Going West教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
Going West教案
The Fourth Period?
Teaching Aims:?
1.Review all the language points and the grammar—the Attribute in this unit.?
2.Learn and master the following phrases:?
tie up,at stake,go for?
3.Do some reading and writing practice to improve the students’ integrating skills.?
4.Learn how to write a story.?
Teaching Important Points:?
1.Improve the students’ integrating skills.?
2.Help the students write a story well.?
Teaching Difficult Points:?
1.How to help the students understand the reading passage better.?
2.How to help the students complete the writing.?
Teaching Methods:?
1.Doing some exercises to review what they’ve learnt in this unit.?
2.Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.?
3.Writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.?
4.Individual,pair or group work to make every student be active in class.?
Teaching Aids:?
1.the multimedia?
2.a tape recorder?
3.the blackboard?
Teaching Procedures:?
Step Ⅰ Greetings?
Greet the whole class as usual.?
Step Ⅱ Revision?
T:Yesterday we reviewed the grammar—the Attribute.We know that adjectives,pronouns,adverbs,to do,v.-ing,v.-ed,attributive clauses,ect.are all possible to be used as the Attribute.Now,please look at the screen and do the exercise to see if you have mastered them well enough.?
(Teacher shows the exercise on the screen and asks the students to do it one by one.)?
Underline the Attribute in each sentence and tell what is used as Attribute.?
1.The world in which we live is made of matter.?
2.The homework for today is to write a six-hundred-word composition about your hometown.?
3.This is the laboratory set up by the students themselves.?
4.The room facing south is our bedroom.?
5.He is always the first to come and the last to leave.?
6.She took the second place in the beauty contest.?
Suggested answers:?
1.in which we live(an attributive clause)?
2.six-hundred-word(a complex adjective)?
about your hometown(a preposition phrase)?
3.set up by the students themselves(a past participle)?
4.facing south(a present participle)?
our(a pronoun)?
5.to come;to leave(an infinitive)?
6.the second(an ordinal numeral)?
beauty(a noun)?
T:You all did good jobs.So much for grammar revision.Now,let’s review the useful phrases and expressions in this unit together.Please look at the screen and finish the exercise by yourself in five minutes.?
(Show the following on the screen.)?
Complete the sentences using the proper forms of the expressions in the box.?
apply...to... add up lose heart take it easy keep up leave behind pull up lose one’s way come to an end be/become accustomed to have no choice but to do...

1.The war soon_______.?
2.His wife_______her two little girls.?
3.Would you_______that principle_______everyone??
4.Have you_______these figures_______right??
5. _______you_______this kind of weather??
6.The policeman_______the motorist and asked to see his licence.?
7.They told us they_______.?
8.If this rain_______,all the crops will be ruined.?
9.You’ve been working so hard for several months.You must_______and relax over the weekend.?
10.The boy_______drop out of the school.?
11.Facing any difficulty,we shouldn’t_______.?
(After a while,teacher checks the answers.)?
Suggested answers:?
1.came to an end?
2.left behind?
5.Are;accustomed to?
6.pulled up?
7.had lost their way?
8.keeps up?
9.take it easy?
10.had no choice but to?
11.lose heart?
T:Besides,we’ve also learnt a lot about perseverance and success.Tell me which words and expressions in this unit can help us talk about perseverance and success.?
Ss:Keep up,lose heart,live through,quit,perseverance,continue....?
Step Ⅲ Reading?
T:Well.Imagine that one cold winter in Alaska,you’re asked to take some medicines to a hospital 700 miles away as soon as possible.How would you do it??
Ss:By plane,train,bus or ship.?
T:If they weren’t available to you for some reason,what would you do??
Ss:We may try riding a sled drawn by a team of dogs.?
T:You’re very clever.But it isn’t an interesting and relaxing journey,is it??
Ss:No,it isn’t.?
T:OK.Now let’s read a dialogue.It will tell us a true story.Before we read it,we’ll learn some new words.?
(Teacher deals with the new words as usual.)?
T:OK.Open your books at Page 52.I’ll give you four minutes to read the dialogue quickly and silently and then answer some questions on the screen.Do it as fast as possible.After a while,I’ll check the answers.?
(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)?
1.When did the Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled race begin??
2.Was the first race a competition??
3.What relationship are Miss Welch and Dr Welch??
4.What kind of disease is diphtheria??
5.What would be the only way over 674 miles between Nenana and Nome??
6.How was the vaccine brought to Nenana??
7.Were the children of Nome saved at last?How many miles had the drivers covered in little more than 127 hours??
(Four minutes later,teacher begins to check their answers.)?
Suggested answers:?
1.The Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled race began in 1925.?
2.No,it wasn’t.But it was a race against time.?
3.Miss Welch is a grand-daughter of Dr Welch.?
4.Diphtheria is a disease that spreads very fast.If untreated,it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.?
5.A relay of dog teams would be the only way at that time.?
6.The doctor in Anchorage wrapped the medicine in a quilt and tied it up.A train took the packet from Anchorage to Nenana.?
