
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

51. They kept trying _____ they must have known it was hopeless.?

  A. if         B. because?    C. when       D. where??

此題最佳答案為C,when在此的意思不是“當(dāng)……的時(shí)候”,而是“盡管”、“雖然”的意思。又如:He walks when he might take a taxi.盡管他可以坐出租車,但他卻走路。?He stopped trying when he might have succeeded next time.盡管他本來下次就可以成功的了,但他卻停止努力了。?The boy was restless when he should have listened to the teacher carefully.這男孩子本來應(yīng)該專心聽老師講的,但他卻坐立不安。?

有許多同學(xué)只知道when表示“當(dāng)……的時(shí)候”,而不知道它還有其他許多意思,除上面提到的表示“盡管”、“雖然”外,when還可表示“既然”、“考慮到”。如:Why do you want a new job when you've got such a good one already? 既然你有了這么好的一份工作,你為什么還要找新的工作呢?

52. “What did he ask you?” “_____ I would be late.”?

A. That       B. When       C. Where       D. Whether?

此題選D,為He asked me whether I would be late.之省略。

53. “She's not a dancing teacher, is she?” “_____.”?

 A. Yes, and she isn't      B. Yes, but she was? C. No, but she isn't      D. No, but she was??

此題最佳答案為D,可視為No, she isn't. But she was a dancing teacher.之省略,即其意為“她現(xiàn)在不是舞蹈教師,但她過去是”。此題也可以這樣回答:No, but she used to be.

54. She's too thin. She ____ gain some weight but she _____ too little.?

  A. would, ate       B. will, eats ? C. would, eats    D. will, ate??

此題有些難度,許多同學(xué)不知如何分析。我們先根據(jù)題目所提供的選項(xiàng)將句意大致概括出來:她太瘦了。她會(huì)增加體重的,但她吃得太少了。根據(jù)句首She's too thin這一所給信息可知,“她瘦”應(yīng)是客觀事實(shí)。按照一般的常識(shí),“吃得少”就會(huì)導(dǎo)致“瘦”,“吃得多”就會(huì)導(dǎo)致“胖”,根據(jù)句首的信息,“她瘦”是客觀事實(shí),所以她“吃得少”也應(yīng)是事實(shí),因此第二空應(yīng)填eats(即用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表示現(xiàn)在的事實(shí))。根據(jù)上面的分析:“她瘦”和“她吃得少”均為現(xiàn)在的事實(shí),那么“她體重會(huì)增加”就應(yīng)是假設(shè)(注意句中的轉(zhuǎn)折連詞but),所以第一空應(yīng)填would,其實(shí),此句可理解為其后省略了一個(gè)條件狀語if she ate more (如果她多吃一點(diǎn)的話)。此題最佳答案選C。

55. “I like you more than her, my dear.” “You mean more than _____love her or more than she loves _____?”?  A. you, me      B. she, you?     C. I, me        D. I, you

做對(duì)此題的關(guān)鍵是要弄清填空句是個(gè)省略句,補(bǔ)充完整為:You mean that you love me more than you love her or that you love me more than she loves me? 句意為:“你是說你愛我勝過你愛她,還是說你愛我勝過她愛我?”所以最佳答案應(yīng)選A。

56. “Alice, why didn't you come yesterday?” “I______, but I had an unexpected visitor.”?

  A. had       B. would?    C. was going to      D. did?

  此題應(yīng)選C,為I was going to come.之省略,意為“我本來是打算來的”,這與其后but I had an unexpected visitor的語境剛好吻合。注意不能選would,因?yàn)樗鼪]有“打算”之意。

57. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had____ went wrong again.? A. it    B. it repaired    C. repaired    D. to be repaired?

答案解析:此題句型為have sth done, she had had repaired為定語從句,修飾the washing machine, C為正確答案。迷惑選項(xiàng)為B項(xiàng)。

58. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _____ it was the best time for it.

    A. where           B. when          C. that             D. until

答案解析:此題容易誤選C, 把the garden看成是先行詞,以為是where引導(dǎo)的表地點(diǎn)的定語從句。其實(shí)此題應(yīng)選B。這是when引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句。此句話的漢語意思是:他把小樹在最合適的時(shí)候移植到花園。

59.?Few pleasures can equal ______ of a cool drink on a hot day.

 A. some     B. any     C. that     D. those

答案解析::一看到few pleasures,容易錯(cuò)選D.但后面所設(shè)條件為a cool drink,因而正確答案應(yīng)為C.

60.He just does what he pleases and never _____ about anyone else.

 ?A. think    B. thinks    C. thinking    D. thought?


61.I don't know whether to stay in teaching or _____ another job.?

