
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

◆able adj.

1. 表示“有能力的”、“能干的”,可用作表語或定語。如:

He is an able manager. 他是位有能力的經(jīng)理。

He is old but still able. 他雖年老,但仍有很能干。

2. 用于 be able to do sth(能或會做做某事)。如:

He is able to speak English. 他會說英語。

Everyone here is able to type. 這兒的每一個人都會打字。

He will be able to get about in a week or two. 再過一兩個星期左右他就能走動了。

He studied hard and was able to pass his examinations.


注:be able to 不僅有多種時(shí)態(tài)形式(通常不用于進(jìn)行時(shí)或與 be going to 連用),而且還可以與某些情態(tài)動詞連用(通常不與 can 連用),甚至還可以有非謂語形式。如:

Since his accident he hasn’t been able to leave the house. 自出事之后,他一直未能離開家。

You might be able to persuade him. 你也許能夠說服他。

I hope to be able to do the work. 我希望能干得了這項(xiàng)工作。

I regret not being able to help her. 我很遺憾未能幫助她。

3. able 的比較級和最高級通常是 abler 和 ablest,也可以是 more able 和 most able,有時(shí)還可用 better able和best able。如:

You are better able to do it than I (am). 你比我更有能力做這件事。

She’s the person best able to cope. 她是個最能妥善處理問題的人。

4. 若要加強(qiáng)語氣,其前除可very, quite, perfectly等修飾外,有時(shí)還可用well修飾。如:

He is quite [well] able to take care of himself. 他完全有能力照顧自己。

He’s a very able student; he’s just too lazy. 他是個很有能力的學(xué)生,只是太懶了。

若受just, only just修飾,則表示“只能”“僅能”。如:

I was just able to make out a dark figure in the distance. 我只能看見遠(yuǎn)處有個黑影。

5. able的反義詞是unable(不能的,不會的),不是disable,后者是動詞,其意為“使殘廢”“使無能力”。比較:

They were unable to reach a decision. 他們沒法做出決定。

Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him. 因?yàn)樗麣垙U了,他的房子就成了他的牢籠。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/821420.html
