
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Listen And Repeat ? How High-Quality Sound Will Make Your Language Journey Easier? 聽和重復(fù)??高質(zhì)量的聽力怎樣使得你學(xué)習(xí)語言更加容易? How should you best listen to new material and make yourself heard? Some sound advice about language learning on the go. 怎樣才能最好地聽新的材料,并使別人聽懂你的發(fā)音?下面借來看看關(guān)于語言學(xué)習(xí)的聽力建議。 What it boils down to is this: If you listen to quality audio samples and learn to mimic these well, then your brain will do the rest for you. If this sounds weird at first, remember that this is how kids learn a language. Everyone has gone through the process of listening and mimicking at least once in their lives before. There’s no reason why you can’t do it again. 歸結(jié)起來可以這樣說:如果你聽音頻樣本,然后學(xué)著模仿,你的大腦就會(huì)為你完成剩下的事情。如果這個(gè)一開始聽起來很奇怪,記住這就是孩子們學(xué)習(xí)語言的方式。每個(gè)人在之前至少都經(jīng)歷過先聽然后模仿的過程。你沒有理由不能再做一次。 Good sound on the way into your ears equals good sound on the way out of your mouth ? easy-peasy! So how do you go about it? 好的聽力在進(jìn)入你的耳朵和進(jìn)入你的嘴巴是一樣的??小菜一碟!所以你該怎么行動(dòng)起來呢?
1. The Portable Sound Studio 便攜式音響設(shè)備 We use our smartphones for most things ? including language learning. Having high-quality sound on your device, listening with headphones in a quiet corner and really concentrating on every little aspect of the sound will go a long way to improving your skills. We have to be able to hear every last nuance of a word or conversation to be able to mimic it properly ourselves, so make sure you can hear everything perfectly. 我們可以使用智能手機(jī)做許多事情??包括學(xué)習(xí)語言。擁有高質(zhì)量音響裝備,在安靜的角落使用耳機(jī),集中注意力關(guān)注聽力的每個(gè)部分,要想用這些辦法提高你的聽力真是任重而道遠(yuǎn)。我們要聽出每個(gè)單詞或?qū)υ挼募?xì)微差別,從而能夠正確地模仿,所以要確保你聽清楚所有的內(nèi)容。 I supplement this with my own playlists of extra material such as individual words, some short phrases or even whole conversations that I’ve picked up from books, magazines, emails and even billboards, including recordings of my friends and colleagues: Every time I discover a new phrase when I’m speaking to a friend, I ask them to repeat it into my phone, and ? voilà! ? I have some new material to listen to the next day. This keeps life very interesting and motivates me to learn even more. 我會(huì)用自己一些其他材料的列表作為補(bǔ)充,例如單個(gè)詞匯、一些短語或者整個(gè)對(duì)話,這些都是我從書籍、雜志、郵件甚至廣告牌,包括我的朋友和同事們的記錄收集來的。和朋友交談時(shí),每次發(fā)現(xiàn)新的短語,我會(huì)讓他們對(duì)著我的手機(jī)重復(fù)一次,瞧!第二天我就有了新的材料可以聽。這會(huì)使得生活格外有趣,并且激勵(lì)我學(xué)得更多。
2. Say All The Things 說出一切 I have a very simple rule about sound: If I hear a sound, I repeat the sound. Easy. 對(duì)于聽力我有一個(gè)很簡(jiǎn)單的規(guī)則:當(dāng)我聽到一個(gè)音,就將它重復(fù)一遍。簡(jiǎn)單吧。 Now this might appear to be a very obvious thing to do, but you’d be surprised how effective constant repetition of quality material can be. This is especially true if the piece of language is spoken clearly and in a natural way. Some learners simply read the material they are studying without pronouncing it or quietly whisper the sentences as they hear them. Don’t do that. Always use a nice, loud voice and try to exactly mimic the sound you can hear every single time. With gusto. 現(xiàn)在這也許已經(jīng)成為一件顯而易見的事,但你會(huì)對(duì)怎樣才能有效的反復(fù)重復(fù)材料感到驚奇。如果語言被清晰自然地說出來,就能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)。一些學(xué)習(xí)者僅僅是看看學(xué)習(xí)材料,而不讀出來,或者邊聽邊小聲說出來。不要這樣做。你要經(jīng)常用洪亮悅耳的聲音,試著將你每次聽到的準(zhǔn)確地模仿出來,并且充滿熱情。 Adhering to my rule of repeating every sound out loud when I hear it, I occasionally get a few funny looks from people as I ask about my hotel reservation, order alcoholic drinks and introduce myself at random intervals on a crowded train or in a waiting room ? but hey, if it works, it works! 按我的方法每次聽時(shí),將每個(gè)音都重復(fù)一次,每次當(dāng)我在擁擠的火車或休息室詢問旅館預(yù)定、購(gòu)買酒精飲料、介紹自己時(shí),我偶爾會(huì)從人們那看到一些有趣的表情。但是,既然現(xiàn)實(shí)如此,那就是事實(shí)!
