
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網
  New Zealand scientists have performed the first-ever 3-D, color X-ray on a human, using a technique that promises to improve the field of medical diagnostics, said Europe’s CERN physics lab which contributed imaging technology.


  The new device, based on the traditional black-and-white X-ray, incorporates particle-tracking technology developed for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, which in 2019 discovered the elusive Higgs Boson particle.


  "This color X-ray imaging technique could produce clearer and more accurate pictures and help doctors give their patients more accurate diagnoses," said a CERN statement.


  The CERN technology, dubbed Medipix, works like a camera detecting and counting individual sub-atomic particles as they collide with pixels while its shutter is open.


  This allows for high-resolution, high-contrast pictures.


  The machine’s "small pixels and accurate energy resolution meant that this new imaging tool is able to get images that no other imaging tool can achieve," said developer Phil Butler of the University of Canterbury.

  坎特伯雷大學(University Of Canterbury)的開發(fā)人員菲爾·巴特勒(PhilButler)說,這臺機器的“小像素和精確的能量分辨率意味著,這種新的成像工具能夠獲得其他成像工具無法實現(xiàn)的圖像!

  According to the CERN, the images very clearly show the difference between bone, muscle and cartilage, but also the position and size of cancerous tumors, for example.


  The technology is being commercialized by New Zealand company MARS Bioimaging, linked to the universities of Otago and Canterbury which helped develop it.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1299065.html

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