
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

高中英語必修五筆記文章知識點(diǎn) Unit 1what do you know about great scientists?high expectations are the key to everything 遠(yuǎn)大的理想是開啟萬物的鑰匙 face the music 面對命運(yùn)對你的不公平be absorbed in全神貫注于, 專心致志于be lost in thought想得出神 沉思于…be engaged in 從事于…忙于be concentrated on 集中注意力…一…就…The moment…瞬間instant 立刻the minutesecond 片刻make a suggestiongive an advicemake the investigationlook into 調(diào)查 看 瀏覽slow down 減緩relate to 有關(guān) 涉及two athe deaths 另外兩個(gè)死者link to 有關(guān)聯(lián)系die out 滅絕die of 死于die from死于his career came to an end 他的事業(yè)結(jié)束了develop a severe illness 染上很嚴(yán)重的疾病make a new career 創(chuàng)立新的事業(yè)apart from 除了…two more example =another two另外兩個(gè)make a face 做鬼臉make one’s way to 轉(zhuǎn)向 向…出發(fā),朝…走去make up one’s mind下定決心make friendsmake the bedmake sure確定make room for為..騰空間lead to 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)only 修飾主語不倒裝狀語要倒裝If only 但愿 要是Only if只有.. 要到裝Eg.: only if you use this way ,can you … make sense 有意義 講得通 in a sense 有點(diǎn)..make sense of 搞清楚 弄明白 in no sense 絕不 ;不可能22. at times 時(shí)不時(shí) 有時(shí)At a time 每一次From time to time 時(shí)而不時(shí)的 At one time 曾經(jīng)一度For the time being 暫時(shí)Ahead of time 提前All the time 一直At all times總是 隨時(shí)At any time 無論何時(shí)At no time 決不Out of time 不合時(shí)宜的23.suspect sb of do sth懷疑某人做某事24.look into 調(diào)查25.look ahead 向前看 展望未來26.look around for 參觀 四處看看27. look away from 把目光…從移開28.look back (at) 回顧 回憶29.look out (for) 留心 當(dāng)心30.look up to 尊敬 欽佩31.look though 檢查 瀏覽32.go down 下降33.slow down 慢下來 放慢速度33.knock down 擊倒34.tear down 拆毀 拆除Unit 2keep your eyes open 睜大你的眼睛 consist of由…組成leave out省去 不考慮 遺漏 divide into 分成compare A with B 與…比compare A to B 把A比作Bprepare to 準(zhǔn)備work out 做出 解決 設(shè)計(jì)出 計(jì)算出 鍛煉開采完 發(fā)展 進(jìn)行work on對..起作用;企圖影響或說服,忙于work in 在…工作work off 漸漸消除 處理 排除 賣掉 發(fā)泄asked the boss on the phone 通過電話a furnished house with all modern conveniences一個(gè)帶家具的房子有所有的現(xiàn)代方便的設(shè)施familiar with熟悉worried about the time available擔(dān)心時(shí)間不夠make a list of 列出關(guān)于…的清單on special occasions 在特殊的場合the four-hundred-year-old uniform有四百年歷史的制服定語 不加“s”set the world time設(shè)置世界時(shí)間on either side of the line 在線的兩端fall asleep入睡with delight 十分喜悅的Unit 3suff