  A. trying getting    B. to try to get    C. trying to get    D. try get?

答案選B,to stay in teaching與to try to get another job為兩個(gè)并列的選擇成分,故同用不定式。另外比較:try to do sth=設(shè)法做某事,try doing sth=做某事看看有何效果。

62.Please make my excuse at tomorrow's meeting—I've got too much work _____.?

  A. to do to come    B. doing coming?   C. to do coming     D. doing to come??

此題最佳答案為A,不定式to do與have got much work搭配,即have got much work to do (有許多工作要做);不定式to come與much前的too搭配,構(gòu)成too ... to ...句式,全句意為“我有太多的工作要做,不能來”

63. He was not an actor, who often appeared on stage, _____ a writer, writing stories.

A. but      B. and     C. then   D. so 答案選A,主要考查not ... but ...結(jié)構(gòu)。

64.There are five pairs, but I'm at a loss which _____ to buy.?

  A. to be chosen   B. to choose from? C. to choose   D. for choosing

此題容易誤選C,其實(shí)應(yīng)選B。choose表示“選擇”,其實(shí)是指“選擇出來”(pick out),而不是指“從……選擇”,要表示后者的意思,要用choose from,有時(shí)也用choose among。同樣地,下面兩例中的介詞from也不可省略:?

  Here are some books for you to choose from. 這些書可供你選擇。?

  There are too many cakes to choose from. 蛋糕太多了,不知要選哪個(gè)好。?

  比較: He didn't know what to choose.他不知道選什么。?

          He didn't know what to choose from.他不知道從哪兒去選。

65.They kept trying _____ they must have known it was hopeless.?

  A. if     B. because? C. when    D. where??

此題最佳答案為C,when在此的意思不是“當(dāng)……的時(shí)候”,而是“盡管”、“雖然”的意思。又如:He walks when he might take a taxi.盡管他可以坐出租車,但他卻走路。?He stopped trying when he might have succeeded next time.盡管他本來下次就可以成功的了,但他卻停止努力了。?The boy was restless when he should have listened to the teacher carefully.這男孩子本來應(yīng)該專心聽老師講的,但他卻坐立不安。?

有許多同學(xué)只知道when表示“當(dāng)……的時(shí)候”,而不知道它還有其他許多意思,除上面提到的表示“盡管”、“雖然”外,when還可表示“既然”、“考慮到”。如:Why do you want a new job when you've got such a good one already? 既然你有了這么好的一份工作,你為什么還要找新的工作呢?

66. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until _____ to.

  A. spoken    B. speaking ?C. speak    D. be spoken

此題容易誤選B,認(rèn)為until是介詞,后接動(dòng)詞時(shí)用動(dòng)名詞形式。其實(shí),此題應(yīng)選A,until spoken to為until he is spoken to之省略。句意為“他是個(gè)沉默寡言的人,別人不同他說話,他很少同別人說話”。按英語習(xí)慣,一些表示時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、條件、方式、讓步等的狀語從句,若其主語與主句主語一致,且從句謂語包含動(dòng)詞be,那么可將從句的主語和動(dòng)詞be省略:?

You must study hard while (you are) young, or you will regret when (you are) old.趁年輕時(shí)要努力學(xué)習(xí),不然到老了你會(huì)后悔的。?

I won't go unless (I am) invited. 我不會(huì)去,除非請(qǐng)我。?

Look out for cars when (you are) crossing the streets.過馬路時(shí)要注意汽車。?

While (I was) waiting I was reading some old magazines.等的時(shí)候我在看一些舊雜志。?

He worked very hard though (he was) still rather poor in health.盡管身體還不好,但他仍努力工作。?

He will work hard wherever (he is) sent by the Party.無論黨把他派往哪里,他都會(huì)努力工作。?

67.If _____ carefully, the experiment will be successful.?

 A. do    B. does    C. done    D. doing?答案選C,可視為if it is carefully done之省略。?

68. The research is so designed that once _____ nothing can be done to change it.?

 A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 答案選D,可視為once it is begun之省略。

69.In that month, he earned as much as, if ____ than, $40 000.?

  A. no more    B. not more? C. no much    D. not much??

此題最佳答案應(yīng)是B。if not more than實(shí)際為if he didn't earn more than $40 000之省略。?請(qǐng)看類似試題(答案均選B):??

  (1) Her pronunciation is as good as, if ____than, her teacher's.?

  A. no better    B. not better    C. no good    D. not good?

  (2) This church is as old as, if _____ than, that one.?

  A. no older    B. not older   C. no old    D. not old?

  (3) He has read the book as many as, if _____ than, five times.?

  A. no more     B. not more    C. no much    D. not much

70.He told me the news_____, believe it or not, he had earned $1 000 in a single day.?