3. Some Sonic Practicalities 一些聽力實(shí)踐 So, which materials can you listen to in order to practice your pronunciation? All the sources can be a little overwhelming, but fear not ? help is literally at hand. 所以,為了練習(xí)發(fā)音,可以聽那些材料呢?練習(xí)所有的資源會(huì)有點(diǎn)受不了,但別怕,有幫助的法子。 A good place to start is with the professionals: Language courses. The advantage of using material that has been specifically designed for language learners is that you know which level you are working with and can be assured that the words and sentences presented are all perfect. In the best case, these courses are accompanied by great sound samples which will really make a difference to your comprehension skills. Other sources for material could include newspapers and magazines, which provide new words to explore in detail ? and that includes finding out how each word sounds using an online dictionary. No matter where you get your inspiration to learn, the most important this is to have fun! 有專業(yè)人員的地方是開始的好地方:語言課程。使用專門為語言學(xué)習(xí)者設(shè)計(jì)的材料,其優(yōu)點(diǎn)就是你知道你的水平,從而能夠確保詞語和句子都完美無缺。在最佳情況下,這些課程都配置了好的音頻樣本,這些樣本會(huì)對(duì)你的理解技巧產(chǎn)生影響。別的材料資源包括報(bào)紙、雜志,它們可以提供新的詞語來使我們仔細(xì)探索??這也包括使用電子詞典找出每個(gè)單詞的發(fā)音。不管你是在哪里獲得學(xué)習(xí)的動(dòng)力,最重要的是享受樂趣! Great sound samples can easily be found in the internet. Your go-to sourcescould include online dictionaries, which usually have a play button for individual words. These sounds are usually very clear and the sites may also provide information about alternative accents or regional variations. Other online sources such as tutorials, music clips and short documentaries can also provide some great new material for advanced learners. 好的音頻樣本在網(wǎng)上很容易找。首選包括電子詞典,它通常對(duì)每個(gè)詞都有播放按鈕。這些發(fā)音通常都很清晰,網(wǎng)站也會(huì)提供關(guān)于其他發(fā)音或區(qū)域差異的信息。其他網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源例如教程、音樂段落和短紀(jì)錄片也可以為高級(jí)別的學(xué)習(xí)者提供一些好的材料。 A language is made up of ideas, rules and sounds, and learning new stuff can sometimes be a bit tricky. If you always base your learning routine on great sound material, you’ll make your life a lot easier. Create your own portable sound center, and regularly treat your ears with good quality samples such as words and phrases, and your speaking voice will automatically sound much better. Good acoustics are really important. And remember: repeat everything you hear as best you can. There are many great sources for sound at your fingertips, so don’t be afraid to use them often. 語言是由想法、規(guī)則和發(fā)音組成,學(xué)習(xí)新的東西有時(shí)候會(huì)顯得有點(diǎn)棘手。如果你將好的音頻材料作為自己的學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃的基礎(chǔ),你將會(huì)使自己的生活更加簡(jiǎn)單。創(chuàng)建你自己的便攜式聽力中心,有規(guī)律地聽一些高質(zhì)量的樣本,例如詞語和短語,你的發(fā)音就會(huì)自動(dòng)地有所改善。好的音質(zhì)確實(shí)很重要。記。罕M可能重復(fù)你聽到的所有內(nèi)容。只要?jiǎng)觿?dòng)手指,你可以找到很多好的資源,所以不要擔(dān)心會(huì)經(jīng)常使用它們。 Plunge into the wonderful world of sound and you’ll be speaking like a pro in no time! 投入精彩的聲音世界吧,你很快就能像一位專業(yè)人士那樣說話啦!
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/gaozhong/758732.html

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