北師大版高一英語上冊第三單元知識(shí)點(diǎn):Lesson 1 Festivals[1]

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一.重點(diǎn)單詞1.include v.包含,包括Six students have been to Japan, including me.六個(gè)學(xué)生曾去過日本,包括我。拓展:(1)contain 指作為組成部分被包含在內(nèi),是內(nèi)容物的包括。The drink contains alcohol.這種飲料里含有酒精。(2)include指作為整體的一部分包括進(jìn)去,是范圍的包括。His duty includes answering phones.他的責(zé)任包括接電話。(3) including +名詞/代詞 意思為 “包括...在內(nèi)”。(4) 名詞/代詞+ included 意思為 “...被包括在內(nèi)”。運(yùn)用:選擇填空(1)Five students, ____Tom, passed the exam the other day.A. included B. including C. contain D. contained答案:B including +名詞/代詞 意思為 “包括...在內(nèi)”,名詞/代詞+ included 意思為 “...被包括在內(nèi)”。Tom included 也對。(2) The boss has______ the broken cup in your bill.A. including B. included C. contained D. containing答案:B include指作為整體的一部分包括進(jìn)去,是范圍的包括。2.journey n.旅行拓展:trip , tour, travel與journey的區(qū)別journey主要指路地長途旅行, trip常指短距離的旅行,遠(yuǎn)足。tour常指觀光、考察等的環(huán)游旅行,travel指短距離或國外旅行運(yùn)用:選擇填空He likes __ to France.A. journey B. traveling C. tour D. trip答案:B like to do/doing sth3. power n.1) 權(quán),政權(quán);權(quán)力;勢力 (+over)2) 職權(quán);權(quán)限[C][U][+to-v]The president has the power to vote down bills.總統(tǒng)有權(quán)否決議案。3) 能力,本領(lǐng) (+of)She lost her power of speech.她失去了說話的能力。4)力;動(dòng)力,電力The shortage of power dimmed the streets.由于電力不足,街道昏暗。5) (有時(shí)大寫)有權(quán)力的人;有影響的機(jī)構(gòu);強(qiáng)國,大國The world powers will meet in Paris this summer.今夏世界上的大國將在巴黎聚會(huì)。拓展:powerful adj. 有影響力的,權(quán)力大的 powerfully adv.有權(quán)勢地(1) come into power 上臺(tái)、執(zhí)政(強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作)(2) the power to do sth =the power of doing sth 做……的能力類似用法的詞還有way, chance等。(3) out of/beyond one's power 某人不能勝任的;能力所不及(4) in power 執(zhí)政,當(dāng)權(quán)(強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài))(5) have power over sb. 能支配某人運(yùn)用:選擇填空When Hitler came into___, he found the doors of the study closed to him.A. light B. power C. office D. being答案:B come into power 上臺(tái)、執(zhí)政。4.accept v.接受、應(yīng)允、收受 答應(yīng)拓展:accept強(qiáng)調(diào)自愿主動(dòng)地接受,receive強(qiáng)調(diào)被動(dòng)接受 或收到accept作及物動(dòng)詞,還表示承認(rèn),相信 ,接納。Mary received a gift from a friend of hers, but she didn't accept it.I can't accept my new boss.運(yùn)用:選擇填空He did____ the gift, but he didn’t____ it.A. accept; receive B. receive; acceptC. accepted; receive. D. receive; accepted答案: D accept強(qiáng)調(diào)自愿主動(dòng)地接受,rece

