
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


如果不定式的邏輯主語是不定式所表示的動作的承受者,不定式要用被動式。如:The next thing to be done is to get our classroom pained.


不定式被動式的基本形式為to be done;若表示動作先于另一動作之前,則用完成式,即to have been done。

如:It's a great honour to be invited to the banquet. 承蒙邀請赴宴,甚是榮幸。
To be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing, but a good tiring. 被敵人反對是好事,不是壞事。
It's a pity to be kept in the house in fine weather. 好天氣時(shí)被留在家里是很遺憾的。
如:All this is to be sold. 所有這些都是出售的。
Water must be pure if it is to be drunk. 水如供飲用必須凈化。
The switchboard is to be manned at all times. 任何時(shí)候電話總機(jī)那兒都應(yīng)有專人在崗負(fù)責(zé)。
如:She doesn't want to be separated from him. 她不愿和他分開。
He begged to be allowed to return to Brazil. 他懇求允許他返回巴西。
I don't wish to be disturbed in my work. 在工作時(shí)我不愿意被人打擾。
They demanded to be shown the authentic documents. 他們要求出示真實(shí)可靠的文件。
如:I made notes of the things to be mended. 我記下了需要修補(bǔ)的東西。
The Blacks are the first to be fired and the last to be hired. 黑人是最先被解雇,最后被雇用。
如:He asked to be kept in formed about developments. 他要求隨時(shí)向他報(bào)告發(fā)展情況。
As she waited to be served, she became very impatient. 她在等候侍者送飯時(shí),很不耐煩。
She got there only to be told that they had gone on holiday. 她到達(dá)那里,被告知他們度假去了。
如:He did not like his intention to be laughed at. 他不喜歡自己的意圖受到嘲笑。
He ordered the goods to be sent by air. 他命令把貨物空運(yùn)
如:The court was ordered to be cleared. 有命令要關(guān)閉法庭。
The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. 不許將書攜出室外。
如:It's an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 我很榮幸被邀在這里講話。
It is essential for him to be prepared for this. 有必要讓他對此有所準(zhǔn)備。
It's impossible for the job to be finished in time. 這項(xiàng)任務(wù)要按時(shí)完成是不可能的。
The note was a simple request for a porter to be sent to room201. 這個(gè)字條就是請指派一個(gè)搬運(yùn)工到201室去。
Can you arrange for the gold to be delivered on Monday? 你能不能安排一下周一把金子送到?


不定式的被動式為“to be+過去分詞”,表示其邏輯主語是動作的承受者,具有被動含義。在句中可用作主語、表語、賓語、定語、狀語、補(bǔ)語等。
如:It was impossible for lost time to be made up. 要彌補(bǔ)已失去的時(shí)光是不可能的。
I hope to be invited to the party. 我希望有人請我去參加晚會。
Have you got ready for the meeting to be held? 你為即將舉行的會議準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?
In order to be chosen, he sent each of them a present.為 了被選中,他給他們每人都送了禮物。
The problem seems to be solved soon. 問題好像快要解決了。

如:These sheets are to be washed. 這些床單要洗一洗。
The cleaning is to be finished by mid day. 要在中午前打掃完畢。
如:Where is the boy to speak at tomorrow's meeting?(=who will speak at tomorrow's meeting主謂關(guān)系) 明天要在會上發(fā)言的那個(gè)男孩在哪里?
I have got a letter to write.(=that I will write動賓關(guān)系,尤其謂語動詞為have, give, bring等時(shí)) 我有封信要寫。
Give me a pen to write with.(=that I can write with不及物動詞加上相應(yīng)的介詞)給我一枝筆寫。
如:I'm going to the post office. Do you have any letters to be posted? 我要去郵局。你有信要寄嗎?(動作執(zhí)行者不是you)
3、在there be結(jié)構(gòu)中,用不定式的主動式和被動式意義一般差別不大,但有些還是有差別的。
如:There's a lot to be said (或to say) about this book. 關(guān)于這本書大有可說。
There is nothing to see. 沒有什么可看的了。
There is nothing to be seen. 看不見有什么。(即“什么也沒看見”)
如:I don't think English hard to learn. 我認(rèn)為英語不太難學(xué)。

如:The work is thought to be finished soon. 大家認(rèn)為工作很快就完成了。

1、表示被動關(guān)系時(shí),當(dāng)不定式的動作先于謂語時(shí),可用不定式的被動式的完成時(shí):to have been done;
與謂語同時(shí)進(jìn)行時(shí),要用不定式的被動式的進(jìn)行時(shí):to be being done。
如:The dead woman is said to have been badly treated. 據(jù)說死去的婦女受虐待。
Rain forests are reported to be being cut down rapidly. 據(jù)報(bào)道雨林正被迅速地砍伐。
如:He was the first man to taste the tomato. 他是第一位品嘗西紅柿的人。
They were the last to leave the countryside.他們是最后一批離開農(nóng)村的。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/291578.html