  A. that     B. which?    C. as      D. because??

此題容易誤選B,誤認(rèn)為這是非限制性定語從句。其實(shí)此題應(yīng)選A,that引導(dǎo)的是一個(gè)用以修飾名詞the news的同位語從句。不少同學(xué)之所以誤選B,正是believe it or not(信不信由你)這個(gè)插入成分惹的禍。

71.“Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,___to go to university.” “So do I.”?

  A. hope   B. hopes? C. hoping   D. hoped??

此題應(yīng)選B,句子的真正主語是each of the students,橫線處填的hopes是句子謂語,其中的working hard at his or her lessons是插入句中修飾主語的非限制性定語。

 ?(1) Each of the students, hoping to pass the exam, _____the book.?

  A. buying    B. having bought    C. should buy    D. to buy?

答案選C,each of the students是句子主語,橫線處為句子謂語,hoping to pass the exam是修飾句子主語的非限制性定語。?

  (2) Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan, _____a lot of earthquakes.?

  A. have    B. having    C. to have    D. having had?

答案選A,many countries是句子主語,橫線處為句子謂語。

72.“I haven't heard from Henry for a long time.” “What do you suppose_____ to him?”?

  A. was happening     B. to happen? C. has happened    D. had happened??

此題容易誤選B,認(rèn)為動(dòng)詞suppose后接動(dòng)詞用不定式。正確答案應(yīng)是C,其中的do you suppose是插入成分。?


  (1) Who do you think _____the money??

  A. to steal    B. stealing    C. to have stolen    D. stole?

  (2) What do you suppose _____ him think so??

  A. to make    B. making    C. to have made    D. made?

  (3) Who do you guess _____ to the station to meet her??

  A. to go    B. going    C. to have gone    D. went?

  (4) What do you imagine _____ him from going??

  A. to prevent   B. preventing? C. to have prevented   D. prevented

以下各例中的do you think (believe, guess, etc)也是插入成分,但其后接的句子用陳述句語序:?Who do you think he will marry?你認(rèn)為他會(huì)同誰結(jié)婚??What do you think we should give her?你認(rèn)為我們?cè)摻o她點(diǎn)什么呢??When do you believe he will come?你認(rèn)為他會(huì)什么時(shí)候來??What do you guess he wants to buy?你猜他想買什么呢?

73.An awful accident, however, _____occur the other day.?

  A. does    B. did? C. has to    D. had to?

此題正確答案應(yīng)選B,句末的the other day意為“前幾天”,所以句子應(yīng)用過去時(shí)態(tài),而選項(xiàng)D填進(jìn)去不合題意,故選B。此句有兩個(gè)難點(diǎn):一是句中插有however一詞,分散了同學(xué)們的注意力;二是所填選項(xiàng)B為許多同學(xué)所不熟悉的強(qiáng)調(diào)用法。

  (1) Your mother, however, ____ say that to us that day.?

  A. does   B. did    C. is doing    D. was doing?

  (2) Our math teacher, however, _____ speak English well.?

  A. doing   B. does     C. is doing     D. was doing

 ?以上兩題答案均選B,其中的does, did均為強(qiáng)調(diào)用法。

74.“Where is it?” “Where is _____? I don't know what do you mean?”

  A. what    B.    that?    C. where    D. so

此題應(yīng)選A。許多同學(xué)認(rèn)為“疑問詞”只能出現(xiàn)在句首位置,對(duì)于選A認(rèn)為不可理解。其實(shí)在某些特殊語境中,疑問詞出現(xiàn)在句中甚至句末卻是完全可能的,但這多半是因?yàn)橛刑厥獾恼Z境或使用的句式比較特殊。上面一題選what的原因是:上句問Where is it?(它在什么地),但聽話人對(duì)此句中代詞it指代什么東西并不清楚,所以他反問:Where is what?(什么在什么地方?)其實(shí),這類用法在口語中經(jīng)常使用。如:?

  Who said what to whom?誰對(duì)誰說了什么??

  “Who took it?” “Who took what?”“誰把它拿走了?”“誰把什么拿走了?”?

  It was so dark I couldn't tell who was who.當(dāng)時(shí)一片漆黑,我分不清哪個(gè)是哪個(gè)。?

  “We are ready. Let's begin.” “Ready for what?”“我們準(zhǔn)備好了,開始吧。”“準(zhǔn)備干什么?”?

  “What are you going to do next fall?” “Next what?”“下一個(gè)秋季你打算要干什么?”“你說下一個(gè)什么?”?

  They look exactly the same, and I really don't know which is which.它們看起來一模一樣,我實(shí)在分不清哪個(gè)是哪個(gè)。

75.He suggested the person referred _______ put into prison.