eive強(qiáng)調(diào)被動(dòng)接受 或收到。5.decorate vt裝飾;布置He decorated the room with flowers.他用鮮花裝飾了那間房子。拓展:(1)decorate sth with sth 用某物裝點(diǎn)某物(2)decoration n 裝潢,裝飾品運(yùn)用: 翻譯他為了給我裝修房間買了許多裝飾品給我。答案: He bought me a lot of decorations to decorate my rooms.6.darkness 黑暗The whole country was in thick darkness when the war broke out.當(dāng)戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)時(shí),整個(gè)國家都籠罩在深深的黑暗中。拓展:darkness與dark的區(qū)別,darkness常指一時(shí)的黑暗。dark表示經(jīng)常的黑暗或長時(shí)間的黑暗,用時(shí)需加the。Keep sb in the dark 為某人保密Keep sth in the dark 暗中做事運(yùn)用:選擇填空lt was ________before we got there.A. lights B. moon C. bright D. dark答案: D dark表示經(jīng)常的黑暗或長時(shí)間的黑暗。7. occasion n.1) 場合,時(shí)刻;重大活動(dòng),盛典[C]2) 時(shí)機(jī),機(jī)會(huì)I seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.我抓住機(jī)會(huì)邀請她回家里吃飯。3)起因,近因 (+of)His departure was the occasion of much sadness.他的離別是令人十分悲傷的起因。4) 理由;需要[U] (+for/+to-v)He has no occasion to buy another bike.他沒有必要再買一輛自行車。拓展:occasion vt.引起;惹起Li Ming rude behavior occasioned a quarrel.李明的粗魯行為引起了一場爭吵。與occasion搭配的相關(guān)詞組:by occasion of 由于,因?yàn)?on occasion(s) 偶爾,間或,有時(shí);on the occasion of 在…之際;on this occasion 這一次on one occasion 曾經(jīng),有一個(gè)時(shí)候運(yùn)用:完成句子(1) 由于粗心她沒有通過考試。He failed the exam ____ occasion ___ his carelessness.答案: by; of(2) 你沒有理由賣掉這房子。You have no occasion ___ ___ the house.答案:to; sell8. contribute v.拓展:(1)捐獻(xiàn),貢獻(xiàn),增加The terrible weather contributed to our difficulty .惡劣的天氣增加人們的困難。(2)向……投稿Li Lei often contributes to the magazine.李雷經(jīng)常給雜志投稿。(3)contribution n.貢獻(xiàn),常用詞組 make a contribution /contributions to為……做貢獻(xiàn)They made great contributions to their motherland.他為他的祖國作出了很大的貢獻(xiàn)。運(yùn)用:選擇填空The rich man _________much money ___his hometown.A.contributed; to B.contribute; to C.contibuted to; to D.contributes to; on答案:A contribute ...to... 有“捐獻(xiàn),貢獻(xiàn),增加,向……投稿”之意。9. destroy vt.1) 毀壞,破壞A fire destroyed the house.一場火毀壞了那座房屋。2) 殺死,消滅3)打破(希望、計(jì)劃);使失敗What she said destroyed his last hope.她說的話摧毀了他最后的希望。拓展:damage ,ruin ,destroy 的hurt區(qū)別(1)damage,destroy,ruin主要用于無生命的事物,而hurt主要用于有生命的人或動(dòng)物。(2)damage 通常表示事物的價(jià)值或功能部分受損。如:The ship was damaged in the bottom.那條船的底部被

損壞。(3)destroy,ruin均表示事物全部被毀。如:They destroy all of the two enemy warships他們把2艘敵艦全部殲滅。(4)hurt 有適用范圍較廣,可指人或動(dòng)物因各種原因?qū)е碌奶弁椿驌p傷。如:Children are liable to get hurt when they play.孩子們在玩耍時(shí)易受傷。運(yùn)用:翻譯下列句子(1)In crowded populations, poverty destroys the possibility of cleanliness.(George Bernard Shaw)答案: 在人口擁擠的地方,貧困使清潔毫無可能。(喬治•伯納德•肖)(2)Too much money destroys as surely as too little.(John Simon)答案:過多的錢和過少的錢一樣會(huì)帶來破壞作用。(約翰•西蒙)(3)The floods did a lot of damage to the crops.答案:洪水使莊稼受到了很大損失。10. serve vt.1) 為...服務(wù);為...