
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


1. be better off 更富裕,生活更好。如:

We are much better off now. 我們現(xiàn)在的生活好多了。

Today’s pensioners are better off than they used to be. 現(xiàn)在靠養(yǎng)老金生活的人比他們原來生活要更好些。

注:有時(shí)后接 without, 意為:沒有……生活反而更好。如:

We’d be better off without them as neighbours. 要是沒有他們這樣的鄰居,我們就會過得更愉快了。

2. be better off (doing sth) 最好做某事,做某事很明智。如:

He was better off giving her some flowers. 他給她送花,那是明智之舉。

He’d be better off going to the police about it. 他最好把這件事報(bào)告警方。

3. get the better of 占上風(fēng),打贏,制服,克服。如:

I’ll get the better of him some day. 我總有一天要打贏他。

He tried to get the better of his sleepiness. 他試圖克服自己的睡意。

4. had better 最好,應(yīng)該。如:

You’d better go home now. 你最好現(xiàn)在回家去。

We’d better not tell her about it. 我們最好不要把這事告訴他。

注:had better 的否定式通常是在 better 后加 not。

5. It’s better for sb to do sth 某人最好做某事。如:

It’s better for you to sell the car. 你最好把汽車賣了。

It’s better for you to keep silent. 你最好什么也別說。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/203605.html
