
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Unit1 Women of achievement

重要詞匯拓展1 achievement n.成就,功績→achieve v.達(dá)到,完成,實(shí)現(xiàn)2 welfare n 福利事業(yè),福利3. project n.方案, 計(jì)劃,, 設(shè)計(jì),工程, 企業(yè), 事業(yè),科研項(xiàng)目; 課外自修項(xiàng)目vi. ①伸出, 突出 ②設(shè)想自已處身于(into)4. specialist n.專家,專業(yè)工作者→special adj.特殊的,專門的→specialize vi.專攻,專門從事5. connection n.連接,關(guān)系→connect v.連接6 campaign n.運(yùn)動(dòng),戰(zhàn)役 v.作戰(zhàn),參加運(yùn)動(dòng)7.organization-n 組織,機(jī)構(gòu),團(tuán)體 organize—vt.組織;籌備, 成立; 使加入工會(huì),使有條理8.behave v.舉止,表現(xiàn)→behavior n.行為,舉止9. shade n.陰涼處 v.遮住光線10. worthwhile adj.值得的,值得做的→worth adj.值……,值得……→worthy adj.值得做的,可尊敬的11. observe v.觀察,觀測,遵守→observation n.觀察,觀測12. respect v./n.尊敬,尊重,敬意→respectable adj.值得尊敬的,正派的,體面地→respectful adj.有禮貌的,恭敬的13. argue .v.爭論,辯論→argument n.爭論,辯論 argued-adj 引起爭論的14.entertainment-n 款待,娛樂 entertain-v 款待;招待,娛樂,抱有,懷著(想法、疑問)15. crowd n.人群,觀眾 v.擠滿,使擁擠→crowded adj.擁擠的16. inspire v.鼓舞,激發(fā)→inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,有靈感的→inspiring adj.鼓舞人的→inspiration n.鼓舞,靈感17 support v.支持,擁護(hù)→supporter n.支持者,擁護(hù)者18.refer-vi 談到,查閱,參考19.intend v.計(jì)劃,打算→intention n.打算,目的,意圖20.considerate adj.考慮周到的→consider v.考慮,認(rèn)為→consideration n考慮,體諒→considering prep考慮到21.kind ?adj 仁慈的,和善的,友愛的kindness ?n 仁慈,好意,善良22.deliver v.遞送,生(小孩),接生,發(fā)表(演講等)→delivery n.投遞,交貨,分娩23.modest ?adj 謙虛的,謙讓的,適度的

重點(diǎn)短語梳理1 devote…to 把……奉獻(xiàn)給2 human beings 人類

3 move off 離開,啟程,出發(fā)4 lead a…life 過著……的生活5 crowd in 涌上心頭,涌入腦海6 look down on/ upon 蔑視,瞧不起7 refer to 查閱,參考,談到8 by chance 碰巧,湊巧9 come across 偶遇,碰見10 carry on 繼續(xù),堅(jiān)持11.dress in 穿著… dress as 打扮成…12.fight for 為….而戰(zhàn)13.put to death判死刑14. concern oneself with…關(guān)注… 注意…15.devote one’s life to 把生命獻(xiàn)給…16. in the shade of 在…的樹蔭下,在…的庇護(hù)下17.gain doctor’s degree 獲得博士學(xué)位18. be considered as 被看做….19.take turns to do sth 采取步驟做某事20.do research on… 做…方面的研究21.Be placed second to 位于次要位置,僅次于…22. by now 直到現(xiàn)在

重點(diǎn)句型再現(xiàn)1 She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花去多年的時(shí)間觀察和記錄它們的日;顒(dòng)。2 Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.她的母親頭幾個(gè)月來幫過她的忙;這才使她得以開始自己的計(jì)劃。3 She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisement.她主張應(yīng)該讓野生動(dòng)物留在野外生活,而不能用于娛樂或廣告。4.It seem that she had been very busy in her chosen carrer travelling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles 看起來他忙于所選擇的和寫作一樣的到國外研究。5.Further reading made me realise that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.進(jìn)一步閱讀使我了解到,時(shí)苦干、決心和善良的天性使她走進(jìn)醫(yī)學(xué)院的大門。

Units 2 Working the land

重要詞匯拓展1 sunburn v.日曬,曬黑→sunburnt adj.曬黑的2 struggle v./n.掙扎,奮斗,努力3 decade n.十年,十年期4 super n.冗員, 額外人員; [口]特級品, 特大號(hào)商品; 超級市場adj特級的, 極好的, 非凡的5. hunger n.饑餓,渴望/v.使饑餓→hungry adj.饑餓的;渴望的6.output-n 產(chǎn)量,輸出,input 輸入,消費(fèi)7.disturbing ?adj 引起煩惱的,令人不安的,disturb-v 打擾,麻煩8.expand-vt.擴(kuò)大, 擴(kuò)展,張開, 使發(fā), 詳談; 引伸9-circulate v.循環(huán),流通→circulation n.循環(huán),流傳10. battle n.戰(zhàn)役,戰(zhàn)斗 v.搏斗,奮斗11. therefore adv.因此,所以12. rid vt 擺脫,除去13.freedom ?n 自由,自主 free ?adj 自由的,免費(fèi)的14.equip v.配備,裝備→equipment n.設(shè)備15. export v.輸出,出口 n.輸出(品)→import v.輸入,進(jìn)口 n.進(jìn)口(品)16.nationality-n 國籍,national ?adj 國家的,民族的 nation-n 國家17.occupation-n 工作,職業(yè),占領(lǐng) occupy-v占用,使從事,把注意力集中于...占領(lǐng), 占據(jù)18.confuse v.使迷惑,使為難→confused adj.感到迷惑的 confusing adj.令人迷惑的19 regret v./n.后悔,遺憾→regretful adj.后悔的,遺憾的20.production-n生產(chǎn),制造,productive 可生產(chǎn)的,可制造的,produce ?v 生產(chǎn),制造21.discovery-n 發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺,discover-v 發(fā)現(xiàn),22.focus ?v 集中,聚焦,n 焦點(diǎn),中心點(diǎn)23. reduce v.減少,縮減→reduction n.減少,縮減24 comment n./v.評論,議論

