
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
1. Method beats hours 1.方法比時(shí)間更重要 When it comes to learning something new, the method will always beat the number of hours you put into something. This isn’t to say that the number of hours isn’t important, but you should choose which method will give you the best results. 當(dāng)談到學(xué)習(xí)新知識時(shí),方法比投入的時(shí)間更重要。這不是說的投入的時(shí)間不重要,但同時(shí)你應(yīng)該選擇哪種學(xué)習(xí)方法會給你最好的成果。 For example, let’s say two people were driving from Boston to New York City. It doesn’t matter how skilled or committed the first driver is. If he’s driving a beat-up pickup truck and the second driver has a Ferrari, the first driver will lose. 例如,假設(shè)有兩人開車從波士頓到紐約。如果第一個(gè)他開著破舊的皮卡而第二個(gè)司機(jī)開著法拉利,那么不論第一個(gè)司機(jī)的技術(shù)如何嫻熟,他都無法更快到達(dá)。 Your method is the vehicle that will become the engine of where you want to go. With anything you want to learn, there will be dozens of available methods to follow, and “experts” to learn from. This means that you want to spend a lot of time understanding who you’re learning from, what credibility they have, and how it fits with your learning style. 你的方法便是車輛,是你達(dá)成目標(biāo)的工具。對任何你想學(xué)習(xí)的東西,就會有許多可選擇的方法,可以向很多“專家”學(xué)習(xí)。這意味著你要花很多時(shí)間了解你應(yīng)該向誰學(xué)習(xí),他們的可靠性有多高,以及這種學(xué)習(xí)方式與你的學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格是否符合。 2. Apply the 80/20 rule 2. 適用80/20規(guī)則 You’ve probably heard of Pareto’s Law. 你可能已經(jīng)聽說過帕累托法則。 It is a concept developed by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto which explains that 80% of your desired outputs will come from only 20% of your inputs. 這個(gè)概念由意大利經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家Vilfredo Pareto提出,他解釋說,你想要輸出的80%的內(nèi)容基本來源于20%的輸入。 While the exact ratio varies from situation to situation, you’ll find that: 雖然確切的比例因情況而異,但你會發(fā)現(xiàn): 20% of people in your life will lead to 80% of your happiness 你生活中百分之20的人帶給你百分之80的歡樂。 20% of your customers will drive 80% of your sales 百分之20的客戶給你帶來百分之八十的生意。 20% of your learning methods will lead to 80% of your results 百分之20的學(xué)習(xí)方法給你帶來百分之80的結(jié)果。 When it comes to learning, it feels like there’s so much we don’t know, so it’s easy to jump around everywhere. This will only lead to wasted time. What you want to do is focus on the one or two things that will drive the needle for what you want to achieve and double down on them. 當(dāng)談到學(xué)習(xí),我們感覺有很多不知道的事情,所以很容易分散注意力。但這只會導(dǎo)致浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。你想要做的是集中在一個(gè)或兩個(gè)的事情上,這樣會更有效地完成目標(biāo)并有可能加倍。 For example, if you’re learning Spanish to travel this summer, instead of learning how to write or read, you should learn how to speak Spanish. Or instead of trying to please a dissatisfied customer that’s only paying you $37/month, you should add 10 times more value to a customer that’s paying you $1,000/month. 例如,如果你為了今年夏天旅行而學(xué)習(xí)西班牙語,那就不是要學(xué)習(xí)如何寫或閱讀,你應(yīng)該學(xué)習(xí)如何講西班牙語。或者,相比試圖讓一個(gè)只支付你37美元/月的客戶滿意,你應(yīng)該為愿意支付你1000美元/月的客戶增加10倍的付出。 3. Learn by doing 3.在實(shí)踐中學(xué)習(xí) Immersion is by far the best way to learn anything. And as research shows, it turns out that humans retain: 浸入式是迄今為止最好的學(xué)習(xí)方式。研究表明,事實(shí)證明這符合人類的習(xí)慣: 5% of what they learn when they’ve learned from a lecture. 通過聽講座,可以學(xué)到5%。 