高一英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) Unit2單元同步測(cè)試題(含參考答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1. ― Could you be so kind as to pass me the cell phone?
― _______.
A. With pleasureB. A pleasure C. Yes, please D. Go ahead
2. ― How do you like _______ city that you visited last week?
― It’s _______ most beautiful one.
A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; 不填
3. We’d like to focus on several topics from the many hot issues (議題) of common _______, like employment, education and medical care.
A. custom B. concern C. conclusion D. contribution
4. Talking about harmful additives (添加劑) in food, he stressed that they should
be _______ completely.
A. banned B. applied C. ignored D. analyzed
5. A digital version of the map will soon be _______ online and people can use it for free anytime.
A. acceptable B. practical C. available D. convenient
6. ― I hear the worker was awarded a special prize for his achievements.
― He certainly _______ it, for he has devoted so much to the company.
A. is deserved B. deserves C. worthy D. worth
7. Last century many Chinese people had no idea _______ a wetland (濕地) was. But now most people understand the importance of wetlands.
A. that B. what C. where D. whether
8. Decisions about education are not only _______ primary importance to the individual, but a big issue for entire families.
A. at B. of C. for D. with
9. The cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf appeals (吸引) so much to children _______ it is well to their taste.
A. in case B. even if C. so that D. in that
10. ― Which type do you like, madam?
― I prefer the mini one. It is so easy _______ along.
A. to carryB. to be carriedC. carryingD. being carried
11. China has declared it to the rest of the world on many occasions _______ it takes a path of peaceful development.
A. that B. what C. when D. where
12. People _______ the justness of the college entrance examination, but have doubts about its fairness. It is still an ineffective approach to selecting creative talent.
A. approach B. distinguish C. recognize D. represent
13. Mr. Wang was chosen to _______ our school to make a speech at the meeting.
A. stand for B. represent C. take place D. present
14. Nancy, I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with _______.
A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
15. ― It was snowy yesterday.
― _______ today. And a very day for staying at home, isn’t it?
A. So it was B. So it isC. So is it D. So was it
I run a hotel in London. During the days with the terrible ash cloud which spread Europe from Iceland in May, 2010, I was  16  to a London radio station called LBC. People called in  17 their stories of trouble…some had missed  18 for holidays, some couldn’t get home  19  the volcanic eruption.
The story that most  20  me was a call from Peter, who had just gotten  21  the previous weekend to Maz. They were due to  22  their honeymoon to the Dominican Republic but could not  23  the ash cloud. When James O’Brien, the radio presenter, asked if he was upset, Peter said: “Not at all. I’ve married the  24  girl in the world whom I adore, so…no… I’m not  25  at all.” Both the presenter and I were so impressed by the beautiful  26 .
A little later, after receiving many cancellations, a(n)  27  occurred to me and I called LBC. I spoke to the producer of the show and asked if she could keep  28  with Peter to offer him and his wife a  29  for the weekend at my hotel for free. She later  30  to say Peter and Maz were delighted and would love to take up the  31 . The producer asked if I would like to  32  offer it to them on the radio show, but I declined as I didn’t want it  33  to the public.
So, two days  34 , Peter and Maz arrived at the hotel and checked in. I was so pleased to have made a bad situation  35  for a young couple.
16. A. relating B. listening C. sticking D. going
17. A. telling B. promising C. understanding D. persuading
18. A. buses B. taxis C. trains D. flights
19. A. crossingB. limiting C. keeping D. following
20. A. upset B. struck C. satisfied D. disappointed
21. A. married B. away C. home D. abroad
22. A. get to B. search for C. leave for D. turn to
23. A. instead of B. except for C. as for D. because of
24. A. greatestB. loveliest C. poorest D. healthiest
25. A. unhappyB. weak C. angry D. content
26. A. question B. lady C. answer D. attitude
27. A. voice B. idea C. result D. chance
28. A. in needB. in danger C. in touch D. in trouble
29. A. roomB. condition C. reward D. price
30. A. stood by B. called back C. kept on D. found out
31. A. offer B. money C. time D. space
32. A. regularlyB. shortly C. frequently D. formally
33. A. disappeared B. known C. separated D. expected
34. A. later B. before C. after D. since
35. A. easier B. less C. better D. worse
At a young age, I realized that my parents depend on me to become everything that they have always wanted to become themselves.
My mother never had a chance to complete her education because of difficult family situations. She has put all her unrealized hopes and dreams on my shoulders, a seventeen-year-old. My siblings (兄弟姐妹) were angry with me and I, in turn, was angry with my parents for the added pressure of being “the one that will be everything”. But I still tried hard to remain on top of my grades through elementary and middle school because I didn’t want to disappoint them. My father would actually gloat (洋洋自得) when I brought home a perfect grade. He would offer me a simple “Congratulations” and then walk away. I remember when I did not get the highest grade, and received a score less than perfect by my father’s standards, I wished for a heartfelt “I am proud of you” or a hug and kiss, but instead was asked the question, “Where are the other ten points?” I would laugh it off and pretend that I did not care. But I cared more than I thought.