服役serve the people 為人民服務(wù)2) 供應(yīng) (+with)3) 侍候(顧客等);供應(yīng)(飯菜);端上 (+to/with)The girl served me a cup of coffee.那女孩給我端上一杯咖啡。4)任(職);服(刑);當(dāng)(學(xué)徒) (+as/for/in)She served two years in prison.他坐過八年牢。5)適合(特定用途或目的);對...有用;供...使用[+to-v]My old bike serves me very well.我那輛舊自行車對我很有用。拓展:serve vi.1)服務(wù);服役;供職;幫傭 (+in/on/under)His father served in the navy during the FirstWorld War.他的父親在第一次世界大戰(zhàn)期間在海軍服役。2)招待,侍候;上酒,端菜Ann is serving at the table.安在侍候進(jìn)餐。3)適用;有用;足夠 (+for/as/+to-v)A simple example will serve to prove my point.一個(gè)簡單的例子可以證明我的這一點(diǎn)。運(yùn)用:翻譯下列句子(1)必須教育孩子長大后為國家服務(wù)。答案:Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up.(2)他的父親坐過幾年牢。答案:His father served several years as a prisoner.11. sticky adj.粘的;涂有粘膠物質(zhì)的;泥濘的My son’s fingers are sticky with jam.他的手沾了醬,粘糊糊的。拓展:sticky 當(dāng)形容詞還有:1)(口)濕熱的The climate there is sticky.那里的氣候濕熱。2)(口)棘手的,麻煩的The man put her a sticky position.那個(gè)男的將她置于一個(gè)困難的境地。3) (口)過于多情的,易感傷的4) 不靈活的,易卡住的5) sticky finger可以原來形容愛小偷小摸的人Tom has sticky fingers運(yùn)用:翻譯下列句子那位愛小偷小摸的人非常喜歡吃糯米,因?yàn)樗矚g吃粘性食物。答案:The man who has sticky fingers likes sticky rice, because he likes sticky food.二.重點(diǎn)詞組1.drive away 趕走、驅(qū)趕He drove the dog away.他趕走了那條狗。drive vt.1) 駕駛(汽車等)I don't know how to drive a car.我不會(huì)開車。2) 用車送(人)I'll drive you to the airport.我將會(huì)開車送你去機(jī)場。3) 驅(qū)趕,趕走He drove the sheep down the hill.他把羊群往山下趕。4)驅(qū)動(dòng)(機(jī)器)The machine is driven by electricity.這機(jī)器用電力驅(qū)動(dòng)。5) 迫使;逼迫They drove her to admit it.他們逼迫她承認(rèn)。拓展:(1) drive

off 驅(qū)逐,擊退We drove off the enemies.我們擊退了敵人。(2) drive sb mad 把某人逼瘋了Don't drive me mad. 別把我逼瘋了。運(yùn)用:選擇填空The difficulty___ her mad.A. makes B. drove C. lets D. goes答案:B drive sb mad 意思是“ 把某人逼瘋了”。2.take part in 參與,參加Many students take part in our sports meeting every year.每年都有許多學(xué)生參加運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)。拓展:take part in,join in 與 join的區(qū)別:(1) take part in意為“參加”,指參加群眾性的活動(dòng),側(cè)重于成為活動(dòng)的主體,有時(shí)可以與join in互換,但表示“參加會(huì)議”時(shí)多用take part in,take part in 后面不帶賓語時(shí)則不用in。(2) join in 意為“加入”,“參與某種活動(dòng)”,后接名詞或動(dòng)詞-ing形式,join sb in (doing)sth意為“參加某人的活動(dòng)”,join in多指參加正在進(jìn)行的活動(dòng),也可單獨(dú)使用,即 join sb。(3) join 指加入某一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)或組織而成為其中的一員。運(yùn)用:選擇填空Will you___us ___her birthday?A.join; in celebrating B. join in; celebratingC. take part in; celebrating D. join; to celebrate答案:A join sb in (doing)sth意為“參加某人的活動(dòng)”。3.put out v.撲滅Please put out fire.請把火撲滅。put out 還有以下幾種意思:1) 伸出It's dangerous to put out your hand now.現(xiàn)在你把手伸出去是危險(xiǎn)的。2) 熄滅Put out the fire before going to bed.