs, 85 they are paid in cash.
V. 英譯中(共20小題;每小題1分,共20分)
86. Your brain is most alert at this time.
87. Sometimes stress is the cause of fatigue and a lack of energy.
88. I work so hard during the week that I’m too exhausted to do anything on the weekend.
89. Unless I get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, I feel tired the next day.
90. You feel pleased with yourself and superior to other people.
91. Even more of us report at least one night of restless sleep per week that leaves us feeling ill and irritable.
92. I exercise four times a week, am very careful about what I eat, and can’t tolerate cigarette smoke at all.
93. The majority of those surveyed thought that drug abuse is worse now than it was five years ago.
94. Soon, the board that had no nail was blown away, and the roof began to leak.
95. Around 30 students in Japan held a demonstration last week against the killing of dolphins and whales by Japanese hunters.
96. After drinking to the point of blacking out, a 17-year-old boy in Altoona, Iowa was run over by a train, only to receive a few injuries.
97. Scientists view these areas as refuges that could allow some polar bears to survive over the long term.
98. Queen Clarisse, my expectation in life is to be invisible and I’m good at it.
99. If your system gets a virus, visit your virus-scan software manufacturer’s website and install any virus updates that are available.
100. Nights give rise to days, months and years.
101. Plastic bottles take many hundreds of years to disintegrate.
102. Choose non-toxic cleaners and lawn care items that won’t pollute streams, rivers or oceans.
103. The wedding DJ may also be called upon to act as an emcee when special events are about to take place, such as the throwing of the bouquet.
104. They have discovered that the towering Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, were the primary driving force behind the Asian monsoon.
105. Within a few seconds the eggs will slide into the bottle.
VI. 根據(jù)首字母,中文或括號(hào)里詞的適當(dāng)形式填寫單詞 (每小題1分,共15分)
106. It was not long before we got ________(熟悉) with each other in the new class.
107. It’ll be ________ (感激) if you can come to my party.
108. The shop keeper told me that their prices are very cheap and ________ (吸引人).
109. We read _______ (簡(jiǎn)化的) novels for senior high school students every day.
110. Mozart’s music is so outstanding that it is worth a________ more importance to. (重視)
111. They showed their enemies no m________, because they knew clearly what to love and what to hate.
112. Workers will be e________ to kill the mice in our school, which means we will pay them.
113. What the teacher said gave me r from pressure.
114. Being famous means your p________ life will be discussed by other people.
115. As their habitat has been a________ by global warming, the number of the polar
bears is decreasing.
116. Many new ________ (apply) of mobile phones have been developed.
117. Before the meeting, the chairman ________ (brief) introduced the subject.
118. He wore a thick overcoat as a ________ (protect) against the bitter cold.
119. Our class ________ (succeed) won first place in the sports meeting.
120. Too much hunting is another reason resulting in the decreasing of whales in ________ (add) to pollution.
VII. 語(yǔ)法填空(共5小題;每小題1分,共5分)
121. I work in a business _________ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.
122. The sun gives us heat and light, without ________ we can’t live.
123. That scientist, ________ work is successful, has been made a model worker.
124. He must be from Africa, ________ can be seen from his skin.
125. Thirty-two people watched the little cat ________ (kill) right below their windows. Yet none of them offered any help.