10% of what they learn when they’ve learned from reading. 通過閱讀學(xué)習(xí),可以學(xué)到10%。 20% of what they learn from audio-visual. 通過聽覺,可以學(xué)到20%。 30% of what they learn when they see a demonstration 通過看實(shí)例,可以學(xué)到30%。 50% of what they learn when engaged in a group discussion. 通過小組討論,可以學(xué)到50%。 75% of what they learn when they practice what they learned. 通過實(shí)踐練習(xí),可以學(xué)到75%。 90% of what they learn when they use it immediately. 通過實(shí)際應(yīng)用,可以學(xué)到90%。 Think back to how you learned to play basketball, ride a bicycle, or swim. Instead of watching tutorial videos or reading a textbook on how to do something, the way to learn faster is to get into the trenches and gain experience through making mistakes. 回想一下你怎么學(xué)會打籃球,騎自行車或者游泳。更快的學(xué)習(xí)方法是進(jìn)入實(shí)踐和通過犯錯(cuò)誤取得經(jīng)驗(yàn),而不是通過看教程視頻或者閱讀一本教科書來學(xué)習(xí)。 4. Find a coach 4.找一個(gè)指導(dǎo)老師 From business titans to professional athletes, the people performing at the highest levels all have one thing in common: they have a coach. 從商業(yè)巨頭職業(yè)運(yùn)動員,各行業(yè)最高層的人都有一個(gè)共同點(diǎn):他們有一個(gè)指導(dǎo)老師。 According to best-selling author Seth Godin, there are five reasons you might quit in anything you do: 據(jù)暢銷書作者Seth Godin的說法,有五個(gè)原因可能使你放棄任何你做的事: You run out of time (and quit) 你沒有時(shí)間(然后放棄)。 You run out of money (and quit) 你沒有金錢(然后放棄)。 You get scared (and quit) 你害怕這件事(然后放棄)。 You’re not serious about it (and quit) 你不認(rèn)為這件事重要(然后放棄)。 You lose interest (and quit) 你對這件事不感興趣(然后放棄)。 Having a coach allows you to see the blind spots that you couldn’t see before, and guide you through the tough times that inevitably come when you’re learning anything new. 請一個(gè)指導(dǎo)老師可以讓你看到你以前看不到的盲點(diǎn),并指導(dǎo)你度過學(xué)習(xí)期間不可避免的艱難時(shí)期。 A coach doesn’t have to cost $1 million a year, or even $1,000. If you’re trying to learn a language, you could have a language coach you work with. If you’re trying to learn an instrument, it could be finding a private teacher to help you. 一個(gè)教練不需要花費(fèi)100萬美元一年,甚至1000美元。如果你想學(xué)習(xí)一門語言,你可以請一個(gè)語言教練和你一起學(xué)習(xí)。如果你想學(xué)習(xí)一種樂器,也可以找到一個(gè)私人教師來幫助你。 The point is, you’re not going at it alone. And having someone that’s keeping you accountable can take you miles further than doing everything yourself. 關(guān)鍵是你不會孤單,并且有人監(jiān)督的話你可以堅(jiān)持更長時(shí)間。 5. Process over performance 5.過程勝于結(jié)果 Doing the work is often the hardest thing for most people. A common mistake people make when they’re learning something new is to focus on performance over process. It’s hard to see any consistent results until you’ve put in a significant amount of work upfront. 做這項(xiàng)工作對大多數(shù)人來說通常是最困難的事情。一個(gè)常見的錯(cuò)誤是當(dāng)學(xué)習(xí)新的東西是專注于效果而忽視過程。除非你投入大量的前期工作,否則很難很快看到效果。 For writers, this is sitting down and writing 500 words a day ? no matter how bad it may turn out. For athletes, this is waking up every morning and training ? no matter how groggy and sore you feel. For language learners, it’s forcing yourself to speak the language every day ? no matter how many mistakes you make or how uncomfortable you may feel. 對作家來說,坐下來每天寫500字,不管結(jié)果如何。對于運(yùn)動員來說,無論身體多么無力或疼痛每個(gè)上午都堅(jiān)持訓(xùn)練。對語言學(xué)習(xí)者來說,強(qiáng)迫自己每天開口說語言,不管你犯了多少錯(cuò)或者你感到有多么不舒服。
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/803174.html

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