   A. is              B. be           C. to be           D. should be

答案解析:此題應(yīng)選C. referred to 過去分詞作定語,be put into prison是賓語從句的謂語部分。學(xué)生由于粗心,容易誤選B或者D。

76.—Must I turn off the gas after cooking ? --Of course . You can never be ___ careful with that.

   A.enough          B.too            C.so             D.very

答案解析:選B。can / could not...too是一個(gè)固定搭配,表示“無論怎樣也不過分;此句話的漢語意思是:- 做完飯后一定要把煤氣關(guān)掉嗎?- 當(dāng)然,你越小心越好。 有些學(xué)生誤認(rèn)為can never be too…是一個(gè)孤立的結(jié)構(gòu),而逐字翻譯,從而誤選D。

77. If you _____ stop smoking , you can only expect to have a bad cough .

A. won't       B. would not      C. do not       D. can not


If you will would wait a moment , I will fetch the money .

78.It's nearly seven o'clock . Jack _____ be here at any moment .

A. must    B. need   C. should     D. can

答案是C項(xiàng)。根據(jù)語境空白處應(yīng)填表示具有"隨時(shí)可能"意義的情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。雖然can可以表示可能性,但它往往表示的是對(duì)這種可能性的懷疑。例如:Can he still be alive after all these years ? (這么多年之后,他還可能活在人世嗎?) should除具有"應(yīng)該"詞義之外,還有一個(gè)含義是:will probably (將來很可能發(fā)生)又如:His uncle is working among the enemy officials now . Dangerous things should happen to him at any time . (他的叔叔現(xiàn)在在敵人的軍營中工作,危險(xiǎn)的事隨時(shí)都可能發(fā)生在他身上。)

79.We're leaving at six o'clock , and hope _____ most of the journey by lunch time .

A. to do        B. to have done        C. to make         D. to have made

答案是B項(xiàng)。要答對(duì)這道題需要兩方面的知識(shí)。一是不定式的完成體用來表示這個(gè)動(dòng)作發(fā)生在謂語動(dòng)作之前,或是表示該動(dòng)作的完成。本題中的不定式的完成體表示的正是該動(dòng)作的完成,因此這句話可改寫為:We're leaving at six o'clock , and hope that we will have done most the journey by lunch time . (我們將在六點(diǎn)時(shí)動(dòng)身,希望在午飯前走完大半路程。)第二,知識(shí)是與journey連用的不同的動(dòng)詞所具有的不同的內(nèi)涵。詞組to make a journey或to go on a journey 都表示"做一次旅行",在這兩個(gè)詞組里a journey是一個(gè)整體,但是如果要表示旅程中的一部分,正確的英語則使用do這個(gè)動(dòng)詞,例如:do some / much / most of the journey (走完這個(gè)旅程的一部分/大部分/絕大部分)

80.Do you consider it any good _____ the truck again ?

A. to repair        B. repairing       C. repaired       D. being repairing

答案是B項(xiàng)。在這個(gè)句子中it是形式賓語,如果這樣的句子中出現(xiàn)了any good , no good , any use 或 no use,就該使用動(dòng)名詞來作句中真正的賓語。

81.Let us not waste ______ time we have left .

the little     B. little      C. a little       D. a little more

答案是A項(xiàng),一般地說,不定代詞many , little或few前是不許使用定冠詞的,但是如果它們修飾的名詞有特指或限定意義時(shí),它們前面就應(yīng)使用定冠詞了。如:I soon finished the few books she had lent me . (她借給我的那幾本書,我很快就看完了。)又如:We must make full use of the contradictions among the enemies , winning over the many and opposing the few . (我們必須充分利用敵人的內(nèi)部矛盾,爭取多數(shù),反對(duì)少數(shù)。)

82.I think the doctor is able to care of _____ is the matter with your son .

A. all   B. what    C. whatever     D. anything

答案是C項(xiàng)。whatever具備兩個(gè)意思,其一是no matter what , 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句;其二是anything that , 引導(dǎo)名詞性從句,在本題中,Whatever 引導(dǎo)的是一個(gè)賓語從句,whatever在這個(gè)賓語從句被用作主語。

83.It is what you do rather than what you say______matters. (2005天津卷)

A. that     B. what  C. which    D. this 

分析:答案是A。由語境和句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,該句為強(qiáng)調(diào)句型,被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分是由rather than連接的并列主語從句擔(dān)當(dāng)。

84. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.

A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any

B 本題考查考生在語境中靈活運(yùn)用、辨析短語用法的能力,此處seldom,if ever是一個(gè)短語,是“從不,決不”的意思。

85. ——What should I wear to attend his wedding party? ——Dress ____ you like.

A. what   B. however   C. whatever   D. how

本題however you like相當(dāng)于in whatever way you like,根據(jù)語境,不難判斷出B為正確答案。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/120551.html
