
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語(yǔ) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)






Do you know where the it is?你知道它在哪兒?jiǎn)?

Do you know where the hotel is?你知道旅館在哪兒?jiǎn)?

Do you know where this beach is?你知道海灘在哪嗎?

It's on the right.這是在右邊。

It's on the left.在左邊。

It's straight ahead.它的正前方。

It's on the corner.它在角落里。

It's around the corner.這是在拐角處。

It's 3 blocks ahead around the corner on your right.在你右邊的拐角處有三個(gè)街區(qū)。

How about some other useful things you might need to find?你還需要一些其他有用的東西嗎?

Where can I find a grocery store?我在哪里可以找到雜貨店?

Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?你能推薦一個(gè)附近的好餐館嗎?

Where can I go to eat some authentic local food?我在哪里可以吃到正宗的本地食物?


How do I get to the bank?我怎么去銀行?

Excuse me, do you know where an ATM is?打擾一下,你知道ATM機(jī)在哪嗎?

Do you know where I can exchange some money?你知道哪里可以兌換錢嗎?

Could you tell me what the exchange rate is today?你能告訴我今天的匯率是多少嗎?


I'd like to make a reservation.我想預(yù)訂。

I'd like a single room.我想要一間單人房。

I'd like to book a double room for 3 nights.我想訂一個(gè)雙人房間,住三個(gè)晚上。

How much is a double room per night?雙人房每晚多少錢?

What time is check-in? What time is check-out?什么時(shí)候辦理登機(jī)手續(xù)?退房時(shí)間是什么?

Do you have a shuttle service to (or from) the airport?你有去機(jī)場(chǎng)(或從機(jī)場(chǎng))的班車嗎?


Hi,I'd like a table for 2.嗨,我想要張2人桌。

Hi,I reserved a table for 3.你好,我預(yù)定了一張3人桌。

Could I see the menu please?我能看一下菜單嗎?

What are the specials today?今天的特色菜是什么?

What dish can you recommend?你能推薦一道菜嗎?

I'll have the seafood spaghetti.我要海鮮意大利面。

Could I get the bill please?請(qǐng)把賬單給我好嗎?


May I try this on first?我可以先試穿一下嗎?

Where are the changing rooms?更衣室在哪里?

It's a bit too expensive for me. Can you come down a little bit on the price?對(duì)我來說有點(diǎn)貴。你能便宜一點(diǎn)嗎?

Is this your best price?這是你們的最低價(jià)嗎?

Can I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡付款嗎?



Hello! How's it going? Simple, right?你好!進(jìn)展得怎樣?簡(jiǎn)單,是吧?

Where are you from? Or: Where are you guys from?你從哪里來?或者:你們從哪里來?

Have you done much sight-seeing yet?你游覽了很多地方嗎?

Yes we've seen the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben.We are having a great time.是的,我們見過埃菲爾鐵塔和大本鐘。我們玩得很開心。

What's been the best part of your trip?你旅行中最棒的部分是什么?

You really must see Louvre! It was amazing!你一定要去看盧浮宮!簡(jiǎn)直是太美了!

And if you want to go deeper into the conversation, maybe you can ask about their country, or their family, or their job. Such as: So, what do you do for a living?如果你想深入交談,也許你可以問問他們的國(guó)家,他們的家庭,或者他們的工作。例如:你是做什么工作的?


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1301051.html
