
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)




Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here.這里禁止抽煙。(抽象)

It is not very good for you to smoke so much.你抽這么多煙對你身體很不好。(具體)



Climbing mountains is interesting.爬山很有趣。(經(jīng)驗)

Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.在高峰時刻開車令人厭煩。(經(jīng)驗)


It took me only five minutes to finish the job.




To do two things at a time is to do neither.--次做兩件事等于未做。

What I would suggest is to start work at once.我的建議是立刻開始干。


To see is to believe.百聞不如一見。

To work means to earn a living.工作就是為了生活。

(3)如果主語是以aim, duty, hope, idea, happiness, job, plan, problem, purpose, thing, wish等為中心的名詞,或以what引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句,不定式作表語是對主語起補充說明  作用。

His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future.他的希望是在不遠的將來買一輛豪華轎車。

The function of Louis Sullivan's architecture was to provide large uninterrupted floor areas and to allow ample light into the interior.

The most important thing is to negotiate with them about the future of the plant.


Our work is serving the people.我們的工作是為人民服務(wù)。

His hobby is collecting stamps.他的愛好是集郵。


People cannot but feel puzzled, for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.

His victory in the final was no more convincing than I had expected.


分詞做表語有兩種情況,一種是現(xiàn)在分詞做表語,一種是過去分詞做表語,這兩者區(qū)別是考試中經(jīng)?嫉降牡胤。一般來說,表示心理狀態(tài)的動詞如excite, interest等都是及物動詞,漢語意思不是“激動”,“高興”,而是“使激動”、“使高興”,因而現(xiàn)在分詞應(yīng)該是“令人激動的”、“令人高興的”,過去分詞則是“感到激動的”和“感到高興的”。所以,凡表示“令人……的”都是-ing形式,凡是表示“感到……”都用-ed形式。換句話說,若人對……感興趣,就是somebody is interested in...,若人/物本身有興趣時,就是說sb./sth. is interesting.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/178140.html
