
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


1. go back

(1) 回去。如:

When will he go back? 他什么時候回去?

Let’s go back to what the chairman said earlier. 咱們回到主席早些時候所說到的話題上吧。

(2) 回顧,回溯。如:

My family goes back to the 18th century. 我的家族可追溯到18世紀。

2. go by

(1) 從(……)旁邊經(jīng)過。如:

A police car went by (us) at full speed. 一輛警車全速從我們身旁駛過。

(2) (時間、機會等)過去。如 :

Two years went by. 兩年過去了。

He let the chance go by. 他錯過了機會。

(3) 遵循,按照,以……為依據(jù)。如:

That’s a good rule to go by. 那是要遵守的好規(guī)則。

We can’t go by looks alone. 我們不能只看外表。

3. go down

(1) 下落,下沉。如:

The sun is going down. 太陽西下。

Three ships went down in the storm. 風暴中有三艘船沉沒。

(2) 下降,降低,減低,減弱。如:

The standard of work has gone down. 工作標準降低了。

We waited for the wind to go down. 我們等待風勢減弱。

Eggs are going down in price. / The price of eggs is going down. 雞蛋價格下跌了。

4. go in for

(1) 參加(考試、比賽等)。如:

I’d like to go in for a more advanced examination if I can. 如果可能的話,我想?yún)⒓痈呒壍目荚嚒?/p>

Which events is he going in for at the Olympics? 他參加奧運會的什么項目?

(2) 從事(某一職業(yè)等)。如:

Have you ever thought of going in for teaching? 你考慮過從事教書這一職業(yè)嗎?

(3) 愛好,喜歡。如:

I don’t go in for sports. 我不愛好體育活動。

5. go into

(1) 到達,進入,從事,參加。如:

I’m going into town today. 我今天要進城。

He decided to go into politics. 他決定從政。

Two days later they went into battle again. 兩天后他們又投入了戰(zhàn)斗。

He went into the army at the age of 18. 他18歲參軍。(from www.nmet168.com)

(2) 調(diào)查,研究,弄清楚。如:

The police are going into the murder case. 警察在調(diào)查這想謀殺案。

We need to go into the question of costs. 我們有必要研究一下費用問題。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/239757.html

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