
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

    1. 用作名詞,表示“較少”“更少”,主要用作賓語(yǔ);但有時(shí)也用作主語(yǔ)或表語(yǔ)。如:
    I want much less please. 請(qǐng)不要給我那么多。
    There’s less to do in this job than the last. 這份工作沒(méi)有上份工作量大。
    The purchase price is less if you pay by cash. 付現(xiàn)金的話,價(jià)錢便宜些。
    2. 用作形容詞,作為 little 的比較級(jí),通常與不可數(shù)名詞連用。如:
    Less oil was produced this year than last. 今年產(chǎn)油比去年少。
    I received less money than the others did. 我比別人收到的錢少。
    I did expect more food and less people. 我的確期望食物更多而人更少。
    3. 用作副詞,可修飾形容詞或副詞,表示程度;也可修飾動(dòng)詞,表示次數(shù)、程度或數(shù)量等。如:
    Which book is less difficult? 哪本書較不困難?
    Would you mind speaking less quickly? 你可否別講得那么快?
    Eat less, drink less, and sleep more. 少吃,少飲酒,多睡覺(jué)。
    It rains less in London than in Manchester. 倫敦的降雨量比曼徹斯特少。
    4. 比較 less than 與 less…than:除用于比較結(jié)構(gòu)外,前者還可表示數(shù)量等“不到”“不足”,后者表示“不像象(如)……”“與其……不如……”等。如:
    It cost me less than ten dollars. 我花了還不到10美元。
    The baby’s less ugly than you. 這孩子不像你那么丑。
    I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend. 與其說(shuō)我把他當(dāng)作老師,不如說(shuō)我是把他當(dāng)作朋友。
    5. 在通常情況下,even less, much less, still less 可視為less的加強(qiáng)說(shuō)法,表示“更少”“少得多”等。如:
    Much less soup please. 請(qǐng)不要給那么多湯。
    You know even less about it than I do. 你對(duì)此事知道得比我還少。
    The boy didn’t have a girlfriend, much less a wife. 那男孩連女朋友都沒(méi)有,更不用說(shuō)有妻子了。
    I don’t suspect him of negligence, still less of dishonesty. 我不相信他會(huì)粗心大意,更不想象他會(huì)不誠(chéng)實(shí)。
    The baby can’t even walk, much less run. 這嬰兒連走路都不會(huì),更不用說(shuō)能跑了。
    He’s too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a room full of people. 他連向陌生人打聽(tīng)時(shí)間都不好意思,更不用說(shuō)向一屋子人講話了。
    He is not interested in her; much less is he in love with her. 他對(duì)她并不感興趣,更不用說(shuō)愛(ài)她了。
    6. 比較 no less than, no less…than與not less than:
    (1) no less than 有3個(gè)意思:
    There were no less than fifty wounded. 受傷者多達(dá)50人。
    He paid no less than $10,000 for it. 他為此付了1萬(wàn)多美元。
    It’s no less than a scandal. 這簡(jiǎn)直是一樁丑聞。
    It is no less than robbery to ask for so much. 要求這么多,簡(jiǎn)直跟搶劫?zèng)]兩樣。
    He was no less than the mayor. 他原來(lái)就是市長(zhǎng)。
    (2) no less…than 意為“與……一樣”“不比……差”,強(qiáng)調(diào)兩者具有同等性。如:
    He is no less wise than you. 他跟你一樣聰明(他并不比你笨)。
    A dolphin is no less a clever animal than a dog is. 海豚與狗同樣都是聰明的動(dòng)物。
    比較:A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 馬不是魚,鯨也不是魚(即鯨不是魚就如同馬不是魚一樣)。
    (3) not less than 意為“不下于”“至少”。比較:
    He has no less than seven daughters. 他有7個(gè)女兒之多。
    He has not less than seven daughters. 他至少有7個(gè)女兒。

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/335760.html
