
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網
betray v. 背叛
They take a soap-opera plot ? betrothed teenager falls for stranger, perfect mother is betrayed by her neighbors, ex-prostitute tries to live an honorable life …
plot n. (小說等的)情節(jié),構想; betrothed adj. 已訂婚的
boast v. 夸耀
Boasts Mayor Bill Campbell:"During the Olympics Atlanta will be the safest city in this country, certainly, and on the globe, probably."
champion v. 提倡
Psychiatrist Brian Weiss is perhaps the most exotic. He champions reincarnation therapy.
characterize v. 有……特征
"I can’t characterize my music as religious, although religious music is very close and dear to me," says Kancheli, a devout Orthodox Christian.
claim v. 聲稱
In fact, authorities claim that one-third of Taiwan’s more than 1200 known "black societies" were dissolved during the amnesty.
collapse v. 崩潰,倒塌
As baby boomers save for retirement, colleges for the kids or a rainy day (say, when the U.S. Social Security system collapses), their investment rates will soar.
a rainy day 將來可能有的苦日子
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1165326.html
