
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. 介詞


1.1 介詞的分類


1. 簡單介詞:簡單介詞是由一個(gè)單詞構(gòu)成的介詞。分為普通介詞(如:at,by,for,in,over,to,up 等),合成介詞(如:as for,onto,into,within,without,out of 等),和分詞介詞(如:concluding,regarding,concerning 等)三種。

2. 二重介詞:二重介詞是由兩個(gè)簡單介詞重疊使用構(gòu)成的。如:from among,since before,until after,except in 等。

3. 短語介詞:介詞是由兩個(gè)或者兩個(gè)以上的詞所組成的短語構(gòu)成的。一般說來,這個(gè)短語的最后一個(gè)詞是簡單介詞。如:according to,because of,instead of,in front of,with reference to 等。


1. 表示地點(diǎn)。如:about,across,after,among,around,behind,below,beside,beyond,down,from,into,off,over,throughout,towards,up,within,without 等。

2. 表示時(shí)間。如:about,after,around,as,at,before,behind,between,by,during,for,from,in,into,of,on,over,past,since,through,till(until),to,towards,within 等。

3. 表示除去。如:besides,but,except 等。

4. 表示比較。如:as,like,above,over 等。

5. 表示反對。如:against,with 等。

6. 表示原因、目的。如:for,with,from 等。

7. 表示結(jié)果。如:to,with,without 等。

8. 表示手段、方式。如:by,in,with 等。

9. 表示所屬。如:of,with 等。

10. 表示條件。如:on,without,considering 等。

11. 表示讓步。如:despite,in spite of,notwithstanding 等。

12. 表示關(guān)于。如:about,concerning,regarding,with regard to,as for,as to 等。

13. 表示對于。如:to,for,over,at,with 等。

14. 表示根據(jù)。如:on,according to 等。

15. 表示其他。如:for(贊成),without(沒有)等。

1.2 介詞短語在句中的作用




1. 定語。如:

China is a country with a long history.


2. 表語。如:

You must remain in bed.


3. 補(bǔ)足語。如:

I found everything in good condition.


4. 狀語。如:

We put the play on in a theatre.(地點(diǎn)狀語)


In spite of the heavy rain, they arrived.(讓步狀語)


5. 作主語。如:

From Shenyang to Dalian is four hours' drive.


6. 作賓語。如:

The three thieves served a sentence of between 4 and 6 years.

三個(gè)盜竊犯服刑 4 到 6 年。

1.6.3. 常用介詞的基本用法



1. in

A. 表示世紀(jì)、年代、年、月、季節(jié)、星期等較長的時(shí)間。

如: in 1999,in January,in the week

B. 表示每天的上午、下午、晚上。

如: in the morning/afternoon/evening

C. in 后接一段時(shí)間的名詞,表示“過多久以后”, 常用于將來時(shí)的句中。 in 有時(shí)表“在……之內(nèi)(within)”。

如:I’ll come and see you again in five days.


D. in + n. 表時(shí)間,相當(dāng)于 during。

如:in the war/storm 等。

2. on

A. 某(幾)天

如: on Sundays,on May 1st 等。


如:on Monday morning,on Christmas Eve 等。

C.on + doing 表示“一……就……”。

如: On entering the room she saw him.


3. at

A. 表小時(shí)或分鐘。

如: at ten to nine(九點(diǎn)差十分)。

B. 后接特定的時(shí)間名詞。

如: dawn(黎明),daybreak(天亮),night,mid-night,noon 等。

C. 表用餐時(shí)間。

如: at breakfast/supper/lunch 等。

D. 表年齡。

如: at the age of… 等。

E.還有 at this/that time 等。


1. by

A. 后接 ing 分詞

B. by hand 用手,手工;by letter 用寫信的方法;by post 由郵局傳遞;by electricity 用電

C. divide by 用……除;learn by heart 背下,記住

D. by land/air/water/sea/boat/ship/car/bus/train/taxi/rail(way)/plane 等。

E.by means of…(用/靠……的方法);by way of…(取道于,經(jīng)由,用……的方法)。

2. with

A. 后接表示工具的名詞,多有“手拿著”之意。

如:He struck me with a whip.

B. 后接人體的器官。

如:You can lift a big piece of bamboo with one hand.


如:He looked at them with great satisfaction.

3. through

A. 后接與電訊有關(guān)的名詞,表示獲得知識、消息的來源。

如:Our country has sent and received TV programmes through man-made satellite.

B. 后接名詞,說明行為者的經(jīng)歷。

如:Those who learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed.

C. 后接透過、穿過的物體,說明行為者所依靠的途徑。

如:He was looking through a telescope.

4. on

A. 后接表示食物的名詞表示所依靠的食物。

如:All ants live on liquid food.

B. 接支撐身體的部位。

如:I knelt on one knee over him.

C. 接表示大型交通工具的名詞,名詞前有相應(yīng)修飾語。

如: on the NO.1 bus,on this ship

5. in

A. 后接表示情緒或精神狀態(tài)的名詞。

如:in silence,in tears,in surprise

B. 表示與語言文字有關(guān)的方式。

如:in word,in English

C. 接表示具體的小型交通工具名詞。

如:in my car,in that boat,in his plane

D. 與 way,order,hurry 等連用。

如:in this way,in order,in a hurry

E. 后接表示包裹用品名詞。

如:She wrapped him with a blanket.


如:There were five matchsticks in between the two pages.

He has travelled everywhere but in his own country.

The strong wind from off the coast now whipped the house.

We have seen that the hibernating animal reduced movement to far below the ordinary level.

(四)but 的用法:

A. 表示“除去……之外”、“只不過”之義。在很多情況下可與 except 互換,只是 but多用在代詞后面。

如: I have written all my lessons but one.

B. 一般只接動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語,不接 ing 分詞作賓語,當(dāng) but 之前含有 do 時(shí),but后的不定式要省 to。

如: Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.

C. cannot but,could not but,cannot choose but,could not choose but,cannot help but,could not help but 為特殊句式后接動(dòng)詞原形,表示“只得”、“不得不”。

如: I could not choose but go.

D. never… but 表示“除非”、“若不”。

如: I never go past that house but I think of my miserable life in the old times.

E. but for = if it were not/had not been for 用于虛擬語氣中表示“要不是”。

如: But for his advice we should fail.

F. 可連接兩個(gè)主語。介詞后邊的代詞要用賓語。句子前的謂語要與 but 前的主語一致。

如: Nobody but me knows it.

(五)against 的用法:

1. 逆著、迎著(方向)。

如: We run against the wind.

2. 反對。

如: He was active in politics and was strongly against slavery.

3. 撞擊;碰著。

如: He hit against the pole reading as he was walking.

4. 靠著。

如: He put the ladder against the wall.

5. 和……對照;與……對比;以……為背景。

如: Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.

6. 防備。

如: defend against enemy, protest against rain

(六)包含 with 的幾個(gè)詞組:

如: agree… with

be angry with sb.

satisfied with

fill with

get in with

get on well with

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/226832.html
