常考詞的語法與用法:careless, carry, case

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

◆careless adj.

1. 注意以下句型:


正:It was careless of you to leave your wallet here.

正:You were careless to leave your wallet here.

以上第一句句首的 it 為形式主語,不能改為 that。但是若以上句型后面不出現(xiàn)不定式,那么句首的 it 也可換為 that。如:


正:It was very careless of him.

正:That’s very careless of him.

2. 比較:

正:He was careless to make the mistake. 他很粗心,結(jié)果出 了錯。(句中的不定式為結(jié)果狀語)

正:He was so careless as to make the mistake. (同上)

正:He was careless in typing the letter. 他打這封信時很 粗心。(句中的 in typing the letter有類似 when he was typing the letter 的意思)

誤:He was careless to type the letter. (若此句視為正句,則只能理解為:他很粗心,結(jié)果把那封信打印了出來)

3. 表示“不在意的”、“不關(guān)心的”等,其后可接介詞 about, of, with 等。如:

He’s careless of [about] his speech. 他講話隨便。

She is careless of [with] his health. 她不注意身體。

He is careless with his pronunciation. 他對語音不注意。

Don’t be so careless with your money. 你花錢不要這樣隨便。

◆carry v.

1. 表示“帶”、“攜帶”,通常與方向無關(guān)。如:

Let me carry it for you. 讓我替你扛吧。

How much baggage can I carry with me? 我可以隨身帶多少行李?


Carry it to the station. 把它帶到車站去。

2. 比較其后接 on, out, through 所表示的不同含義。如:

We will carry on our discussion tomorrow. 我們明天將繼續(xù)討論。(carry on=繼續(xù)進(jìn)行)

We expect her to carry out her promises. 我們希望她履行諾言。(carry out=實(shí)現(xiàn),執(zhí)行,實(shí)行)

He carried through the work in a month. 他在一個月之內(nèi)就完成了工作。(carry through=完成,進(jìn)行到底)

◆case n.

1. 比較 in case 與 in case of

(1) in case 通常用作連詞,表示目的或條件,意為“萬一”、“以防萬一”。如:

In case he comes, let me know. 萬一他來,告訴我一聲。

Take your umbrella (just) in case it rains. 帶上雨傘,以防下雨。


It may not rain, but you had better take an umbrella in case. 可能不會下雨,但你最好還是帶把雨傘,以防萬一。

(2) in case of 是復(fù)合介詞,意為“萬一”、“以防萬一”。如:

In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 萬一失火,請按警鈴。

Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 帶把雨傘,以防下雨。

2. 常用短語:

(1) in any case 意為“不管怎樣”、“無論如何”。如:

In any case, come in time. 無論如何你要及時來。

(2) in no case 意為“絕不”、“在任何情況下都不(若置于句首,句子用倒裝)。如:

In no case should you tell him. 你絕不能告訴他。

(3) in that case 意為“既然如此”、“假若如此”。如:

You have finished, haven’t you? In that case, you may go.

你已完工了,是不是? 既然如此,你可走了。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/823673.html
