
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網


1. bother to do sth 費心做某事。如:

You needn’t bother to come up. 你不必費心來了。

Don’t bother to get dinner for me. 請不必費事為我做飯了。

注:該結構也可用 bother (about) doing sth 表示。如以上兩句也可說成:

You needn’t bother (about) coming up.

Don’t bother (about) getting dinner for me.

2. bother oneself to do sth 費心做某事。如:

Don’t bother yourself to answer the letter. 請不必回復此信。

注:該結構也可用 bother oneself (about) doing sth 表示。如上面一句也可說成:

Don’t bother yourself (about) answering the letter.

3. bother sb to do sth 麻煩某人做某事。如:

He’s always bothering me to lend him money. 他老是鬧著要我借錢給他。

Don’t bother him to do it for you. 別去麻煩他去為你做這事。

4. bother with [about] sb (sth)關心某人(某事物),為某人或某事費心或焦急。如: / 21 / 7)

They didn’t bother about [with] that. 他們對那件事并不感到焦急。

He never bother about [with] his children. 他從不關心他的孩子。

5. bother sb with [about] sth 用某事麻煩某人。如:

Don’t bother him with [about] it now; he’s very busy. 現(xiàn)在不要拿這個去打擾他,他很忙。

I’m sorry that I have to bother you with [about]this problem. 對不起,我要用這個問題來麻煩你了。(from

6. can’t be bothered to do sth 不愿為做某事而操心,嫌麻煩而不做某事。如:

He can’t be bothered to say hello. 他連打聲招呼都不肯。

注:有時用 can’t be bothered with……。如:

I can’t be bothered with him. 我不會為他操心。

I can’t be bothered with waiting for a bus; let’s walk. 我不喜歡等公共汽車,咱們走路吧。

7. give sb bother 給某人添麻煩。如:

I didn’t want to give her any bother. 我不想給她添麻煩。

8. go to the bother of doing sth 費心做某事。如:

I’m not going to the bother of writing again. She never writes back. 我不想費心再給他寫信了,他從不回信的。(from

9. have bother (in) doing sth 做某事費勁。如:

Did you have much bother (in) finding his office? 你是不是費了很大的勁才找到他的辦公室?

We had quite a lot of bother (in) getting here because of the fog. 因為有霧,我們費了很大的事才到達這兒。

10. save sb (oneself) the bother of doing sth省得某人(自己)麻煩去做某事。如:

I should have phoned the shop first and saved myself the bother of going there. 我本來應該先給商店打個電話的,這樣也就省得我走一趟。

