
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)





      2.進一步確定給定的題材及此作文要考查重點內(nèi)容。也就是說,通過審題,考生對作文談?wù)摰闹饕掝}心中有數(shù)。還要從題目中找出關(guān)鍵詞,判斷該題目含概內(nèi)容以及側(cè)重點是什么。例如,“Will E-books Replace Traditional Books”,電子書籍能否代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)書籍是本作文要討論的中心內(nèi)容,寫作時要抓住 “E-books”的好處/缺點和“Traditional Books”的好處/缺點來論證作文主題。











      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of “Creating A Green Campus”.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:






      2.該作文體現(xiàn)出一種較新的命題方式,首先在題材上,依然是我們所熟悉的校園類話題,同時兼顧社會的熱點:環(huán)保問題,這也與社會的大背景有關(guān)系,剛剛閉幕的哥本哈根世界氣候大會也同時關(guān)注環(huán)保減排這個主題,因此我們的作文也與社會熱點有很大的關(guān)系。分析題目Green “綠色”和Campus “校園”是本作文的關(guān)鍵詞?忌鷳(yīng)該考慮綠色校園具體是什么含義。重點應(yīng)放在綠色校園的含義以及我們應(yīng)該采取的措施上。考卷已經(jīng)列出了提綱,這是對“三段式”提綱類作文寫作結(jié)構(gòu)的考查。


      Topic: Creating A Green Campus

      Question: What’s a green campus and how to creat a green campus?


      Creating A Green Campus

      I. Nowadays the topic of a green campus has aroused public attention.

      1.It is of vital importance to the students

      2.It has a profound impact on society

      II. The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment.

      1. green environment preservation and protection

      2.a civilized atmosphere for students’ mental health

      III. It is imperative for us to take effective measures to creat a green campus.

      1.The law and regulations should be worked out

      2.Enhanced the awareness of the students themselves


      1.闡述問題段:根據(jù)題目中的提綱,首先強調(diào)建立綠色校園的重要性,最好在此句之前做一個鋪墊,介紹建立綠色校園受到人們廣泛關(guān)注這一背景信息,即the topic of a green campus has aroused public attention.


      the indispensable part for, has a profound impact on, significance等。

      2.說明原因段:對綠色校園的兩方面含義進行論述。另外在展開論證過程中,抽象句子要舉例說明,如:such as planting more trees and flowers, for example, students will be severely punished in case of cheating in exams,這些具體信息使文章更生動,容易理解。

      to begin with, in addition to; furthermore/not only … but also …/ what’s more; for example/for instance/such as; in other words/ in particular等。

      The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment.

      campus construction refers to green environment preservation and protection。然后舉例進一步解釋此含義,并強調(diào)其重要性:which makes campus an ecological and natural resort.在這個過程中考生要注意亮點詞匯以及句型的使用。

      in addition to引出“綠色校園”的第二層含義,即create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’ mental health.然后舉例進一步解釋此含義。如:For example, students will be severely punished in case of cheating in exams and plagiarizing in academic papers.

      3.解決方法段:鑒于“綠色校園”的重要性,說明采取措施的必要性,如:To bring “green campus” to its full play, effective measures should be taken.

      We must…/ We should…等。

      It is essential that …; Only by the co?fforts of the whole society could “green campus” work smoothly.這樣使自己的觀點表達得既委婉又客觀。

      Creating A Green Campus

      Nowadays the topic of a green campus has been widely debated which has aroused public attention. Undoubtedly, a green campus, the indispensable part for the development of college students, has a profound impact on both individuals and society, for its significance cannot be denied.

      The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with, campus construction refers to green environment preservation and protection, such as planting more trees and flowers, which makes campus an ecological and natural resort, and advocating green products. For example, students are encouraged to avoid using disposable plastic containers in campus dining hall and recycle wasted batteries and other electrical products properly. In addition to the environmentally friendly practice, we shall make every effort to improve the moral standard and ethical level of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’ mental health. For example, students will be severely punished in case of cheating in exams and plagiarizing in academic papers.

      To bring “green campus” to its full play, effective measures should be taken. First, based on its education function, campus should bring the theory of “sustainable development” into classrooms, set environmental management rules and conduct environmental education activities. Second, it is essential that law and regulations be worked out and enforced by the government and school authorities. Only by the co-efforts of the whole society could “green campus” work smoothly and bring benefit to people’s well-beings.



      檢查是否包含考卷提綱列出的所有信息;各段落銜接是否連貫,使用In the first place, Furthermore, On the one hand, For instance, On the other hand等詞可以達到這種效果;語法上單詞拼寫上是否有誤,如較長單詞indispensable,environmentally friendly,preservation,plagiarizing等,以及短語has a profound impact on,disposable plastic containers,in case of,bring …to its full play, bring benefit to以及最后一段中虛擬語氣、倒裝句使用是否正確。避免使用“漢語式英語”;檢查文章標(biāo)點符號是否正確。


      例如:Only by the co-efforts of the whole society could “green campus” work smoothly and bring benefit to people’s well-beings中使用倒裝句的結(jié)構(gòu),凸顯考生的語法功底。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/324754.html
