高二英語必修5 Unit 5 SectionⅡ測試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1.____________ adj.暫時(shí)的;臨時(shí)的
2. ____________ n.損傷;傷害→____________ vt.→____________ adj.
3.____________ vi.& vt.流血→____________ n.血;血液;血統(tǒng)
4.____________ vi.& vt.(使)噎;(使)窒息
5.____________ n.障礙;屏障;障礙物
6.____________ n.毒藥;毒害vt.毒害;使中毒→
____________ adj.
7.____________ adj.復(fù)雜的
8.____________ n.變化;多樣(化);多變性
9.____________ adj.輕微的;溫和的;溫柔的→____________ adv.輕微地;溫和地
10.____________ vi.& vt.(使)膨脹;隆起→____________ adj.腫脹的
11.____________ vt.& vi.榨;擠;壓榨
12.____________ adj. 至關(guān)重要的;生死攸關(guān)的
答案:1.temporary 2.injury;injure;injured 3.bleed;blood
4.choke 5.barrier 6.poison;poisonous 7.complex
8.variety 9.mild;mildly 10.swell;swollen 11.squeeze
1.________________ 對(duì)(傷患者的)急救
2.________________ 生病
3.________________ 觸電;電休克
4.________________ 榨出;擠出
5.________________ 反復(fù);多次
6.________________ 在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢;適當(dāng)
7.________________ 受傷
8.________________ 各種各樣的
答案:1.first aid 2.fall ill 3.electric shock 4.squeeze out
5.over and over again 6.in place 7.get injured 8.a variety of
1.Now quickly read about “First Aid for Burns” ______________________(摘自一本名叫《家庭急救知識(shí)》的書上的).
答案:taken from a book called First Aid for the Family
2....it is ______________________(使你感到冷熱、疼痛) and it gives you your sense of touch.
答案:where you feel cold,heat or pain
3.Burns are called first,second or third degree burns,______________________(根據(jù)皮膚的哪層組織被燒傷).
答案:depending on which layers of the skin are burned
4.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary ______________________(除非衣服粘貼在燒傷面上).
答案:unless it is stuck to the burn

1.Since he wants to continue studying at university,he only found a________(暫時(shí)的) job in the summer holidays.
2.He escaped from the car wreck without ________(損傷).
3.The police put up ________(障礙物)to control the crowd who were excited.
4.He would remove his jacket, roll up his ________(袖子),and play Ping­Pong with the kids.
5.Downstairs he found Beryl at the table with the newspaper and a pair of ________(剪刀).
6.Having a fever is one of the ________(癥狀) that you have got a cold.
1.Joe ________________(坐起身來) when he heard the knock on his bedroom door.
答案:sat up
2.We don’t think your suggestion is quite ________________(適當(dāng)?shù)?.
答案:in place
3.The doctor has warned him ________________________________(反復(fù)) to stop smoking,but he doesn’t take any advice.
答案:over and over again
4.I got an ________________ (電擊) from that light switch.
答案:electric shock
5.Being given ________________(急救) at the scene of the accident probably saved his life.
答案:first aid
6.There are ________________________(各種各樣的)toys in the store for you to choose from.
答案:a variety of
1.(2011年濟(jì)寧檢測)The orange looks dry,but you may be able to ________ a few drops.
A.break out        B.give out
C.squeeze out D.put out
解析:選C。break out(指戰(zhàn)爭、火災(zāi)等)爆發(fā);give out發(fā)出,分發(fā);squeeze out擠出;put out撲滅。句意:這個(gè)桔子看上去干癟了,但你也許能擠出少量汁液來。
2.—How long has your grandma ________?
—About three months.
A.fallen ill B.been ill
C.fall ill D.be ill
解析:選B。句意:——你奶奶生病多長時(shí)間了?——大概三個(gè)月了。fall ill強(qiáng)調(diào)突然病倒,是短暫性動(dòng)詞短語,不能與一段時(shí)間狀語連用;be ill表示生病的狀態(tài),是延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞短語,可與一段時(shí)間狀語連用。結(jié)合句意可知應(yīng)選B。
3.(2011年廈門高二檢測)The fellow felt rather ________ as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party.
A.in place B.out of place
C.by the way D.in the way
解析:選B。句意:在宴會(huì)上,小伙子感到很不自在,因?yàn)樗俏ㄒ灰晃淮┻\(yùn)動(dòng)裝的人。in place“適當(dāng)?shù)?rdquo;;out of place“不適當(dāng)?shù),不恰?dāng)?shù)?rdquo;;by the way“順便說一下,順便問一下”;in the way“擋道”。
4.Mike didn’t play football yesterday because he had ________ his leg.
A.damaged B.hurt
C.hit D.struck
5.He is so kind a boy that he often ________his mother clean the table, even the furniture.
A.a(chǎn)ided B.helped
C.a(chǎn)ssisted D.offered
解析:選B。aid, assist后跟不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu);help后面的to可省略,表示“幫助某人做某事”。
6.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ________of goods.
A.variety B.mixture
C.extension D.combination
7.You are supposed to report it to your headmaster ________,otherwise he will be angry.
A.if it was necessary B.if necessary
C.if necessarily D.if you are necessary
解析:選B。if necessary為if it is necessary的省略形式,表示“如果有必要的話”。A項(xiàng)時(shí)態(tài)不對(duì);D項(xiàng)主語不對(duì);C項(xiàng)省略形式不對(duì)。
8.Mr. Smith is such a ________ person that he never loses his temper.
A.generous B.mean
C.mild D.rude
9.They often use wood as fuel to ________ coal.
