
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

◆and conj.

1. 連接兩個相同的比較級,表示“越來越……”。如:

It moves faster and faster. 它動得越來越快。

Your work is getting better and better. 你的工作干得越來越好了。

2. 連接兩個相同的動詞,表示動作的反復或連續(xù)。如:

He coughed and coughed. 他咳個不停。

He tried and tried but without success. 他試了又試,但沒有成功。

3. 連接兩個相同的名詞,表示“許多”或“有各種各樣的” (即有好的也有壞的)。如:

They talked for hours and hours. 他們談了很長時間。

There are books and books. 有各種各樣的書(即書有好壞之分)。

4. 在口語中用在 come, go, run, stay, stop, try 等之后表示目的(and 在此相當于不定式符號 to)。如:

Come and have a look. 來看一看。

We will try and get one tomorrow. 我們明天設法弄一個來。

We ought to stop and think. 我們應該停下來想一想。

Will you go and fetch me some paper, please? 請你去給我拿點紙來好嗎?

以上動詞除 try 只能用原形外,其它動詞都可有多種形式。如:

正:We stayed and had a drink with him. 我們留下來同他喝 了一杯。

正:We stopped and bought some flowers. 我們停下來買了些 花。

誤:He tried and finished the work in time.

注:在 come, go 之后的 and 有時可以省略(尤其在美國英語中)。如:

I’ll come (and) see you later. 我晚些時候再來看你。

5. 用在祈使句后,表示結(jié)果,意為“那么”(暗示一種條件)。如:

Work hard and you’ll pass the examinations (=If you work

hard, you’ll pass the examinations). 努力吧,你考試會及格的。

Arrive late once more and you’re fired (=If you arrive late once more, you’re fired). 再遲到一次,就把你開除。


One more step and I will fire. 你再動一步,我就要開槍了。

6. 用在 good, nice, fine 等之后,表示“很”、“挺”。如:

It’s nice and cool under the tree. 這樹下很涼快。

The book is nice and expensive. 這本書很貴。

7. 在主從復合句中,不要在主句前誤加 and。如:


正:If it rains, we’ll stay at home.

誤:If it rains, and we’ll stay at home.

8. 某些用 and 連接的兩個詞,與漢語順序相反,不要按漢語詞序顛倒過來。如:

rich and poor 貧富 land and water 水陸

right and left 左右 north and south 南北

food and drink 飲食 food and clothing 衣食

9. 比較以下各組句子有無連詞 and 的差別:


正:The weather being fine, we went out for a walk.

正:The weather was fine, and we went out for a walk.


正:In the classroom there are five people, the teacher included.

正:In the classroom there are five people, and the teacher was included.


正:He has two children, both of whom are naughty.

正:He has two children, and both of them are naughty.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/758723.html

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