睡覺之前先熄掉爐火。3) 出版put out 與 go out 表示“熄滅”的區(qū)別:put out (人)使火熄滅I put out the fire.我撲滅了火。go out(火自己)熄滅The fire has gone out.火自己熄滅了。拓展:(1) put aside 忽視,不理會(huì)(2) put through 完成,使成功(3) put away把...放回原處,攢錢(4) put up 表現(xiàn),提出(意見等)(5) put down 降落,著陸(6) put off 推遲運(yùn)用:選擇填空The sports meeting must be____ because of the bad weather.A. put off B. put C. put aside D. put on答案:A put off 推遲 ,put aside 忽視,不理會(huì) 。三.重點(diǎn)句型1.be said to+v 據(jù)說拓展:(1) be said to be/do 據(jù)說做某事如: The book is said to be good.據(jù)說這是一本好書。(2) be said to be doing 據(jù)說正在做某事如: She is said to be working on a new novel. 據(jù)說她正在寫一本新小說。(3) be said to have done 據(jù)說已經(jīng)做了某事如:She is said to have written 3 novels.據(jù)說她已經(jīng)寫了三本小說。運(yùn)用:翻譯下列句子(1)據(jù)說他是班里為勤奮的學(xué)生。答案:He is said to be the most hard-working in his class.(2)據(jù)說她正在日本學(xué)習(xí)。答案: She is said to be studying in Japan.(3)據(jù)說他已寫了三本小說。答案: He is said to have written three novels.2.while 當(dāng)……時(shí),在……時(shí)候I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking.當(dāng)我在做作業(yè)時(shí),媽媽在做飯。拓展:有很多意思,可以用在許多從句中。(1) 當(dāng)……時(shí),在……時(shí)候,和……同時(shí),引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句。如: His sis

ter was watching TV while Tom was doing his homework.當(dāng)湯姆正在做作業(yè)時(shí),他姐姐正在看電視。(2) 只要,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。如: I will go with you while he helps me.只要他將幫我,我就將和你一起去。(3) 雖然,盡管, 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。如: While he has many shortcomings, she still loves him.盡管他有許多缺點(diǎn),但她依然愛他。(4) 表對此關(guān)系。如: Kate likes music while her twin sister likes sports.運(yùn)用:翻譯下列句子(1) 他在看書時(shí)睡著了。答案: He fell asleep while(he was) reading.(2)有生命就有希望。答案: While there is life ,there is hope.有(3)盡管他昨天病了,但他還是去幫她了。答案:While he was ill yesterday he went to help her.(4)我喜歡數(shù)學(xué),而我的兄弟卻喜歡英語。答案:I like math while my brother likes English.四.長句辯析1. Traditional moon cakes are usually made with....拓展:1)be made with 表示構(gòu)成某一物品的主要原材料。The cake is made with flour.蛋糕主要是由面粉做成的。2)be made of 和be made from 都有“由原材料制成”但后者表示某一物品由某材料制成后,原材料已看不出。運(yùn)用:翻譯下列句子(1)有的鞋子是用布做的。答案:Some shoes are made of cloth.(2)紙是由木材做成的。答案:The paper is made from wood.(3)木材能被制成紙。答案:Wood can be made into paper.2. in the past, lanterns....拓展:(1)light的過去式和過去分詞同分別是lit/lit 和lighted/lighted.作謂語時(shí),兩者都可使用,但做定語時(shí)只能用lighted。如:He lighted/lit the candle 他點(diǎn)燃了蠟燭。(2)be decorated with 布置,裝飾有The hall is decoraterd with flowers大廳里布置上了鮮花。運(yùn)用:改錯(cuò)This is a lit cigarette.答案:lit改為lighted

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1235094.html
