?荚~的語法與用法:continue, control, convenient

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網

◆continue v.

1. 表示“繼續(xù)”,可指一直不停地繼續(xù),也可指中斷后再繼續(xù),其后可接不定式或動名詞。如:

He continued to write [writing] while in hospital. 他住院時他繼續(xù)寫作。

We continued working [to work] after the break. 休息后我們繼續(xù)工作。

有時后接名詞時可用介詞 with。如:

We will continue (with) the payments for another year. 我們這樣的報酬還要維持一年。

2. 比較 continue doing sth 與 continue by doing sth :前者表示“繼續(xù)做某事”,后者表示“接著做某事”。如:

He continued reading (=to read) all night. 他通霄在看書。

He talked about Keats, and continued by reading us apoem. 他談了濟慈,接著給我們朗誦了一首詩。

3. 可用作連系動詞,其后可接形容詞、介詞短語等。如:

We hope the weather will continue fine. 我們希望天氣繼續(xù)很好。

Mother continues in weak health. 母親身體仍然很虛弱。

◆control n. & v.

1. 用作名詞,表示“控制”、“管理”等,通常不可數(shù),比較以下句子與介詞的搭配:

Her son was beyond control. 她的兒子不聽管教。

These children got out of control. 這些孩子管不住了。

It’s not easy to bring these children under control. 要管住這些孩子不容易。

These students are no longer under my control. 這些學生不服我的管教了。

The city is in [under] the control of the enemy forces. 該城現(xiàn)處于敵軍的控制之下。

The enemy forces are in control of the city. 敵軍現(xiàn)控制了該城。

2. 用作動詞,通常為及物動詞,注意不要受名詞影響,在其后誤加介詞。如:


誤:He can’t control over [of] himself.

正:He has no control over [of] himself.

◆convenient adj.

1. 表示“便利的”、“不遠的”或表示“方便的”、“合適的”,均可與介詞 for, to 連用。如:

Our school is convenient for [to] the station. 我們學校離車站很近便。

If it is convenient for [to] you, we’ll come tomorrow. 如果你方便的話,我們就明天來吧。

2. 表示“方便的”、“合適的”,其后可接不定式,句子應帶有形式主語或形式賓語 it。如:

I think it (is) convenient to leave at once. 我認為馬上離開較適合。

Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 明天就開始工作你覺得方便嗎?

注:這樣用 convenient 時,句子必須帶有 it 作形式主語或形式賓語,而不能直接以“人”或“物”作主語。如:


正:Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.

誤:Come and see me whenever you are convenient.


Mary is convenient to see on Sunday. = It’s convenient to see Mary on Sunday. 星期天見瑪麗較為方便。

The furniture is convenient to move. = It is convenient to move the furniture. 這家具搬起來很方便。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/740766.html