重點(diǎn)短語梳理1 if not 如果不…. If so 如果這樣,2.consider oneself sth 自認(rèn)為是… considered sb sth 認(rèn)為某人是…3.since then 從那時(shí)起4.search for a way to do sth 尋找做某事的途徑。5.thanks to 幸虧,由于,因?yàn)?.rid…of… 擺脫,除去 get rid of 除去…7. be satisfied with 對……感到滿意8 would rather 寧愿,寧可9with the hope of 滿懷希望..10.get r build up 逐漸增強(qiáng),建立,開發(fā)11.cause damage to 對… 造成危害。12.build up 增強(qiáng),強(qiáng)大13. lead to 導(dǎo)致,造成14. focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于15. keep…from/of 使……免受(影響、傷害等);使……不含(有害物

重點(diǎn)句型再現(xiàn)1 Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士種植的是被稱為“超級雜交水稻”的稻種。2 The special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same field.這種特殊的稻種使得同樣的田地多收獲三分之一的產(chǎn)量。3 Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.袁博士要在不增加土地面積的基礎(chǔ)上尋求達(dá)到增收稻谷的途徑。4 Dr Yuan is quite satisfied with his life.袁博士對生活非常滿足。5. It’s a great pity that 很遺憾的是….6.for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.在過去的5年里,他為他們而戰(zhàn)。7.Using his hybrid rice ,farmers are producing harvest twice as large as before由于使用了他的雜質(zhì)水稻,農(nóng)民的豐收是以前的兩倍。

Unit 3 A taste of English humour

重要詞匯拓展1 humour n.幽默→humorous adj.幽默的2 content adj.滿足的,滿意的 n.滿足;內(nèi)容 v.使?jié)M足→contented/satisfied(同義詞)3 performer n.表演者,演出者→perform v.表演;做,履行,執(zhí)行→performance n.表演,履行,成績4 astonish v.使驚訝→astonishing adj.令人驚訝的 astonished adj.感到驚訝的→astonishment n.驚訝5 fortunate adj.幸運(yùn)的→fortune v.幸運(yùn),運(yùn)氣 unfortunate adj.不幸的→fortunately adv.幸運(yùn)地unfortunately adv.不幸地6 depressed adj.憂傷的,抑郁的,消沉的,蕭條的depress-v使消沉, 使沮喪, 愁苦,使貶值,7.ordinary adj.平常的,普通的8.bored adj.厭煩的→bore v.使厭煩→boring adj.令人厭煩的9.entertain v.使歡樂,款待→entertaining adj.愉快的,有趣的→entertainment n.款待;娛樂,消遣10. throughout prep.遍及,貫穿adv.到處,始終,全部11.homeless-adj 無家可歸的,12.worn-adj 用舊的,用壞的,破爛的 wear 穿戴13. overcome v.戰(zhàn)勝,克服14. convince v.使信服→convincing adj.令人信服的→convinced adj.相信的,信服的15. direct v.導(dǎo)演,指示,指揮 adj.直的,直接的→director n.導(dǎo)演,指揮→directly adv.直地,直接地→direction n.指導(dǎo),方向16.enjoyment ?n享樂,歡樂,樂趣17.outstanding adj.突出的,杰出的,顯著的18.particular adj.特殊的,特別的→particularly adv.特殊地,特別地19 occasion n.時(shí)刻,場合→occasional adj.偶爾的,臨時(shí)的→occasionally adv.偶爾地,有時(shí)地20. slide v./n.滑動(dòng),滑行21.amuse v.使發(fā)笑,使愉快→amused adj.愉快的→amusing adj.逗人發(fā)笑的,令人愉快的→amusement n.愉快,快樂22. whisper v./n.耳語,低聲說23、react v.做出反應(yīng),回應(yīng)→reaction n.反應(yīng),回應(yīng)

重點(diǎn)短語梳理1.Break into 闖入,進(jìn)入2.up to now 直到現(xiàn)在3.brighten the lives of 照亮某人的生活道路4.feel/be content with 對……滿足5.badly off 窮的,缺少的6.In search of 尋找….7.pick out 挑選出,辨認(rèn)出8.on the edge of 在…邊沿9.cut off 切斷,斷絕10.In silence沉默,不作聲11. make use of 使用12.be angry about 對…很生氣13.star in 擔(dān)任主角,主演

重點(diǎn)句型再現(xiàn)1 He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.在人們感到沮喪的時(shí)候,卓別林使他們開懷大笑,于是人們對自己的生活感到比較滿足。2 No one was ever bored watching him—his subtle acting made everything entertaining.看他的表演沒有人會(huì)感到無聊——他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。3 Instead they are hiding in a small hut on the edge of a mountian during a snowstorm with nothing to eat.相反,他們被暴風(fēng)雪困在山邊的一個(gè)小木屋中,沒有任何東西可吃。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1144713.html
