
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
get wind of 聽說A: I got wind of the fact that Ken left his wife.A:我聽說肯離開他妻子啦。B: Yes. Anna told me that their marriage broke up.B:是的,安娜告訴我說他們的婚姻破裂了。A: Do you know why?A:你知道為什么嗎?B: She didn't say much but I think there must be a third person involved.B:她沒有說很多,但我想一定是有第三者插足。A: How do you know that?A:你怎么知道的?B: I saw Ken had dinner with the same lady several times.B:我看見好幾次肯和同一個女人共進晚餐。give mouth to 把……說出去A: You must promise not to breathe a word about it to her. Then I will tell you.A:你必須答應(yīng)我不能把這件事告訴她,我才會告訴你。B: Why should we keep it secrel from her? She is your cousin.B:我們?yōu)槭裁磳λC?她是你的表妹呀。A: If she knows she will give mouth to it.A:如果她知道這件事,她會說出去的。B: I see now. I promise. Tell me.B:現(xiàn)在我明白了,我答應(yīng)你不告訴她,你告訴我吧。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1235125.html