VII. 運(yùn)用Module 2 Unit 3-5中學(xué)到的句型或詞組翻譯句子。(共20分)
126. 他一生都在研究癌癥的治療(cure)。(devote…to)
127. 由于鑰匙丟了,他只好在門外等。(with結(jié)構(gòu))
128. 由于辛勤工作,科學(xué)家們最終找到了問(wèn)題的解決方案。(as a result of)
129. 湯姆經(jīng)常拿約翰開(kāi)玩笑,這讓約翰很生氣。(定語(yǔ)從句)
130. 這個(gè)房間是如此的大,可以容納很多人。(so 引導(dǎo)的倒裝句)
131. 就是在這個(gè)他停放舊車的車庫(kù)(garage)里,喬布斯制造出了第一部蘋果電腦。(強(qiáng)調(diào)句,定語(yǔ)從句)
第一部分選擇題 (共 75 分)
第二部分非選擇題(共 75 分)
I. 聽(tīng)力:第二節(jié) 聽(tīng)取信息 (共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)
6. chocolate7. soft drink(s)8. vegetables9. Yellow10. beer and salt
IV. 默寫(共10空格;每空格1分,滿分10分)
76. on a regular basis 77. Apart from 78. such as 79. get most of their work done
80. on the other hand 81. peak 82. who often stay up 83. so that
84. give performances 85. for which
V. 英譯中(共20小題;每小題1分,共20分)
86. 警覺(jué)的,機(jī)敏的 87. 疲憊,疲勞 88. 筋疲力盡的,疲憊不堪的 89. 不間斷的
90. 優(yōu)越的,更高的,更好的91. 易怒的,急躁的92. 忍受,容忍 93. 濫用
94. 漏水 95. 示威游行 96. 在……上駛過(guò),碾過(guò) 97. 避難所
98. 看不見(jiàn)的,無(wú)形的 99. 安裝 100. 引起,使發(fā)生 101. 分解
102. 無(wú)毒的103. 花束 104. 高聳的 105. 滑落
VI. 根據(jù)首字母,中文或括號(hào)內(nèi)的提示填寫單詞。(共15空格,每空格1分,滿分15分)
106. familiar 107. appreciated/appreciative108. attractive109. simplified 110. attaching
111. mercy 112. employed 113. relief114. personal/private115. affected
116. applications117. briefly 118. protection 119. successfully 120. addition
VII. 語(yǔ)法填空(共5小題;每小題1分,共5分)
121. where122. which123. whose124. as 125. being killed
VII. 翻譯:請(qǐng)根據(jù)所給漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子(共20分)
126. He devoted his whole life to studying the cure of cancer. (3’)
127. With the key lost, he had to wait outside the door. (3’)
128. The scientists finally found a solution to the problem as a result of their hard work. (4’)
129. Tom always plays jokes on John, which makes John angry. (3’)
130. So large is the room that it can hold a great number of people. (3’)
131. It was in this garage where he parked his old car that Jobs made his first apple computer. (4’)
Tape script
Text 1
M: What a pity, a talented sportsman vanishes.
W: You are talking to yourself again.
M: No, no. I just feel sympathy for David Thompson.
W: Why?
M: He was a gifted NBA player.
W: Er, what is he now?
M: His name is no longer shown up in American sports circles.
W: Did he die?
M: Nearly. He can’t play basketball any more and this means death to an athlete.
W: How did he get into such a plight?
M: For taking addictive drugs.
W: Drugs are really a cancer to society. We should keep away from them.
M: That’s quite right.
Text 2
W: Good morning, Dr. Vincent. May I come in?
M: Good morning, Christiana. Of course. How can I be of help?
W: Well, it’s about school, Dr. Vincent. It’s just that Alan and I wanted to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate finishing my paper, and we would particularly like to invite you since you’re the chairman. Would you please come this weekend, on Saturday?
M: I’d be glad to, Lynn. Saturday, did you say?
W: If that’s all right for you and Mrs. Vincent.
M: I’ll have to check with Elizabeth, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be all right.
W: Good. If you could come around 6:30 or 7:00 o’clock, that would give us time to chat for a while over a glass of wine before dinner.
M: That sounds fine. We’ll be there around seven.
W: That would be great! Oh, I’m so pleased that you and Mrs. Vincent will be able to make it!
M: Well. It should be fun. And you should celebrate it after all that hard work.
W: Oh, I can never thank you enough.
M: Thank yourself.
You should use these three groups to discover a sensible balance that suits you. Remember, it is easier to stay slim than to lose weight once you have put it on. A little care choosing what you eat and enough regular exercise will go a long way to get you feeling great.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/72589.html

相關(guān)閱讀:高一人教版Module 3檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)試卷