
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


1. No sooner had they got off the train_____ it started moving. (2000年)

A. when B. than C. then D. after

解析: 答案選B。表示“一……就……”可以有三種搭配:no sooner…than…; hardly…when…; scarcely…when…。注意連詞的搭配。本句的意思是:“他們剛把貨物蓋好,就開始下雨了。”

2. It is very important for the strong man to know that ______ strong he is, he cannot be the strongest. (2003年)

A. whatever B. whenever

C. whichever D. however

解析: 答案選D。however引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,修飾strong。that引導(dǎo)賓語從句的句意是:無論他多么強(qiáng)壯,他都不是最強(qiáng)壯的。

3. _______ I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved. (2003年)

A. When B. As

C. While D. Since

解析: 答案選C。while表示雖然。句意是:雖然我承認(rèn)有些問題,但我不同意說就解決不了這些問題。

4. We’ll be only too glad to attend your party _______ we can get a baby-sitter. (2003年)

A. so far as B. provided that

C. unless D. except that

解析: 答案選B。provided that=if。句意是:我們要是能找到人看孩子就會(huì)非常高興地參加你們的聚會(huì)。注意句中only too 表示“非常”

5. ______ she finds out that you’ve lost her books. (2003年)

A. As if B. Even if C. What if D. Suppose that

解析: 答案選C。what if=what will happen if。

6. He talks as if he ____ everything in the world. (1998年)

A. knows B. knew C. had known D. would have known

解析: 答案選B。as if引導(dǎo)的狀語從句中表示一種不真實(shí)的情況時(shí),要使用虛擬語氣。其構(gòu)成是:表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在發(fā)生事情的假設(shè)用一般過去時(shí)態(tài);表示對(duì)過去發(fā)生事情的假設(shè)用過去完成時(shí)態(tài)。

7. _______you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering (1998年)

A. Even if B. If only C. Instead of D. Despite of

解析: 答案選A。even if 表示“即使”;if only:要不是;instead of: 代替,后接短語;despite of:盡管,后接短語。

8. In short, _______ he lives, a man belongs tosome society. (1997年)

A. whatever B. whenever C. whichever D. wherever

解析: 答案選D。wherever=no matter where 本題意是:簡(jiǎn)而言之,無論一個(gè)人主在哪里,他都是屬于某個(gè)社會(huì)的。

9. She has wanted to become a nurse ______ since she was a young girl. (1997年)

A. long B. often C. always D. ever

解析: 答案選D。ever since相當(dāng)于since, 表示自從。

10. Rubber differs from plastics _______ it is produced naturally and not in file lab. (2005年)

A. at that B. in that C. for that D. with that

解析: 答案選B。in that 表示“因?yàn)?rdquo;,引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句。

(09福建)1. She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.

A. when B. while C. after D. since

【答案】A 根據(jù)主從句的動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)可知主句謂語動(dòng)詞的動(dòng)作在從句謂語動(dòng)詞之前已經(jīng)完成,引導(dǎo)詞的意思是:當(dāng)……的時(shí)候,選A。

(09陜西)2. My parents don’t mind what job I do I am happy.

A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though

【答案】C 根據(jù)題干意思可知此處是條件狀語從句,引導(dǎo)詞意思是:只要,選C。even though引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,意思是:即使;as soon as引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句,意思是:一……就……;as though引導(dǎo)方式狀語從句,意思是:仿佛,好像。

(09上海)3. You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card.

A. before B. if C. while D. as


)4. Peter was so excited _______he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.

A. where B. that

C. why D. when



本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/169815.html