As my final year of high school comes to a close, and my college career approaches, my mother is becoming more and more aggressive in her desires for me to succeed. I keep having nightmares of failing or not becoming the success they thought I would be. It is so hard to overcome this fear. I know what it takes. I have to trust my judgment and let go of the demands of my parents. I will live my dreams and become the success that I want to be.
36. The author’s parents probably .
A. expected too much of him
B. treated him better than his siblings
C. didn’t love him at all D. cared only about his studies
37. The author finally decided .
A. to run away from home
B. to follow his own dreams
C. not to be devoted completely to his studies D. not to go to college
38. The purpose of the author is to tell us that .
A. parents usually love their children deeply
B. children should shoulder their parents’ unrealized wishes
C. children should learn to be independent
D. too much pressure from parents can harm their children
The 1960 Presidential Debates between Vice President Nixon and Kennedy were the first nationally televised debates in presidential (總統(tǒng)的) campaign history. 70 million voters were given the opportunity to not only hear the candidates, but to visually (在視覺(jué)上地) compare them.
Surprisingly, there’s a big difference between the TV-viewers and the radio-listeners. While radio-listeners clearly thought that Nixon had won the first debate, TV-viewers were attracted by Kennedy’s smile and charm.
Now let’s think about some other situations: what if a baseball manager knew the opposing team’s signals and were able to prognosticate their game plan? Likewise, as a professional salesman, you would be wise to monitor your potential customers’ body language and adjust your work from time to time.
In 1872, Charles Darwin published the book The Expressions in Man and Animals and began the modern study of nonverbal (非語(yǔ)言的) communication. In fact, it is a mixture of movement, posture and tone of voice.
Top salesmen and the most successful managers recognize the importance of nonverbal communication. They understand that one of the easiest and most effective ways to make good sales is to be aware of their potential customers’ “buy signals.”
Matching and mirroring your potential customers’ body language gestures is a way of telling others that you like them and agree with them. The psychological principle behind matching and mirroring is that people want to do business with salesmen who are similar to them.
39. We can learn from the passage that _____.
A. a salesman should not use too much body language
B. Presidential Debates first started in America in 1960
C. baseball managers often know the opposing team’s signals
D. Darwin was the first modern scientist researching on body language
40. The example of 1960 Presidential Debates is used to show _____.
A. the debates were always fierce
B. the debates always attracted large quantities of people
C. the voters paid more attention to the candidate’s debating skills
D. the voters’ opinions are affected by the candidate’s nonverbal communication
41. Charles Darwin wrote the book The Expressions in Man and Animals to _____.
A. report his research on body language
B. conclude men can learn a lot from animals
C. teach people how to communicate with animals
D. show the big difference between men and animals
42. The underlined word “prognosticate” in Paragraph 3 means “_____”.
A. copy B. carry out
C. change in time D. tell in advance
When I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut. I had posters from the space program on my wall and I could recite the articles about astronauts. I remembered coming home after school the day Space Shuttle Challenger blew up in 1986 and sitting on the chair watching the video over and over and just crying my eyes out. I wanted to be an astronaut too badly and I even went to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. I wore my flight suit to school the first day back. Most people thought I was a fool, but I didn’t care. I was going to be an astronaut and I was proud of it.
Recently, someone asked me why I wanted to be an astronaut. Ironically, considering what I do for a living, I’d never actually thought about it. I wanted to just see the world from a perspective (視角) most people don’t, then go home and share all the amazing stories with others so they could see what I saw.
As the words came out of my mouth, I caught myself. And that’s when I realized it. I never went to space, but I am an astronaut. I am living my childhood dream.
For years, I did as I was told, following a path others said I should follow. All those years, I wasn’t living my childhood dream, but I was just making a living. It wasn’t until I lost my passion that I was forced to try something new. It was then that I discovered the concept of why. What I do now is different from floating in space, but why I do it is exactly the same. This explains the reason I love getting out of bed every morning. I feel I was an astronaut.
Think about what you dreamed of being when you were 10 years old. Then ask yourself why you wanted to be that? Then the question is―are you living your childhood dream now?
I strongly suggest being what you wanted to be when you were 10. It’s a lot better than growing up.
43. From the first paragraph we can learn that the writer was ______ about being an astronaut.
A. worriedB. puzzled
C. crazyD. sad
44. Why did the writer want to be an astronaut?
A. Because it is a means of making a living.
B. Because he wanted to see the world in a new way.
C. Because he wanted to gain respect from others.
D. Because he enjoyed floating in space.
45. It can be inferred from the underlined sentences in Paragraph 4 that the writer was once ______.
A. dependent B. determined
C. creative D. positive
46. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. My dreamy childhood
B. An unforgettable experience in space
C. A story about an astronaut
D. Follow your childhood dream
A 13-year-old American became the youngest climber to climb Mount Everest on Saturday.
