
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

浙江省杭州外國(guó)語學(xué)校期中考試英語試卷考試須知:英語試卷總分值100分,總答題時(shí)間100分鐘。本試卷分“試題卷”、“答題卷”和“答題卡”,其中“試題卷”頁,“答題卷”頁,“答題卡”1張。請(qǐng)將題答案寫在“答題卡”上,其他題答案寫在“答題卷”上,否則無效。請(qǐng)務(wù)必注意試題序號(hào)和答題序號(hào)相對(duì)應(yīng)。所有題請(qǐng)用鉛筆在“答題卡”相應(yīng)的位置上涂黑,其它題答題一律用藍(lán)色、黑色的鋼筆、水筆或圓珠筆,否則無效。I.聽力 15% (共15題,每小題1分)Part OneListen to five short dialogues and answer questions 1-5. Each dialogue will be read only once. 5% 1. What does the lady mean? A. She thinks the man’s kidding.B. She believes what the man said. C. She has a problem with her leg.2. What does the man feel about Hill? A. He feels sorry for Hill. B. He doesn’t really care. C. He thinks Hill deserves it. 3. What does the woman ask Karl to do? A. To put on his friend’s shoes.B. To try to understand his friend.C. To ask his friends again. 4. What does the man mean? A. We’re not sure about the evidence.B. We know nothing about the case. C. We’re not 100% sure about the case.5. Which of the following is true about Dialogue 5? A. The man didn’t think the boys had vandalized the wall. B. The boys vandalized the wall and got away with it. C. The man wished the boys had never committed that crime. Part Two: Listen to a long dialogue and answer questions 6-10. You have 10 seconds to read the new words and phrases. The dialogue will be read twice. 5% 6. What reason does the girl give for needing a cell phone? A. She can use it to check her email. B. She can call family in case of emergency. C. She can make cheaper long-distance calls with it.7. What is one major feature of the calling plan? A. 1000 anytime minutes B. unlimited weekday minutes C. 1000 free weekday minutes nationwide8. What is the term of service for this plan? A. 3 months B. 6 months C. 9 months9. What will happen if customers cancel the service? A. They’ll pay a fee of $200.B. No cancellation fee will be charged. C. They get refund. 10. Why does the girl suggest that her father buy a new car too? A. Their current car is in bad shape, and it doesn't look good. B. The cell phone's power supply won't work in an older car. C. Their car isn't big enough to ride in with all her friends.Part Three: Listen to the monologue and fill in the missing words with what you hear. The monologue will be read twice. 5% A new study says volunteering is good for us. A research paper in the 11 BMC Public Health says helping others improves our mental health and lengthens our life. Researchers reviewed the 12 of volunteerism on our health. They said volunteers were less 13 , felt good about themselves, and had a smaller chance of dying early. Australians volunteer most, with an estimated 36 per cent of the population lending a hand. Dr Suzanne Richards said her review showed that volunteering improves mental health. More research will find out if volunteering really does this. She said she wasn't sure what biological, 14 and social factors make people want to volunteer. A different study gave three reasons why volunteering helps us. First, it means we get physical activity; second, the social connections help to 15 our stress; and third, it makes us happier.II. 單項(xiàng)填空 10% (共20小題, 每小題0.5分)從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。16. ell phone is __________ useful invention of the last 50 years, however, some scientists __________ the disappearance of bees. A. a; blame it for B. an; blame it for C. a; are blamed it for D. an; are blamed it for17. The city says these trees have to be taken down to make way for a __________playground. Why do you __________ that?A. children’; against B. children’; oppose C. children’s; against D. children’s; oppose18. __________ the old stores and houses will be destroyed to __________ for the highway. A. Many; make rooms B. Many of; make rooms C. Many; make room D. Many of; make room19. __________ young criminals to do community service, like picking up litter and helping senior people, __________ the best punishment. A. Getting; are B. Getting; is C. Get; are D. Get; is 20. Despite __________, they aren’t happy. A. rich B. being rich C. they are rich D. be rich21. Lock Ness is a famous lake because it is __________ the home of a huge and mysterious beast __________ as the Lock Ness Monster. A. basically; known B. supposedly; known C. basically; which known D. supposedly; which known22. Experts believe that the pyramid must have been built by ____________skilled workers. A. tens of thousand B. ten thousands C. tens of thousands of D. ten thousands of 23. That book ________________ into at least 20 foreign languages.A. has said to be translatedB. has been said to have translatedC. is said that it had been translatedD. is said to have been translated24. ---- The light in the office is still on.---- Oh,I forgot_____________.A. turning it off  B. turn it off  C. to turn it off  D. having turned it off25. We wish we ______________ what you did when we were at high school.A. did B. could have done C. have done D. should do26. I couldn’t stand __________ all those busy streets! Sometimes I felt like __________ at the drivers of all those cars!A. crossing; to shout B. to cross; to shout C. crossing; shouting D. to cross; shouting27. ---- Tom is never late for school. Why is he absent today?---- Something ___ to him. A. must happen B. must have happened C. couldn’t have happenedD. should have happened 28. She looks sad. Could you please tell me __________ that prevents her from being as happy as before?A. what it is B. it is what C. why it is D. it is why29. __________ in 1722 by Captain Jacob Roggenveen, the Moai have stood on Easter Island for centuries __________ the island’s people from intruders. A. Found; guarding B. Found; guard C. Finding; guarding D. Finding; guard30. Cryptozoologists say that some animals which scientists claim __________ might still __________. A. are extinct; be exist; B. to extinct; be existC. are extinct; exist D. to extinct; exist31. Don’t __________ the effort to cover up the mistake you made, because it really __________ no difference to the punishment. A. make; does B. do; makes C. make; makes D. do; does32. He finds ________ unnecessary to worry about something that may never happen.A. it B. this C. thatD. what33. ______ is?troubling?me?is?______ I?don’t?understand?______ he is so cold to me today.A.?What;?that;?what B.?What;?that;?whyC.?That;?what;?thatD.?Why;?that;?which34. It seems that a new problem __________ in my life ___________. A. comes up; everyday B. comes across; everydayC. comes up; every day D. comes across; every day35. ---- Have you finished the homework for the holiday? ---- _______________. I am sure I will finish it in an hour.A. What on earth B. Just kidding C. How come D. More or lessIII. 完型填空 15% (共15小題, 每小題1分)閱讀下面材料,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。‘Long time no see’ is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s E-mail, I 36 . I thought it was a classic example of Chinglish. Obviously, it is a word-to-word 37 translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruined English structure and grammar! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I had too many 38 to believe her. Her wo浙江省杭州外國(guó)語學(xué)校2013-2014學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期期中考試英語試題
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/88257.html