7.Yes.The drivers had covered almost 700 miles in little more than 127 hours.?
T:Good jobs.Now,look at the screen.I’ll explain some expressions and a sentence pattern to you so that you can use them freely.?
Ⅰ.Useful expressions:?
e.g.We must do something to save them from ruin.?
2.cover a distance of...?
e.g.The Red Army covered a distance of 25 000 li on the Long March.?
3.tie up?
e.g.Wait a moment while I tie up my shoes.?
4.at stake?
e.g.His reputation was at stake.?
Ⅱ.Sentence pattern:?
If untreated,it would produce a....(=If it were untreated,it would produce a....)?
e.g.If invited,I would attend her wedding.?
(=If I were invited,I would attend her wedding.)?
(Bb:save...from,cover a distance of,tie up,at stake?
If untreated,it would produce a....(=If it were untreated,it would produce a....)?
T:Do you have anything else you don’t understand?If you do,please tell me.I’ll be glad to explain them to you.?
(Teacher answers the questions asked by the students.)?
Step Ⅳ Listening and Discussion?
T:Well,let’s listen to the tape,when I play it for the first time,just listen to it.When I play it for the second time,please listen and repeat.Then read the dialogue aloud for a few minutes.Is that clear??
T:OK.Let’s begin.?
(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen.Then the students read it.After that,teacher says the following.)?
T:Well.Stop here.Now please discuss the questions below the dialogue.Do them in groups of four.I’ll give you five minutes to prepare.After that,I’ll ask some of you to report your results of the discussion to the rest of the class.Do you understand??
(Teacher goes among the students and joins them.Five minutes later,teacher checks their work.)?
Suggested answers:?
1.They are flu and diphtheria.?
2.For example,pneumonia,choler,chicken pox,small-pox.?
3.When he discovered that the children had diphtheria and had no enough vaccine in the small city,he decided to get vaccine from a hospital in Anchorage.But in 1925,nothing got to Nome quickly,so he thought the only way was a relay of dog teams.After twenty drivers covered almost 700 miles in little more than 127 hours together with their dog teams,the children of Nome were saved.?
4.A relay means that each member of the team must finish one section of the total distance,such as the Marathon relay race.?
5.Because the sea was frozen,while the only two planes had been stored.?
Step Ⅴ Writing?
T:Now look at Page 54.It’s time for us to do some writing practice.This time,we’re going to write a story based on the dialogue we learnt just now.Retell the story first and then write it on a piece of paper.The pictures below may help you finish the task.Before retelling it,you’d better look at the pictures carefully.When you finish it,exchange your writing with your partners and correct the mistakes in it.At the end,I’ll ask some of you to retell the story orally.Is everything clear??
T:OK.You can begin your work.?
(Teacher gives the students enough time to finish the task of writing.If time permits,teacher asks some of them to retell the story in class.)?
One possible version:?
One day,in the winter of 1925,the only doctor in Nome Dr Welch discovered that some children had a terrible disease called diphtheria.Soon some children died.In the small city,Dr Welch had enough vaccine for 5 people.The only way to prevent the disease was to get more vaccine as quickly as possible.At last,Dr Welch found the vaccine in a hospital,but the hospital was 1000 miles away.At that time,the sea was frozen and the only two planes had been stored.The only way would be to take the medicine first from Anchorage to Nenana by train and then send them to Nome by a relay of dog teams.It would take up to 13 days to complete.Soon twenty tough men formed a relay team.They rode day and night,through snow storms,against the temperature more than 30 degrees below zero.At last,they covered almost 700 miles and took the vaccine to Nome as soon as possible in little more than 127 hours.The children of Nome were saved.The drivers and dogs were so tired that the dogs couldn’t bark when they arrived in Nome.People in the city much appreciated the dogs and thought they were really heroes.In December that year,a bronze sculpture of a dog was placed in New York’s Central Park in honour of them.?
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework?
T:In this class,we’ve reviewed the useful expressions and the grammar—the Attribute.And we’ve also learnt a dialogue about a historical event in 1925 and some useful phrases and a sentence pattern.Besides,we’ve learnt how to write a story.After class,go over all the language points learnt in this unit.If you haven’t finished your writing,please go on with it.Well,up to now,we’ve learnt the whole unit.Can you tell me how you fell about perseverance??
S1:I fell that perseverance leads to success.?
S2:I think when facing a difficult decision,we should stay calm.If at first we don’t succeed,try,try again.?
T:Well done.Please read the tips at Page 54 after class.I believe that you’ll learnt a lot from it.OK.That’s all for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!?
Ss:See you tomorrow!?
Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing on ?
the Blackboard?
Unit 6 Going west?
The Fourth Period?
Ⅰ.Useful expressions:?
cover a distance of?
tie up?
at stake?
Ⅱ.Sentence pattern:?
If untreated,it would produce a....(=If it were untreated,it would produce a....)?
Step Ⅷ Record after Teaching?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/76721.html