Jordan Romero’s journey was recorded on his blog, writing his team’s climbing up Everest, which is 8,847 meters above sea level.
“Their dreams have now come true,” a state-ment on Jordan’s blog said. “Everyone sounded unbelievably happy.”
Before Saturday, the youngest climber to climb Everest was 16-year-old Temba Tsheri of Nepal.
“I know you would like to hear from the boy himself, but he has no food for days and he is having a wolf in his stomach,” a member of Jordan’s climbing team said in a message posted Saturday on his blog. “You’re not going to believe the story when you see it and read about it.”
Romero left for the peak from the Chinese side of the mountain after Nepal denied (否認(rèn)) his permission on age grounds.
Before starting out, Romero, of Big Bear, California, said he wanted to climb Everest to inspire more young people to get outdoors.
“Obese (肥胖的) children are the future of America,” he said on April 9 in Kathmandu. “I am hoping to change that by doing what I do: climbing and motivational (激發(fā)積極性的) speaking.”
With a smile, he added, “I am doing this a little for myself, too, to do something big.”
Jordan now has climbed six of the seven highest mountains on seven continents, known as the Seven Summits.
Romero’s family started climbing the Seven Summits in summer 2005. He was just 9 when they climbed 5,895 meters to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
There is an argument about whether the tallest mountain in Oceania is Kosciuszko in mainland Australia or Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia, so Romero and his family climbed both.
The only mountain left for him to climb after Everest is the Vinson Massif in Antarctica, which is 4,897 meters high. A trip there is planned for December.
47. What does the underlined sentence in the passage probably mean?
A. He feels uncomfortable.
B. He is very hungry.
C. He is very tired.
D. He feels excited.
48. Why didn’t Nepal allow Romero to climb Everest?
A. Because he was too young.B. Because he wasn’t a Chinese.
C. Because he might break Nepal’s record.
D. Because he might die in the course of climbing.
49. Why did Romero aim to climb Everest?
A. To become the first boy to climb the mountain.
B. To expect other boys to take more exercise.
C. To encourage other children to climb Everest too.
D. To do something big to honor his father.
50. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. A boy was brave enough to climb Everest alone.
B. American boys are becoming more obese now.
C. Romero is planning to climb Seven Summits.
D. A 13-year-old American boy breaks Everest record.
Spoken English is different from written English. Written English follows very precise (精確的) and complex rules of grammar. Spoken English, on the other hand, often includes slang terms (俚語(yǔ)說(shuō)法) and has many differences in pronunciation that can make fluency with native speakers. So it is difficult if a student only knows written English. For example, phrases such as “want to” and “going to” when spoken by a native English speaker, are often pronounced like one word ― “wanna” or “gonna”. These differences can be hard to understand for someone who does not speak English fluently.
The goal of improving spoken English is to make a student speak English more fluently in a conversation. While written English focuses on (關(guān)注) teaching specific words and proper grammar rules, spoken English is much less formal. Pronunciations and grammatical changes, whether correct or not, are different when English is spoken. Sounds that should be unique often run together, and sentence structures are less formal. Certain communication elements are indicated by facial expressions, or hand gestures, rather than spoken aloud.
An added obstacle (障礙) for students to actually speak English is the variety of dialects (方言), word usage, and slang from different regions and English-speaking countries. Some phrases and terms mean differently, or different words might be used to describe similar things, depending on the country or region. For example, in America the word bathroom is used, while in England it is referred to as a loo (廁所). Likewise, in America, the word “window” might be pronounced “winda”, “winder” or “window” depending on the region.
Therefore, in order to be able to speak with native and fluent English speakers all over the world, training in spoken English is necessary. Since spoken English is often more simple than written English, some students may benefit from learning to speak English first. Though learning to run sounds into each other, as is common in spoken English, could result in possible confusion when learning to write English, you had better begin to study English with spoken English.
TitleSpoken English
TopicSpoken English is different from written English.
(51) _____Written English●Rules of grammar are precise and (52)_____.
●It focuses on specific words and proper grammar rules.
Spoken English●Because of slang terms and different pronunciation, speaking fluently is (53)____ for those who only knows written English.
●(54) ____ sounds often run together.
●Sentence structures are a little (55)_____.
●Certain communication elements are indicated through some (56)_____ language.
●There are various dialects, word usage and slang.
●Some phrases and terms have different (57)_____ depending on the country or region.
●Similar things can be (58)_____ with different words in different countries or regions.
(59)_____●Receiving (60) ________ in spoken English is necessary.
●It is better for you to begin studying English from spoken English.
1. 租房會(huì)加重父母的經(jīng)濟(jì)負(fù)擔(dān);
2. 容易養(yǎng)成一些不良習(xí)慣;
3. 浪費(fèi)學(xué)習(xí)時(shí)間;
4. 與同學(xué)缺乏交流。
51. Differences 52. complex 53. difficult 54. Unique 55. informal 56. body

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/74617.html

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