
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
  men slalom 男子高山回轉(zhuǎn)
  men downhill 男子高山滑降
  men combined 高山男子全能
  women giant slalom 女子高山大回轉(zhuǎn)
  hockey 冰球
  skating 滑冰
  figure skating 花樣滑冰
  individual men 花樣滑冰男子單人滑
  pairs 花樣滑冰雙人滑
  ice dancing 花樣滑冰冰舞
  speed skating 速度滑冰
  men team pursuit 速度滑冰男子團(tuán)體追逐
  women 500m speed skating 速度滑冰女子500米
  short track speed skating 短道速滑
  women 3000m relay 短道速滑女子3000米接力
  luge 雪橇
  men doubles 雪橇男子雙人座
  curling 冰壺
  snowboarding 滑板滑雪
  ski jumping 跳高滑雪
  Nordic combined 北歐兩項(xiàng)(越野滑雪和跳臺(tái)滑雪)
  biathlon 冬季兩項(xiàng)(越野滑雪和步槍射擊的混合項(xiàng)目)
  snow fence 防雪籬
  snow-capped 山頂部被雪覆蓋的
  black ice 透明薄冰
  slippery toboggan run 濕滑的雪橇冰道
  snow plough 掃雪機(jī)
  snow chain 雪地防滑鏈(汽車(chē)在雪地上行駛時(shí)用)
  Even the road is frozen.
  It's very cold today.
  It's freezing/chilly out there!
  There is a real nip in the air today.
  It's brass monkey weather today.
  It's chilly today。
  It's freaking cold today!
  The wind really chills me to the bone. / The wind is bone-chilling.
  He is frozen/stiff.
  The wind just cuts right through you.
  She can't stop shivering from the cold.
  It's snowing。
  It's snowy outside.
  We have a snowfall.
  It’s snowing slightly.
  There was a heavy snow last night.
  Finally it starts to snow.
  Snowflakes are fluttering/dancing in the air.
  Big snowflakes are patting against the windowpane.
  Look at these feathery snowflakes.
  The first snow comes so early this year.
  The first snowflakes are falling down.
  The weatherman says it will snow with rain.
  It may sleet tonight.
  Time to remove the snow!
  let’s remove the snow and clear the way.
  Here comes a snowplow sweeping the snow away.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1161993.html