fer+pain /lost 遭受疼痛suffer from +illnessremind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事as a result單獨(dú)放句首應(yīng)道原因狀語as a result of =n./n(短語)feel unsettled 感到不安unsettled problem為解決的問題unsettled weather 易變化的天氣just as 正當(dāng)make the necessary adjustment to做必要的調(diào)整(to 介詞)be back on one’s feet 恢復(fù)a small room nearby for a rest在一個(gè)附近的小房子里休息Nearby 做后置定語In the neighborhood 在附近press down 向下按壓fasten the safety belt 系上安全帶lost sight of 看不見 在視野之外第3 / 7頁at first sight 初次看到 乍一看in all directions =in every direction四面八方sweep up 席卷show sb into 帶某人進(jìn)入be made of 由什么制成be made into 制成..be made from由..所制成的 用于原材料不易看出的場合provide with 提供flash a switch 按下按鈕switch…around 轉(zhuǎn)變 改變on the timetable 在時(shí)刻表上as if by magic 好像變魔術(shù)一樣slide into 滑進(jìn)run into 偶遇 撞上overcome the difficulties 克服困難bend one’s mind/effort/thought to 集中..做bend the rules 放寬規(guī)則 通融be astonished at對..感到驚訝connect to 聯(lián)系a long passage 一個(gè)長長的通道a desert island 一個(gè)荒涼的小島force to do 強(qiáng)迫perform task實(shí)施任務(wù)my mind began to wander 我的思維開始遐想be greedy for對…渴望 貪婪in five days將來 five days late 之前Unit 4be to strongly influence his life as a journalistan assistant to an experienced journalist 一個(gè)有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的記者的助手go out on a article 外出采訪submit the article 提交文章take with戴上be eager to do 期待做..update my skill更新我的技能take an amateur course 參加業(yè)余課程acquire all the information獲得所有的信息have a good “nose ” for a storytell the whole truth 講訴所有的事實(shí)inform sb of sth 通知某人某事第4 / 7頁keep in mind 記住make sure 確定depend on 取決于…a trick of the trade職業(yè)訣竅accuse of 控告score goal得分進(jìn)球so as to 為了deny doing 拒絕It’s a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages虛擬語氣 要求賠償 be proved right 被證明是對的look forward to 期待as the old saying goes 就像我們所說的一樣ahead of 前面set to work 開始工作get down to開始認(rèn)真去做 著手去做pass sth to sb 把某物傳給某人check the evidence 核對證據(jù)a good front page article 頭版頭條get the fact straight 直接得出事實(shí)Unit 5a temporary form of help暫時(shí)的幫助fall ill 生病fall asleep 入睡fall behind 落后于…fall out 解散fall into 掉入 養(yǎng)成(壞習(xí)慣)fall silent =fall into silence陷入沉寂get injured 受傷If possibl

e 如果可能happen to 發(fā)生first aid 急救an essential part of 一個(gè)不可缺少的部分act as a barrier against disease 扮演一個(gè)低于疾病的屏障act as 擔(dān)當(dāng)..其重要作prevent from 阻止keep from 不讓 避免stop from 阻止protect from 保護(hù) 維護(hù)save from 拯救 挽救get burned燒傷第5 / 7頁in the treatment of burns在治療的過程中a variety of 各種許多within a day or two在一兩天之內(nèi)mildly swollen 輕微腫脹mildly painful 輕微疼痛turn white when pressed當(dāng)壓的時(shí)候變白watery surface 似水的表面extremely painful 極度的疼痛nerves are damaged 神經(jīng)受損take off 脫掉 起飛 事業(yè)成功over and over again 一次又一次all over again 再次 重新again and again 反復(fù)的 再三time and again 多次 一再的now and again 不時(shí)的 間或once again 再次squeeze out 榨出break the blisters 弄破水泡iron clothes 熨衣服pick off摘下 脫掉 采摘caught fire 著火be doing…when 正在做..突然be about to do…when 即將做…突然be on the point of doing…when正要去做.突然has\have\had done…when 剛剛…突然at the Lifesaver Awards 在救生員大會上a shocking knife attack震驚的刀傷at a ceremony 在頒獎(jiǎng)大會上put one’s hands on 找到the injuries to the hands 手上的傷口apply pressure to the wounds 按住傷口make a difference 有影響perform first aid on sb 對某人實(shí)施急救in place 放對位置 適當(dāng)?shù)膃lectric shock 觸電 電休克icy water 冰水leave out 省略 忽略 遺漏sit up端坐 晚睡 熬夜 坐正be fit for 適合 勝任第6 / 7頁stab in/into 刺入constantly interrupted by applause 不斷地被掌聲打斷 It is said that…=be said to do…據(jù)說…the population /information/advice /price of insist on 堅(jiān)持 強(qiáng)調(diào) 強(qiáng)烈要求hold in place固定就位put back放回原處 回?fù),向后?/P>
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/1322417.html