A.take place B.take the place of
C.in place of D.instead of
解析:選B。句意為:他們經(jīng)常用木頭作為燃料來代替煤。take place意為“發(fā)生,舉行”,與句意不符;take the place of意為“代替,取代……”;in place of和instead of也意為“代替”,但此處需用動(dòng)詞短語。故B項(xiàng)正確。
10.(2011年威海高二調(diào)研)We were greatly ________ in our investigation by the cooperation of the police.
A.exposed B.a(chǎn)ided
C.submitted D.switched
Teenagers and students have an average of more than 800 illegally copied songs each on their digital music players,as the largest academic survey of young people’s music ownership has found.
The research also showed that half of 14 to 24­year­olds were happy to share all the music on their hard drives,enabling others to copy hundreds,or thousands,of songs at one time.
Although_illegal_copying_has_become_widespread,the_scale_of_the_problem_uncovered_by_the_University_Hertfordshire_left_the_music_industry_surprised.On average every iPod or digital music player contained 842 illegally copied songs.
Illegal copying in some form or another is undertaken by 96 percent of 18 to 24­year­olds surveyed,and falls to 89 percent of those aged 14~17.Nearly two­thirds copy CDs from friends,and similar proportion shares songs by e­mail and copy all the music held on another person’s hard drive,acquiring up to 10,000 songs in one go.
British Music Rights argues that the solution partly lies in developing new legal services that make breaking copyright unappealing(無吸引力的).
Mr.Sharkey,chief executive of British Music Rights,said,“The positive message is that 80 percent of downloaders said they would pay for a legal subscription­based(簽署協(xié)議的)service,and that they would be willing to pay more than a few pounds month.”
British Music Rights refused to release the exact amount but it is believed to be about £10 a month.
The organization is trying to help to record companies persuade Internet service providers to sign up to a new type of music service,in which vast catalogues of songs are available for an add­on fee to a broadband package.Agreements with providers such as Virgin Media are expected in the next few weeks.
In France last week,Orange,F(xiàn)rance Telecom’s mobile arm,reached agreement with all four main record companies to provide downloads of more than a million songs for mobile phones and home computers for £9.40 a month.
【解題導(dǎo)語】 文章主要介紹了人們,尤其是年輕人和,非法復(fù)制音樂,嚴(yán)重破壞版權(quán)的現(xiàn)象以及解決這一問題的。
1.What is the passage main about?
A.The popularity of music among teenagers and college students.
B.A variety of good ways to get music from friends.
C.A practical suggestion to deal with illegal copying.
D.The problems resulting from illegal copied music and possible suggestions.
2.It can be learned from the passage that the research shows ________.
A.illegally copied songs are teenagers’ favorite music
B.teenagers often get music from others without paying
C.teenagers like to exchange their digital music players
D.compared with those aged 14~17,18 to 24­year­olds are more selfless
解析:選B。細(xì)節(jié)考查題。由文章第一段可知調(diào)查發(fā)現(xiàn)“teenagers and students”從網(wǎng)上把音樂下載到音樂播放器上后通過硬盤大量免費(fèi)復(fù)制音樂,故選B項(xiàng)。文章只提到teenagers非法復(fù)制音樂但沒有說“illegally copied songs”是他們最喜歡的音樂,故A項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤;文章只提到teenagers把音樂下載到音樂播放器上但沒有提到他們喜歡交換播放器,故C項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤;第四段提到18至24歲的年輕人比14至17歲年輕人分享非法復(fù)制音樂的現(xiàn)象更普遍,但不能據(jù)此斷定他們無私,故D項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤。
3.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph implies ________.
A.illegal copying has become a serious problem beyond
B.the University of Hertfordshire uncovered illegal copying for the first time
C.the development of the music industry is worrying
D.illegal copying has gotten out of control
解析:選A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第三段的“On average every iPod or digital music player contained 842 illegally copied songs.”可知非法復(fù)制音樂的現(xiàn)象很嚴(yán)重,已超出了人們的,故選A項(xiàng)。B項(xiàng)與原文不符;C項(xiàng)曲解了原文,雖然非法復(fù)制音樂的現(xiàn)象很嚴(yán)重,但文章沒提到已經(jīng)失控,故D項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤。
4.The suggested way to copy with illegal copying in the passage is ________.
A.to punish those who download music illegally
B.to prevent people downloading music from the Internet
C.to ask Internet music service providers to charge for downloading
D.to make laws that make breaking copyright illegal
解析:選C。細(xì)節(jié)考查題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段的“The organization is trying to help the record companies persuade Internet service providers to sign up to a new type of music service,in which vast catalogues of songs are available for an add­on fee to a broadband package.”可知C項(xiàng)正確。A、B項(xiàng)在文中未提及;文中是“make breaking copyright unappealing”而不是“illegal”,D項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤。
Though great progress has been made in science these years, there are still many people in p________ conditions in 1.________
some parts of the world.They make their l________ by
collecting and selling used things. Their children cannot go to school because they have no e________ money to send 3.________
their children there. Why do you think so many
people still ________ from poverty now?
The answer lies ________ the population explosion.A
president of a________(發(fā)展中) country
once said,“It was 6.________
we who are to ________ for the poverty because
we used to 7.________
produce children without limit.”Although these few words ________(聽起來) simple enough and strange,they have clearly 8.________
pointed out one of the ________(原因) of the poverty.
It’s a good lesson for us to learn in f________.
答案:1.poor 2.living 3.enough 4.suffer 5.in 6.developing 7.blame 8.sound 9.causes 10.future

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/56346.html
